Welcome to the Weekend Links for June 26-27, 2021!
So this week got exciting. Mostly because of a bloke called John McAfee pulled an Epstein. What is an Epstein you ask?
An Epstein is when you are rich and powerful, have potentially incriminating evidence on other rich and powerful folks, and then Madame Clinton has you put down in prison. Normally, this involves committing suicide by two gun shot wounds to the back of the head.
We call it Clintoncide in these parts. Lets see what John McAfee had to say about this himself.

Damn Clintoncide! I hate it when that happens… but why would this happen you ask?
Well, ZeroHedge has a theory – John McAfee Found Dead In Prison Cell After US Extradition Approved | ZeroHedge. But is it right?
Anons on 4chan have a different theory. For more on this – McAfee’s Deadman switch has apparently been flipped… – Centipede Nation – including image below.

And the Q folks have another theory.

Who knows what is happening? Ben Garrison chimes in with beautiful artwork as per usual.

~~~Medical Malpractice~~

- Apparently Google – Google provided funding for virus experiments of Wuhan collaborator Dr. Peter Daszak for over a decade – NaturalNews.com – has been naughty!
- Yep – G7 Leaders Anti-Pandemic Declaration Includes ‘Reforming and Strengthening WHO’ (legalinsurrection.com) – you know they are using the pandemic to do shady stuff.
- Bastards – ‘Give Unto Caesar’: Alberta Pastor Jailed Again After Police Helicopter Finds Secret Church Gathering; Officer Quotes Jesus To Justify Arrest | The Daily Wire – truly despicable.

Fine… actual lol…

~~I Should Have Been A Chiro~~
No really. That is what I should have done. FML.
~~World War 3~~
You know it. Or something like that. Links:
- Not sure – Internet Reportedly Shut Off as G7 Leaders Squabble With Biden Over China (thedailybeast.com) – what happened here?
- Extinction Rebellion – Extinction Rebellion begin G7 protest as 500 demonstrators gather | Daily Mail Online – is a Satanic Cult which is being weaponized. Expect other power blocks to respond similarly.
- China is putting – Tracking China’s Sudden Airpower Expansion On Its Western Border (thedrive.com) – India in its place. This is on the heels of the H20’s deployment in Tibet.
~~ASMR For The Win~~
A rug gets a makeover. Seriously.
You know it. I think its awesome. We might do a segment on cleaning processes. Let me know in the comments if you’d like to see it.
~~American Civil War~~
- The Second American Civil War – Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts, 61% of US Counties Now Protect Second Amendment | ZeroHedge – shows signs of evolving into a kinetic conflict.
- This article is – The Small Secessions of the New Civil War | Frontpagemag -well worth reading. How civil wars become uncivil.
- Would you like to find out how much YouTube is manipulating the White House Channel? Now you can – 81m.org : Tracking The White House YouTube channel! The numbers are scary…
- You know – Eric Greitens at AZ AUDIT: NO BALLOTS = NO VICTORY “I Think We’re Going to See a Freight Train of Audits Across the Country” (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com) – it!
A Leftist Perspective?
Its not bad. I saw this on Vox Days site, and his points are well worth reading. Well worth the read – George Packer: The Four Americas – The Atlantic, and then read Vox Day, whose criticism is quoted below.
It’s impossible to resolve the situation through dialogue because all of the assumptions upon which the dialogue is based are fake. The Smart Americans are not that Smart and their beloved credentials are fraudulent. The Free Americans are not Free. Many of the Real Americans are not actually Americans, and the Just Americans are neither just nor are most of them even actual Americans.
Vox Popoli: The liberal perspective on US decline (voxday.blogspot.com)
~~This Is A Big Bull~~
I mean really. Its a big bull. Huge fan of the channel! Like, Share And Subscribe 🙂
~~Markets Are Getting Ridiculous~~
- Yeah, “They’re Losing Control Of Everything” – Michael Pento Warns “The Fed Will Kill The Economy” | ZeroHedge – probably.
- You know it – How Nations Slip from Greatness to Obscurity | Frontpagemag – quite interesting.
