‘Most successful multicultural country’ now successfully balkanising due to multiculturalism

Australia’s status as the world’s most successful multicultural country has been re-affirmed, with the expulsion of a Muslim senator from the ALP now resulting in the ‘Muslim vote’ being mobilised.

Within hours of Afghani Fatima Payman crossing the floor against the ALP after a vote on Palestine, Muslims have organised to vote against incumbent Labor MP’s.

“It’s almost as if that’s the whole point of multiculturalism – an ethnic head count designed to white ant the host population dressed up as food and shiny brochures with smiling Africans on them,” Dr Andrew Markus said.

“This is exactly why it should never be allowed in Israel, but is a perfect fit for every white majority country in the world. It’s payback for colonisation. Senator Payman knows this.”

Conservatives have vowed to fight back, by complaining online and then prostrating themselves in front of Muslims to show how not racist they are.

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The only time I’ll be prostrating myself in front of Muslims is when it provides a more stable firing position.


Luckily all the others are hardworking, diligent and competent
Wonder what they mean by “her”.
Don’t know about you but I think sacking would be go.


paywall, what does it say


good, taste of labor’s own medicine. i hope fatima all the best in trashing and making a travesty of our entire political system, though for different reasons than her own. the fact that the entire apparatus is structured around which side you’re supposed to be on in a conflict 10,000 KM away between people that have nothing to do with us is what is truly absurd, and any political system that such a phenomenon has spawned from deserves to be flushed straight down the dunny.

if it weakens the current structure i’m all for it.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

True dat. Nobody should give even the tiniest of shits about wogs slaughtering each other on the other side of the planet. All the Sturm and drang everywhere else in the world over this tiny conflict shows how stupid everything is. And where was all the outcry when Assad and Co were butchering Syrians in the millions, not to mention all the wars in Africa?


looks like she owns a stack of investment properties too lmao

you couldnt make this shit up man

she really is one of us!!!!


this country is a sick fucking joke that we let these spooks in and make everything unaffordable for the locals

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

She’ll be very much wanting infinity immigrants now.


Labor luvvies will really be torn up by this “Teal style” move.

Sucked in you dheads.

We are going to need to build a wall around the suburbs as they turn into Sharia law ghettos and No Go zones. Last one out turn out the lights please.



A fly in your ointment

….when Assad and Co were butchering Syrians in the millions…

LOL of the day.
I needed it, tnx


I have been busy with D level trolling of lefties calling for more ‘diversity’, and observing how it makes us ‘stronger and more united’.

Rubbing their face in reality when their values have turned it to such shit, is really satisfying.

Agent 47

Saar why is your street clean saar


That’s mind boggling.



Gruppenführer Mark

It was posted on reddit a few years back, seems to be a result of a tsunami.

But there are a couple of other studies done recently that do show India, Korea and China as the worst for sewerage flows into rivers and oceans. Example 1. Example 2.

NE US, Mexico, parts of Europe, Africa and Middle East feature too.


This seems a little more balanced thanks


More Pajeet enjoyment, this one gives on every level. Look into your future EZFKA coupon holders…


lmaooooooo theyre on the roof in parliament house rn this is too funny


anyone around there can confirm they still up there?


Can someone explain the difference between the US January 6th protesters and this?

I assume Your ABC will pump out endless reports on this “attack on democracy“, blame Dutton for facilitating it etc.


Saw a Jeep parked on the street with two Palestinian flags sticking out from either side the other day. Some old boomer woman was standing near it with an ashen face. There’s nothing to say anymore really other than you gutless loser or something.


“Conservatives have vowed to fight back, by complaining online” and here we are.


You must keep cool and thoughtful in times of stress.

the arborist

police identified the trio as 26-year-old Leroyernest Joseph McCrary of Compton, 18-year-old Jaden Cunningham of Lancaster and 18-year-old Malachi Edward Darnell of Los Angeles

These are the sort of names (and behaviours) created when low IQ is matched with a high level of unwarranted pride.

Gruppenführer Mark

What are you on about? With a surname like McCrary, the gentleman is certainly of Irish or Scottish lineage?

And another fine gentleman hails from Lancaster, so English?

And third, Malachi, certainly Jewish?


Photo of Mccrary being arrested.

Unconfirmed if he was wearing Guinness branded shorts.

Needs further description as a scholar etc though.

Need to match Melbourne media with it’s descriptions of Sudanese gangs doing violent home invasions etc “Teens” “local teen” etc

Gruppenführer Mark

Was probably an aspiring rocket surgeon

the arborist

He dindu nuffin to be sure, to be sure.


Your ABC back to its highly successful version of EZFKA socialism…

8 minutes and not one mention of the Infinity Migration smashing the property market.

Suggests that Developers are sitting on planning approvals “all over Sydney” because they can’t make enough profit (yeh right, huge holding costs and record high construction costs aren’t worth mentioning).


Awesome Propadee Expert also said “we did not have a correction to the property market in the way many countries did post GFC”… Jeez I must have imagined 2008-2010.

Agent 47

Such faggots the Betoota boyz

They’re a bunch of Young Libs, trying to be edgy.

The minute they inherit and get the parents’ land and inner Sydney hoom all their shit stops.


Betoota became a lot less funny from their position on the voice.

Their social articles are good, their political ones best avoided.


And this says so much about them and their place in the Canberra political elites.


Ok time is now.

Who is / where is the best source of BTC advice?

Gruppenführer Mark



My prediction from some months back is pretty much on track imo. Stewie and others had some great detail to add.



Technicals to me are a retracement back to 70,000 AUD then probably the next boom


Sounds about right


Nah Peachy is a far better at picking trends and trading too no doubt, I find fat tails but then get cocky. I think you made a call a while back of 52k which could well be hit over night.

There is a good chance the MtGox insolvency could be over blown – a lot of the creditors have already long sold out to hedge funds, so the potential sell of threat could be over blown. It is definitely gunna be volatile for a bit.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

Best advice is “get off zero”


I wanna be this guy. In my 60s and cannon fodder. There’s nothin’ else to do. They had no mail orders in the 1800s.



If you’re in your 60s and you don’t got nothing much else going for you go and fight a nigger.


Like imagine that’s all you’ve got. Death or some sort of shitty stew waiting for you. That stew would taste so good after you killed a few niggers. Based.


What’s the TLDR on Jacobitism.


Were they gay or not? They sound a bit gay.


With Muslims congregating in enclaves in Sydney and Mebourne, and given our shit electoral system, we’re going to see a lot more muslims in both houses in the coming years. A muslim party could probably get 4 lower house seats and a couple of senate seats right now.

Of course, they’d have to put up with their electoral offices being set on fire with buckets of flaming pig fat every few days.

the arborist

Do they do it for fun or to impress the girls? Either way, they can keep their disgusting culture in their own shitty country. They can fuck off with vibrancy and diversity.


There really is some special cognition required to believe that it’s great to drench yourself in shit.

We must import more of these people to Australia, to drench themselves in shit, rape all the white women and corrupt every aspect of our society.

And I recommend thinking of this pic when taking a food order from the hand of an Indian delivery driver, which is something I would never do, BTW.


I admit this made me laugh, the IDF are really trolling the muzzies



That’s excellent work innit?


I was making dinner tonight and the missus made the mistake of watching SBS news with me in the room.

