Welcome to the Weekend Links, June 12-13, 2021.
We think this week will be kind of quiet. Why? Because lots is happening and everyone is hoping it does not end up biting them in the rear.
What is happening? Well – the big ones are:
- The medical shit show also known as Covid-19 is going pear shaped at scale. No one trusts anyone on this anymore.
- Belief in the markets is receding at a spectacular pace. We have a really good piece about this below.
- WW3 appears to be heating up.
- Society appears to be falling apart faster than ever.
As keen readers of the Weekend Links may recognize, this page is fully in support of the above. What we have cannot be salvaged, and it hurting many many people as it slowly falls apart.
Our solution, let it fall apart asap, and then maybe (maybe…) we can put it back.
Happily the Progressive Cult, with its ‘Build Back Better’ slogan (which the conspiracy theorists suggest is code for bbb, or 666, or Beelzebub) is also all about letting it burn.
What can I say? The establishment seems to be suggesting let it burn too, so win-win. Let is burn.

~~All About Medical Malpractice~~
So the entire medical fraternity is coming apart slowly. Excellent. Past time the theives in Big Pharma, Big Health and their handmaiden guilds were shone a light on. Including the various medical fraternities whose entire point of existence is to restrict supply.
To channel 2016 – Learn To Code and links…
- So I’m not a fan of Progressives like Bari Weiss. To me, this is just a case of some misandrist finally having to deal with the nonsense they have inflicted on the rest of us for decades. But – What Happens When Doctors Can’t Tell the Truth? – Common Sense with Bari Weiss (substack.com) – is on point.
- The MSM is busy pretending that Fauci’s emails don’t exist. Kind of like Hilary’s emails, or Hunters. Well, scum going to scum right? Luckily – Virologist Who Told Fauci SARS-CoV-2 ‘Potentially Engineered’ Just Nuked His Twitter Account | ZeroHedge – the rest of us remember.
- Did Fauci and his boss conspire to disqualify HCQ, AZM and Ivermectin because – IT’S WORSE THAN WE THOUGHT! Fauci and Top US Doctors Caught! They CONSPIRED to Disqualify Hydroxychloroquine as COVID Treatment — MILLIONS DEAD AS A RESULT (thegatewaypundit.com) – they had a financial interest in the outcome? Oh oh.
~~Was Trump Right About HCQ~~

- This video is about a Fauci associate wetting himself while he describes what – Watch: Fauci Pal Daszak Admits “Chinese Colleagues” Developing “Killer” Coronaviruses | ZeroHedge – the gain of function could do.
- Some more oh oh here – COLLATERAL DAMAGE: New Study CONFIRMS Trump Was Right – And Fauci, Democrats, Media, Tech Giants, etc. Lied About HCQ and AZM to Damage Trump and MURDERED HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS in Process (thegatewaypundit.com) – no good.
- Maybe we should defund – WHO Chief Scientist Served Legal Notice In India For Allegedly Suppressing Data On Drug To Treat COVID-19 | ZeroHedge – the WHO? At best, they are lazy and corrupt bureaucrats. At worst… f it, someone find some rope and a sturdy tree.
~~What Is Happening In Cattle Futures~~
Amazing what I stumble across on YouTube. Genuinely impressive. Check out the channel, its really good.

~~Culture Wars~~
Lol. I’m still waiting for the Tweet from Hilary saying how sad it is Fauci committed suicide. Anywho…
- What the perfect October Revolution gift for a committed leftist? Well – Louis Vuitton Under Fire For “Absolutely Disgusting” Palestinian Headscarf Knockoff | ZeroHedge – LVMH has you covered.
- We might have to make something about TERF’s – “Malicious Communications”: Scottish Feminist Criminally Charged For Tweets Opposing Gender Self-Identification | ZeroHedge – a staple here. While it is very funny to see them eaten by the same crocodile they fed all this while… nah, I’m good. Let them eat cake!
~~I Think I’m In Love~~
So maybe she is married and has children. One can live in hope. Shay Elliot is our generations Nigella Lawson. Its a big call, but I’m sticking by it!
~~Read This For The Week~~
Life goals below…
I’m super impressed with substack at the moment. Links:
- Faith in science is an oxymoron – The New Clerisy – Rough Cut (substack.com) – well worth the read. As predicted, the global backlash against the prog cult, its scientism, and its retarded caste system is gaining ground.
- Lol, Et Tu Newsweek? A Middle Class Rebellion Against Progressives Is Gaining Steam | Opinion (newsweek.com) – if the leftist bastion of Newsweek is any indication, this thing is snowballing.
- Are Jews the Real Anti-Semites? Maybe – The 3 Constants in Life: Death, Taxes and Anti-Semitism | Frontpagemag
- Bahaha – Trump Backs Nigeria Twitter Ban, Urges Other Countries To Follow Suit | ZeroHedge – who will be the next to ban Twitter?
~~Hello Wonderful Person~~
Anton Petrov is one of my favorite YouTube creators.
But is it funny? Well, this is funny!
Normally this is all Martin North, all the time. This time its chrome dome’s colleague – Rowan Dean.
- Maybe don’t buy a high rise – Would you buy a new apartment? Building confidence depends on ending the blame game (theconversation.com) – apartment?
- Westpac is – Westpac Hikes Rates – Interest Rates Raise – YouTube – hiking rates and you should be worries?
- Business owners – Business Owners – Watch Your Back! – YouTube – might be at the receiving end of the big bust.
- More on the big bust – Hundreds arrested as FBI app lures criminals – BBC News – YouTube – as an aside when did the people at the BBC become so ugly?
~~World War 3~~
WW3 seems close. Its depressing. For this week we have…
- Russia moves say its assuming it will get – Russia Mulls Ordering State Firms To Switch To Euro, “Preparing” For Possible Disconnect From SWIFT | ZeroHedge – kicked off SWIFT.
- Everyone else – “Shot Heard Around The World” – El Salvador President Pushes Bill To Adopt Bitcoin As Legal Tender | ZeroHedge – thinks this is a crypto story. I hope they are right.
- The fallout from Covid – Trump Planned To Haul Fauci, Daszak In Front Of US Presidential Commission, Demand China Reparations | ZeroHedge – is just starting.
~~Have A Good Weekend~~
And remember…

Hi T, hope you’re well.
Thanks again for compiling all the Weekend Links for us, the Fauci memes keep cracking me up.
Finding all the interesting bits and bobs and putting it all together would be about a days work all up I guess, so again, thank you for doing this.
As a token of my appreciation I want to introduce you to my new favourite artist Masayoshi Soken from Japan, I’m sure he’ll make an indelible impression.
Rumour has it he is related to Yoko Ono through his nephew, who works at the market stall where Yoko buys some of her vegan products.
The instrument he masters is called the Otamatone:
Is that guy playing two instruments at the same time? Is the otamatone two piece or one piece?