- This happened – Foreigners Dump The Most US Stocks Since 2019 | ZeroHedge – but what does it mean?
- Right – McDonald’s Tests AI-Powered Automated Drive-Thrus At 10 Chicago Restaurants | ZeroHedge – this could be interesting for job seekers.
This article was poignant… Frenzied Crypto Traders In South Korea See Coins As Their “Last Chance Of Escape” | ZeroHedge … The realitiy is that this is the only way people can see to move ahead in life.
But even more of a stand out is the 15% who referred to crypto as the “last chance of escape” from their current social status. ….. You have people in their 40s and 50s speculating on housing upon which our citizens livelihood depends, yet it is inappropriate for people in their 20s and 30s to invest in coins? There’s a whole lot we can learn from The Grown-Ups
Frenzied Crypto Traders In South Korea See Coins As Their “Last Chance Of Escape” | ZeroHedge

~~Cult News For This Week~~
Of course the Prog cult would get up to this kind of nonsense. Watch the video. On the plus side, leftism is becoming uncool very very quickly.
- As I get older – The Three-way Squeeze | Kunstler – I appreciate Kunstler more and more…
- This war – Wikipedia’s Quiet Grip On Knowledge Gives It Too Much Power (thefederalist.com) – has many dimensions.
- Lol this is – https://twitter.com/VinceCoglianese/status/1405125221217095684?s=20 – pretty funny.
Reporters waiting for Biden arrival joke about their questions: “What did you think of the vice president’s trip, Mr. President?” “When are you going to the border, Mr President?” *laughs* “Where’s Hunter?” “What ice cream did you…” “What kind of gift did you bring?”
Well worth the read – Big Pimping – The American Mind – but could be uncomfortable for some.
Funny how grooming is now being paired at the institutional level with mental health interventions. Almost as if there is a causal link between early promiscuity and mental problems! Could being exposed to disease, pregnancy, premature relationships, heartbreak, and shame be bad for kids? Rates of depression and prescriptions of anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs are all skyrocketing among young people.
Big Pimping – The American Mind

Ah f it…

~~Have A Good Weekend Everyone~~

First day of lockdown begins at midnight.
Great job on the links BTW!
Thank you!
Yeah great links T – look forward to working through them over the weekend. That first one on McAffrey having a potential deadman switch, that is not as far fetched as it would seem. McAffrey was as paranoid as fuck and had considerable programming and IT skills, it is just the sort of thing that he would do. Will be interesting to see if this progresses.
Yeah a bloke I know who is into crypto mentioned he tracker it down and now there is heaps of eth transactions from the previously dormant account.
If this is a code, the records are now baked into the blockchain, and everyone has a copy. So if it’s evidence, no way to suppress it.
I read somewhere but not sure that the account is labelled EPSTEIN lol 🤣 if true.
Disney’s black Greta is all kinds of hilarious 🙂
How dare you!
Oldie but a goodie.
For some reason Gladys can’t use the word “Lockdown”?
lockdown | ˈlɒkdaʊn |
noun North American
the confining of prisoners to their cells, typically in order to regain control during a riot: the lockdown has been in effect since October 1983.
In the spirit of Clintoncide…
“John McAfee’s prison guard looks oddly familiar…”
From Il Donaldo Trumpo… rumoured to be the real Trump’s alt Twitter account. I would like to believe it but I think it’s funnier than the real Trump could be.
Lol there is heaps hey. If you find some more good ones, put em in the comments!
P.S. Next week we’ll be back with horoscopes, auspol and more animal videos, but this week is all JM all the time!
I look forward to it. For some reason American discovering the metric system has entered my viewing algorithm, which is quite funny.
That account is hilarious!
Cackling Kamala dumped in Mexico:
Sniffy Joe in the Oval Office: Oooohhh what does this button do?…
Guatemalan President: Send Hyena Harris to the border to scare illegal immigrants away:
Human beatbox DJ Sniffy Joe:
Thanks for the Weekend Links T.
Wishing you all a great weekend.
Hopefully the virus rips
Got a feeling it could get bad very quickly in NSW. Friend who was following India mentioned that it started off similar – quite a few days of low numbers, then accelerated quickly.
yep same
the more this virus is running rampant the more time we have till the borders get opened
Yeah nah. Just means vaccines will be forced on everyone harder to “fix” it and never repeat it.