The stern news matriarch doing the story decided she was going to ‘trace’ the source of the Tories downfall. It began with the Cameron fuckwit who allowed the Brexit vote to go ahead, it then went on about how Cameron resigning Brexit occuring and then a trigger of prime ministers.

Then suddenly, nearly 10 years after the event and winning multiple elections including winning a snap election in 2019, they have been defeated.

It was obvious that SBS and establishment are going to try to frame the Tories defeat as a result and blowback of pursuing Brexit – even though it occurred nearly 10 years ago.

This of course caused me to flip out and start ranting that the real reason for the Tories anhelation had been what they’d done to immigration – the same thing that Labor is doing to Australia. As an Australian my missus is completely ignorant of the immigration in the UK (I tend to rant about Australia in specific and the West in general).

She was skeptical until I showed her the below graph. This is what the barren narrative keeping matriarch on SBS dared not admit – that it was opening the flood gates to mass migration post 2019 that destroyed the conservatives, just like I am pleased to see that it is destroying Labor. If only they weren’t destroying my country at the same time.

But she got why I was angry and ranting at the telly – SBS and the media are desperate to frame the pursuit of Nationalist policies as the ruin of the UK Conservatives. When in fact it was the complete opposite, it was the Globalist extremist immigration policy that destroyed the so called Conservatives.

If my wife didn’t have me informing her, then she would have accepted the narrative that Nationalist policies, like Brexit are political poison. They are in narrative establishment mode – which you always see emerge at these sort societal ruptures.

You don’t hate the media enough. You think you do, but you don’t.

the arborist

Good work. I think one of the most important things we can do is to make friends and family aware of these culture-and-civilisation-destroying issues. If they’re already aware, talk about the issues anyway. The more familiar they are with the issues and the more comfortable they are discussing them, the more they will do the same with their own circles of acquaintances.

One of our biggest enemies is mass media. We have word of mouth and social media. We need to use everything we have to counter the very well resourced enemy.


Yeah – my long suffering missus is much better informed than most, but it is a hard slog.

Most people have no appreciation of just how manipulative the media are, and in general when you start pointing inconsistencies out they either turn off, start mocking you or getting angry.

The media in general serve as a miss-information service, pushing the globalist Uniparty narrative in all instances. The results of the UK election being but the most recent emerging example, but really stretching back years.

I probably started losing faith in the media in the lead up to the GFC and completely and irreversibly lost faith observing how they attacked Trump, hide evidence and promoted fake news.

Now I think most people would be better off with no news, and support breaking up every media company to the point that it is now larger than Michael West Media. Media companies should be Proprietor Limited, and nothing else.


They voted Labor though. Me thinks they have a situation similar to Australia. Woke traitor propadee investors.


Same with me, am working slowly to hep others around me see the world as it is.

No MSM, haven’t watched news for 3-4 years now. Actively laugh in public when I hear activists in the the media say their narrative. Happily state in all friendship groups that journalists are our enemy, to blame for much of what that person is complaining about.

No one gets a leave pass now, any complaint I hear gets from me a “well you voted for it”.

One rusted on Chardonnay Socialist I know tried to suggest I would rather Sky News Peta Credlin when I stated that a news item was probably fake because it was on the ABC. It confuses them when you state you hate both sides equally, they need you to take a side to feel comfortable. Having an easily laughed at position (left or right) makes these people feel better about themselves. They will never look themselves in the mirror and say they were wrong on Covid.

The whole Covid disaster seemed to become a Left v Right issue, as usual the Left took the hardline we-are-correct trust the science etc pro Vacc stance. The right and centerists lost all credibility and ground, anyone questioning the media and therefore the science was a loony cooker. They folded meekly, giving more and more power to the Left. No one with any balls could take a stance from the right, especially considering the Left controls the media.

So where is the way out? As many have stated, we’re not voting our way out of it, especially when the electoral system is rigged against this happening.

Gruppenführer Mark

So where is the way out? As many have stated, we’re not voting our way out of it, especially when the electoral system is rigged against this happening.

Rebuild manufacturing. Recognise national interests over allies’ interests. Stop uncontrolled immigration. Create sovereign fund from coal/gas/iron ore exports. Take government control over vital industries (natural resource mining mostly). Find our own sense of national identity not aligned with US, China or whoever is the power du jour. Equals not vassals. A pool of leaders that support the above.

Yeah, not a chance in hell, unfortunately.


Solidarity, brother!


“One rusted on Chardonnay Socialist I know tried to suggest I would rather Sky News Peta Credlin when I stated that a news item was probably fake because it was on the ABC. It confuses them when you state you hate both sides equally, they need you to take a side to feel comfortable.”


They are such two dimensional thinkers that they can’t comprehend that the Democracy or Viewpoints they are comparing are no different to views on different TV channels in some communist nation – it makes no difference whether it is Channel9, Sky, ABC or SBS, they just different wings of the Globalist Uniparty.

Without Nationalism, Globalism exists unopposed. There is no real opposition to the subtle Globalist Dictatorship, because the only possible opposition to it rests in ideas founded in Nationalism.

Consequently all Nationalist sentiments have now been deliberately stigmatised and/or slowly cut out of our social narrative, by the gatekeeping of empathy hacked journalists.


Me thinks they have a situation similar to Australia. Woke traitor propadee investors.

The Property Developers are just the fig leaf enablers – it is the guys in the background doing the really important lobbying that are to blame…. our Banks.

In each of these nations, the UK, Canada, NZ and especially Australia, all have outsized Financial Systems relative to their base economies.

The Banks have grown to such size and to such a component of the economy, that it means the only way that their economies can continue to grow is through immigration, which is totally destroying everyone else’s existing quality of life.

When your Financial system is 30% of the exchange, it it isn’t growing at 2% a year, which is now only achievable by importing credit clean skins, then your economy is going to grow slower and you are going to get a credit downgrade, cause guess what – that existing debt you borrowed now looks like it is going to take even longer to pay back.

Is is no surprise that in Australia when Labor held its fake Jobs summit, that the main guests appearing were the CEO of each of the Big Four banks who implored the Govt to raise immigration because it was so bad that “Cafe owners couldn’t find people to work as Barristas”. (qt Ross McEwan).

It is the Banks that should be being the number one targets of most patriotic Australians rage. They should be broken up, the broken up again and broken up one more time.

Propadee Investors are just the useful idiots who they are loading up on credit in our neoliberal rentier societies.


To the absolute letter, there is not one activist writing the drivel in Australian media that you would piss on when (hopefully) they are on fire.

Real estate dribblers are invariably midwit mid thirties aged without any investment background. If they aren’t living in their Mum’s backroom they are sucked into the rental crisis Ike a lemming.

We don’t get the media enough.

Not saying I’m a fan, but it’s interesting to see Musk send this tweet…


Your house sounds like my house.

My missus is (was) a gentle leftie who believed whatever the MSM told her. Today, she has an eye opening revelation from me every week or so. Covid, immigration, media corruption, the US Presidency, Trump…you name it, I gently deliver the truth.


Single women are married to the state – their safety and freedom is completely dependent upon it.

The first thing a man must do when he marries a woman is divorce her from the state. imho in today’s day and age that must begin with the social narrative that the state controls through its media and propaganda arms.

Any man who fails to do this is remiss of his basic responsibilities as a man, and is at heart probably a woman or apathetic man child undeserving of what is between his legs.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

I humbly suggest this needs to happen before the marriage.


This Mong has just been voted in as an MP and his inbreds are just an example of what this country is heading.

