One Nation voter living in tent due to immigration thankful Pauline is making some more shitty cartoons

A One Nation voter who has been living in a tent under a bridge for the last 18 months due to the Albanese open border policy, is relieved a new series of One Nation cartoons are about to be released.

Paul, from Brisbane, who has been outbid on rental properties by groups of Indians living 12 to a bedroom, was just grateful that Pauline was on top of it all with some mediocre boomer-bait cartoons and a rum sales grift.

“I can’t wait for some more cartoons that do fuck all for the discourse and placate some boomers in NSW and Queensland, while I live in a tent in the outer suburbs because I can’t get a rental,” Paul said.

“Pauline’s done a great job being a steam valve for genuine nationalism and opposition to immigration. Being homeless because pajeets and chongs are destroying the housing market is a small price to pay for some really milquetoast, normie political cartoons.”

Hanson defended the criticism, stating that she would be releasing a series of cartoons exclusively in Hindi and Mandarin for future One Nation voters.

“I only comment on immigration when Mark Leiber allows me to, then it’s back to inconsequential bullshit like electric vehicles 24/7. We don’t want him to dox us again,” Hanson said.

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She’ll never increase the One Nation vote from more than 5-6%. She held the balance of power in the senate and could have traded cuts to immigration for her vote for some of the senate items. Yet she folded. She is absolutely hopeless.
Mark Latham is just as hopeless. The only way we’ll get cuts to immigration is when this place is destroyed and would be migrants select other countries. The WEF still has some work to do to make as unappealing as many other countries.

Gruppenführer Mark

All the WEF have to do is to release another virus, let’s call it X, to get another knee jerk response to shut the borders.

In all seriousness, I can’t see a scenario where it becomes a mainstream topic of discussion. US, EU have had a similar problem for longer, “regular” people either don’t talk about it because it’s taboo, or seethe in anger on the quiet.

I can’t imagine what would be the match that sets it off. Yanks tried it, for a long time, even Trump, the most isolationist president they had, failed spectacularly.

There are Japan, Israel to some extent, Koreans, China that are sort of economically successful countries, but there are natural barriers to entry.

Not bitching, but would like a genuine discussion of the possible triggers beyond “they took our jerbs”.


they will never get beyond their core gen X / boomer voter base


dont watch this if you cant stomach it

cant say i agree w what this guy did but if youre going to protest something you believe in this is the most metal way to do it


Aussie Soy Boy

What a loser


ya seemed a bit extreme (ok more than a bit) but this kid had balls ill give him that

Aussie Soy Boy

I would not give up a bag of chips to save the life of every israeli and Palestinian


wouldnt go that far at least with the palestinians, but if it was samboy tomato i might have difficulty choosing


I bet he got traumatised by a bitch or something. Some guy fucked his bitch. He had a wank over a bitch. Then some guy fucked her. Thus ruining his white knight fantasy. So he white knighted over the Middle East.

Gruppenführer Mark

He could have had strong moral convictions and thought that getting shot out of the sky (US AF, and I don’t know if he was ground crew) would make less of a statement than him getting lit on his own accord.

Regardless, his action took some big ass balls. Give him that. If it was over a girl, he would have just wasted her, like the cop in Sydney, and then turn himself in.

You don’t have to agree with the way he delivered his statement, but it was a statement.


well said


>If it was over a girl, he would have just wasted her

There is no honour in wasting a girl. There is honour in dying for the latest thing.

Yeah it took big balls. But I am looking at all angles.


maybe its just what it appears to be and he did it bc he feels completely powerless as an individual to affect issues he cares about in the world

seems fairly justifiable

australian renters should start doing this out the front of ray white corporate hq

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

>he feels completely powerless

So? Most people are. I bet Stalin fans felt powerful when he ran Russia. Lots of variables.



Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, did you really compare what this dude did, on his own, to Stalin and his fans?


No I was saying feeling powerless is no reason to burn yourself. Most of us are powerless and you have to accept it if you want to be happy.


when did i say it was a good reason, im just saying it could have been THE reason

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment



he should have just drunk a diet coke on the embassy steps and dropped dead from the emerging tumour enveloping his body


Can someone with an account give stag +1 for me please?

It’s very funny if you know the history.


what happened to your account?


Had a password manager and the SSD died on that machine. I don’t think passwords can be reset here, not without being logged in at least. I mainly posted as guest anyway.

A fly in your ointment

he should have just drunk a diet coke on the embassy steps and dropped dead from the emerging tumour enveloping his body

ha-ha, very funny.
but I agree that all the losers are alike.


The cop pointing a gun at the guy on fire is peak America.



Last edited 7 months ago by Gouda
Gruppenführer Mark

And the other one shouting, I don’t need a gun, I need a fire extinguisher, shows that there is common sense left.

Sadly, the reports are he died in ER.


think that was israeli embassy staff, not a cop. likely pointing the gun because he said “free palestine” – maybe he was making sure the gun was aimed in the guys direction in case a horde of lilliputian hamas suicide bombers (also on fire) started flooding out of his body in the direction of the embassy building

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

It looks like the lighter might not work. Imagine you had to go the local 7 eleven to get a lighter then come back. Haha.

Gruppenführer Mark

Or a prayer.


Wot. Imagine he had to go to The Reject Shop and get an oven lighter.

Religion is rather humourless. I mean if you’re going to heaven why can’t dying be funny?


“i’m not willing to die for israel”

proceeds to die for israel




None of the great victories through out history has fortold of what a disgusting hairy butt most of the soliders had. With dangleberries. They had to prize their butt apart because it was so stuck together with butt pubes, butt sweat and also residual butt shit.


As an ex-infantryman, I can vouchsafe that this true.

Not sure of its relevance to anything at all, but it’s true.


Well people mock her, but ultimately she was right.
And she got put in jail on bogus charges, that were ultimately because of her views.

the arborist

Miss Germany 2024

comment image


Germans always were dirty fuckers, but it once was blonde birds they would happily shit on their chests. Dunno what species this thing is, camel fucker I suspect.

the arborist

How did you know? Is being racist your super-power?

Apameh S., an Iranian-born architect, breaks beauty norms by winning Miss Germany 2024, highlighting a shift towards inclusivity and diversity in beauty pageants. Her victory stands as a beacon of change, inspiring others to embrace a broader definition of beauty.

So inspiring.


FMD it looks like it lives under bridges and survives off goats.

the arborist

Haha! At least it appears to be somewhat female. That’s one positive we can take from the situation.


i dont think shes that bad looking tbh

Ram and Jam

Did Google search to look fuhrer into it. .