Best result is small sporadic outbreaks every few months to buy the most time.
Also, as someone who has had to cancel their wedding for a 2nd time, it’s getting fucking tiring having fake non lockdowns imposed.
McAfee antagonised the US government, and also let every criminal in the world know that he had a fortune in crypto. I would classify him as a dumbarse. Probably tortured by inmates or corrupt prison guards until he handed over his bitcoin keys and then executed.
My own opinion was that he was as crazy as fuck. Very smart guy, who eventually succumbed to the cumulative lifetime effects of hard drug abuse. While he said some very stupid things, he also had some good insights from time to time:
(Il Donaldo Trumpo is on a roll in terms of links tonight!!)
I just wonder if McAfee was one of those guys who obviously peaked early, and then was left with too much money and the rest of his life trying to find this next success or meaningful endeavour.
Figured he’d have access to all the good drugs, which probably didn’t help in the long run.
The story about him allegedly murdering his neighbour in Belize is an interesting one.
Nonetheless I agree he would be the exact type to have a dead man’s switch. Whether or not anything comes of it is another thing.
True to form, Morrison quick to back the truck over Gladys. More survival instincts than a cockroach.
“Don’t blame me for Sydney cluster, it’s NSW’s problem: PM”
the sydney shits gonna last like a week or two tops imo, no way are we ever gettting a repeat of melbourne last year.
Man, you really love this virus denial of yours. What you gnna say in 2 weeks if it is just like Melbourne last year? How will you move the goal posts then? Lol
ill be like
wow i was wrong but who gives a fucking shit anyway?
Was Dubbo ever affected by lockdowns?
brief period in april last year small businesses and gyms etc were closed state wide people were self-isolating out of fear (except me) but it wore off fast
i would walk around the main st like i was in 28 days later
people got bored pretty quick and everything went back to normal faster than even i expected
Sounds like it’s pretty normal then. Just spoke to a mate in Sydney who said his local Coles had been ransacked of toilet paper. Apparently people have gone nuts again and there could be a quick buck to be made.
yeah i sold stockpiled toiletpaper on gumtree when covid hit, $25+ profit margin per pack
Yep local Woolworths out of it too this afternoon.
Geez, quiet round here…..
Where all you virus deniers at?
rofl. but I was wondering the same… why so quiet
I am under my bed, afraid to come out!
Same here!
Surrounded by baked beans and powder milk.
Luckily, pub owners run NSW
not like Victoria with its fucking teachers and nurses unions
so I think we should be right
zero hospitalisations too
as I have been saying for nearly 18 months now , the virus is only going to get more infective and less virulent with time , just as natural selection predicts
and that is exactly what the “delta variant” seems to be
of course, the retards at MB are only praising the vaccine for this
Gladys has let this rip to scare people into vaccines. Ruin people’s school holidays and lockdown while everyone was off work anyway, followed by massive push to get the vaccine so it doesn’t happen again. Things will be back to normal in 2 weeks.
Next is Qld, same recipe
I have been thinking a lot about this and no longer so sure:
There was a hair salon with three infected workers that served 900 clients in the last couple weeks. I reckon next week the reality will hit that it has spread all over Sydney and probably regional areas. The lockdown counter will reset. Also bear in mind that this is the more contagious Indian variant.
i dont know, sydney people almost never leave their suburb
most parochial city ever
Didn’t hear about this – NSW will have to be very lucky to not see a spike in cases with this sort of thing going on.
NSW Health uncovers 900 potential COVID-19 exposures at Joh Bailey hair salon in Double Bay – ABC News
We’re all going to die! Stop living so we can survive!
64 weeks in and people still think this is about a virus and not everything else nefarious going in front of your eyes.
Indeed it is about everything else nefarious.
But not a binary choice. Both it is.