Muslims will simply escalate their damage to this country now



At least he got a threesome out of it.


i don’t trust the GayI craze at all. this is a bubble just waiting to pop, except unlike the dotcom boom which left useful shit in its wake, this is going to leave mostly nothing.


This Payman stuff is hilarious.

Albanese now comes across as hostile to women, migrants and people of faith.

The ALP can no longer take any high ground and appear no different from the LNP in terms of controlling their members – Bridget Archer was white anted for crossing the floor, and Fatima Payman is now receiving similar treatment.

Threatening to refer her to the courts from “unnamed Labor sources” over Citizenship renunciation/S44 now exposes them as bullies and beholden to the faceless party men.

Also bought and paid for by the Zionist lobby by going against their own policy platform.

There’s a theme often seen in workplace bullying cases. The employer will claim the victim never said anything, ignoring the presence of any power imbalance. Today Albanese has said that Payman never said anything about the Palestine/Israel situation in Caucus. Hmm.

With even rusted ons talking about tearing up their membership, this should fracture the ALP.


So much for Reform disappointing…

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes, I expected Nigel to do better. Especially with a misguided front page from THE masthead. Will try to find the photo.

Here it is.


Reform did well to get seats at all. UK first past the post voting tends to allocate seats disproportionately. Lib Dems had the time and experience to organise tactically and build up loyalty in particular regions. Farrage’s biggest problem is age and time. Like our Pauline, he needs to build a movement and plan for succession.


Agreed but dig into their results a bit and they had good overall vote numbers but the voting system is similar to ours in that it is rigged in favour of the main Uni party.

Here is the acceptance speech from a Labor woman being heckled by Muslim men.


I would have guessed that Farage did well on a short run up, not that well organised (unlike the machines of Labor), and had something to build on. Problem is that Starmer has a 5 year term, so they are fucked.


This is the new UK Foreign Minister (irony much?) when he was clickbaiting about violent crime in Opposition, complaining about the lack of police (hint that guy behind you over the road is a policeman).


Gruppenführer Mark

Let’s also see how second round of French elections go. There were reports of some anti Le Pen candidates withdrawing so they do not split the left or Macron vote.

Also, second round of elections in Iran to replace Raisi, who died in an unfortunate helicopter accident.


That move by the Left is your classic political bastardry missed by a pathetic media.

The Greens (have they still got any Green policies these days?) in EZFKA have just got into this since Albo came in. The Greens are now the most evil turds in politics in EZFKA, but people still think they’re a bunch of sad hippies.

The situation in France is interesting, because they really have a Far Left faction that would bankrupt the country. They have a sizeable vote because many French people are just plain retarded.

Found this:

“Macron’s outgoing prime minister, Gabriel Attal, said Macron’s centrist candidates would only drop out of races where they came in third if National Rally’s remaining opponent was “another candidate — who, like us — defends the values of the republic.”

Rahman, the political analyst, said only a “handful” of candidates might be deemed too extreme by Macron’s alliance to be supported. He expects a high degree of mobilization to prevent far-right victories in individual constituencies Sunday.”


The Uni-party in action


I actually agree; they did well. My point was that they weren’t disappointing, contrary to the usual doomer opinions made here.

I know that it is early days, but if something is going to change, this is how it starts.

Starmer will pull back, TPTB knows what we know and will attempt to re-align – there is major push back in Europe and it can go either way.


by disappointing people were referring to what they would actually do in office, not their election performance


What a bunch of worthless hoo ha. They’ll never get anywhere. Good bye whitey.


yep, breed out like the Greeks and Italians when the mussies invaded them and raped all the women, now just a crumbling shell of what they were.

Mediterranean countries haven’t progressed an inch since, instead piggybacking on northern European dominance over the last few centuries.


Can’t recall the EZFKA media even covering the Bolivia coup attempt, but before it gets memory holed completely…

Imagine anyone in the media questioning the CIA involvement, let alone asking Joe Biden about it




Makes sense why Elon and a few other powerful elite would be cosying up to Melei in Argentina

Gruppenführer Mark

In light of the increasing degree of Israel/Hamas conflict and Israel openly stating that they will attack Lebanon, with Hezbollah getting involved more and more, with Iran very likely to become an active player, with US “boots on the ground”, what can be the outcome?

If Israel uses nukes, how much more will they erode whatever support they still enjoy? Is Sampson option plausible? If the state of Israel seize to exist as we know it today, what consequences will their powerful lobby groups around the world suffer?

Lots of ifs, but what are your thoughts?


Have to defer to others on this, but interesting to see this


“When Keir Starmer makes the move to Number 10 following his landslide victory, the Prime Minister’s official residence will house a Jewish family for the first time in recent history.

Starmer’s wife, Victoria, has kept a relatively low profile throughout her husband’s campaign. The former solicitor was born to a Jewish father with Polish ancestry, and her mother converted to the faith.

The couple are now raising their children in the faith, and belong to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in St Johns Wood, in London”

Gruppenführer Mark

the Prime Minister’s official residence will house a Jewish family for the first time in recent history.

And in not so recent history? My knowledge of UK politics is not so strong.


Disraeli back in the 1800s.


The infinity migration makes sense now. He knows to do what he’s told.


This was interesting, none in the media missed the parallels with the J6 or dared say anything about the obviously menacing tones and attacks on democracy etc

Red triangle meaning?

the inverted red triangles used by the Al-Qassam Brigades to indicate targets in their released videos.”


Very convenient to declare Australia stolen land when you are trying to take it for yourselves.


can you be Jewish if your mother isn’t Jewish? Paging Stewie!


So it turns out that the first Jewish hostage released by Hamas after the October 7 raid was ‘special’.

Liz Hirsch Nafthali purchased Hunter Biden’s artwork, which has widely been recognised as a cover for laundering money to the Bidens. In return in July 2022 she was appointed by Joe Biden to the United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.

A Biden administration official told Business Insider that Naftali was recommended for her preservation board post by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and that she didn’t land the position through the art deal.

The biggest portion of Hunter Biden’s art sales went to a mystery buyer of 11 artworks for $875,000.

Grifting her way into the Biden family also paid off because she was singled out first for release above anyone else.

Nothing to see here, move along.


The guy with all the info goes by the name Marco Polo on X, and has recently published a book on Hunter Biden and the 459 crimes uncovered in Hunter Biden’s laptop.


“Among Hunter Biden’s art buyers is Kevin Morris, a wealthy lawyer who reportedly lent him $2 million to pay off back taxes, Business Insider reported. It’s not known whether Morris was the top buyer in the most recent sale.

Bergès has refused to cooperate with House Oversight Committee requests for the names of art buyers.”


Judaism is a highly racist religion that despises those who marry out of their faith. The list of names they have for half breed Jews is far longer than the one that Germans came up with.

So firstly there is the stigma and secondly there is the religious interpretations to try and prevent men marrying out of the Jewish community and protecting Jewish women by ensuring there are always Jewish men about to marry them.

Thus they further stigmatise outward marriage by cursing any male Jew who marries outward, as having non-Jewish kids who then have to technically undergo ceremonies to become Jewish, while blessing any Jewish woman who was so ugly and unpleasent that she had to marry a Goyim. But these customs ad rules are mainly about Jewesses snearing down at the offspring of guys who married out and ignored them.

So technically no – if a Jewish man marries a non-Jew then technically the child is not immediately Jewish.