Not sure the music is where I’m at, but if he is playing two of the same instruments and singing at the same time its mental.
Also – thanks man, i enjoy putting it together too!
Yes, he’s playing two instruments at the same time and singing.
It’s mental alright.
F me. Two of the same instrument. In opposite hands/directions.
God put some people on earth just to remind the rest of us of humility I reckon.
You are right!
Fauci, Musk en Gates are just some other examples to humble us mere mortals.
I watched the Animals Fight Back video and at the end I saw a picture of this clip:
It always reminds me of how you think you can be in total control and then all of a sudden everything turns pear shaped in no time.
The driver of the boat looks so confident with his square jaw and I always have tears of laughter when he gets smacked to the floor like a bag of shit.
I can’t use a spoon properly with my left hand ffs. It’s mind boggling what he does.
I told you he was probably related to Yoko Ono.
Both exceptional performers.
I remember watching a guy in the states pick up a guitar then sit another on his knee and finger pluck both of them at the same time. People are amazing.
I saw that movie too!
“Throbbin’ Hood”
Oh, you were talking about guitars, sorry mate, carry on.
Dual blades are handy when you are fighting two at once…
In Holland we have a saying:
“He’s as happy as a monkey with five cocks.”
This gentleman is almost half way there.
Fook’n amazing!
What a talent!
I have played the drums myself and I alway found it very attractive to see a woman play drums.
It is indeed, the thing about drums and menstruating person. I guess it triggers sumting subconscious. Like men and the guitar, I guess.
Hands down that is one of the funniest things I have seen. Fkcn hilarious. How does the woman at the piano keep a straight face throughout?
C’mon man!
Riddle for this weekend:
What has eight legs and a big black cunt?
Kamala Harris and 4 Indian yoga masters trying to perform the mystical DP Anal and DP Vaginal?
Thanks pal, I have a very vivid imagination you know?
There is no amount of eye bleach that will rid my minds eye of that visual abomination.
No really, thank you.
Might even have to click your xvideo link above to settle down.
Man Kamala Harris is a piece of work – https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/06/kamala-plots-marxist-regime-change-guatemala-daniel-greenfield/
As I’ve said many times, she is a soulless wring wrath of a woman who stands for nothing but her own self interest and advancement.
Interesting speech in Dutch Parliament containing the words:
Rockefeller Foundation, Covid, Schwab and people control.
(With english subs)
Saw that. Respect to that man. More balls than 90% of Australian men.
Good speech – so much rang true. Wrote a much longer reply but lost it due to webpage error 🙁 so will just leave it at the media has played a large part in fomenting this collective neurotic hysteria. They’ve empowered the Govts to pass these rules and laws. Ultimately it a problem of Boomer political power and a significant increase in neurosis as a part of our social narrative.
Masks forever!
If you are wondering what the future looks like, the UK is the model.
A cesspit.
Agreed. They’re such demoralised cowards, except for parts of the North.
We’re about 5 years behind them.
Neil Young:
Old Man and Heart Of Gold
Live in 1971, could be the earliest recorded performance of these songs.
What a superb artist!
so who caught cameron murray on q&a last night? imo he did great but that show is absolute garbage that it’s a waste of his time anyway
I stopped wasting my time with TV fifteen years ago.
One of the best things I ever did.
i never watch the show or tv, i only learned he was going to be on there and watched the clips of him on the show.
Yeh same. Upper middle class labor voter show.
Other than that he was spot on in the YouTube clips I saw. Dissenting opinions in a sea of covid normies.
I’m not allowed to watch Q&A… it makes me angry and shouty towards the telly.
I have only ever watched 15 minutes of Q&A and realised it would make me angry, so never watched another episode.
Whilst I don’t necessarily agree with his views, it is actually good to have different opinions on the show rather than the standard group think. My view is that we did some thing right, but some draconian measures should be up for debate like shutting state borders at will for one case. The stupidity of it all is we close the border on a couple of cases, but want to open international borders for students. This level of hypocrisy is not debated on Q&A, but would be presented as being racist and being left behind.
Useless observation: Always found the funniest part about MB’s Friday afternoon macro was the commentariat all announcing what they’re drinking, in some weird kind of upper middle class dick pulling contest.
I never really perceived that as snobbish, but maybe it was.
Anyway, you’re here now. Forget about MB and just relax.
Better yet, have a beer!
Oh wait…
‘Beer and Racism’
‘How Beer Became White, Why it Matters, and
the Movements to Change It’
I’m drinking Aldi’s Keeper’s Glove Tawny. At $5 a bottle it can’t be beat. Nothing upper class about it!
Edit: Apologies, it’s not beer, you’re ok.
Oh man we should do something like the dodgiest/cheapest brew you can drink, just to mock the snobbishmess. It’d be hilarious 😹
great northern is good. its smooth and mild and goes down so easily
I’ll have to try that.
I’ll be interested to see what you think.
Aldi’s $4.99 Nero D’Avola is an excellent Sicilian wine, well underrated if compared by the price.
Not a spectacular wine that makes your taste buds have multiple orgasms but excellent for that late evening glass before one gets to check what goes on at ezfka.com.ezfka
Haha I never thought of it that way but you’re right that’s exactly what it was.
The thing that super impresses me about this place is the quality of the standalone articles.
Like the crypto ones I’ve learnt so much from, and hilarious absurdities too.
But it’s real you know. Some guy/girl goes and experiments with stuff and it’s his story right. That’s better journalism than most of the internet in current year.
Each to their own. I’m not really much of a drinker, scotch very occasionally but that’s it.
I remember DLS did an article months ago about the Chinese embargo of Aussie wine. The commentariat descended into a hipster circlejerl about who had the wankiest, most expensive and obscure brand of wine. Cringe central but reflective of the audience.
wine is fukn disgusting
I thought hipsters drank craft beer. But agree with you about the audience.
The variety of the articles is good. Depending on how this weekend goes, I could well write a piece on how I bought a house despite listening to doomsayers and MB for over a decade.
Don’t buy now!
Let me guess, you realised that MB’s house price forecasts are always wrong, bought something in the last few years and are up 20%+?
To me they write articles about government intervention and subsidies for various industries, but still haven’t drawn the connection with house prices. The 2008 Rudd government proved that house prices are bi-partisan and to be protected at all costs .
Nah, have always been bearish on property and continuously disappointed with the absence of sustained drops and ongoing government support. Been able to delay things due to great income and job security and the reassurance of a likely inheritance property in the future, albeit in the wrong state.
Was only forced to consider buying after getting a vacation notice with intention to sell during this current lockdown. With the survival instinct kicking in, it’s been an intense time, but I’ve got a stack of cash and luckily aren’t in the same position as those who are getting booted out for not being able to pay their rent.
I was very bearish until Rudd made sure that housing would not fall. Was still a bit bearish, but softened my stance as watched multitudes of different policies used to put a floor under prices.