Seems like a lot of work to wash a cheap rug. I’d rather buy a new one.
legend in the MB comment section today, which one of yuse is this mad cunt
Boom Times Ahead
June 25, 2021 at 2:58 pm
It’s always been preventable. It doesn’t just randomly kill the infected. Average age of death is something like 81. I bet the average age that people die of most diseases is very similar. Shock, horror, old people die and are vulnerable to something as harmless as the common flu, let alone a novel virus. COVID is less deadly in children than the flu. In time this virus will just burn out on its own because it’s nothing compared to the flu.
Young people that have died are almost always fat slobs with underlying health problems. To be a fat slob is a lifestyle choice and not my problem. Our hospital system should give priority to people based on their BMI. Fat slobs don’t care about their bodies so why should anyone else.
Go hide under the bed forever and let the rest of us get on with life. No reason to take the vaccine at all, least of which giving them an excuse to reboot migration again.
Middle class softcocks gonna softcock.
+1 for correct use of “softcock”
Which incidentally reminds me of the fact that the classic
C&B pattern has been spotted on the Bitcoin chart:
Speaking about softcocks, surely Tony Cochrane gets the award this week.
So why was our plucky friend still here, instead of returning home with his “export”.
hopefully other ppl try to copy with shit like “someone gave that other fuckin guy a job, why not me too” on their signs
Lol that would be hilarious 😆
No wonder he couldn’t get work. His work ethics sounds a bit trash.
At the end of March, Mr Jhurani dressed to impress and alternated standing opposite Southern Cross and Flinders Street train stations with a sign saying “Looking 4 a graduate of architecture? HIRE ME”.
“I did that for three to four weeks,” he said. “I’d be out there every morning from 8:00am to 9:15am and sometimes in the evenings as well.”
And spent most of it on the phone to relatives back home.
And watching bollywood on speaker phone on the train in.
Cmon fellas, forgive and forget eh.
I wish everyone could have aides!
While locking everyone else down. What a schmuck.
And… he’s gone!
He really could have learnt something from his Australian political counterparts who never resign. What a chump!
Also, how did the pigeon general take control of the state?
With a
.military coo!
Puns aside, anyone noticed Scomo threatening the Australian public into getting the vaccine by having a military commander do the press conferences.
I mean why don’t we just raise the Chinese flag now?
Previously another poster made the link with ending up in a Singapore style authoritarianism government, and when I look at things like the secret trial of Witness K, Dutton taking out defamation charges against refugee activists and the complete lack of transparency and accountability it’s hard not to assume this is eventually going to happen.
The sad thing about it all is that at least Singapore looks after its youngsters, with specific social housing set aside for first home owners that can only be bought and sold within that market and kept away from foreign purchasers. There’s a lot of social engineering going on – eg. they favour young married couples, and I don’t doubt for a second that our leaders who love to implement the same kind of GPS tracking that Singapore has been using to let their returning citizens quarantine from home.
As you mentioned, some elements of Singapore are ok. I’m also fan of capital punishment for serious crimes. National service would be a long term benefit in my view.
The citizen surveillance and one party state nonsense on steroids not so much but we have that here already.
Odds on this transpiring in the next few weeks pretty high I’d say. The JBS Meatworks and pipeline shutdowns were trial runs. IMO they’ll use this to kick start economic chaos and push for CBDC more aggressively.
Digital ID wallet in Europe:
This is the link to the proper q image –
The thread is here nsfw including usual cancer – https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/327370989
Apparently in his earlier tweets McAfee pointed to this site https://britbonglogpost.com/
It’s twitter got suspended earlier today and currently seems to be under significant ddos attack.
If it loads there is said to be a countdown timer which triggered in the last 24 hours.
Screenshot –
Interesting. Knew he’d have something like this but as I said above we’ll see if it’s sees the light.
What a surprise!
Higher education enrolments from China to Victoria have declined 5.74 per cent in the 12 months to March, the most recent figures published by the Department of Education, Skills and Employment show, while commencements have declined just 0.67 per cent. But as Chinese students wait and see, Indian students have abandoned hopes of an Australian education in droves. Enrolments from India fell 33 per cent, while commencements fell 56 per cent between March 2020 and March 2021.
Indian Students’ Association of Victoria general secretary Amo Chakravarthy said a qualification from an Australian university was much less attractive to many Indian students if they could not live and work here while studying.