However this ignores the fact that when tracing back ancestry back to old testament times, it is always proudly done through the male linage (even if half of the ‘ancestors’ are made up after they go back beyond 10 generations).

So male linage is obviously important to them, which also gels with me because it is through the male linage that most sons and daughters get their political orientation through:


So personally when you view Jewishness as being associated to Jewish thought and political stances, then Yes, you can be Jewish if your mother isn’t Jewish.


Thanks Stewie, great response


While the ABC is ripping itself up over Labor vs some Muslim chick, and Albo is crying because he wants the media to talk about his (Scomo’s) tax cuts, here’s your rental in Sydney for $360 per week, pillow extra

Gruppenführer Mark

Here in WA there is a lot of anger building up against eastern states investors buying up properties because “cheaper” compared to Syd or Melb. Sight unseen.

Rentals in 700/800/wk range going fast. Over 1000/wk a bit slower. That’s 52K per year for a rental, more than a median wage in this state, after taxes. Crazy.

An acquaintance of mine tried to buy a house for his family with 2 young kids for about a year. Several offers, above asking price. No luck. Having to go into suburbs that were not of interest before, but purely based on affordability. Decided to change strategy, rent where they want to live and get investment property or two in hopes to beat the market in some time in the future. Not sure I agree with the strategy but I understand.



A mate has a property in Sicktoria which was leased to a single female for $550/wk, good tenant looked after the place etc. Lease ending and Vic Labor have ramped up land tax etc now about another $150/wk. He spoke to the agent, said he just wanted to cover the increased costs. She said she couldn’t afford it.

Agent said put it back on the market for $750/wk, had 50+ groups through and a couple of faggots made a bid of $850. Done.

Thanks Labor.


unit or house ?



He tried to do her a favour, and if the Vic Labor government weren’t total and utter cunts, she would still have a place to live. This is the Labor way however


I went to a family 21st party today. My sister was there, along with her daughter, my niece. My niece suffered myocarditis after receiving the Pfizzler vaccine, which turned into POTS. This is a condition where the heart no longer responds to load by beating faster to increase blood supply to the body.

A few years ago she was a national level athlete and managed a chain of gyms. She was a boisterous young woman, full of life, and you always knew when she was in the room.

Today, she showed up in pyjamas looking pale with big dark rings under her eyes, and spent the entire party lying on a sofa, barely moving or saying a word. My sister said she wasnt doing so well with the POTS. She (my niece) tottered over and gave me a hug as we left and quietly apologised for not speaking to during the party. I’m a flint hearted bastard, and I’ve been through a lot of shit, but that tiny weak hug and those whispered words from a once strong young woman brought tears to my eyes.

Her life has already been utterly fucking shattered. Seeing her today a pale and feeble shadow of her former self, I now wonder how long her life is going to be. I suspect not very long at all.

There will be a reckoning, mark my fucking words.


So sorry for her, this is so sad. Senseless in every way.

The Covid cheer squad never see or think of this.


So sorry to hear that.

I’ve had two acquaintances in the past month come down with Bell’s Palsy, what are the odds of that happening?


Before covid, about eleventy million to one. Now, such things are commonplace.

I believe Justin Bieber and his wife both developed it near simultaneously. Absolutely impossible odds, once upon a time.


That is awful. None of my immediate family took it, but my cousin took it after his cancer operation. With the cancer was mostly gone, his immune system needed to mop up the remains. After he took the vaccine, the cancer markers in his blood tests shot up again. He died believing that the vaccine took his immune system’s attention for itself and away from the cancer, causing it to return.

While I am not happy with what happened, and the coercion, people made their choices.

Hopefully there will be a lot more disobedience if they pull that shit again.

However, there will be no reckoning. Instead, we are getting our very own CDC, designed to implement the dictat of the WHO.

Aussie Soy Boy

They all made their own free choices and will have to live with any consequences.


Could easily be Australia border control:



I want to see this guy as Chief of Stff to Fatima Payman.

I mean, what’s the issue right?



The muslims, for all their many flaws, have it right about homosexualists.


Albo is such a retard, he struggles to say basic words. Decision….

He’s been well briefed though, and knows this Islamic push is harmful to Australia.



He is a very unimpressive figure, in every regard.


You don’t hate journalists and the media enough.

When you have activists like this one working so hard to destroy the country you have to wonder who is driving his agenda? Who is employing him to do this and why?


Lol – he just did a variation of the meme:

Speak for yourself. I love the Australia of today. The diversity is edifying. There are challenges, but most of those can be addressed with good government and a gracious populace. A lot of homogenous countries are having problems too. Wealth disparity is more an issue



The guy claims to be an economist…


chef goblino lol

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

He’s just a faggot he’d be like that jew or not. I’m pretty sure guys like that were quarantined by being bashed in the good old days. Say pre 1970.


the more i think about it, why do normiecons care if there’s a ‘muslim’ political party in a few suburban electorates that all vote labor? you know where all the electorates are in australia that have a lot of muslims because they’re the only places outside of rural QLD that actually voted majority no for the SSM postal vote, and they’re almost all labor strongholds. all payman’s maneuver will do is fracture their political enemies in places that dont vote LNP anyway. this is a gift from heaven for the LNP and their supporters are all sooking about it? no wonder all conservatives can ever do is lose.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

Yeah – its Labor’s Democratic Labor Party crisis all over again, only this time its with Muslims.


what was the democratic labor party


It was a shism in the Aust Labor back in the 1950s. I think it was the Catholics breaking away because there were too many Greek communists entering the Labor party.


That’s what I’m confused about, is this new Muslim political movement going to be based, in which case I’ll probably support them over the rest of the crap being served up, or is going to be some working class version of the Teals designed to attract votes from virtue signalling womyn and soy boys?


Looks fine. This is the elected mayor of Brighton, lots of faggots there so that will be fun…



i dont even know what its going to be if anything at all besides complaining about israel. im guessing not much more than that


Imagine being a “journalist” who targets your local national heroes and shames them without having the balls to actually prosecute it, but ignores this ?


the arborist

But the media told me that Russian soldiers are all evil nazis and Ukraine soldiers are all perfect angels who we should admire. I just don’t know what to believe anymore.

Agent 47


Gruppenführer Mark

I don’t get the joke.

But I get this one.


France is going to the polls, it’s looking good for a strong swing back to the Right and some anti immigration sense for once but the media want them to lose their nerve.


Maybe not so much. They’ve turned out to be majority leftie softcocks after all. They deserve everything they get, which will be more invaders, more Islam and further societal collapse.

This was their chance to turn it around, perhaps their last chance, and they fucked it.


Labor in the UK, no Le Pen in France, normies are detestable, craven low lives.


Getting past the centrist-leftist firewall will be fucking hard everywhere

Not sure it’ll happen outside of homogeneous Eastern European countries

Realistically it’s an uphill slog when migrants already have the numbers to elect their own representatives who have no policies relevant to legazens


i don’t trust any of these nationalist lite parties. i dont know why people arent looking at them w more skepticism after what happened with that fake in italy


France is fucked, they deserve the hell they have allowed and chosen.





Yeah, no more sympathy for those fuckwits from me.

From now on, every time there’s a gang rape or a beheading or a bombing in France I’ll be cheering the Muslims on and wishing misery on the cheese eating surrender monkeys.

They deserve everything they voted for.