My situation is that I want to upgrade, but know it will mean a decent sized loan.
My reading of the market is that FHBs have been very active in less desirable areas due to the grant and price restrictions, whereas I was more looking at upgrader territory but didn’t have to rely on selling or getting finance approved. I don’t think agents get people telling them that sort of thing too often, which made them quite receptive as they know that you could easily walk away and lose them a sale.
what articles? all I ever see is re-posts of articles from blogs, news sources etc…
I’m a homebrew drinker myself, I’m surprised there wasn’t more of that going on at MB. Can’t get much cheaper than something you whip up in the garage!
I do have a $50 Liquorland gift card that I need to use, I’m open to any suggestions.
If you don’t drink wine don’t bother getting anything nicer than a $15 bottle as you won’t be able to tell the difference. This is coming from someone with 8 wine fridges, and who still appreciates and buys $15 bottles weekly.
For value for money I recommend a bottle of this stuff – have trouble sleeping, one port shot of this stuff and you’ll be off with the faires counting sheep within half an hour.
As a warning I’m not a big fan of desert, but this stuff is as sweet and raisiny as fuck, and probably only one step above brown muscat.
Edit: That wine fridge thing sounded more wanky than I intended. They are old fridges with wine in them. I have the thermo set as high as I can at 8c or so and only run during Summer.
It is not only higher temperatures that damage wine, but temperature variation – wine cellars should be cool and stable. Keeping them in a fridge over summer like I do slows the aging process a little, but is effective at protecting them from the heat of mid summer, and the temperature variations that occur during winter.
Not a wine drinker myself but I heard that decanting and aerating can make a cheap wine taste nice(er).
Does anyone know how to get to the actual source Apple iTunes charts for the US? It’s not so easy to find on google.
Here are a couple of derivative sites.
The reason being this guy, Tom Macdonald. He’s pretty good, and the fact that Snowflakes got to #1 is pretty (he’s dropped down to 2). I can’t work out how he got there.
Here’s the Yotuube Channel.
And here is the song
Funnily there are tonnes of black reactions videos who claim to love it, but they always ignore the line about the white stereotype.
He seems to be self funded
If after the ‘good news’ of being adopted in El Salvador this is all the rallying Bitcoin can muster, then it is completely underwhelming and not looking good.
Also after CNBC has been peddling Bitcoin relentlessly, looks like Jim Cramer has now dumped a giant turd on it.
Something to pay attention to. Binance itself has never had banking access, this refers to Binance US an affiliated Binance company.
Not that Binance is the only thing to keep an eye on, in addition to Tether, USDC is now printing on average more than $100m per day.
I made a comment a while back in some of my previous crypto posts that I assumed that the liquidity flowing into USDC and BinanceUSD was probably legitimate liquidity – I now change that to possibly real liquidity.
Also found this an interesting thread:
Seems to know what she’s talking about.
I don’t like Coppola for obvious reasons, but she is 100% correct on this. Crypto can’t enter real world finance until it is subject to the same real world financial regulations.
Stablecoins are yet another warehouse full of fertilizer sitting on the docks in the blazing sun year after year waiting for a match to come along. Maybe Saylor’s Doomsday machine will be the match that lights it? Or maybe it will be El Salvador’s tether washing machine? Who knows? But one day it is gunna go off with a bang!
But the whole point of the crypto community, and especially the Bitcoin community, was that they were creating something to exist outside of the regulated financial industry and flip the bird at the central banks.
If they want to enter real world finance and have the same regulations then what is the point of having Bitcoin other then speculation?
CBDC will incorporate all the good (usable) bits of crypto and that will be the end of it.
I am now thinking that the reason for Goldman Suchs and JP Morgue to announce that they will accept Bitcoin investments has been a ploy to get the regulation going all along.
Instead of Bitcoin gaining more acceptance, as the fanbois want to believe, it will accelerate its downfall.
Not really, at least for the original creators of bitcoin.
It existed without the ability for manipulation that central bank have, and was not dependant on a single entity for it’s existence, but has no need to exist outside of regulation, much like gold…
Dodgy parts of the internet think Soros is dead. Big if true.
I’ll drink to that.
Someone must have finally driven a stake through his heart or pulled back the curtains and exposed him to sunlight.
Or an unfortunate case of eating garlic bread.
When Lowy, Trigaboff and Gandel all croak it I will definitely bring out the scotch. I had one when Isi Leibler went the other week.
Fuck this stupid family. If the LNP cave to this family they’re finished and have sent the message it’s ok to whinge your way to a visa. Despite having no legal case and six appeals.
Hasn’t it been that way for decades now…
details emerge and unsurprisingly its a shitshow and a scam
You’re just a salty FUD.
Have fun staying poor!
OMG! Another match!
See if he bites.
I’m not seeing much other than speculation in that article, but maybe speculation more aligned with your views?
Ultimately it gets to the same point I did, they will place a transaction system over bitcoin that provides the potential to print money.
Here is Amy Castor’s take – she is a hard “no coiner” I follow who think the ENTIRE industry is a fraud. She has some pretty good takes and I agree with most of what she has to say:
My biggest gripe with the whole Bitcoin community is that they seem to have no idea of the powers they are dealing with.
The world is, for better or worse, based on debt.
Everybody uses debt, individuals, corporation and countries.
If you control the debt you are in control of the world and whatever happens inside it.
Who controls the debt? The banks.
So who do people work for? The banks.
Who do politicians ultimately work for? The banks.
Who do the military ultimately work for? The banks.
I hate the banks to no end but to think that a few starry eyed revolutionary keyboard warriors can defeat this power and give it to the people is laughable and frankly delusional.
Not going to happen, they can squash you like a bug anytime they want.
Meme of the week.
This has been the meme for how long?
Meme or policy?
I believe Austrian economists call it a crack-up boom.
Didn’t let me post, too many links
Does anyone know how to get to the actual source Apple iTunes charts for the US? It’s not so easy to find on google.
Here are a couple of derivative sites.
The reason being this guy, Tom Macdonald. He’s pretty good, and the fact that Snowflakes got to #1 is pretty (he’s dropped down to 2). I can’t work out how he got there.
Here’s the Yotuube Channel.
I think I know what you mean. He doesn’t represent the accepted narrative which has been pushed down our throat and his popularity should’ve been made ‘difficult’ or throttled by Apple and YT – Google.
Not sure mate.
Maybe he’s the first one to express an emotion that a lot of youngsters share but were not able to find acknowledgement of anywhere else and they simply couldn’t stop his rise to fame. (Terrible music though by the way bud)
Or maybe these views are now allowed because TPTB have decided it is time for a civil war in the US and this helps the ‘us and them’ divide.
And here is the song
Funnily there are tonnes of black reactions videos who claim to love it, but they always ignore the line about the white stereotype.