Almost as if it was never education in the first place. Quelle surprise!
All this decline is because Davo Lewd Smitty expose of the industry is getting some traction?
I suspect everyone’s favourite demographer with an unrelated doctorate has done more to spread concerns about rampant immigration than MB
Speaking of which, here is said individual engaging in a slanging match with Mike Carlton.
If it does get to defamation action, I’ll bring the popcorn.
Decisions, decisions…
So a deranged man goes on a murderous rampage with a knife in Germany shouting allahu snackbar and doesn’t even get mentioned on “our” ABC.
Stories that have made the cut this morning:
Mums in sport
Property handouts and sexism (a 2 for 1 special!)
How an American became a feminist icon
More UFOs!
Story about womyn
Another story about womyn
How Asian women are discrimanted against
Another fucking story about womyn…
This guy?
Not much to go on, but the combination of untreated mental illness and religious extremism seems likely.
I’m learning German and have a language partner from Würzberg so I woke up to a message about the attack. The only mention I’ve seen about the Islamic link so far is on the Deutsche Welle website.
Well I’m trying to point this out with these comments.
More subtly Tory is just dog whistling, blaming white, men, which is what hordes of fascists, angry incels, and enraged men’s rights dudes is code for.
Whether you think Jordies and his team are idiots or not, Barilaro’s actions demonstrate that our freedoms continue to be eroded as the path to fascism becomes ever more clear.
I dislike Jordies because he’s politcally inconsistent on this issue, but I’ll back him on this. If only he’d do the same with the shit going in Victoria.
Unfortunately I doubt that will happen as he’s based in NSW. While popular, it’s not like he’s got the budget of SkyNews who can afford to send Peta Credlin down to a Dan Andrews press conference on a whim.
The best hope is someone grass roots, but It takes a very long time for Youtubers to make a name for themselves and that’s compounded in Australia due to the timezone differences.
Progressive white woman syndrome i.e. toxic levels of openness and agreeableness.
The UFO stuff is really last throw of the dice stuff. I’m seeing a move away from COVID from the MSM with Ivermectin and MRNA discussions going mainstream. However, the iron fist is coming out harder in response.
In my view the vaccine uptake rates are woeful and nowhere near they are reporting. Now with more information about spike proteins and ivermectin etc there is a harder push for stick amd less carrot. The longer this goes on the harder it is to sell so the more authoritarian they have to become.
I think a proper (staged) cyber attack is the next move and what comes after that I don’t know but it won’t be good. They are really moving at a pace I’ve never seen before.
Also I think the Arizona election audit is going to prove very interesting. Not that I care for q or any of that copium, but they are turning out significant fraud. July will be crazy in my view.
A digital surveillance control grid is in the works and everything will be done to force it upon us.
I fluctuate hourly from blackpilled to white pilled about the situation. We’re clearly in the largest spiritual battle of all time and it’s picking up pace.
I do not want to live in total slavery but I think the nexus point window of opportunity to turn it around is narrowing. It appears that way anyway.
This article is a very close approximation of my own thoughts and ideas about what has been going on:
I agree. The other side of the coin is they want you to believe that it’s inevitable. 90% of the battle is a psychological one.
Break the enemies will and you win. We can still win but putting your faith in gay shit like q and white hats is retarded.
My best advice is help out those of a similar mind and fuck the normies – they’ve been warned repeatedly and they’ve chosen convenience and comfort. They get what they deserve in my opinion.
👍 All very true!
Too much time wasted otherwise.
If people don’t want to see then not my problem.
No idea why uptake is so woeful when you have such compelling videos like this…
I think if you look closely you can spot DLS
A musical PSA from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus reminding you to VACCINATE!
They were gay?
I did notice in this latest piece of vibrancy, that the crowds started to pursue him. Also in the UK one with the narwhal tusk.
I wonder if this means people are losing faith in the authorities, and have mentally switched over to self defence.
And I also wonder what would have happened if they caught him.
Also I found this comment amusing.
Standup4your-rights , Perth, Australia, 3 hours ago
If he yelled MEOW would it have made him a cat? Just the same as this does not mean he is Muslim .. islam condemns murdering – it is a peaceful religion portrayed wrongly by media…
The funniest bit is that this idiot was wearing a face mask!