Maybe some of the IQ genomic experts can advise , is this what is referred to a ‘sand nga’.


shes iranian so nah


*Censored once I was more sober.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

That vid was worth watching purely to see this clip

the arborist

For those wondering about psych testing of police…

The testing involves a comprehensive personality test which uses 51 scales to measure a person’s level of aggression, stress, self-doubt and suicidal tendencies.

Former Victoria Police homicide detective Charlie Bezzina, who worked on some of the state’s highest-profile cases, told Daily Mail Australia applicants from both states must undergo psychological tests, which have become more rigorous in recent years.

Bezzina said the process involves ‘sitting down in front of a computer and answering about 600 questions’ before an in-person interview with a psychologist.

He claimed this computer test had since been ‘reduced to about 300 questions’ in a bid to attract more recruits in Victoria.


if you know how these tests work and are smart and persistent enough theyre pretty easy to fake. they will ask variations of the same question over and over again and if you answer them inconsistently you get rejected. just know to look for the repeat questions (that are wrapped up in different language or worded slightly differently) and answer them the same every time

the arborist

Correct. You don’t even need to be very smart to cheat the test. And of course they’ve lowered the standards to let in more recruits.

If the test wasn’t able to filter out the deranged faggot in question, it’s not worth a pinch of shit.


If you filter out all the people willing to use violence, you end up with a useless police force.

the arborist

Yes, I think everyone knows this. It’s the derangement that needs to be filtered out. People who are obsessed with celebrities, for example. And people who think they’re in a relationship with someone when the other person hasn’t reciprocated. Both of which applied (allegedly) in this case.


gay men have really high rates of narcissism


Its catch22 really as ultimately police must be drawn from the same society in which they police.
If the society deteriorates over time so will its police force.
Hence during Covid, both the society and hence the police lost their collective shit, especially in Victoria.


If you are smart and persistent enough to fake it, then you are sane enough by definition to pass the test. It is testing for high level detachment from reality.


theyre designed to look for a certain type of personality, thats the intended purpose anyway. they end up selecting for narcissistic liars and wiley types who con the tests in the way i described

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

hey end up selecting for narcissistic liars and wiley types who con the tests in the way i described

So you are an expert in psychological testing and know what the tests do better than the people who write them?
Maybe you should look for a job administering these tests.

Or maybe they are blunt instruments intended to see if the person undertaking them understands what societal norms are.
Not to filter out liars and narcissists.


“So you are an expert in psychological testing and know what the tests do better than the people who write them?”



No wonder even coming has left. This place is just sad now.


I came back to stomp on dipshits like you


Just watched a clip on the ABC with some cow journo asking questions if the diversity hire who runs NSW cops.

An active investigation and pending murder court case and the journo asks specific questions about the accused, about his use of the police issue firearm etc. Fark how stupid is that cow?

Almost as stupid as all the faggots, media Paedo freaks etc trying to make this about police.

It’s about fags and a psycho fag.

Nothing about the police force.


excellent agitprop from one nation.


Interesting Chyna’s Fooked piece by Ian Verrender

Nothing here that DLS hasn’t said a hunderd (or maybe a thousand times) but these days DLS’s credibility is shot, Ian on the other hand …

As I said nothing new all the usual property collapse leading to banking collapse while prices collapse, a three pronged doom loop that demands some level of government intervention.

But just how does a command led economy intervine? maybe we should break out a Ouija board out and summon our very own Pig iron Bob, he might just have some valuable insights.
History is littered with the tales of militaristic leaders who, in a bid to contain a domestic problem, lash out beyond their borders.”

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes, the China’s Fooked piece that is being repeated every couple of months for the last 10? years…

Always with a photo of some perplexed Chinese investors standing in front of a stock market ticker board (blurred, of course) that is awash with red.

Because your average westerner doesn’t know that red means up in China, see?

Gruppenführer Mark

BREAKING: Footage of Jacob Rothschild’s last moments leaked

Aussie Soy Boy

Hmm I wonder which country is in trouble. The manufacturing centre of the world now producing 60% of the world’s electric cars and the world’s biggest car exporter, as well as manufacturing everything else critical to the world (we’ve already seen what chaos is caused by some Chinese factories being offline for a few weeks), or the country whose biggest exports are rocks and selling worthless degrees to foreigners who want a multi-year visa.

Aussie Soy Boy

You’ve got to chuckle at the cockiness and confidence of the typical legacy unit.


18 months tm


Stewie, this might be the last chance to either get your bags off the BSV train altogether or at least scale back your exposure significantly before it goes over the cliff.

$80 is a great price.


south sudanese have partial homo erectus admixture, stewie was right. they are the most primitive humans on earth

the arborist

Primitive indeed. But where does the propensity for violence come from? Are there any other primitive primates with similar tendencies toward violence? I mean, orangutans seem to be quite a peaceful lot.


chimps are extremely violent and dangerous, as were early humans. sub saharan africans are simply more like early humans than non N


We are more closely related to chimps than their peace loving cousins the Bonobos.

Chimps are insanely dangerous and violent, famed animal handler ?? (who google once told me but no longer does because it is now useless woke shit) said “Never enter a chimp enclosure without a loaded revolver.” They will rip your arms out of your sockets and beat you to death with them. There have also been well documented genocidal chimp wars in the jungle.

There are some genetic poly-genic markers for a propensity to violence. I remember reading that for one particular marker the occurrence of was less than one in 100 white men, while 5-7 African men per hundred possessed it. There are multiple different poly-genic markers and combinations, which thanks to selective breeding are found in different quantities in different populations.

The simple answer as to why they are more violent than white people is that Europeans basically domesticated themselves over a period of 400 or so odd years. Go back to the middle ages and the average white person was equally violent as your average African. But over the next 400 years European society executed on average around 1-2% of their most violent criminals each and every year – permanently removing them from the gene pool.

Likewise with East Asians, although it was perhaps even more extreme as they also breed into them a trait of extreme agreeableness – in terms of conformity to social norms.

It is perhaps inevitable that Europeans and East Asians were able to domestic themselves more easily than Africans, as both Caucasians and East Asians have higher levels of neoteny. This is a description of the trait of a more extended childhood – white and especially east asians reach puberty much later than your average African, which is I think 3 or 4 years ahead by age 8 or 9, roughly 50% of Black or African-American girls and 15% of White girls have signs of breast buds or pubic hair or both. 

One of the consequence of neoteny is that the adult face more strongly resembles the child. Average facial differences in terms of ratios eg between eyes, ears, etc differ between adult and child least with Asians and most with Africans, with whites in between (closer to Asians).