He seems to be self funded
I knew someone brave would realise that there was a market for anti-woke songs. Tom Macdonald is that guy. Thanks for sharing.
“Cancelled” followed on youtube. Also pretty good.
Fauci is just another example of how rotten and complicit the msm were, not to mention how extensive new establishment values were, in respect of the opposition and co-ordinated downfall of Trump.
Reading some old political revolutionary theory and it makes relevant the observation where it is now impossible to bring about meaningful change to preserve what remains of our legacy nations and societies, without a complete purge and destruction of that entire elite leadership class. Without such actions they will all otherwise work together in mutually supportive ways to re-establish the status quo.
Agree and Fauci knew how to work the media and did it well. Fauci said several years ago “gain of function is risky, but the benefits outweigh the risks”. Why is he not being held account for this? Given we have lived through a pandemic, I am waiting for the benefits of this so called research.
I despondently agree. JFK’s quote about peaceful revolution rings true. Position yourself accordingly.
What’s the quote?
Peaceful revolution impossible then violent revolution inevitable.
Pretty safe bet historically speaking but we’ll see.
Meaningful change will not happen until it is necessary i.e. people are starving and killing each other. Until then most people think the cost of revolution outweighs the benefits.
They’re like “thank fuck we sprung an (almost) anglo”.
Dangerous Dave on Monday: “If I could, I’d now be getting short this market.”
Dangerous Dave on Tuesday: “This boom is all over bar the shouting.”
Since Tuesday, me with Cleveland Cliffs by far my biggest position: +25%
Beep beep! Dangerous Dave should advising the Acme Fund.
Oops sorry about that. Lipitor scandal all over again but this time we can’t be sued.
Something like this was bound to happen unfortunately.
I really hope sanity will prevail and people start pushing back at mandatory vaccination.
How environmentalists were silenced on immigration
Once again policies that are fundamentally hostile to the existing population, people and culture being driven by the opposite cultural values and motivations of a member of our hostile elite.
In fairness, if you choose to take the money and then shut up, I don’t know if that can be considered silencing.
Not to say that hostile/criminal groups are funding good political discourse – I agree with your larger point.
Absolutely – those Green groups are hypocrites and I’ve grown to despise them intently for cloaking a greater moral evil with a noble good and pretending they are the moral ones.
Open immigration was a disaster for Rome.
This is what MultiCults don’t understand – this “nation as an idea” is total bullshit. It’s been tried before, right back to the time of Babylon:
It is interesting that Pompei brought the first ethnically and culturally large foreign population group to Rome in 61 BC, when he brought 80,000 Jewish ‘captives’ from his sacking of the 2nd Temple, including the gigantic silver jewish calabra featured on the Arch of Titaus. Within a generation they were given their freedom as Roman citizens and accompanying special dispensation of their ‘rights’ not to serve in the Roman military, as was required by every other Roman male citizen.
Within 200 years peak Rome ‘as an idea’ occurred when the Roman Emperor, Caracalla, granted Roman citizenship to everyone in the Roman empire – and so of course, very shortly after that to be a Roman citizen was as meaningless as saying you were a person.
This is very shortly our fate – things operate at a far faster pace than 2000 years ago, the immense harm done to our societies, nation and culture in a mere 20yrs stands to testament to that. Unless things change within a lifetime being an Australian, American or Englishman will be as meaningless as being a Roman in the final days of the Empire.
This is the goal of our hostile elites – they’ve done it before and they are doing it again. They do it because they believe they are making the world a better place by making us all equal and the same, but all they ever achieve is genociding the civilizations it seeks to bring its version of equality to.
“Australian, American or Englishman will be as meaningless as being a Roman”
It already is meaningless. Is that why we call it the EZFKA now?
American became meaningless with uncontrolled immigration would be v2.0 which implies that in-between it became meaningful.
Sumtin out of the tune on that song.
How long does it take a group of families or tribes to become a nation? I’d suggest minimum 100 years, and only with low immigration and much intermarriage.
Make no mistake Vergangenheitsaufarbeitung is coming to the rest of the West. We are being taught by a hostile elite to feel shame over who we are – it is a complete mind ops job.
For instance:
Whites are made to feel ashamed about the slave trade.
This same elite you are talking about were the biggest slave traders.
But when you read modern generally accepted history the majority of slave traders were Portuguese.
So white people are now expected to atone for these people’s sins.
How viciously smart.
Kansas City once spent more than $1.5 billion (over $40,000 per student) to close race achievement gaps — spending twice as much per pupil as in nearby white suburbs — but performance on standardized tests showed no improvement.
Why stop at neurotically spending $40,000 trying to close racial performance gaps that are an affront to your sense and notions of equity and equality in capabilities between races? We should up to $400,000 per student or $4m per student anything to close the gap and prove that there are no differences in racial academic abilities and validate my feelings as a progressive thinker!!!!
Whaaaaaaaaa! They just don’t do well, and not only that DON’T BUDGE ONE IOTA no matter how much we spend because of racial oppression and micro-aggressions.
And in the same vein….
“less than 14% of the variance in SAT scores can be explained by SES in two massive and representative samples”
“Stop saying that the SAT is an income test. It is not.”
i remember reading about the kansas city experiment. it really was absurd, a blank cheque to education funding. some of the stuff the kids at that school got were beyond belief, close enough to gold plated school desks.
amren.com had an article about it once a long time ago in their syndicated column.
Gates spent billions trying to shift educational results in Africa and failed abysmally. He and his Juicy wife finally abandoned it – not sure who pulled the plug, but that witch then went on to start funding CRT in mathematics within the US education system.
It goes back to the old nature or nurture discussion.
Most peoples/races are at their present point of development after many thousands of years mostly due to their innate capabilities.
That is what pisses me off to no end about the progressive cult, they completely ignore history and human nature and think they can simply overrule it to build their imaginary utopia.
I have no direct source of info, heard it from several unconnected grapevines so it either has some credibility or it is a meme. Anyway, apparently at their peak, ‘communists’ ran an experiment in Bulgaria where everyone was given same salary and a choice of work. The most striking outcome was that there were plenty a interest for dorman and night-watchman and very little for doctors, bricklayers and plumbers.
What I am trying to say that misplaced efforts always yield misplaced results. Like Swedish social engineering modeling over the last 70 yrs. Kansas experiment could potentially work if it lasted for generation or two and with enforced cultural re-education. So it was doomed anyway. Perhaps it’s mission was quite the opposite.
within limits, this seems like a commonsense outcome.
Jobs that are harder to do/less pleasant/fewer people are capable of generally pay more. (They may pay more just because they are harder to do or because they are actually more “valuable”. In many cases it’s sort of the same thing.)
Jobs that are easier to do/more pleasant/most are capable of generally pay less.
So little wonder that people would line up for the easier jobs, if given the same pay as the harder jobs.