You know that if this happened in Sydney Gladys and her lackey Chant would be fronting the media and praising the attacker for adhering to health protocols.
The public need to start publicly lynching these fuckers.
This has been festering in Europe since the early 1970s.
In France it started mid 1950s.
It was all there for people willing to see what was happening, and what was going to happen.
I have been waiting almost my whole life for people to finally get angry, 40 years at least, let that sink in mate, 40 years…
I have lost faith, but if popular attitudes ever do change in a big and meaningful way, I’ll go back and help out wherever I can to do my bit for Europe.
Hungary seems like it might be a good bolthole, they’re one of the few countries that seem to put up a fight.
1000 years of fighting off hordes from the ME yet portrayed as racists because they don’t want their country overrun with Islam.
Yes, Hungary is one of the more sensible European countries where it involves immigration.
Good thing also is that they still have their own currency. But if they ever get tangled up in loans from the European Central Bank (ECB) or EU the financial dependency will be used to force policy of diversity, inclusion, immigration etc. down their throats.
Have a look at the cute new and improved logo of the ECB on their Twitter account:
You’d hope that central banks are a-political, think again.
Debt is slavery, and can be used agains your best interests.
That is why Hungary is such a threat to the West – it shows what a nation can achieve when it makes economic decisions outside the neoliberal lens and actively support their existing society and values project itself into the future, instead of trying to turn itself into a series of tax farms and make profit from it.
If you want to extricate yourself away from neoliberalism a good start would be to have a central bank that’s not run by the BIS (good luck though), and to stay far away from any involvement with the United Nations.
I sincerely hope Hungarians will avoid giving in to the temptation of the EU credit carrot, which will come with ideological strings attached.
Go Orban!
How good is it that he kicked that evil ghoul György Schwartz out.
Very interesting take. A bit blackpilling but does make sense in some regards. Still so many variables on the table though.
ABC busted lying for Gladys.
What a fuckwit.
Florida Pastor Rick Wiles has had a lot to say about COVID-19 over the past year and a half, but his news that he was in the hospital with COVID-19 complications on his website TruNews might be the least surprising thing of all. Wiles has been circulating conspiracy theories about COVID and the COVID vaccines, so the fact that he has ended up with the condition isn’t too shocking. It is somewhat ironic, as Wiles insisted coronavirus was intended to “purge sin” from the world.
2pm predictions? I think Gladys is going to go hard.
I thought lockdowns were only a Dan Andrews thing? Gladys gold standard and all that.
Hey, she saved Australia!
Comedy Gold.
Who needs satire when we have the MSM doing it like a boss.
Gladys and/or Scomo are probably being threatened by globalists.
We can’t let the normies see a local example that shows this whole thing is not about a virus and that lockdowns are bullshit.
Say – does anyone remember reading an article recently that outlined how if you take one or the other COVID vaccines, than it effectively eliminates all the antibodies in your system meaning that you can no longer donate antibody serum for COVID survivor therapy? I seem to remember reading something on it and not I can’t find it.
Edit: Never mind – was getting two separate stories confused.
Some Brits have no sense of humour.
Is anyone interested in backyard gardening etc?
burkes backyard
I am 100% interested. I can do a little writing on it too if you were keen.
I was mocked at MB for my gardening posts so fuckem.
Yeah I’d be really keen to see that kind of content. Big fan of permaculture too.
Can you take lots of pictures and post those too?
Gardening is sweet. My new place has a hedge out the front, so will need a set of hedge trimmers at the very least.The previous owners used to grow various herbs in small pots on backyard the fence which I’m going to try and replicate once I move in.
You still doing the microgreens?
Yeah but I don’t really like them!
Lol fair enough.
I just mowed the lawns and I’m pretty happy with how that grass seed is turning out (Mckays elite backyard blend), strong growth and green year round with the different species alternating between the hot and cold weather. Still got chillis fruiting too, don’t expect that to last much longer though.
rainbow from the backdoor of my slum apt
Nice. I am pretty keen to see if I can move out to the country 🤠
Bit complicated but medium term goal!