At least it removes the talking point that by voting for anything other than far right, voters have approved population replacement

LePen etc will have to be willing to cop the Robert Fico treatment if they really want to cut immigration not to mention do anything else so most will probably cuck out like Meloni did


Voters must be taught how to vote properly, mafia style.


Islamics and Leftards celebrate by wrecking the place.

Hung parliament and this shit non stop, vive La France.



welp they failed

why are we supposed to care about france again anyway

just another crappy american vassal museum euro disneyland country with nothing going on

they did this to themselves, just like the EZFKA units

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

A third of the electorate going far right is massively ahead of the EZFKA or the UK. This is with a relatively strong economy.

France will probably end up going commie if the dying centrist parties keep using this gang up tactic though.


what are front nationals policies? they seem to revolve around stuff like “shutting down the extremist mosques, stopping illegal immigration, getting brown people to integrate” (note that on that last one, thats what france ALREADY does, france has never been multicultural or styled itself as such its always attempted to stress ‘integration’ i.e the expedited destruction of all human races)

is that what we call far right these days?

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal

The west is already commie, you just gotta be in certain demographics. Like boomer propadee investor or public servant gender studies degree woman on $200k.

The nsw public sector is the biggest employer in the country lol. Oh well it could be worse at least there’s no siberian gulags.

It’s probably most people now that are mollycoddled.


I came across this fascinating overview of holocaust history.


I can’t vouch for its accuracy, but certainly food for thought, and many references supplied. Including documented hoaxes about WW2 history by Jewish writers.

I’m starting to feel as if I have to follow up on this stuff. But equally it would be a colossal waste of time.

One cannot start a political or any other sort of campaign without being financially free. Any move against the narrative will be used against you.


I’ve long believed that the “6 million” figure was sketchy. That represents thousands of people killed every day of the year, for years. It doesn’t seem plausible.

On the other hand, if the Nazis “only” killed (say) a million Jews, well, that’s not exactly something that deserves a merit badge either.

One way or another, there’s no doubt that at least some Jews have been and are wringing every little bit of advantage they can out of the story.


There is some interesting history there. Did you have a read through the link to the February 1976 reason magazine link in that article that described the reason and motivations for Germany to move into Sudetenland?


None of the nuance behind these ‘invasions’ was ever mentioned when I studied history at school and it was certainly never mentioned that German people lived there, were persecuted and wanted to become part of German….. sort of like those Russians living in the Donbass region of Ukraine.

While Germany’s invasion of these places were well discussed, there was zero discussion of the ethnic cleansing that occurred after the war in the trail of tears.

So what was Germany or the Nazi’s true crime? Attempting to ethnically cleanse Europe of Zionists by deporting them to Israel.

I firmly believe that no more than 400k Jews died in concentration camps awaiting deportation to Israel under the Haavara agreement. But most of those deaths were from Cholera…. a disease that is relatively easy to treat with antibiotics.

If the Nazis were to blame because the were housing these Jews for deportation and were thus responsible for their well being and safety while they were in their custody…. how much blame should rest with the imhumanity of the Allies in denying those poor dying Cholera infected Jews antibiotics?

So around 400k died from Cholera and there were probably another 100-200k of unaccounted for deaths (and imho I am being generous to the Jews here) at these camps in the final months of WW2 as German logistics collapsed, and many prisoners either succumbed to starvation or its effects.

Finally there were probably maybe 50k Jews who I can conceivably imagine that some Nazi actually putting a gun to their head and pulling a trigger ie where the cause of death was through a direct first person action rather than a consequence of the disease and their deportation policies.

But those 50k were basically the equivalent of AntiFa partisians, terrorists and bombers – they were half the reason that the Germans formed these camps in the first place, to contain and kettle the trouble makers in the same fashion as the British when they set up their concentration camps in the Boer War.

These numbers are unlikely to be exact, but they are much more likely to be closer to the truth than the offical Zionist narrative.

That disgusting Zionist Jewess Jillian Segal wants to make any discussion like the one I’ve just had illegal, because it threatens her narrative and so threatens their word of power – the “Holocaust” so she will be defined it as antisemetic.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

The scale of effort required to properly and independently assess the evidence is beyond me. However, it seems to me that if the holocaust is a hoax then it is among the most elaborate that could ever have been conceived.

There are plenty of sites refuting holocaust revisionists. Eg https://remember.org/ideas/kz

I am persuaded that a disproportionate number of Jewish people in Australia and elsewhere are significant players in the promotion of subversive ideologies, and that their interest is self serving, but no more so than anyone else.

Every subgroup has a go at the feeble minded nothing that is the EZFKA because the potential gains are huge and the costs are small.


I use to think it was elaborate – but imho when you look at the “evidence” it is mainly first hand accounts from Zionists who moved to Israel or Germans who had their testicles crushed during post war interrogation.

I think 90% of the effort is simply enforcing group think, and ensuring that anyone who questions the offical narrative is socially and financially destroyed e.g. David Irving.

The “effort” is mainly by those who control the Overton window of the media as to what is acceptible discussion. Agreeableness does 90% of the remaining work.

In terms of the “Black Book” which I re-read again following the discussion on it the other month or so:


I would assess around 80% of it was believable – this being the first parts of the book where they documented forced sale of property, execution of partisians and forced deportations.

The remaining 20%, basically the final chapter dealing with the death camps is nearly all completely concocted fantasy…. like the Nazi’s keeping pens of Geese near the the gas chambers so their incessant honking could drown out the screams of thousands of people… down to the ridiculous and completely unachievable requirements of death and incineration per hr for barely a 2year period, in order to get anywhere the purported numbers.

The Holocaust imho as it is defined by the media today, is virtually a 100% empathy hacked meme dependent on the level of ‘agreeableness’ of the subjects who are taking in the information/propaganda, and completely reliant on people not doing any investigation for themselves.

Indeed to the goal is to so stigmatize the subject that no one would dare consider, from the risk of a social ostracization process, to ever question the official narrative.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

of the nuance behind these ‘invasions’ was ever mentioned when I studied history at school and it was certainly never mentioned that German people lived there, were persecuted and wanted to become part of German….. sort of like those Russians living in the Donbass region of Ukraine.

Now that is a pile of revisionist history bullshit. How many “germans” lived on the coast of the english channel? How many “germans” were fed into the russian meatgrinder to stop the german invasion with a wall of men?

Or to use your modern example why has ukraine been able to hold back a reportedly superior military force if the citizens of ukraine actually want to be in and support russia? Walking into enemy territory and surrendering is a trivially easy thing for a soldier to do on the front lines. Far easier than defending territory to the death.


Quite a few Germans use to live there before they were ethnically cleansed by the moral victors of WW2


So lets just clarify your actual position here.

Hitler invaded most of europe, scandinavia, north africa and a huge chunk of russia because ethnic germans that wanted to be part of the homeland lived there?

Again this seems to be sheer stupidity on your part if you think this is actually true. I get the feeling you are lower IQ than the blacks you always rant about.


Maybe you should re-read the timing of the War…. after Poland Hitler made repeated efforts to end the war but the UK and France refused. As for Russia, the Jewish Bolshiviks were always Hitler’s main objectives.

Once you move into total war it sort of makes sense to attack your enemies colonies in the remainder of Europe, Scandanavia and North Africa, in order to seize them, rather than leave them in the hands of your enemies so those locations and all their resources can be used against you.


God you really are an idiot.
hitler started the war because german citizens then decided to attack a whole lot of other places just because.