From inner perspective of communism, the common sense outcome was impossible. People were brainwashed decades into believing that “everyone should contribute as much as they are capable and receive remuneration as much as needed”. Commonn sense outcome (from today’s perspective) was contrary to chosen ideology hence “impossible”,
similar to social engineering in Sweden yielding absolutely opposite results (equality of outcome).
In comparison to experiment in US, I meant to say that SISO applies (Sheet In, Sheet Out) but also that experiments that take only partial information can yield ballistic results.
Had to read twice to understand. But then it made sense what you’ve said about outcome being impossible due to being inconsistent with ideology 😉
(have you been taking lessons from Skippy?)
Maybe it is time we rethink the whole ‘education’ system from the perspective of score results being normally distributed and whilst we could change some of the shape of the distribution, it will not be gamma distributed like these experiments wants. So what does it mean? Well, parts of the population will never be doctors, lawyers, etc. and we should not be spending large amounts of money thinking that this will be the case. Many will be working class and many are happy to run their own business. Nothing is taught in the education system for running your own business. You may not agree with Robert Kiyosaki, but I agree with him saying that money and running a business should be part of the curriculum.
For primary school, reading, writing and arithmetic should be core elements as just about every vocation needs it. However by mid secondary, we shouldn’t be expecting most to go to tertiary. Tertiary should be taking a biased selection and not a normally distributed student population.
Once upon a time there used to be academic streaming with the smarter kids getting accelerated. When I was a kid I can remember this happening from Year 5 onwards, although shortly afterwards they limited streaming to just mathematics. I’m not sure if parents complained if their children missed out, but it was certainly more efficient for the more academically inclined.
This is how it is already. The biggest problem IMO pretending that that a bunch of year 7s and up can successfully be taught the same thing in the same room because they are the same age. They cannot. By year 7, the spread in knowledge and skills is already too wide. The whole notion of year groups should be abandoned in high school. Pupils should do subjects that they meet the pre requisites for. Teachers should not have to pretend that every child in a classroom can be catered for individually. It isn’t possible.
Does anyone else feel that covid has accelerated the decline of western civilisation?
Seems like now the majority are happy to signal their virtue of what mrna vaccine they had and talk like it’s a traditional vaccine. Government talk of mandatory mrna vaccines! Wear masks outside and get yelled at for not wearing one, even though there’s no science to back it. Embrace vaccine passports and restrictions for those that don’t. QR codes everywhere even just running in to pay for fuel…
I just had a stripper telling me “Simps are just nice guys and stop shaming them.” Prostitution is a service just like getting your haircut… Trying to have a honest and logical discussion was just shouting and calling me a “whorephobic” Yet she benefits $$ from protecting her legion of simps. The white knights come running to her defence in the hope they might one day get a crumb of pussy.
I used to think I was a pretty liberal person and lived by the motto “live and let live” but fuck me I feel like I’m living in an episode of Black Mirror with added degeneracy.
Ain’t that the truth.
I’m trapped.
My employer says what I can and can’t do in my free time. They say what we can and can’t say on social media.
The greater body says that we can’t talk about the mrna vaccine or lose your job.
The state government says when I can or can’t leave my house.
The government says I must have the vaccine or I can’t go interstate to visit my family. Goodluck going overseas…
We are being controlled on every level, something I’d expect in the CCP but not EZFKA!
Are you some sort of medico?
I ask because I’ve got no idea what mRNA vaccine is & it wouldn’t cross my mind to talk about it.
The current covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines. They are not the same as our traditional vaccines i.e. polio or measles.
But there’s some good info for you to make up your own mind on wiki – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_vaccine
Thanks for the link.
and then
how …convenient!
fuck that shit, I think I’d rather take my chances with the disease, thanks.
“At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, no mRNA drug or vaccine had been licensed for use in humans.”
Yes and to add because of that there’s been no long term studies which means we don’t yet know the long term effects.
“mRNA vaccines operate in a very different manner from a traditional vaccine. Traditional vaccines stimulate an antibody response by injecting antigens, an attenuated virus (weakened or harmless virus), or a recombinant antigen-encoding viral vector (carrier virus engineered to have antigens into muscles. These antigen-containing ingredients are prepared and grown outside the body.
In contrast, mRNA vaccines introduce a short-lived synthetically created fragment of the RNA sequence of a virus into the vaccinated individual. These mRNA fragments are taken up by dendritic cells – a type of immune system cell – by phagocytosis. The dendritic cells use their own internal machinery (ribosomes) to read the mRNA and produce the viral antigens that the mRNA encodes before destroying the mRNA.Although non-immune cells can potentially absorb vaccine mRNA, manufacture spikes, and display spikes on their surfaces, dendritic cells absorb the mRNA globules much more readily.”
I have to drop out past wiki. Everyone should be free to make up their own mind. But if I wanted to read more I’d probably read about spike proteins, where they end up, paediatrics, myo/pericarditis, fertility and of course thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome.
of course! 🧐
Haha it’s the clotting that you’ve been hearing about in the media from AZ vaccine. It’s actually unusual and rare because it’s blood clots with low blood platelet count.
Kinda reminds me of stories my uncle used to tell about how in the 1980s car engines started to fail as the motoroil in them turned to sludge for not apparent reason.
It hadn’t ever happened in the previous 100 years of engines and nobody knew why it was happening. It was thought that the big Chen/Oil companies were playing with the motoroil recipes & producing a product that was great, although it sometimes destroyed engines….
of course nothing was ever definitively proven and in the meantime the motor oil recipes changed and oil stopped turning to sludge.
so that was great.
Only if you owned one of the cars whose engine had Grenaded because of the sludge issue – bad luck.
Interesting analogy, I like it.
Now there’s no basis or anything behind this. But I said to my wife recently imagine if 70% of the population got the vaccine and then there was a new virus. The new virus wiped out the vaccinated. Imagine a new society of 30% of what it is now and what they could do. It would truly be the great reset…
Sounds like the seed of a long-form EZFKA post you might write. 😘
raises all sorts of interesting practical, ethical and moral questions, so should make for good discussion.
Now if you take that as the masterplan, this is the gunpowder which will propel the forthcoming Chinese bullet. Do they have 30% population ready at their disposal? Seems to me very similar to that neutron bomb from the 70’s. You know, kills everybody but leaves the infrastructure in place, well this appears to be a fork in the road for humanity differentiating itself biologically so as to allow specific elimination. The reset is all well and good, and has been done many a time to those levels in past wars but always better to be in the 30% set, out of self interest. Point of rememering wars is so we dont blindly suffer them over and over again, and I feel not many do anymore, why else would we let children play nihilistic video games in their bedrooms?
this may carry some merit if one’s work is public and recognisable even within a small community. Been that way for donkey years and it just shifts its appearance with mass publishing of the views on antisocial media (equivalent to publishing a newspaper article 30+ yrs ago – much easier now).