European culture war’s – https://www.zerohedge.com/political/hungary-told-repeal-law-banning-lgbt-promotion-children-or-else-leave-eu
good reason to not want to be in the eu right there
Switzerland is quietly exiting even though it’s not a full member.
I give the EU 3 more years. A French civil war would expedite that.
Nothing would serve the countries of Europe better than an immediate break-up of the Soviet Union, sorry, I mean European Union.
And make null and void any agreements entered into with the United Nations.
Tower of Babel in Brussels. Could it be anymore obvious?
This is one of the earliest posters made to propagate the idea of the EU.
Also take note of the inverted pentagrams used to symbolise each individual country.
Another symbol well known to the initiates.
Not to mention the incorporation of the Tower of Babel, yet another allegory that warns against the dangers of diversity:
Diversity brings down cities – which were essentially nation states in the bronze age.
If you look at the picture I posted above it becomes immediately apparent that the Tower of Babel is shown to be under construction again, the high-rise cranes signify that.
Which symbolises that the EU is finishing a work that in the Bible was forbidden. You could interpret that as being anti-Christian.
You meant “one more good reason not to be in the EU”???
Hoo boy!
Queensland state of emergency powers expire Tuesday. No doubt Brisbane will get one. So predictable.
Normies will whine then comply because they’re retards.
Yep, the sequence is quite visible. Every state will be in lockout for a few weeks. Queue for a mRNA jab at Sydney Olympic is apparently several hundred meters long.
One theory holds that these black millionaires are oppressed.
The opposing theory holds that there are simply differences both within AND between population groups i.e. diversity in behaviour, abilities and biology.
One of these theories is correct.
‘Facing Reality’ is about two realities: racial differences in IQ and race differences in crime rates.
Dr. Murray thinks that decades of denying and even concealing facts about race has led to a frightening crisis:
Keep banging that drum.
Don’t know why you bother – everyone here seems to agree with you or (like me) don’t agree and nothing you post will change their mind.
So why do you keep posting more of the same shit? How many times do you need your opinions validated? You never add anything new, it’s always the same shit or the same shit from a slightly different angle, hence the yawn.
It’s fuckin boring.
Fuck that’s rich coming from the cunt that literally hasn’t added a single thing of value here.
Pot kettle lol
I posted the first article because I found it interesting.
I posted the second one in response to you because I knew it would annoy you or draw a response, either way it was a win. Plus it too was an interesting article. Charles Murray has a point – if no one speaks the truth then it will be forgotten.
This is the entire purpose of the media and elites posturing on this subject and entirely the reason why weak minded fools blame racism for all the worlds inequality, rather than recognise the possibility the world, like every chaotic self organising system, has simply ordered itself according to how nature intended.
Keep schooling them Stewie.
Facts over feels for the win.
Religious branch stacking thwarted in SA.
The South Australian Liberal Party terminated the membership of 150 Pentecostal Christians a fortnight ago, while it has further asked 400 more recently signed up members to show cause as to why they shouldn’t be turfed out as well.
The purge comes after more than 500 people signed up to join the SA Liberals earlier this year. This seemingly coordinated infiltration is significant as the total state branch membership is around 5,000. And it’s been perceived as an attempt to sway policy in line with faith doctrine.
Conservative Liberal MPs requested last week that acting PM Josh Frydenberg step in and call a halt to the action, claiming it was an attack on religious freedoms, which will certainly add fuel to the attempt of Pentecostal PM Scott Morrison to see religious privileges enshrined in law.
However, senior SA Liberal, Senator Simon Birmingham, has defended the move. The moderate said that he’s aware of allegations that the suspended members were planning to campaign against endorsed candidates for the next election, while some didn’t even support the party.
That’s ok, they’ll find a heap of Indians and/or Chinese to replace them with.
Diverse branch stacking is all the rage these days.
So the limo driver and the company he works for will not be charged. Apparently the rules relating to airport workers needing testing/vaccination doesn’t apply to private workers?!?
This is just massive stupidity or corruption right out in the open and nobody in our media questions anything. What are the chances this company has ties to someone in the LNP?
imagine making it illegal to get sick
Much easier to blame the individual than to take responsibility for government failure and lack of appropriate policies.