This exact feature of Neoteny is also present in other animals that humans have domesticated, eg dogs vs wolves, Caucasian vs African… quite simply Africans remain undomesticated.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

yep warfare is not a human originated phenomeon chimps engage in it too

chimps are a terrible pet and will turn on you on a dime and proceed to tear your head out of its neck socket


A pommie mate sent a meme I wish I could share here due to its relevance.

Normally describing a meme / joke wouldn’t do it justice but in this instance I’m sure y’all will get it.

It an aerial photograph of Sydney harbour with the bridge the Opera house and skyscrapers in background.


‘When white people are given 200 years to build a country from scratch’

the arborist

Great post. Thanks for the lesson.

Aussie Soy Boy

Holy shit that’s one dark spook

Agent 47

“Carpenters. There could be carpenters here”




good to see stagmal still sticking it to the cookers

i’ve just recently started drinking diet coke instead of coffee, as a result of his tireless advocacy


see they’ve banned the cops from marching in mardi gras, because one of them killed two gay guys

By that logic they should also ban anyone male and gay from marching

Will be a quiet one with just the LQBTIs


wtf is that really you


so they won’t let the police march in the mardi gras because a cop killed two gay guys

by that logic they also shouldn’t let men or homosexuals march in it either
since he was both of those things as well

will be a quiet one if only QBTIs are allowed in it


Bisexuals should be banned because they are suggesting there are only two sexes.


they found the two poofters

never get on a poofters bad side this is what can happen

Aussie Soy Boy

They have that gay twinkle in the eye like poofs do as well.


I’ve never heard of fags killing each other out of jealousy. Probably because they probably only have to spend 2 seconds on grindr to find someone else.

the arborist

This is a more femme type of faggot with the emotional stability of a three-year-old. The fact that someone gave it a badge and a gun amazes me. Wait… no it doesn’t. I forgot how wonderful all the rainbow people are.

the arborist

Well done, NSW police!

Lamarre-Condon has been suspended from the NSW Police Force without pay.

the arborist

Ah… diversity… isn’t it great?

Terrifying footage has captured the moment a masked gunman ambushed a driver and his friend in an underground carpark.  

Vailena Koloamatangi, 27, ad Ahmad Ezai were leaving the underground carpark of an apartment building in Campsie, in Sydney, at 9.20pm on September 12, 2023.

The failed assassin looks sub-saharan as far as I can tell.

Gruppenführer Mark

I thought he wasn’t allowed by law to have a gun. Wonder what went wrong and he had two?

Agent 47

What pistol club was this guy a member of?

the arborist

Good question! How mysterious!

Hiring sub-saharans to do hits for you is no doubt cheap, but hardly reliable. The fee of $50 and a pair of Nikes would no doubt be tempting though.

Agent 47

Dindu shoots coconut and sandnigger in Sydney.

Another day in the vibrant south west Sydney area.


Muh gender pay gap.

Can’t have the plebs going without their daily dose of divisiveness.

Obviously flight attendants that hand out drinks should be paid the same as the pilots.

the arborist

Yeah, I’ve seen a few stories lately about the oft-disproved pay gap. Sounds like the divisive distraction de jour courtesy of our superiors. God bless them.


Gorgeous, affluent young white women are behind the waves of organised retail theft forcing shop closures across America. At least, that’s what the FBI seems to believe.

These morons think we’re morons.

the arborist

Excellent! The FBI is onto it. They’ll crack this case very soon and the culprits will face the full force of the law.


The YIMBYs are attempting to character assassinate Cam Murray…lol.

the arborist

Mr Murray sounds like one of those far right nazis I’ve been reading so much about.


hes an ubermensh compared to the yimbys they just want his jaw and hairline


Only a certain demographic got the mic handed to them, no YIMBYs or young people”

Haha up against good old boomers.


What a bunch of worthless turds haha.


They need a theme song similar to the Monkees.

Hey hey we’re the YIMBYs


And you don’t even have to change the lyrics that much.

“Here we come, walking down the street
We get the funniest looks from everyone we meet.”


new photo just dropped

yimbys assemble


This is so good.

Fat masker.

Wonder which government department he works in?


greens MP now citing Cameron Murray to back her nimby positions

horseshoe theory sort of


i absolutely love how no one is replying to that cunt besides himself, just an endless thread of self-responses

more pathetic than the pro israel rally in sydney with the cardboard cut outs in the crowd

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

The boomer pic thread has 12k views, about 5 responses from people not him.


Here’s another one.

Two of the replies have accused this YIMBY of getting inappropriately personal, which suggests another strategy. Supporting the YIMBY position with racist and sexist attacks on NIMBYs will quickly erode any goodwill and support they have.


Wait, the Yimby faggot is a Pejeet?!

Street shitting outside your Metricon mega story slaveboxes.

Got to love what these migrants bring to our society.


Thought this must have been a parody account at first

While families spent their last dollar on groceries or Taylor Swift tickets for the kids,

your greens member of parliament ladies and gentlemen

A profoundly unserious political party


at least theyre being honest about how fake the legacy unit cost of living “crisis” really is

and in all fairness its probably true though for bogans they should have included multis, pokies, piss, ice, weed and rottweiler vet bills

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

Haha so true.

I watched that 4 Corners grocery price episode from last week.

They are all dumb and lazy buying all their fresh produce from Coles or Woolworths. Of course it’s top dollar you are paying for convenience, go to a fucking market and stock up.

The rest of the stuff they were buying was crap packaged drinks. The only things I drink are water, alcohol and milk.

80% of what Coles or Woolworths sells is junk food that no-one needs and has the biggest profit margins. There are literally whole aisles for lollies, then another for biscuits, another for mostly children’s cereal, half and aisle for boxes of single serve ice cream.

Meat prices are always reasonable to me in Coles and Woolworths, fresh produce you can buy at markets, any household or hygiene products can be stocked up on when on sale if there is any ability to plan more than 7 days in advance.

How about the two old fat women in the poor suburb bitching and moaning about the price of chicken breasts going up 40% in 5 years. I’m thinking what’s the big deal $11 for a kilo of protein. You can create several meals with 500 grams of chicken. We’re talking like 50 cents per plate more expensive.

Then she proceeds to put 3 or 4 large packs of chicken packs in her trolley and 2 1kg packs of mince. I assume she is doing her weekly shop.

No wonder she was disgustingly fat and all her joints blown out from carrying her fat arse for years.

Even then if you’re a fat cunt buying that much food each week, still in the scheme of things it’s chicken and beef mince. She’s probably only cooking up $10 worth of it per day at the most, so where is the rest of the money going?