It sounds far more likely that they attacked everywhere just because.

after Poland Hitler made repeated efforts to end the war but the UK and France refused.

Invading france sounds like a great way to “end the war”.

But to humour your argument, how come only the germans in poland needed to be rescued? You just told me they were in france as well?
Your story doesn’t hold up to even the slightest amount of critical thought.


“german citizens then decided to attack a whole lot of other places just because”

Sounds a little like the reason offered for why Germans elected Hitler in the first place “Because for no reason at all the Germans elected Hitler…”

Actually Hitler attacked those regions surrounding Germany because prior to WW1 those regions HAD been part of Germany, and the Germans who were still living there, were being persecuted for being German…. a little like how those ethnic Russians living in the Donbass region were being attacked by Ukrainian militias run by Jewish Oligarchs that you are always defending.

Invading france sounds like a great way to “end the war”.

Well that is the usual way you win a war after war has been declared against you – if you look up who actually declared war on who, then you’ll find that it was actually the UK and France who declared war on Germany.

God you really are an idiot.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

if you look up who actually declared war on who, then you’ll find that it was actually the UK and France who declared war on Germany.God you really are an idiot.

I’m pretty sure sending your military across borders and shooting people is a much bigger declaration of war than any proclamation from parliament but that is again clearly a concept your brain seems to struggle with, either conveniently or because you really are that stupid.
You really need to critically evaluate some of the garbage you read on the internet better instead of just repeating it like an NPC.


I’m pretty sure sending your military across borders and shooting people is a much bigger declaration of war than any proclamation from parliament 

I don’t have a great deal of military expertise, but I do know that when someone threatens to punch you in the nose it is generally a good idea to hit them first.

Declaring war on a country is probably about the most serious act any leader can commit his nation to, and isn’t undertaken lightly or for posturing purposes only, which explains Germany’s subsequent actions….again clearly a concept your brain seems to struggle with, either conveniently or because you really are that stupid.
You really need to critically evaluate some of the garbage you read on the internet better instead of just repeating it like an NPC.


a little like how those ethnic Russians living in the Donbass region were being attacked by Ukrainian militias run by Jewish Oligarchs.

The traditional way to support oppressed peoples like that in a foreign country is supply them with weapons and let them die for the cause rather than send in your own troops to get killed.
So why instead have the russians got themselves into a stalemate that is bleeding them out slowly?
Are these ethnic russians simply nonexistent or such a minority that they are irrelevant?


The traditional way to support oppressed peoples like that in a foreign country is supply them with weapons and let them die for the cause rather than send in your own troops to get killed.

Yes, yes – very good. That is the traditional way when America seeks to fight its wars.

Use the South Vietnamese against the North Vietnamese.

Use one tribe of Afghanis against another tribe, etc, etc

But do you notice the pattern – it is the US using one Ethnicity against another.

I know as an Australian goyim stripped of all sense of Nationalism and ethnic pride the concept is completely foreign to you, but Russia, like Germany was, is prepared to fight for its people when they are being persecuted – it sees itself as more than an economic zone.

What you are suggesting would be akin to the US Arming Americans in Costa Rica to fight an insurgency, rather than just going in and leveling anyone who was killing their fellow Americans (maybe less likely now under MultiCult America – but certainly 1950’s America).

So why instead have the russians got themselves into a stalemate that is bleeding them out slowly?

Are these your feelings again or facts? Russia is now doing large advances through Ukraine. If you know anything about military tactics they should be at risk of being cut of and encircled…. but alas there are not enough Ukrainians left alive to pose any risk of that occurring.

If there is any group being bleed out slowly apart from the Ukrainians, it is NATO itself and its stockpiles.

Anyhow fun as it has been, I’m going out to kill a few more spare brain cells. I’ll be sure to give my head a good shake over your beggars change purse if I see you…. maybe a couple loose ones will fall out and you can stuff them into your empty head so you will have something more than your feelings to talk about next time we chat.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

Stewie, it’s beyond that. Prior to WWI countries declared war on countries. It was a normal practice. Elites were fully invested, and fought and died based on their decisions. Wars had rules and norms.

After WWI and especially after WWII, those lines became blurred. UN had introduced concepts of military entanglement, special operations and the like. Elites became withdrawn and could hide behind the new “ruling class”, politicians, who set goals and methods, but were not personally involved through the loss of vassals or chattel. Ideology over property, if you will.

Today you do not see a Duke or a Baron rolling out their forces. Nobility is in ivory towers, while chattel is dying, but the chattel are not a subject of said Dukes or Barron’s, rather “citizens”.

Democracy has been sold to the masses as a way to convolute reasons why peasants die for aristocracy whithot knowing who they really die for. Transnational corporations have further blurred the lines between owners and handlers.


Use the South Vietnamese against the North Vietnamese.

More like how china and ussr used NVA against the americans but whatevs.

Russia is now doing large advances through Ukraine. I

Are those feelings facts or propaganda?
Russia has apparently been doing large advances through ukraine for 3 years now…


Are those feelings facts or propaganda?

Who knows nowadays? They’re not feelings but what on the balance of probabilities are likely to be facts. Especially when compared to other things like Russia’s surprising economic strength and an observed change in posturing in the press in regards to the War.

Whenever you think, “what a great opportunity to flank and cut off these b******s”, you realize over the coming days, that in reality there’s simply nobody on the Ukrainian side to execute such seemingly easily doable maneuver

Russians forces are further advancing in Niu-York.


The Russian army expanded control south of Yuryevka in the direction of New York (Novgorod).


The Russian Armed Forces are concluding the battle for Krasnohorivka. The main Ukrainian forces have retreated to the northern and northwestern outskirts of the city.


Medvedev, now deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, “reaffirmed that Russia would not accept or uphold any negotiated peace settlements with Kyiv short of Ukrainian capitulation, the destruction of the entire Ukrainian state, and the full occupation of Ukraine,” the Institute for the Study of War, a U.S.-based think tank, said in its latest analysis of the conflict in Ukraine.


The West is no longer talking about a Ukranian victory but of the possibility of peace talks.

Of course the above could be wrong, but they are what I base my opinions on. But aren’t we hear to speculate and explain as to why we hold our positions?

Maybe you could try posting some links to support your arguments? It would certainly make your comments more interesting and relevant, as opposed to coming across like such an emotional sook, venting your feelings like some 15 year old girl.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

They certainly have no credibility. I can see why they were targeted, but I can also see that the goy is mostly a dumb herd animal and very jewy themselves as we can see from whats happened with propadee. Blindly going along with boomernomics or leftism is pretty unforgivable. I don’t really see what excuse there is. It doesn’t require a high iq, it’s not complicated. It only requires a little bit of courage. But it seems to me they want to use the ideologies to stab each other in the back over petty grievances. Spiteful bunch.


The same people, with the same values, with the same objective who crafted the 40 beheaded babies ‘truth’ the mass rape by Hamas, and who are currently genociding tens of thousands of Palastininans, are the same ones who have been give carta Blanche opportunity to write their unquestioned narrative of WW2.


A lot of whites seem to want to go back to the 1800s. Like that little economist poof that calls himself wolverine. Forgotten his name. Another demographic whose values certainly align with that of the jews.

As Richard Burton said at the end of 1984 its just about power. ‘Values’ are what they get everyone talking about every day to exhaust them and nullify them.


Apart from Africans and Muslims race isn’t something that is particularly important to me – my main issue is culture, I am happy and love the water I swim in. I don’t want someone else pissing in my values.