My latest view on Bitcoin.
Bitcoin has been whipsawing in a slightly descending channel that started slowly and embryonically to form at the start of May this year of the Lord 2021.
After extensively researching mathematical formulas and algorithmic trading programmes as to calculate future projection possibilities I have come to the tentative conclusion that Bitcoin will reach it intrinsic value of 0.naught between mid December AD 2021 and mid January AD 2022.
If any of you are interested in receiving my weekly Bitcoin newsletter, please don’t hesitate to send your email address to:
The FED mentioned Tether by name in some slides on Friday as a risk or Challenge to Financial Stability. In terms of Fedspeak this was practically painting a bullseye in terms of ‘watch this space’!
The net is closing.
Also the Financial Times from last Wednesday:
‘Central Banks Step Up Fight Against Cryptocurrencies’
‘Battle for control of global monetary system escalates as BIS warns against private innovation.’
… For the remainder of the report:
https://www.ft.com/content/b6a3bf06-ad6b-4ab4-9ae3-15aca453f50d (behind paywall)
Using all the usual excuses:
They do love their own crypto currency though:
‘Central Bank Digital Currencies Get Full BIS Backing’:
So lucky that CBDC will never be used nefariously.
For sure these people have our best interests at heart.
They don’t need to attack BTC directly to destroy it – all they need to do apply the law in respect to existing monetary transfer and custodian services and expose the Tether fraud for what it is. Once done and Tether’s malign influence is ended, everything else will follow. At some point after the immediate aftermath that will inevitably follow, true price discovery will finally be possible.
This is also an interesting development…. death spiral anyone?
Just had a look at that Twitter account.
Hash rate still dropping fast.
Maybe all the farms/mines in China are being taken off-line?
If the hashrate drops then doesn’t the reward increase?
Ditto, if not mined via subsidised China electricity then it must be mined using higher cost electricity.
Correct me if wrong. It just seems like one of those unintended consequence things.
No – the difficulty adjustment associated with the Hashing algorithm rebases to a lower setting, however the maximum rebase it to 75% lower, which it is rapidly approaching, if it falls beyond that then the remaining miners will have to mine at a loss until the next difficulty adjustment after that. The mining reward remains constant, in accordance with the constantly declining block reward, however the economics of each reward changes due to the change in accompanying hashing difficulty.
We will find out very shortly whether hash follows price or price follows hash.
You could be right Freddy.
I saw that some miners were moving out of China, even going to US.
I only know the most basic stuff in regards to Bitcoin and crypto/alt coins in general, so maybe Stewie can elaborate.
My weekend YT video suggestion:
Been watching Miata crases all weekend. A naturally sporty and responsive car can make everyone feel like Nikki Lauda instantly. Most will turn a blind eye to his tempting the fate and a narrow escape
What’s grey smoke?
Wishing all of you an enjoyable week.
And who said chivalry is dead:
Movies suggestion for the weekend and the coming week are:
Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987)
A movie that set John Candy as a comedian worth his weight in salt and cemented Steve Martin’s reputation.
John plays a laid back easy going phlegmatic trouble magnet optimist and Steve is a neurotic hopeless pessimist annoyed even by the air he breathes.
Excellent casting pair for an excellent story, well filmed.
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Early noir film where there are no heroes, just various degrees with different absence of morality level. A crime story with a few twists, excellent Bogart and probably one of his best ones where he was not paired with Lauren Bacall.
>B&W filming obviously was not inclusive of rainbow colours of LGBTQWERTY community but life was such in 1941.
Both fims are on my recommendation for “must see” for those enjoying the film art.
The Maltese Falcon was my first case study of the McGuffin. Planes, Trains and Automobiles was awesome, John Candy was great and his death at such an early age was a terrible loss.
Gotta love John Candy.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles:
Uncle Buck:
Other good ones:
Stripes, Who’s Harry Crumb, Armed and Dangerous, Brewster’s Millions.
Last week I posted a chart that showed the stock market peaks lining up with Margin Lending peaks. This week the number of loss making companies seeking to raise capital also lining up.