Albanese praises Indian migration for helping Australia break 31-year-record high for sexual assault

PM Anthony Albanese has made a congratulatory phone call to Indian PM Modhi, thanking him for helping Australia reach an all-time record for sexual assault.

The move comes after record migration from the subcontinent has made Australia reach a 31-year record high for sexual assaults.

‘It’s gold, gold, gold for the most successful multicultural country in the world. All those creepy uber drivers have really helped us get over the line,” Albanese said.

“Rape is used as a weapon of war and demoralisation and rapey Indian men have allowed us to achieve that without the need for bombs and bullets. Who needs a military occupation of the country when you can just get them to sign a bit of paperwork, charge them some money and call it immigration?”

Albanese said he would be looking at ways to increase the child sexual assault category, by fast tracking and increasing the importation of Pakistanis and Afghanis.

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I wouldn’t label this as satire.

A fly in your ointment

Indeed not a satire.
It’s an idiotism.

Rape was unheard of among convicts until popjeets were imported by wardens. They knew only of child rape.


Poor Fly, trolling at half the ability of Coming…

A fly in your ointment

I know for “youse types” every pointing at hypocrisy and bigotry or plain ole hate is trolling.
I mean what else moite, eh?


PM Anthony Albanese has made a congratulatory phone call to Indian PM Modhi,


Marie Le Pen would have bigger balls than Albo by a mile



What’s happening in France is very encouraging.


Homos or muzzies….I’d probably choose muzzies atm.


Queers for Palestine!

These fools only wake up when the boot crunches their teeth, and perhaps not even then.


Love the sign off.

“Stay safe and happy Pride month”.

Probably said without irony either.

Any idea if the E Karen for EZFKA has seen that footage from the US Pride, where a fag is sitting in a kid’s paddle pool while other freaks piss on him? She’s ok with that then. Albo too, no comment from him either?


I suspect muzzies would be less grief. And I’d love to see leftists’ teeth crunched. Irl the people that have pissed me off the most have been white or western born people looking to fuck me over with their stalinism.


The white pill in these beatings (and many more will be handed out) is that the sooner white women are red pilled about the dangers of immigrant men, only then will it be permissible to take the necessary action to rid ourselves of these invaders. It is pure accelerationism.

Expulsion of these invaders, who should never have been allowed into our nations in the first place, but for the lobbying of rich businessmen and empathy hacked female voters, will result in enormous bloodshed that will overwhelmingly be mainly male.

IMHO it will ultimately destroy our Democracies, as time and again (like the emerging Muslim voting patterns in Western Sydney) voters in multi-ethnic societies, will ALWAYS devolve into ethnic voting blocks/

The resultant turmoil and political upheaval that is going to occur, will remind everyone exactly why women should never be allowed to participate in Democracy – one of Chesterton’s biggest Fences will have been fully explained.

It is a pity that so many men will be killed, both as experiencing violence in waiting for this to happen, while women and lefty voters blindly go about the business of feeling good about themselves, and when the open civil conflict eventually starts.

But ultimately it is only through female victims that change will happen.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie
the arborist

Strongly agree with everything you said except maybe that it “will remind everyone” about voting rights. Many will be reminded but many others will never connect the dots. Hopefully enough eyes will be opened to make the necessary changes. We are doomed otherwise.

I’ve only recently begun to look into the suffragette movement and it aint pretty. I know this is just a youtube guy but you can check his facts elsewhere if you feel inclined.

The Dark Acts of the Women’s Movement

Gruppenführer Mark

This is definitely not the whole story. Wonder what set off mostly peaceful believed to be Syrian men?


For a start, youve got women who talked back after being offered a bit of muslim cock while walking down the street. muslim chaps don’t like uppity women.

A fly in your ointment

U sure that’s a woman and not a “woman”

A fly in your ointment

muslim chaps don’t like uppity women.

Lol, do placid convict men like uppity women?

Do you like uppity women?

Is there anyone who like uppity women? Or men?


medieval europeans used to dunk the village scold in a pond to get them to shut up. now we elect the scolds to parliament and let them rule us. the idea that they were primitive and we’re so evolved and enlightened is the biggest lie of all.