Instead of legacy units using this “cost of living crisis” as the impetus to re-evaluate their terrible habits, instead it’s just carry on like they have always done with the same habits, the same lack of planning, and blame everyone and everything else.


you dont even need to eat a lot of ‘produce’ to be healthy anyway, frozen and canned stuff is just as nutritious or nearly and its way cheaper. fruit is totally unnecessary dont need to eat that its basically just candy, fruit is veggies for fat people. dont need to eat that. you could live off tinned tomato, scrambled eggs and oatmeal and be healthier that 99.9% of people couldnt think of anything more healthy than a diet like that to be honest. and it would be ridiculously cheap

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
Lisa Maloney

Tomatoes are a fruit


She has you there stags… and OMG a girl visiting this site! 🤯


That’s Coming.




theyre a botanical fruit, not a culinary one. do U put tomatoes in your fruit salad (yummy yummy) no you dont. they arent nutritionally similar to apples, oranges, grapes etc which are sugar balls by comparison

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

For once I agree with Aussie Soyboy.

Media morons and the idiots jumping on this “price gouging” bullshit are miraculously able to ignore the economic disaster brought on by Labor.

The 4 Corners faggot presenting had the same low IQ that his colleagues have as well, a complete distancing from real life and basic business. FFS Year 9 economics classes tell kids about cost of good sold.

The hyper inflation we have seen in EZFKA since Albo took over, from the product itself, and transport, labour, packaging and taxes which go into a product price in every Colesworth,

It took me about 5 secs to Google and find out that roughly 75% of pricing of consumer products in EZFKA comes from these inputs. Another 2 secs and you find out Colesworth net profit is less than 3%.

Same with shopping anywhere else, it’s not fucking hard. 95% of EZFKA pop’n can easily shop at an Aldi, or IGA, Foodland, butcher, market etc.

If only legacy units realised how much they are being fucked in this by Albo and the media. This dog and pony show won’t help punters one bit.

Things like the Colesworth buying practices and pricing, promotions etc is easy to fix, and doing that would help bring them into line and help the punter.

But that won’t happen. Emerson will get his $8k a day for the Enquiry, Albo will get his headlines and propaganda.


Self immolator was a reddit fagit.

“Whiteness erases culture”. His words.

Aussie Soy Boy

Why do you guys keep bringing up this mentally ill fuckhead?

the arborist

Not only mentioning it, but admiring it. Hopefully everyone can now agree it was a mentally defective, self-loathing faggot and move on.


its just a really interesting story


Because it’s a -1 for the jews. These jews who could potentially send us off to war.


there was this local politician in america back in the 90s who shot himself on live tv during a press conference, his name was bud dwyer. people still talk about it to this day and it was one of the earliest viral / dark videos people would share with each other back in 2000s internet. i remember watching it and thinking it was fucked but cool. this kid setting himself on fire will be the new version of bud dwyer.


reading this rant:

Whiteness erases culture.

Conformity to whatever some authority declare to be “the culture” is not going to somehow stop the creation of cults but exacerbate the conditions which create them.

Right. You’re actually agreeing with the comment you’re replying to here, so I think you are misunderstanding what culture is. Culture is not conformity; culture arises spontaneously and intentionally from social interaction, and conformity stifles that process. In fact conforming to an authoritarian, prescribed culture such as, I dunno, settler colonial culture, requires the sacrifice of ethnic culture and the autonomy that creates it. And this tends to create a negative feedback loop where, lacking culture, members of the in-group seek to fill the void by further conforming to the prescribed culture by shedding their actual cultural heritage and their ability to create it. So we see the link between authoritarianism and culturelessness.

immediately reminds me of some rants that have been posted by Stewie. Although that dude is really concerned with whites whereas Stewie is more concerned with jews


He is assuming western culture was authoritarian, it hasn’t been since the 50s and 60s. Even then that’s arguable. That entire wall of text and he’s just a retarded faggot.


He is assuming western culture was authoritarian,

Clearly not, that whole covid thing was the government and police doing what the citizenry wanted, they were begging to be beaten up and locked in their homes, or having their money confiscated for disagreeing with the government in canada, being prevented from working or running their businesses and so on. All OS travel banned. Being required to provide government papers to prove you had taken the approved medication.

the arborist

It’s not western culture so much as western political class culture. It seems to me that our political leaders have been lying to us non-stop and are actively working against us.



that our political leaders have been lying to us non-stop and are actively working against us.

They are actively trying to change culture. And it isn’t new.

The term political correctness first appeared in Marxist–Leninist vocabulary following the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time, it was used to describe strict adherence to the policies and principles of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, that is, the party line.


The crispy fag doesn’t have any idea what culture is:

Culture is not conformity; culture arises spontaneously and intentionally from social interaction, and conformity stifles that process.

Culture doesn’t arise spontaneously, it is behaviour that arises from the interplay of genetics and environment, and survival of the fittest across time eg combatting behavioural sinks.

Culture exists as behavioural traits that maximise group cohesion in the face of environmental challenges we collectively.

IMHO his rant is more expressive of a Goyim who has been stripped of all cultural identity and left vulnerable to any other fad that comes along.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

thats the worst thing, he was more mad at white people rather than the tribe whos actually responsible for what he was sad about.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

There is no one else stepping up. What is needed is a social counter revolution on a greater scale than the one that led us here. The alternative is that Australians of British, colonial and European descent cease to be a recognisable and distinct ethnic group here, and even in Europe. Just as the neanderthals interbred and then disappeared, the same will happen to us. We abandoned any sense of pride in our ancestors and our nation. We are committing genosuicide.

Feminism is the way we have been and are being destroyed. The commentary on the gender pay gap report, published by a government body which exists solely to promote and entrench such a thing, reveals that the goal is to destroy what is left of Australian male identity. Under attack are working longer hours than women, working away from home for long periods, creating affectionate nicknames for one another as a part of male group bonding, physically demanding work and so on. All this is right there in black and white in the AFR. It is insane and no one calling it out is getting heard.

So here we are, a bunch of (mostly) men (probably) bitching and moaning, loosely coalescing, but failing to articulate or develop, let alone achieve shared goals. How TF do any of us move beyond this and start to get real before it’s too late? Is it too late already?

Aussie Soy Boy

Heh I just shrug my shoulders and go about my day.

the arborist

I’m not sure what to do, or what I CAN do, apart from preparing for the apocalypse and trying to wake up as many people as I can.


Coincidentaly all this sjw woke transgender bs started just after occupy wallstreet became a big thing. Bread and circuses, fight amongst themselves etc.
What is needed is to convince the conspiracy group of choice people with serious money that it’s in their best interests to kill the beast they created, although it may be either impossible to convince them or too late even if you can.