Perhaps my view on the issue is from the perspective that I don’t want my views to be public and easily associated to my real life personality for totally different reasons, though I am happy to discuss and post views on any topic under alias. This would change radically to outright exposure if I was to become activist. Perhaps this is the key, public views and online expression has become pissweak substitute for substance activism. Activism in any topic always brought benefits and repercussions.
Employers are not democratic and it seems the only way to escape is to leave. I think inhibiting employee in their free time is employer overreach. I think it is ironic companies sack people for not adhering values and yet the companies routinely operate outside those values.
You have to do x, y or z because it’s policy. Funny that an organisation can invent a policy overnight and make out it’s the law. Don’t like it and we’ll use the policy to smack you over the wrists until you comply. It’s also funny “the organisation” will only follow the policy when it suits and otherwise forget it when that suits too…
I agree telling people what they can and can’t do in their spare time is a massive overreach. What irritates me is people will say “oh well I don’t do x in my spare time so it doesn’t affect me” I’m in the same boat but we are allowing employers to take away our civil liberties and it’s a slippery slope. It reminds me of the frog in the water getting slowly turned up, the frog doesn’t jump out and won’t notice until it’s to late. Inch by inch… How much are people prepared to give up before they realise it’s gone?
To me the recent 12-18 months have highlighted how fucken terrified people are of a tiny bit of morbidity and mortality.
how soft everyone, universally, seems to have gotten.
I think that it is because people in western nations are now too far removed from any major armed conflict when bunches of people died. It has been too long.
back in the day when most people knew a bloke or two who went to war and never came back – they wouldn’t run and hide under the bed if some virus took out some octogenarians. They’d just shrug and think “bad luck”.
now, if a virus takes out some old peeps, everyone is like “OMG OMG OMG, people DIED?! Isn’t it terrible? It must be prevented! No price is too high!”
“To me the recent 12-18 months have highlighted how fucken terrified people are of a tiny bit of morbidity and mortality.”
That’s what’s driving all this. “What if it was your family member that got it and died?!?” Well believe it or not we’re all going to die and if my 90 year old grandmother died then she had a good innings. Not to mention quality of life probably isn’t that great in an aged care facility anyway.
Honestly, what are we giving up to save 90 year olds that are going to die in 10 years anyway? If it was 9 year olds it would be a different story… I know it goes without saying but make no mistake we are not going back to life how it was pre-covid.
It’s the ultimate trolley-car problem, isn’t it? A real life experiment.
trolley car coming down the mountain, threatening to wipe out a few 80+ yos.
you control the switch to redirect the car to a different track, to save the 80+ yos. On the different track it will maim scores of 0-65 year olds, with some of them succumbing to those injuries in the next few years.
Well, everyone’s been yanking that switch!
Yep I love that scenario. Except in this real life experiment people want to save everyone, regardless of the cost. Problem is that the cost could be playing out in unseen ways which is what the bloke on QnA tried to convey. I think it’s very noble to want to save everyone but it’s not reality. If you’re 40 and need a stent put in but we are in lockdown to save a 90 year old in a nursing home and you die because you’re elective surgery gets canceled?
I was but a wee little peach trying my best to overachieve when a cynical old man told me “leave it, Peach, you can’t save everyone”
Profound wisdom. Lifechanging advice.
it’s not noble… anyone can think and say that because it’s easy….
dude… ppl were raising these points last year and getting called murderous psychos
This is partly true but not really the driver.
Back before modern medicine people dying before old age was a regular occurrence, Children died before adulthood. Against that backdrop a chance of death in war wasn’t the hugely unusual thing it is today.
As medicine has improved the willingness to expose people to risk of death has dropped and dropped and dropped.
Our cars are far safer than they were 40 years ago and we still need to continually reduce speed limits to make the roads safer.
Very good points, bjw.
especially the oldies
I already didn’t have much confidence in humanity before Covid.
The hysteria they let themselves get whipped into through the media has absolutely destroyed it.
Western civilisation has been in decline prior to Covid. I believe the decline started with neoliberalism. From a technological perspective we moved factories and the technological innovations to China. Now China has caught up technologically with the West. What did we get in return?
From a social perspective we progressed to a point of equality and fairness, but now that is being undone. White privilege is just a class war on the white working class who do not share the same ideology as the inner city progressives. At the same time, we are importing large amounts of working class who are non white and who are happy to deliver the progressives their meals, goods and other things they desire. These progressives are inadvertently doing the bidding for the neoliberals.
Then came Covid, we had a neurotic media who couldn’t work out whether we were all going to die or it was just a flu, but thy shall not mention a lab leak. The reality was something in between. We gave up freedoms, but with nothing promised back other than being good boys and girls. Not everyone lost their freedoms which really annoyed me. Construction was running full steam ahead and yet no one was social distancing on sites because you can’t. Outside mask wearing whilst walking around the block is something that they did to look like they are solving the problem. As you say not based on science.
My view is that Covid hastened the demise of Western civilisation. All these Quad alliances will not achieve much other than photo shoots if they don’t address the underlying factors driving the decline of Western civilisation.
Kent nishimura is one of the best guitarists ever imo. Plays the whole band on one guitar. Some small amount of double tracking on some but so good. My faves:
Just the two of us
Also excellent are sir duke, Africa, The hustle and everybody wants to rule the world.
Had a look at his JT2OU, amazing, guitar, bass and drums all in one.
Grover Washington is tha man though, so smooth:
Grover Washington Jr. – In Concert (1981)
With Steve Gadd on drums, the master of ‘In the pocket’.
He gets the melody as well!
I know people were queuing to hear my recommendation for a movie this weekend and I am sorry I disappointed, too much on my plate atm. 😉 Actually there is so much that it is too much for my dining table.
Super Troopers (2001)
A movie by Jay Chandrasekhar staring the Broken Lizard comedy group. Far from perfect and not quite deep thought stimulating type but that is not its purpose at all. It is a tongue in cheek silly movie which has plenty of elements for cult following. In this rare instance I would agree to only a small part of Ebert’s critic that this is “it’s the kind of movie that makes you want to like it” .
A -2 version was made 3 yrs ago and I am yet to see it.
You can watch it on BitChute.
Search for ‘Super Troopers’ and it is the second one down at NIGHTBREED’s channel.
That site is a quagmire. Did not find the search button. Can I search without login?
Anyway, here’s the link.
Yah mate, no need to log in, search is right next to BitChute logo in top left corner.
Just type and press return.
I don’t link to BitChute direct because it puts me in moderation.
You must be special. Check your privilege mate 😀
Of course I have privileges mate, I am wh…. I am whale, so big and strong.
I doubt there is a PC filter in links, just Max 2 links per post
Ok thanks.
Will try again later.
Always liked Super Troopers, even though it is a bit dumb.
Was just sent this as a recent recommendation by a not so serious friend – probably not a link you’d want to open in polite company.