Consider those pics of Albo and Dutton cosplaying in turbans or with Muslims when you watch this


Yes no one likes uppity women, but Anglo-Saxons, who you despise due to your inferiority complex, will generally walk past them, as opposed to beating the fuck out of them, as opposed to your micro-dicked sandnigger relatives – as was the case in this particular story.


The covid vaccine disaster starts to hit the MSM.

144000 reported adverse events with vast numbers unreported, 22000 serious events…deaths and horrible injuries leading to permanent disabilities. Check out what happened to Kerryn Phelps and her partner in that article.

Anybody who thinks that this is old news and we should all just forget about it and carry on doesn’t understand. They will attempt to do this again.

A fly in your ointment

If not all then most convicts will rather continue to believe a lie then to admit they’d I’d stupid thing.
That, and a possibility for every convict to be a warden’s pit bull barking at other convicts.

Like during the age of Covid, this will be elevated to great heights only to be let down to enter atmosphere and burn out on the way down


This. They’re animals they’ll never be sorry. I’m mostly sorry it didn’t kill more of the pit bulls.

A fly in your ointment

The best way is to have pit bulls fight amongst each other. Or trip them into BSoD and error 404.


Is this the point where it becomes ok for these Normies to start saying it out loud?

Media are just scum though, they’re only doing it for clicks. I’d be surprised if there’s any follow up shows etc.

A fly in your ointment

Msm already went the “cookers” way as if they were never diametrically opposite.
That dickhead from CNN, the Cuomo, and Lemon too, is going the “we were always against the mandates”

Aussie Soy Boy

Sucked in all of them


Some info on one of the narrative pushers


Fark me that’s some good grifting. I’ve got this image of him taking to his colleagues punching his own chest about “Them’s Rookie numbers”


i wish we had better more granulated stats broken down by race/ethnicity in aus so we could actually know anything about where a lot of the crime is happening. and it should be relatively easy to find; even the uk stats arent too hard to look into, here they’re a nightmare. the only group you can actually learn anything about is abos, and thats bc the census always asks about them so they have every number about them to a very precise degree.



The Labor Government and its useful idiots in Vic Pol started fudging those years ago. Not unironically Dan Andrews Chief of Staff is now Deputy Commissioner of Vic Pol.

Hide those stats, fudge those numbers, and they all win.

Labor gets more power in Vic, while the cops get lots of new toys and some random powers. There’s just the pesky thing of Labor appointing judges who let these young Sudo crims out, but hey can’t have it all.


Former Dan Andrews Chief of Staff Brett Curran appointed to Assistant Commissioner Victoria Police.

A fly in your ointment

i wish we had better more granulated stats broken down by race/ethnicity in aus so we could actually know anything about where a lot of the crime is happening.

Why ant to what end?
Reading comments at this place its obvious that all the crime cometh from abos, slopes, poojeets, negroes etc and some from wogs. None from convicts or anglos.

Would you include stats of child rape in that package or would that be superfluous for obvious reasons?


so we can compare them to how many pedo convicts there are to make them look good relative to us why else

A fly in your ointment

That’s the problem.
The count of pedo convicts, amongst “convicts” is low. For a reason. It would be different for your usual suspects.

I’d imagine Dumbo would go into overdrive if there was a comparable pedo numbers from poojeet, negro, slope or abo units.

the arborist

I’m aboriginal (according to census data) and I’ve never been convicted of anything – so I’m helping to keep crime rate data looking good for my people. Deadly.

Gruppenführer Mark

I too am aboriginal (albeit not Australian aboriginal, but aboriginal in my ancestral lands). I think I will have to join you in this fight for our peoples

I identify as a Torres Straight Gay Islander and the wait in the phone queue is astonishingly short now.


I’m aboriginal too if you count a bee’s dick of ancestry – and which I will if it continues to be used as a crutch by white lefty faggots to get ahead. I would see myself as just balancing out the demographic profile of your typical white race grifter.

In reality I see myself as overwhelmingly Colonial Australian. That said, I am certainly not ashamed of having any indigenous ancestry and think that it is a wonderful thing that it can be said with pride nowadays, and not the sigmatism it once was held. We come a long way, and I think that is a good thing.