It was definitely there among millenials before the gfc. I remember whirlpool being basically reddit, it no doubt still is. Met a few irl too.


Why did it suddenly become so prominent, become widespread in movies, corporates, and so on?
Millenials aren’t running any of those yet.

The rumour is the money men have put DEI as a condition to providing loans and investment.


Yeah Blackrock.


And that is the sort of resources needed to counter it.


That’s one factor. Good luck getting the propadee hillbillies to give up RAMs and nice holidays for ones in Bonny Doon and a 10 year old Camry. Ie what they deserve.

That’s what the WW2 gen had in their old age and they felt good about themselves for not being scum.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yuri Bezmenov talked about it 40 years ago. His interview on 4 stages of subversion is still on YouTube


I share this over and over…and just like he said people don’t get it. It’s why I fear we are too late.


I suspect it was the attainment of positions of signficant power by a critical mass of women. The creation of HR roles in 1990s a key part of this. The “me too” thing signified the breakthrough that they had been pushing for. A number of those postions were awarded, in part, because the applicants/aspirants were female. This meant that more feminist activist units secured roles and this skewed the overall culture of that clique of powerful and almost powerful women. Doesn’t really matter why it happened. It did and it is destroying us.

Gruppenführer Mark

I think it started way before that. 90s and the rise of HR certainly gave it a huge boost.

Feminism, as a movement, was widely, albeit secretly, supported by business in late 19th century specifically to get an increase in labour force to work in factories when the industrial revolution was moving forward at an ever accelerated pace due to multiple inventions. European city population was still small compared to rural communities geared towards agriculture. Getting a farmer to uproot, move to an urban area, get a new skill was difficult. Easier to radicalise half of the existing urban population, women, and get them out of the kitchen and to a factory floor.

And that approach was deeply rooted in psychology. Logic vs. feelings. Stewie posted on this subject a few times, so have others. Generally, men think, women feel. Not homogeneously, of course, there are exceptions, but for the most part. That’s why men worked and women tended house. Different set of skills, different predisposition to certain tasks.

Men tend to deal with issues in a different way than women. There is no such thing as male solidarity, if a dude is a dick, he gets dealt with by other men in a specific way. When a woman is a bitch, other women tend to look for reasons why she did what she did due to outside factors, usually caused by men. Female solidarity is a thing.

Back to your original point on HR, it is absolutely driven by female solidarity. So are the current court system, societal norms, etc. Again, not an absolute statement, but it is there. Men are judged on their actions, women are judged on what might have happened to them causing them to act in a certain way.


The generic solution is to build a better alternative and then people will flock to it themselves, to either join or emulate – they won’t need to be pushed.

Indeed, that is basically what America did (and Britain before that).

So. What are you going to build?


Oh and second best solution is to move somewhere that is already more aligned with your beliefs and principles and preferences.

Could be tricky to find such a place. USA has a structural advantage in this because its states are more differentiated than the ezfka states or the British kingdoms

the arborist

Qld is our Florida and Queensland is cooked. Regional is the only option.

Stagmal needs to find a place before he gets priced out of ever more regional towns by hordes of cashed-up capital city escapees.


im just going to leave the country


where are you going Stagmal?




He could buy for cash in Whyalla, put some solar panels on the roof to run the aircon in the summer. Then hook up with a local girl or import a nice bride, kick back and live the good life.



$160k maisonette

$20k of reno’s

$180k for an owned outright Torrens title duplex

Then spend all day at the beach

Aussie Soy Boy

I do what I like no-one bothers me.


there is simply nowhere to go. everywhere has the same disease or thereabouts

Gruppenführer Mark

There are no places that tick all the boxes. But you just have to pick which boxes (social and cultural values) are right for you.

All of these places tend to be more strict and prescriptive of the social and cultural rules of engagement, just figure out what’s right for you.

The spectrum runs from Singapore to Saudi Arabia, with places like Iran, Russia, a few stans somewhere in the middle.

Pick your poison.


That’s right

the arborist

The trouble with building / finding a better alternative, is that as soon as those in power notice, they will flood it with ‘refugees’ or use some other way to ruin it.


there are no better alternatives


That’s one of the dynamics to contend with, sure.

maybe some kind of private island?

Anyway, I didn’t suggest it was easy.


Properly done, the joy of family far surpasses the indulgences afforded by wealthy singledom or near-childlessness. That’s because family is what connects us to the past, to the future, and even the land. A life rich in family is a life that resonates with meaning, without having to ask “what is my purpose” and search for years for answers.

The industrial revolution disconnected people from their lands and their families over and over and over again. Decisions not to have children and work for an employer stem from partly a Calhoun type overcrowding scenario operating over mutliple generations, but more because children have no economic value. All they do is consume resources for very long periods of time. Often there is no payback even at the end of your life.

The first thing to do, then, is to get children doing meaningful work. Farm kids and kids involved in their parent’ businesses generally become farily level headed adults because they know what work acheives. If the only thing you ever do is school until you’re 21 you’re not going to like work much. This is not to say that children should be working 14 hour days in a factory.

In Japan, people are working longer into old age because of labour shortages. Eventually, provided the japanese are comitted to keeping Japan japanese, they will be forced to get children doing meaningful work. I believe that will quickly change children from liabilities into assets and then you will see a birth boom.

The same will happen here eventually. But the people of the future Australia won’t be ours. So why do anything now to help them?


Well said. Yes – immigration destroys the virtuous cycle that will transform children from being viewed as a liability to an asset, and so it destroys and replaces societies. Our elites know this, it has been done multiple times in history. Family is the key, that is why so much effort goes into demonizing it or psychologically instilling the message that it is “Too hard”.


particularly amongst young women


This trip confirmed my idea of the stereotype of this type of modern-day liberal woman. Absolutely oblivious to the hard work of others, in a positions of power, alpha-like, always correct and won’t tollerate a man standing up to them. The skipper and Kostas went out of their way many times to make our trip memorable and it’s sad that only two of us (both lads) we the only ones to recognised and appreciate this.

I’m increasingly of the view that women should be restricted to one of 3 professions; hairdressing, nursing or teaching (or their own private business) and otherwise be forced to wear a niqab until married.

As singletons in particular they they are toxic, vindictive creatures who delight in exercising their ‘power’ (bestowed to them by a fucked up society) over those who they view as being beneath them.

Once again, if female leadership and empowerment offered society ANY benefit, then history would be resplendid with civilizations founded, built and lead by women. Instead there are none.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie
the arborist

Western women have never had more power and privilege than now.

Western society has become much more chaotic in recent times.



Maybe it’s not that the first causes the second.

Maybe they are both caused by some earlier event.