The name is hilarious, I’ll have to find to see it.
Whaddaya know, it’s also on BitChute:
It’s only a short film, 26 minutes, and in black and white.
Time checks out according to imdb, but not sure if original was in B/W.
Will have to watch this one for sure.
Just watched it, I didn’t like it.
Not my kind of humour I guess.
The only redeeming thing is the music used, even the Bilitis tune from Francis Lai was quite fitting.
Blackrock investment firm is buying up whole neighbourhoods all around the US:
House prices in US are at record highs and look bubbly again.
Wouldn’t the prudent investment strategy be to wait for the crash and pick them up on the cheap?
Blackrock has $9 trillion(!) AUM, they will have contacts in the highest echelons of power.
So why are they buying houses at a premium?
Have they got too much cash on the balance sheet and don’t know what to do with it?
Or have they been advised that there is not going to be any crash because money printing will continue unabated, and high inflation or hyper inflation is around the corner and they want to position themselves accordingly, i.e. turn their soon to be worthless dollars into real assets before the SHTF?
Also interesting some linked Twitter posts mention this is part of the Great Reset, to make everybody a renter.
Remember? ‘You will own nothing and be happy’.
Any other thoughts?
IMO it’s both but more so the latter. It’s not communism if it’s the private sector doing it.
My only question is what is the extent of it in Australia?
US, Canada, Europe + UK are all following the same path, though not all are at the same level of progression.
We will have the same in AUS + NZ eventually I’m afraid.
“You will own nothing and be happy.”
Eat bugs, live in a pod, play video games = happiness.
Already started with agricultural land. Next stop commercial property and then residential land.
I’ve got mine now, so by all means let it rip. Prices to the moon, to double 7 years etc.
That’s the right attitude mate.
You’re a good economic unit of EZFKA that’s having a go. 😀
It is a game of chess (game theory). I suspect it works like this:
I note NSW has commenced the shift from stamp duty to land taxes.
I think it’s maybe about UBI
for low (or no) income earners that is going to be immediately capitalised into rents and (with leverage) house prices
food is a bit more elastic in supply and with hedonic variability to absorb price rises
everything else is non critical and won’t inflate so much (energy is a more complex topic)
Could very well be.
Society will go back to the middle ages. Ownership of land will be held by a few and in this case by money managers rather than nobility. The working class will swell and become the peasantry. We have already seen the woke ideology already do the digital equivalent of burning those who don’t agree or follow at the stake.
That’s the sort of future I’m also seeing.
Disagree. I think the woke ideology is very close to shattering. Sure this means a few years away, but it’s close.
From memory, in the late 30’s the British Empire held massive celebrations and shows of force, and was the undisputed global hegemon. By 1950, it was done.
By my reckoning, we are already in WW3, though it is limited to info, cyber and spec ops at the moment. It will become overtly kinetic at some point, but no idea when.
Right now we are in the middle, but things are already getting better as far as I can tell.
To be sure, just my view, but I’m pretty optimistic right now.
What you usually see in Marxist/Socialist/Communist groups is they start eating their own eventually.
i.e. It becomes a race to see who is the most virtuous, woke etc. and the movement destroys itself from the inside.
That’s what I’m hoping for.
Maybe it’s already happening.
Maybe. I mean yes, of course, but I’m not sure about the causality.
So back in 2012, it was discovered by the alt right folks that one strategy was to accelerate the ‘holiness spiral’ as the over time leftward drift you allude to was known.
If you do this enough, the echo chamber shatters and the left strategy of infiltration into whatever institution becomes useless. That and using shaming tactics, but that was something we took from the left.
10 years on, I think cancel culture is very difficult now to execute. Only big tech banning works and even that is failing. The resistance is off the charts.
The causality might be the other way is what I’m saying. The left always ends eating itself, because now everyone else stabs back.
Could be totally wrong of course, but I think left converged institutions are falling apart, and soon it’ll become an avalanche. Hopefully anyways.
How does it fall apart? IMO leftists only ever had bureaucratic power. They don’t start innovative new businesses. So large corps and gov employees (esp. HR) change their minds or are pushed out?
Essentially. Remember, the word apparatchik comes from the once all powerful ministers of the apparat, in the early history of the Soviet union.
Social technologies get old, and the once youthful and society altering institutions they spawned get old in tooth. Something new comes along from their enemies and everything changes. But largely life goes on.
But this time we have technology and the internet. So we can do better. I’m actually very optimistic about the long run if we can get through this patch.
How did they do that?
I can’t remember being very aware of the fight between alt right and the wokeness brigade in 2012, so would be interested to know.
What resistance is that?
I got the impression that it’s still happening lots.
Maybe I’m following the wrong sites on the interwebz to get the right info.
Again, would be interested to know where and how this resistance is doing its work.
Oh man both of those are full post worthy questions.
No problemo mister!
Maybe you can show something in one of your next episodes of Weekend Links when you feel like, just a quick 4000 word essay or some such would be adequate.
Nah, just kidding.
Whenever you have time if you can find some links to reading material or YT clips to point me in the right direction, that’s all I’m asking.
Only if/when you feel like though mate, no hurry.
There is, for example, a recent movement among Silicon Valley companies to reject and eject the woke, because they spend all their time wanking and virtue signalling and not actually working for the company. Basecamp and Coinbase are examples of what they call mission focussed companies, and the wailing of the woke is stupendous. Any search engine will help you discover more.
Yeah, as was aware of those Basecamp and Coinbase.
I just wasn’t aware that the resistance was of the charts yet, I thought they were more the exception.
Good to hear though.
I’d rather have a large corporate in charge of renting that a cottage industry like we have now. It’d be much easier to hold large institutions to account than small time landlords.
I remember reading an article not so long ago about some big companies that bought up a lot of houses and apartment blocks in the US after the GFC.
The maintenance of the buildings and treatment of the renters was terrible.
If I can find it I’ll post it later.
To be honest I’m surprised it’s taken this long for the financialisation of housing to re emerge again. I note that article referenced a Texas estate. Texas still has some of the cheapest property going in the western world, in a place that is actually worth living in. So I’d argue even paying over the market there doesn’t mean much as Texas is cheap anyway.
I’d argue it’s just big money doing whatever it can to chase yields.
I like Texas also.
Problem it’s right on the Mexican border.
People have the right attitude in Texas. Only a lot of Californians are now fleeing there. They turned LA and San Fran into shitholes with high taxes and now they come with the same destructive feel good attitudes to Texas. I really hope they have learned their lesson (Yeah right! Who am I kidding)
Bitcoin has been trading in a slightly downward sloping channel that formed from around 20 May.
The El Salvador news hasn’t been enough for a break-out of this channel to the upside.
So Bitcoin looks weak and probability is greater for lower lows.
Next support at ~T(ether)20k?
I’m trying my TA skills here so any other views appreciated.