It actually makes me a little sad to think about the unique culture Australia could have developed, had the colonial Australian and Indigenous Australians, ‘black fella’ and ‘white fella’ continued to genuinely reconcile and merge, without the forced addition of millions of alien migrants under the name of ‘Multiculturalism’ and diversity.

I mean like why the fuck is Diwali celebrated in Australia? It has nothing to do with the two peoples who played the most in contributing to what we have. It is the culture of new-comers thrusted upon us, imposing their own traditions upon us… and in doing so, forcing Indigenous Australian culture to share more of its space with some other alien cultural invader.

IMHO the deliberate fostering of animosity between the two genuine founding people groups of modern Australia, is more of a political means to disempower the legitimacy of arguably the more powerful group – the one capable of stopping the mass migration extremists. It is a social crutch that say’s ‘You can’t say no to immigration because your own presence here is illegitimate’.

While also ensuring the second group is continuously distracted with amplified grievances to speak up too loudly about their continued and indeed accelerating dispossession through extreme immigration.

the arborist

Full disclosure. I’m not aboriginal in any way apart from the fact that I was born here and this is my homeland. I have no other place to belong to. My family are actual war refugees and we have assimilated, worked hard and contributed to EZFKA. It greatly pains me to see the place flooded by other immigrants with bad intentions and behaviours with zero desire to assimilate.

I have however begun to tick many boxes on all kinds of forms – not because there is any personal benefit to me, but as a form of protest against the existence and purpose of the boxes.


I like it. 👍 the box sticky thing. Going to adopt that.


This is what I was saying in my other post.

Ointment man can’t understand that a decent % of immigrants are all wanting a shortcut to a better life via any means possible. Will exploit every loop hole.

A fly in your ointment

But what you cunt understand is that all loopholes are made for following reasons:
1. Exploited (like aus immigration laws post 2002)
2. Inadvertently – which would be the first one since first criminals and prostitutes bread thieves were weeded out of England and taken to Terra Avstralis.

This you seem to grasp, but you’re struggling to grasp the implications of the Option nr1. – if not enough immos exploit existing loopholes, loopholes are widened and broadened by

The funny bit is all of ‘youse’ voted for this and vote for it every single time the circuses cometh to town but lament here over a supposed invasion. Hilarious.

To be fair, I think you still lead the rest by several places in understanding that none of them broke any law by exercising the legal pathways given to them by your government. Not even bending the rules.


Won’t read this in the MSM.

Marxists being used as willing idiots is not new sadly.

A fly in your ointment

Not sure if mujahedin can “rhyme” with Marxism. In some plane it would be almost opposite


All the wailing about the sudden increase in “visa” fees…it’s now $1,300 FFS !

A fly in your ointment

Yep, that will deter them from applying.

See, is doing every little bit it can to reduce visa scams and reduce number of immigrants


Jordies takes on dodgy developments

ACA tries to say there is no dodgy building occurring.


hes been so great lately


Hah the townhouses are legally classified as sheds so they don’t have to live up to building standards. Wow this country is run by pure dog shit.

the arborist

Has he stopped shilling for Labor and having friendly online chats with Kevin07?

Agent 47

He made one video slightly naming the Israel lobby (without really naming them).

Faggot spends years gatekeeping/shaming/ridiculing anyone not his shade of super left wing and being a massive part of the problem, and suddenly all is forgiven.

Shameless grifter who has finally realized that no one really gives a fuck about his schtick anymore.


The fact that he can even publicly admit to the Jewish Zionist influence, albeit however lamely as he did, is a sign of progress.


Yeah it’s a way lot more than what literally 100% of popular media will say.

You have to take what you can get.


Good spotting. He’s hooked up with a Lebo private building inspector who actually does great work highlighting the dodgy work out there (even if he does go on about guttering levels and drainage too much, and may have some sketchy mate on the GC).

The Building Inspector guy did a YT clip on Jordies $2m townhouse buy which was a complete POS build. Scarey bad.

A fly in your ointment

ACA tries to say there is no dodgy building occurring.

I bought earlier this year and the search was for builds in the late 20th century, as late as possible.
Would not touch anything younger than a quarter of a century for build quality. Houses are diametrically opposite from women in terms of build quality

Gruppenführer Mark


Here is the link with Chapelle’s SNL monologue from late 2022. Couldn’t find the whole thing on youtube, cleaned up!