For example maybe it’s capitalism forcing more women into paid work?


though the lack of any long lived matriarchal society suggests that it’s likely they are destructive rather than constructive.
We seem to be mid experiment to determine the truth of that statement.

the arborist

Agreed. The same thought occurred to me as I posted the above, so I left the issue of causation vague. However…

While capitalism has indeed pushed women into paid work and given them the power to make a mess of things, feminism, voting rights and progressivism / leftism have also given women a lot of power.

Women, like children, are wonderful, but things go very wrong when they’re put in charge. With exceptions, obviously. Men make enough mess on their own without women bringing in their feelings and chaos.

Now that testosterone levels are cratering, and the woke mind virus has taken hold, even the ‘men’ in charge are behaving like women. Things are looking pretty rough at the moment. No wonder Islam and low IQ imports are running rampant.

Thanks, feminism!

Gruppenführer Mark

The dude is into steaks and girls….

How dare him!


I would like to see persistent and pervasive propaganda promoting family life. Elon Musk and Peter Theil and rich people who get it could finance ads, merch, entertainment, do some astroturfing, etc.


Cartoons are pretty good I thought.

Pity mass immigration isn’t mentioned though.

As per this satire article clearly Pauline is more interested in keeping her gig whilst being seen to be doing something from the sidelines.

The status quo is a powerful thing.


More Yimby updates. Two poofs got evicted. Their own party (Greens council) are nimby sympathisers.

Literal retarded faggots.


How many times could he mention “fiancé” in that whine?


I noticed that too. And let us never forget that when it comes down to it, homosexuality is all about arse fucking.

I think that “Fiance” sounds rather less sweet when considered in those terms


I was sitting with my partner at Sydney airport a few years ago, and this effeminate young man was sitting next to us in the third seat. Another effeminate young man rolls up pushing a stroller, and the Seated dude asked my woman to please vacate her seat so that his “husband” could sit down, because he was tired from looking after the baby.

She gave him her best glacial stare and a contemptuously snorted “No!”, and they harumphed and bustled off.

The fucking nerve of these horrible creatures, demanding that a 50 year old woman give up her seat for a 30 year old man.

Everything is inverted.


So fucken precious – hetro couple with three kids, one in stroller, one just out, the eldest screaming, walk past while covered in child detritus; “Mmm…. those seats are taken lets go look further up.”


Actually rereading it I’m not sure it’s a poof couple. But yeah the fancy e on fiance. None the less they’re retarded faggots no matter what sex they are. One T on Mat too.


This confirms what I always knew. These people are not YIMBYs, They YAYBYs.


Whole story is made up, just PR. Never happened. Only true thing is he’s a faggot.


Yeah that would make a lot of sense. The level of misdirection on this issue is phenomenal. The surpression of immigration discussion is reminiscent of China and cold war Eastern Europe.


the yimby – autism connection confirmed. ive also argued with this group before, theyre legit furries people who have a fetish for anthropomorphic cartoon animals



A real autist is attracted to the Marr cranes. Engineering perfection!

Agent 47

Australia unable to go one day without another scheme to import Indians.

Gruppenführer Mark

Nice find. Comments so far (8 of them) are all against this.

I posted on this 2? years ago. Back then, McGowan has heard the cries of international students and handed them two checks – grants – $3000 total, to provide housing assistance and to learn English. To the international students, who were supposed to have sufficient funds and sufficient command of the language to be here.


Why is BTC rocketing?

Is it the ETFs facilitating money flows or is this an indicator fiat is actually dying?

Maybe the former since gold and stocks aren’t doing anything


Humans love mindless ponzis. Shattered I sold. I’d have $18k at this price. Fuck you money if I moved to Azerbaijan.


It’ll be the top when I finally accept the investment case

I just don’t really see why an entry on one of many (albeit the OG with the best network effects) distributed ledgers is worth a lot of money, when I could theoretically buy useful things like land or companies

Millennials are poorfags who can’t afford things which physically exist


I just don’t really see why an entry on one of many (albeit the OG with the best network effects) distributed ledgers is worth a lot of money,

It is really hard to overstate how much daylight there is between Bitcoin and “other distributed ledgers”

There is a very good reason why the other ledgers are called shitcoins.

when I could theoretically buy useful things like land or companies

I see no conflict or contradiction here. You still can buy things like land and companies. And these things are still valuable. They haven’t devalued into insignificance against bitcoin, they have just become somewhat less valuable against bitcoin in a relative sense.


Bitcoin isn’t so different from the other shitcoins in that none of them are being used for much besides speculation

Even as “digital gold”, the Bitcoin network would be grossly inadequate for the whole planet when it can do only 7 transactions per second, and if it ever became widely used then transaction fees would be enormous

Bitcoin’s most useful property must be its suitability for speculation, with a reducing supply that allows it to achieve price squeezes upwards, but which doesn’t assist the product’s utility in any way

I think it will become obsolete compared to another crypto that is more useful as representing wealth digitally


think it will become obsolete compared to another crypto that is more useful as representing wealth digitally

If you want something more practical and useful at representing wealth digitally there is an entire banking system that has been set up.


At the moment, the digital gold narrative seems plausible to me. In the “gold” guise, Bitcoin improves on the mineral by being more scarce, instantly* transportable globally and immediately auditable. More cheaply custodied and more divisible, too.

The 7tps fud is mostly shotcoiner fud. Yes it is a restriction. But it is also a deliberate trade off that has been made to secure other important benefits.
Those who don’t like this trade off can (and do!) use other crypto chains. Or fiat currency, whatever. It’s possible that one of these alternatives will do everything better than Bitcoin in the future. But for now their prices against Bitcoin suggest that they are losing, not winning.

The standard narrative is that the 7tps limit will be overcome by layered scaling solutions. Under this standard narrative it is very likely that as btc value grows so will transaction fees and eventually the base bitcoin layer will only be viable for making large transactions. For these transactions, it will be very worthwhile to pay $50 or $100 or $500 to obtain instant* final settlement in the best money. But it won’t make sense to buy your groceries with base layer btc.

These layers on top of btc could make some different trade offs in terms of custody, cost, speed, etc. The current ones aren’t all that great.



that one of these alternatives will do everything better than Bitcoin in the future.

True decentralisation with no trusted authority and high transaction rates with permanent public log are mutually exclusive and always will be. The transaction log is too big to be widely distributed.


True decentralisation with no trusted authority and high transaction rates with permanent public log are mutually exclusive 

Yes, I think so too currently.

I only say that “it’s possible” in the sense that everything might be possible when we add a time dimension.