So long as immigration comes at a rate that it doesn’t interfer with the existing population, and those coming here are happy to become Australians I don’t have much of an issue with immigration.

As Richard Burton said at the end of 1984 its just about power. ‘Values’ are what they get everyone talking about every day to exhaust them and nullify them.

Where power comes into it for me, is when we examine our economic elites – how have they gotten their wealth? By lobbying our politicans and in the main extracting economic rents through the rentier neoliberal economic policies their think tanks constantly espouse. Be it public private partnerships or a constant subsidy of ‘quotatatitive peopling’.

Its true that our elites are diverse, but it is also equally true that it is particularily dominated by one group who can all be safely described as Jewish Zionists first, and successful businessmen second, and Australian – if that concept even exists anymore, as a very distant third.

I think that the past 6 months have really pulled back the curtain for many people, and that the power of ZOG has become almost impossible to dismiss outright. Now if reasonable people admit that it exists, then as an issue it is worthy of being discussed. The recent appointment of Jillian Segal on underlines this important Jewish Question.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

>Where power comes into it for me, – how have they gotten their wealth

Well that’s the thing no one cares about that. They just want the power. They are quietly admiring jews.

Noone wants to do it the right way and become a rocket scientist because that’s really hard.

You can see it in music. WW2 people hated jazz because you didn’t have to make a nice broadly likeable song. Jazz hated rock because you didn’t have to learn a million scales. Rock hated techno and rap because you don’t even have to learn an instrument.

If you want power you have to give the impression that it’s gonna be easy for the plebs.


The same people, with the same values, with the same objective who crafted the

Where they the ones who broke the peace by launching an attack against an unprepared country that wasn’t expecting it as well?


Egypt warned Israel repeatedly about Hamas’ “invasion” as did their own security forces.

Zionists have never hesitated in sacrificing their own when it suits their political objectives.


Egypt warned Israel repeatedly about Hamas’ “invasion” as did their own security forces.

So what if they were warned. They aren’t the ones that did it.
This argument is at the level of siblings saying “Stop hitting yourself” while forcing their arm into their head.

Sometimes I wonder if you are deliberately deceptive or merely stupid.


Okay – just to confirm, you believe the side that has kept 2 million people in a virtual concentration camp, routinely bombs its neighbours, and has dropped 70,000 tons of explosives (more than was used in WW2) on a 360km square patch of land and is estimated to have killed upwards of 100k people since October 7.

Sometimes I wonder if you are deliberately deceptive or merely stupid.


you believe the side that has kept 2 million people in a virtual concentration camp, routinely bombs its neighbours, and has dropped 70,000 tons of explosives (more than was used in WW2) on a 360km square patch of land and is estimated to have killed upwards of 100k people since October 7.

Yes, I believe the side that says they have done that.

But since you are the supergenius playing 4d chess,
What was the correct move for isreal to make if/when they were given warning of the imminent attack by hamas?

Mobilise their army and invade preemptively to capture the members of hamas before they attacked?

I’m all ears for what they should have done instead of what they did.


What was the correct move for isreal to make if/when they were given warning of the imminent attack by hamas?

Maybe by strengthening military around Gaza where you have been informed where there is an attack about to commence instead of moving them away from the likely areas to be attacked?



So you think they were given the day the attack was going to happen? I call BS on that.

How many times were the commando companies moved in the previous few years? Was it just a typical thing that always happens.

And most of all, what would the commando companies have done given the attack was over in a relatively short time.
Troops are not sitting around in full combat gear with loaded magazines and weapons 24/7 ready to leave on 10 minutes notice.

It took literal WEEKS to mobilize their military.


It took literal WEEKS to mobilize their military.

I think Egypt and Iran would be very interested in this exciting piece of news – you should inform them about your feelings on Israel’s military readiness. I’m sure they’ll pay you handsomely.

Meanwhile Egypt warned Israel of the imminent attack 2 days before, and security conscious Israel moved troops away from the Zone.


But then there is the ‘weird’ coincidence that the festival itself was ‘moved’ locations just two days before the attack…. weird huh


True it is a wikipedia reference, but there has been plenty of discussion about it elsewhere if you get your information beyond whatever “The Project” is telling you


think Egypt and Iran would be very interested in this exciting piece of news – you should inform them about your feelings on Israel’s military readiness. I’m sure they’ll pay you handsomely.Meanwhile Egypt warned Israel of the imminent attack 2 days before, and security conscious Israel moved troops away from the Zone.

If isreal knew the attack was coming and letting it happen was a psyop, then they would have let the attackers across the border, closed it tighter than a nuns cunt behind them and let them do their thing, then capture them and have a discussion mossad style with them for intel.
The fact that none of this happens makes your theory essentially laughable.
You are blinded by your obvious bias. Or perhaps your inability to think of even a simple plan that would be likely to happen if this occured. You even have the perfect excuse for why you couldn’t stop the atrocities for happening but could capture them, response time.
Clearly a concept you are unable to comprehend though…


 closed it tighter than a nuns cunt behind them and let them do their thing, then capture them and have a discussion mossad style with them for intel.

That the only possible reason you could come up with the Israeli’s allowing the concert and attack to go ahead was so that they could look ‘good and professional’ in immediately shutting it down, shows you to be such a beige thinker.

Those party goers were bad Jews in the eyes of those running Israel, and so very expendable along with their Goyim friends. It is not like Jews are unhappy about sacrificing fellow Jews if it furthers Jewish causes.

The point is to ride themselves of the problem, to make the life of the Palastinians as miserable as possible in order to encourage them to leave or make themselves refugees while ZOG is fully in control of the White House. Why not sacrifice a few bad Jews and run with the shred of legitimacy it gave them? Especially someone as politically imperiled and devious as Netanyahu.

Yeah Trump will bend the knee, but he isn’t a fucking Jew and he’s not gunna support what they’re doing now. They’re simply making hay like the sun shines.

Sometimes, just sometimes, incredible amounts of warning about a specific people and culture, who carry warnings and are prejudiced against in virtually every culture they have ever set foot in, might actually have something to it and may not actually be bias:


This is what Zionists are – and EVERY Israeli is a Zionist.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

Fair and balanced reporting. I’m certain it was a North Korean airstrike in Gaza.


I received the account suspended message trying to check the site earlier today and thought Albo’s new anti-semitism envoy was already on the case. What a complete waste of $$$


it happens all the time. i just assume it has no m eaning whenever i see it and the site will be back in a few hours


usually it’s bills not being paid

Reus's Large MEMBER

I wish Peachy would let us non digital coin folks be able to donate somehow


or even give a crypto address rather than that link!

Enjoy while you can, domain expiry is coming up!


Holy moly….we’ll need a contingency plan very soon.

It should be possible to scrape all the posts and comments and stir for posterity or transfer to a new WordPress without needing admin rights. Obviously passwords won’t port.

I don’t want to see all our contributions disappear.

Are we on the internet archive?


can we at least not do wordpress again? this thing is just done, a ricketty old rusty car with the wheels and parts coming off. we should just get a xenforo forum or something like that, the format of this site would lend itself much better to a forum than a blog with a comment section.


not enough members for a forum – you need a critical mass for that


Yeah – it would also limit the opportunity for Timbo and his mate to do their Satire – I think they’ve generally done good work with their EZFKA twitter account and their satire articles here.