Cheers, Kamerad! 😊


If only all Black guys were as intelligent and witty and personable as Dave the world would be a much better place. As it is, he’s probably about 5 standard deviations out on the right of the IQ curve, and lots of other curves as well.

A fly in your ointment

They are “a whole other species” someone here said


Which one belongs to the white person which one belongs to a SSH?

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie

Immigrant I spoke to the other day, been here 14 years, says it’s the rich Chinese. Obviously they have a negative effect but they aren’t the main thing. The disinformation out there is insurmountable.

A fly in your ointment

I read the EmBee fantastic world of doomsday and apparently there will be no more rich slopes within next 18 months!


lol – GyG down nearly 20% on listing.


That’s a lot of insider selling on such a small float.


Honestly their supposed plan to expand offshore into selling Tacos in America is akin to selling snow to eskimos.

If they are determined to pursue their hubris and expand offshore the UK imho would be a far better market – from my recent trip there there was a dierth of that sort of offering.

I will admit I do like GyG and often have a burrito bowl over fish and chips as a choice for Friday night dinner.


Even in Australia they also have Zambrero and Mad Max to contend with. It’s difficult to see their expansion plan being realised with multiple players doing the same thing.


Choo looking for a loophole to cheat God. Seems legit


based af video. polish guy telling american troops to get the fuck out of his country bc all they culturally export these days is george floyd and LGBT worship. McFat Americans out of the fucken world


Haha, I don’t get upset if n0gs tell me to stay away from their women. Wogs prefer it if they stick together don’t they Fly In Your Ointment? You sort of get that vibe, among all the wogs like Serbs too. Understandably you don’t want some NRL watching honky in the family.


Prolly an American expat in Poland with that accent and knowledge of the word miscegenation


4chan autism has gone international so its not so surprising if he knew what misecgnation meant

but yeah he could have been american actually


Even the dyke and poof blacks are violent savages who should, by and large, be locked up on reservations and never allowed near civilised people.

A fly in your ointment

Should we send them to a penal colony of some sort?

Apparently it works.
They get to be compliant plebs or rather compliant proletariat within a generation and will claim their ancestors were gaoled for stealing a slice of bread at Colesworth or for nicking neighbours slimming food order from Amazon.



I don’t think even you know what you mean.


Yeah. I don’t bother.


Should we send them to a penal colony of some sort?

Apparently it works.

of course it works. China and india are doing the same thing now but skipping the whole courts thingo and calling it migration instead…

Ironic Boomer

‘What a disgusting, migrant-bashing race to the bottom from Labor and the Liberals.’
Can sense the soy steaming from his ears.


Greens at 15.5 percent

I wish I could go back and be a cash flo slumlord, they literally beg to be oppressed and replaced.


they are breaking out of their 10% barrier. it will keep happening as boomers etc die off.


I reckon its a reaction to the house prices. They thought labor would bring them down but then the opposite happened.


The Greens have probably engineered the biggest upheaval to Labor that the Libs could only dream of.

This retarded Muslim chick crossing the ALP over the Palestinian vote thing has stolen all Albo’s planned euphoria over the Tax Cuts.

This not only steals their narrative and air time, but it shows the ALP for the absolute hypocrites they are.

The ALP is really rattled, even their paid shills are being told to speak out. Look at the fat fuck Kouk, who’s wrong more times than he eats donuts. A fucking lot.


This one says only 12.5, I don’t know what his source is.

They were Lib tax cuts anyway. I don’t think anyone is gonna be excited about Labor in any hurry. Not being potato head is a pretty big strong point they could probably scrape in on that alone.


The donut line. That was damn good.


Why (in detail) renewables are making electricity prices rise.

Worth reading and sharing to subvert gov misinfo.

they hate you.

Ironic Boomer

‘And he’s only saying what we’re all thinking’


That’s what I reckon. Long bursts of automatic fire, FTW.


Hitler rendered in English by AI
Jan 30 1945



The voice is all wrong. Sounds like an effeminate softcock pom teenager from Oxford. Hitler (for all his other faults) sounded like a man.