The current state of technology doesn’t permit it though. It’s something that would have to be invented.

so for now we deal with trade offs.


I don’t think it will ever happen.
Ultimately there are much more efficient ways to handle low consequence transactions.


That’s right.


I reckon BTC will eventually be used to settle between central banks, who will probably end supplying much of the computing power to run the network.


There is a very good reason why the other ledgers are called shitcoins.

This is only true when the sole measurement on “quality” is price – in this respect BTC is undoubtably the only real Bitcoin.

However if you extend it to functionality and purpose then it becomes apparent that BTC is the shit coin in terms of what it does vs what it was designed to do. The recently released Satoshi emails from Malmi from the COPA court case confirms that Bitcoin was meant to scale.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

There was a reason the Cyber punks kept Satoshi’s emails and views on scaling hidden, because it didn’t align with what they were turning Bitcoin into – crypto gold that would Blockchain could sell side chains for, as opposed to a digital transaction currency where everything was meant to occur on a single layer solution.

It is also the reason why the same CORE developers are running around atm saying ignore what Satoshi had to say in those emails.


There was a reason the Cyber punks kept Satoshi’s emails and views on scaling hidden

don’t buy into this cult conspiracy nonsense

Jameson’s take seems right and similar to what I have written above. Satoshi wasn’t a prophet. He invented a great piece of software and may have had ideas about its future
but couldn’t foresee how it would ultimately be used.

in any case, as you might know, anyone and everyone is free to copy bitcoin and modify to make it better, including to have more tps


They simply show that Bitcoin doesn’t adhere to the white paper or the direction that Satoshi initially envisaged.

There is no question that BTC has gone in another direction and that based on price this has been extremely successful, but in terms of meeting the expectations of the white paper, as a single lay based solution it is a compete fail.

The “conspiracy” is simply that Blockstream with the aid of developers like Lop and Maxwell stifled the development of Bitcoin in the manner it was meant to in order to sell the side chains and second layer solutions that are now being sold and which offer no better solutions in terms of Trusted authority than other versions of Bitcoin which have larger blocks and less reliance on rasberry Pi’s..

So called ‘competing’ Bitcoins like BCH and BSV didn’t spring out of the earth one day – they were a result of deep disagreement within the Bitcoin community over the direction that Bitcoin should take.

Had the emails that Malmi kept hidden been revealed when those debates were taking place they could have well influenced the debate.

Anyhow, it is all a moot point now. BTC for all intensive purposes has won, and that is that matters for investors and speculators.


They simply show that Bitcoin doesn’t adhere to the white paper or the direction that Satoshi initially envisaged.

Had the emails that Malmi kept hidden been revealed when those debates were taking place they could have well influenced the debate.

Satoshi made some communications in public (forums) and some in confidence. Satoshi seemed to be a smart guy, so this distinction is likely to have been deliberate on his part and so it would be proper for confidences to be respected by his penpals.

It is easy to imagine that the private emails contained more musings and thought bubbles compared to public posts which were firmer positions.

Anyway, Satoshi disappeared, which we might also consider intentional. If this is the case, it adds force to the idea that he wanted to ensure that his own views did not carry undue weight in the future.


but in terms of meeting the expectations of the white paper, as a single lay based solution it is a compete fail.

It could never be otherwise.
Crypto as a concept fails as a universal transaction system.

order to sell the side chains and second layer solutions that are now being sold and which offer no better solutions in terms of Trusted authority than other versions of Bitcoin

They are no better becuase it is a fundamental limitation of the concept of crypto

Anyhow, it is all a moot point now. BTC for all intensive purposes has won, a

First mover advantage and network effects made this almost inevitable, and the design decisions made initially more so.


Actually UTXO does allow massive scaling – most people just don’t understand:


yes but it fails the decentralised concept that crypto implies.

And the problem with a centralised system is it has the same incentives as USD backed by Gold, or the current banking system. The temptation to print money is too strong to ignore.


yes but it fails the decentralised concept that crypto implies.

Currently, but other miners are free to enter and mine BSV whenever they wish, and they regularly do.

Lazer eyes love saying BSV is centralised on the one hand, then turning around and saying X miner is now mining empty blocks in BSV…. they can’t have it both ways.

As the reward shifts from block reward to transaction fees, the incentive to mine empty blocks vs blocks that carry several BSV’s in fees should change.

Remember the math proof – “If it holds true for x=1, then also true for x=2, 3, etc). Well the same applies with transaction security.

If you are hashing to prevent a 51% attack, then you only need to provide hashing to secure 51% of the transactions in order to consider the network secure. If the median transaction value is a micro transaction of a couple cents, then it means that the required hashing needs to be only high enough to secure the median transaction value – which will be less than a cent.

One of the big features of BSV is supposedly that its code is set in stone – indeed most of the changes since the fork has been to remove additions done to BTC so as to bring it back to the white paper.

That said there is still a long way to go before BSV has the same security as BTC, which will only develop (if ever) following greater commercial application and adoption.

PS: Decentralised wasn’t mentioned once in the Bitcoin whitepaper, distributed was mentioned five times.

Distributed means the system is spread out and resistant to failure if any single node when down.

Decentralised is irrelevant, because if the code is set in stone, then there is no need to make any changes nor any central decision making process – like a bunch of CORE developers pushing for Segwit, Taproot or ultimately a higher coin inflation rate.


Thats a lot of word salad.

Decentralised is irrelevant, because if the code is set in stone, then there is no need to make any changes

The code can create an infinite number of valid chains based on transactions. If you can rewrite the transaction tree you can create any outcome you want. If the transaction tree is centralised then you can rewrite that tree. If it is too large to distribute then it is by definition centralised.


If you can rewrite the transaction tree you can create any outcome you want.

Yes that is true, but then you will be needing to continue to hash the incorrect tree for all eternity while competing against honest miners who are still following the rules… or at least until you have effected whatever nefarious, dishonest means you are attempting to accomplish.

There have been several attempts in the past to do just this on not just BSV but also BTC when it was a much smaller network.

The hashing may not need to be as extreme as BTC on a per transaction basis, but once you add the thousands of transactions in each block for BSV vs BTC there is still a substantial cost to rewriting the chain, and one that will increase further provided transaction growth on the chain continues to increase.

I’ll agree that at the moment the transaction tree for BSV is fairly centralised, in that there is currently a dependency risk on TAAL’s honestly for the moment – however as more participants enter mining, attracted by the larger transaction process fee vs the block reward, that risk should reduce.

Not sure what you mean by the chain being too large to distribute, I had this discussion with bjw several years ago – the memory costs are insignificant for a commercial miner.