$24k calls… it is an event horizon that is impossible to avoid in my honest opinion. Then at some unknown point after that, Saylor’s doomsday machine gets activated.
Activation of the Doomsday Machine…
Can’t deny I’m not a little bit intrigued by that possibility.
Going to get interesting for sure.
Also have stopped denoting Bitcoin in $ as T(ether) more appropriate me thinks.
Let’s see the chart with your lines all over it then!
There’s not that many lines bud.
T20k is just the previous 2017 top which should offer support if it gets there.
Nice and simple!
That’s the way I like it.
All I use is MA and Fibonacci.
Not trading Bitcoin though.
Hey, drawing lines between points on charts is entirely credible!
To each their own.
Some like fundamentals, some like technicals.
I think the best is if you can combine both.
Work out first if you like the fundamentals and then look at the chart to wait for a good entry point.
My problem is I can look at charts non stop.
But if I have a look at a quarterly report my eyes glaze over after 2 minutes, so I’m stuck drawing lines between points.
Seasonal flu stats have disappeared. Well, who would have thought they were inflating the stats? It’s a miracle!
Influenza is supposed to kill masses of people every year, but in my entire life I’ve never known a single person who had the disease, let alone known or even heard of a single person ever dying of it. This seems odd, to me.
Everyone with a runny nose calls it “the flu”, but I think actual influenza is almost non-existent, and always has been. The whole flu shot thing also appears bogus.
Masses is relative, people die from flu. the sorts of people who also die from wuflu. people who are already immune compromised in some way mostly. I’ve had flu.
it sux. it’s more than a runny nose, it is aches all over and a week in bed.
This because the death is associated to a prominent comorbidity. IMV most people will perceive influenza death as something that “finished her/him off” irrespective if the other illnesses intensity. Aged people are illness galore. Human life has doubled since medieval times but what is required for life past 70 to be with good health has not changed by much in positive side (e.g. lack of food was changed into abundance of junk food).
Ah comrade Dan wants permanent emergency powers. Not good enough finding cases every time they’re about to expire. I know they’re permanent in other states but this guy has shown how abusive he will be. And that Fiona Patten is a joke.
Emergency powers should only ever be temporary. Victoria had it right in the past with them being temporary and of a fixed duration. It was a good feature that the leadership had to come back and justify the measures.
But… But… It’s for your own good buddy!
MB Weekend Reading 134 comments
EZFKA Weekend Links 167 comments
😈 👍 🤹🏻♂️ 🥰 😛 😎 💥 🔥 🏇 🏴☠️ 🇦🇺 🇳🇱 !!!!!
First Prize goes to Peachy 🏆 🥇 💝 🆗 Hooray!!!!!!!!
God knows I did my bit, blabbermouth…
Well done Peachy in setting up this website!
It’ll be hilarious if it turns out that a bunch of semi competent/commited misanthropes can produce content at mb scale for free.
🤣 😂 🤣 😂
We’d need to do data analysis and produce charts.
I am sure someone can do a time series chart of APRA stats and out a wolf face on it.
we’ve had charts, man
“Oops! That page can’t be found.”!!!!
*we’d need to copy and paste/link charts and data analysis
Give it time, it will happen. Years ago if you said that people would volunteer their time to produce a free encyclopedia to rival the likes of Encyclopedia Britannica no-one would have taken you seriously. Yet we now have Wikipedia.
Peachy would be feeling pretty vindicated right now, 250 v 150 give or take 😁
I think Peachy will feel a teensy bit of schadenfreude.
schadenfreude | ˈʃɑːd(ə)nˌfrɔɪdə | | German ˈʃɑːdənˌfrɔydə |
noun [mass noun]
pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune: a business that thrives on Schadenfreude | a frisson of Schadenfreude.
A few posters including myself were calling out Robbie Barwick for his weekly cheering on China, and his reference to propaganda articles that “disprove” the virus was started in a lab. Nothing hostile in the comments. Anyways, I notice a whole heap of comments have been shadow banned by Robbie. The irony.
Lol. I didn’t mind his work on Australia Post but Barwick is a bit hit and miss for my taste.
They also did good work on getting the Act for the cash ban for anything dearer than 10k not to go through.
Someone was asking for charts. Chart of the week.
Whocouldanode this would happen if you pay people more with Covid UBI to stay home than go back to work.
US Births vs Inflation
The US births is shown with a 25 year lag.
So if you move the top from ~1982 25 years to the left it ends up approximately where inflation starts to rise and relations parties start to fall.
Am I interpreting that correctly?
I interpret it as the baby boomers causing inflation and then discovering contraception. I wouldn’t read to much into it personally.
RBA magazine cover. Facepalm.
Et tu Haroldus 😂🤣😂
Is that for real?
Lowe makes 1 milli a year and needs help with his debts?
It is meant to be Lowe answering a call on the helpline. The microphone is not in position. I presume it is a “we care” message helping out during covid.
But when you say it is real… Imagine if it was real:
Lowe: hello… National Debt Helpline
Caller: hi…those fuckers at the RBA forced house prices too high and now I can’t cope with my repayments
Lowe: oh… I can fix that… I will cut teh rates
Oh ok!
Thanks for clarifying that.
I felt sorry for the poor bloke (bloke!)
I will cut teh rates
OPEN TEH GATES!!!!111!!!
Holy shit someone made a video of Trump and Putin crashing the G7 it’s hilarious
Wait for the Putin dance bit!
I like!
Sleepy Joe meets Putin:
Bitcoin has made a rally!
Broken out of the channel to the upside, looks like a powerful move, don’t think it’s a false breakout. Would be better if it did a re-test of the upper channel line first to confirm.
Looking at it with my amateur TA eyes it can go back up to between ~T42k and ~T52k, (broad range due to high volatility).
Delayed El Salvador news or something else?
Maybe someone here knows?
Looks technically driven to me – been very oversold on the weekly for some time. I don’t have much in expectations for it to get much above 45k, but if it does then agree 52k could be in play again.
Agree about looking technically driven.
It follows TA theory quite well, just the volatility is off the charts sometimes.
That drop from 10 May was massive and almost vertical.
If it wouldn’t have any meaningful rebound from T30k it would’ve looked really bad for Bitcoin.
Looks like Elon made another tweet.
Love em or loathe em, this is quite possibly the scariest shit I’ve seen in a long time.
Speechless. I hope what Jordie is alleging can be proven and Barilaro ends up having to explain himself to ICAC.
I was thinking that with an EV that we would never have the issue of not being able to start the car due to a flat battery. The muppets at Tesla have not only made this a thing, they have made it a much more painful experience than a combustion engine.
James May’s Tesla Model S has failed! – YouTube
That is ridiculously poor engineering. Why am i not surprised.
Although it’s a fairly similar level of painful as some modern ICE cars.
uh oh
this is really unbelievable
MPs using the police to attack their political opponents
It’s terrifying. Fascism here we come.