\What they write here gives their Twitter account much more punch, and I think it is important that they are able to continue linking their satire to twitter.


but why did this break? will it just do it again?

how about a substack?


cant you just make substacks for free too


i genuinely dont want to use this platform if its going to do this shit again, i cant even remain logged in anymore


WordPress is very robust when maintained. I agree substack as a very viable option also


i genuinely dont want to use this platform if its going to do this shit again, i cant even remain logged in anymore

MAybe it’s a plan to limit the use of puppet accounts.
IF so it seems to be working…


no admin is even active anymore so nah


forum or something like that, the format of this site would lend itself much better to a forum

The forum would have 10 threads started by everyone about their pet topic, a few comments would be made and then nothing would ever be added again.


so why doesnt that happen here too?


Me too. Happy to still be able to piss and moan with my fellow malcontents.


Well, thank zog that we at last have an anti-semitism envoy.


The Jews are clearly not doing so well in Australia, and we definitely need a special political appointee to look after their interests.

My personal view is that we should have an envoy for all ethnic minorities in this country. White people of course can GAGF, as usual.



Here’s how Aussies end up as the poor white trash of Asia. Asians and Indians think of wealth in dynastic terms while Boomers balk at leaving anything behind at all.


theyll leave behind all that equity mate that all those asians and indians are itching to get a slice of

Aussie Soy Boy

Their legacy unit children will just waste it any way


Almost all of the comments are pro boomer. See ya later whitey. Played as easy as playing mary had a little lamb on the recorder.


A muslim explains how it’s easy to get confused and become sexually aroused when you see a man without a beard.


Its the same old story, as old as time itself, that every man has experienced at some time. You see a clean shaven bloke, feel some confusion and suddenly find yourself with your cock up his arse.

This is, of course, simply this bloke attempting to explain away his homosexuality, because he knows that if he told his friends that he was a a homo that they, being good muslims, would throw him from the roof of a building onto a pile of rocks and concrete rubble. Which is what he deserves.


Thanks for the chuckle!

Agent 47

The religion that subjugates women while wearing dresses. Always found that retarded as much as walking around a black cube in the desert.

the arborist

Dresses make sense in hot climates. Allows air circulation around the lower half.

Walking around a black cube is most definitely retarded though.


Walking around a black cube is most definitely retarded though

Worshipping some dude getting executed doesn’t strike me as particularly not retarded…


Reminds me of that British Journalist interviewing those South African men who’d admitted to rape, and even when he gave them multiple opportunities to recognise and display the slightest bit of empathy or insight, couldn’t move past themselves as the center of the event. These sand niggers are barely one step above with their own rapey natures and values in clear sight.

Agent 47

385 demerit points in 6 months before fucking off back home. I think the record I ever pulled over was some Paki taxi driver who had 150 and something like 20k in unpaid fines over a two year period.


the arborist

“French”. No name or description of course.


Must be melanin enhanced then.


“French National”


What the fuck is the Beetoota advocate now? I thought it was meant to be a satire site it just reads like Jewish kevetching.


They’re absolute filth. Pretending to care about old school working class whilst hole heartedly supporting fake left globalisation. Dime a dozen ‘comedians’.



Well that wasn’t funny at all.

the arborist

They’ve never been funny. They try so hard to be funny, but fail at every turn. Perhaps they’d do better if they concentrated on actual humour rather then using humour as a cover for pushing their shitty worldview.

the arborist

Actors, women and children are overdue to be treated as they were in antiquity.

Agent 47



Jill Biden is so far up herself that she directed the band of the US Marine Corp to write a tune to be played whenever she did an official engagement, like they play “Hail to the Chief” for the president.

The band came up with this little ditty called “Fanfare for the First Lady”.


Now if you’re old enough, thst may sound a little familiar. If you’re thinking “where have I heard that before?”, well…


I laughed put loud.

This may be one of the greatest political pisstakes of all time, and a giant “fuck you” to the Bidens from the jarheads. Good on ’em, and I hope no heads have rolled for that fine piece of work.


She knows a cult when she sees one.

“That leaves an estimated 230,700, or 1.2 per cent, who have never taken a Covid vaccine.”

I didn’t. Did you?


Yeah I took 2 az. Or was it one. I can’t remember. Not proud of it but my family are npc as fuck.

Gruppenführer Mark

Zero. Holding out for when my sperm becomes liquid silver. Ahem.


Zero covid jabs in me, and that’s the way it’ll stay.

I doubt there’s an unjabbed person in the world who’s woken up and regretted not being vaxxed.

Meanwhile, the idiot wife of an ex colleague was moaning on FB the other day that she’d had 6 jabs, and just caught a hellish dose of covid. This is to be expected, because multiple jabs cause the immune system to start treating the spike protein as an allergen rather than a virus. This means that exposure to the actual virus produces the wrong response, leaving the person totally vulnerable. And this effect is permanent. The heavily jabbed are likely to face a lifetime of repeated severe covid infections due to their immune systems being fucked.


Wasn’t the project all over pushing the jab on everyone. What a bunch of hypocrite fags that won;t even man up and accept responsibility for their past actions.


I haven’t noticed many businesses going bust. If they did it was because they were terrible. Still plenty of boomer cash around.


me either to be honest


MB doesn’t mention the numbers because it’s probably something like 1 in 100. MB are mates with news corpse now.

Having a coffee for $5 and the odd av on toast is nothing on how expensive partying is. The youngins don’t really get shit faced anymore.

Typical zoomers haha they are such tools.


Aussie Soy Boy

You’d be surprised what people with money spend in cafes and they go back to the same one’s over and over. For 80-90% of people a cafe is probably a once a month thing. For the other 10-20% they would rather spend $25 for breakfast than put bread in a toaster and put the coffee pod into the machine.

I suppose it’s similar to with povos in the low socio-economic areas they hit up the local KFC or GYG instead of a noice cafe.

The cafes that struggle are probably in the wrong location, owner/person behind the counter not good at small talk, food sucks. I think a good cafe can charge $10 for a coffee and why not. A lot more goes into making a coffee than a bartender popping the top on a beer.


i dont get how anyone can just live like that tho, going to any cafe or restaurant every day = one way ticket to fat city, any food like that is going to be way higher calorie than anything youll have at home, youre going to be a big fat fuck soon enough having that kind of lifestyle


A lot more goes into making a coffee than a bartender popping the top on a beer.

A lot more goes into making the beer in the first place and shipping it to the bar.

the arborist

As well as all the other things wrong with them, why do most of the males have pot bellies – even when they’re young?


It’s something I’ve noticed too. There’s something about the genetics of Indian men that makes them prone to accumulating substantial visceral fat early in life.


Worst genetics mixed with predominantly vegetarian diet


there was a study on it i saw ages ago south asians have very high rates of the so called skinnyfat phenotype, doesnt seem to just be hindus (more likely to be vegetarian) either


reform already co opted. ozcuck and i tried to warn ya, all these parties are fake



They still gauge the intent of the people. 14% is an improvement but still pathetic.


No one has brought the immigration model to a halt anywhere it has got started AFAIK. If reform can pull it off, there is a chance for the people of Britain to become a nation again. Farrage made brexit happen. I’m not sure he can be so easily bought.


a paki just bought refiorm

brexit has been a nothingburger, just means less EUoids more thirdworldoids


all these parties are fake

No shit sherlock. Democracy is fake at it’s core.


Complete infantilisation has been accomplished.