Besides, the whole point of UTXO is that the whole chain history isn’t needed for the vast majority of activity that will take place on it – it is only a relevant issue for miners.

For a UTXO system all that matters for most activity is “Has the coin been spent from it current address? Y/N. If ‘Y’ then ignore, if ‘N’ then script…whatever action”

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

However if you extend it to functionality and purpose then it becomes apparent that BTC is the shit coin in terms of what it does vs what it was designed to do

satoshi is not jesus or mohammed- he is not infallible.

he had certain ideas about direction of evolution and use cases, but history has unfolded differently.

maybe Moore’s law will mean that at some point in the future block sizes can be increased significantly without creating huge centralisation, but it seems that software solutions are the better bet.

the btc trade off says that you don’t need to store your gym membership purchase history on the public blockchain for all time. Seems sensible to me.

besides, price is not the only metric, but it is an important metric and one of the better ones that we have available


know almost nothing about it but i feel like its ju st got momentum bc millennials and younger feel theres no other way for them to get rich so thats where theyre dumping their money.


There is a lot to this and Poochy’s “self licking ice cream” analogy.


There is no investment case except that most people are retarded and there is still a lot of people praying for it to moon. Useful for anonymous transactions, organised crime I guess,
but that doesnt require it to moon.

At best I reckon it might go to a million but thats only a 10 bagger now and not worth a big bet.


You need to read up on it – it’s no good for anonymous transactions or organised crime.

The investment case is that it is becoming an emergent monetary convention which will demonetise some other assets (e.g. maybe houses) and potentially some currencies (weak ones first obviously).


At this stage I do think that it is the ETFs.

The ETFs enable boomers to call up their brokers and say “Ken, get me a bit of exposure to that bit coin thing”. This is price insensitive buying.

There is also a bit of FOMO and urgency creeping in through the ETF channel, although this would be Xers with online trading (rather than boomers with a broker).

Meanwhile floating supply is pretty limited, so there’s a squeeze.

I don’t think that the “undollar” narrative is an important force on the demand side yet. In time, it might become more important, especially if Fed drops rates or prints heavily again. In many currencies btc is already at all-time highs today. USD can easily join that group.


The ETFs have accounted for 300,000 coins being purchased since inception, not insignificant.

Having said that, someone has been buying 100 coins a day, for the last few weeks (not one of the ETFs as far as anyone can tell yet).

If the all time high is reached before the halving things could get really interesting.


I think that the chances of all time high being reached before the halving is quite good.

there is momentum and some fomo. For all we know the ETFs took another $500m cash yesterday and need to invest it into BTC today/tomorrow. This will drive the btc price up and also drag the etf price itself up, making it look more attractive.

it’s the self licking ice cream cone dynamic discovered by Saylor’s MicroStrategy. I think it’s an element for why the ETFs are likely to be particularly price insensitive. Apart from the fact that it is their nature to be dumb conduits.

(all good and well until the machine gets thrown into reverse, anyhow)


How good would Tulsi Gabbard be as Trump’s vice?

Agent 47

Another boomer thirst trap.


So many EZFKA coupon holders are fucking morons on either side.

2 years of Mass Media swallowing and ‘trust the science’ from morons like this, then it’s all “fake news” when you don’t like the messaging.

I really hope this POS is a bot, it would be so sad if this was a real person.


So, any bets on who the spy politician might be?

Or would naming names here be risky?


I wouldn’t put it past at least 50% of MPs. Apparently they did it before laws got tightened/implemented recently. So I guess that means they’ll never be named.


You can sell the entire country to China, tie the entire economy to them irretrievably and make it unviable for the legacy population to reproduce and that makes you a motherfucking hero

Just don’t spy for them, whatever that means


It’s interesting to speculate
Traditionally the Chinese secret police wanted pictures of little boys, little girls or politicians being spit-roasted, more or less in that order.
But the world has changed so I suspect the Chinese were more interested in collaborative  investments than coercive control.
It’s hard to get commitment for a stupid project just because you have the pictures, even if both parties commit it’s still kind of like making a silk purse out of a pigs ear.
But lets imagine you have a direct connection to a financially and politically influential politician, wouldn’t you want to make that happen. a sort of Australian Hunter Biden connection, a conduit through which lots of money can flow, a true Aussie silk road.
Imagine having a prominent Aussie politician financially bound to Chinese capital flow making decisions in your favor without even being asked. Yep that’s what I think this is all about.

Agent 47

Does anyone actually give a fuck? Mark Leibler has betrayed the country for 40 years and fuck all done about it.


The entire left and every Liberal voter. 95% of the population.


what even is there to spy on


I suspect the military secret that Australia wants to keep most highly guarded is our lack of depth, our lack of quality and our inability to execute on even our most highly prized programs.
well thats what i’d want to secret if I were running Australia.


Is it a current politician? Fed?

My vote would’ve been for Andrew Robb. He granted the Landbridge Group (CCP linked) that 99 year lease on Darwin Port, then took a >70k a month job with Landbridge as soon as he left parliament.

I wouldn’t be surprised by any name though.


Interesting pick. I was going for Dastyari, but Robb looks better to me.


Robb is also my pick, the links are so bloody obvious.
My other guess is Chris Pyne – famous fot “accidentally” tweeting about gay porn. Wouldn’t be surprised if foreign intelligence agencies have a massive dossier on this guy and he’d would be easily compromised.

the arborist

It looks like these faggots don’t want my business anymore.

At Totally Workwear, we believe a woman’s place is wherever she damn well wants, doing what she loves. 

A woman’s place is on the worksite, getting her hands dirty, getting it done.

It’s in the boardrooms of big companies and the hallways of our hospitals. 

And yes, a woman’s place is in the kitchen – Michelin star ones! Not taking orders, but taking charge! 

And Totally Workwear is the place women go to get all the gear they need to do the jobs they love.

Totally Workwear

Love Your Work


corporations will just conform to whatever the prevailing elite ideology is

the arborist

Indeed they will. And I will avoid them like the plague.

Gruppenführer Mark

I want one of them pussy hats…

the arborist

LOL! Here fishy, fishy…


The Sydney Sinkhole sounds like a good name for a pub.

Aussie Soy Boy

The clever country


Saw that one, Stags.
Best chuckle I’ve had in weeks.
Irony is still alive and kicking 🙂


Looks like Advance will be done when the 95-year-old behind it kicks the bucket.


I am deeply in lust with a hot new Brazilian coworker. I feel that my penis is going to lead me to a forced early retirement. That is all.


whats her racial mix % you reckon


I’d say little mix at all. Probably even more Southern European looking than South American. Face like a young Monica Bellucci.


Brings new meaning to going out with a bang.