Sydney YIMBY celebrate after one suburb of upzoning cancelled out by one day’s worth of planes landing at Sydney Airport

Sydney YIMBY have popped open the champers after an approval of rezoning an entire suburb was instantly negated by a day’s worth of migration.

Sydney YIMBY spokesman Stu Donovan stated that rezoning Bondi had been a great success, even if it didn’t keep up with a handful of Air India and Air China flights arriving in Sydney.

“It’s fantastic, we just needed to keep shouting UPZONE and bullying councils with astroturfed submissions on how to infill backyards with concrete sky ghettos, except mine of course,” Donovan said.

“I was tending to my backyard when I heard the news that the upzoning had been approved. Now all we need is to upzone the entire continent so all of India can move here. The number of flights coming in daily certainly shows that there is a need for upzoning but it’s nothing to do with immigration. It’s all a supply issue.”

Sydney YIMBY have also recently announced the release of a guide to bullying councils with astroturfed proposals on why retirees need to put 80 storey Meriton sky ghettos in their backyard.

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lmao i love the pic


Scott Morrison triggering the Swifties.


coming would be happy this day


He’d also be beating off to stuff like this.


maybe hes gone to a better place

constantly im checking the new replies to see whether hes returned to us


That family has good teeth.

Scomo is the absolute epitome of the modern white Ezfka legacy citizen. Shamelessly venal and criminal while shrowding himself in some sort of larp, in his case Christianity, in others it’s woke, in others it’s the Scott Cam muh salt of the earth jingoistic bogan culture.

They should make a statue of him.


hes the kind of guy who reckons hogs breathe is grouse fine dining and would eat there every friday


Yeah, unironically likes Nickelback, still listens to MMM and thinks its good, gets emotionally invested in his footy team. I swear they exude the same pheromones and shit as actual cattle.


Funny that he is basically an ex-marketing manager that seems to be sucked in by every piece of bland marketing going.


Feel sorry for the kids, last thing you would want at that age is your daggy old christian zionist of a father showing up.
Give your kids some independence for heavens sake and they might turn out better people than their non hose-holding father.
Tell him it is Friday night shouldn’t he be at Hillsong?

Just a massive religious hypocrite with nothing effective to say when a decent percentage of your population has legitimate concerns about ongoing mass slaughter of a population (ironically many of them Palestinian christians).


They look very happy to me. I saw on the news a number of people made it a family event.


Don’t tell me you are sold by the ‘everyday Australian’ middle-class legacy unit facade when in reality he has become quite wealthy off the long-suffering tax-payer?
Is he that interested in the music, or simply there to put out a social media post to show how much of a publicity seeking legacy unit he is?

Plenty with kids (probably even friends of those girls) missed out on tickets because this old geezer (and also Albo)wanted to go. Each to their own I suppose, first in first served and all that.

But makes me fondly remember my own childhood when Dad would get tickets for us kids to events but also get tickets for a couple of friends who were probably of lesser means (not that we would have been aware of that so much in those days).

Interesting what ‘men’ have become these days I guess.


Your dad sounds like a good man.

Maybe more people should have missed out on tickets. Some say idolatry is bad. She’s just a girl.


It is quite fascinating though when you look at it.
She is almost symbolic of an older America, family values, goodness, kindness etc.
And maybe despite what MSM peddles most of the time there is still a public receptive to that. It certainly brings in the dollars too.
Contrast that with some of these other artists the US produces nowadays.
When there were rumours about her ‘endorsing Biden’ at the superbowl I thought what a load of nonsense. Why would she do that, especially considering the part of the US that developed her career.
But I guess along with Musk it shows you the politicised degree of society, where even such cashed up figures are under pressure.


Yeah shes like Top Gun 2. People are just keen for something that is positive and white and not some festy little shitskin.

She is 34 and childless so her family values aren’t anything great. It’s more about freedom without a tsunami of vermin to prop up a jew command economy.


Sorry I didn’t see your earlier comments, but “Shamelessly venal” is an understatement!


the scary thing is scomo isnt even that old he just looks really old for how old he is.


Yeah but still closer in age to TS’s Dad than TS.


has legitimate concerns about ongoing mass slaughter of a population

But why care about one slaughter but not another?


They probably have a good orthodontist.


Why TF does he have a US flag badge on his hat?

Ironic Boomer

Hey Timbo you big meanie, didn’t you know we wouldn’t have flowers if immigration were cut?!

Gruppenführer Mark

Not enough water to go around to grow the beautiful garden and to provide for basic water consumption for the waves of migrants.

I do have a win-win suggestion – bring migrants in and allow them to naturally fertilize this beautiful garden of hers by shitting there.

Ironic Boomer

Has anyone heard a yimby advocate for lower shelter prices?
I hear them talk about increasing dwellings, but dwellings at what price? Dwellings at the same price? Dwellings at a greater price? Dwellings at a lesser price?
And I said price not ‘affodability’. ‘Affordability’ is a weasel word for loan serviceability. Of course property developer yimbys don’t want to cut immigration, they are at the front of the queue of the money spigot when money is created at banks to spray at shelter prices through mortgages.


“‘Affordability’ is a weasel word for loan serviceability. “

yes 100% yes

i think you were the one who originally said this back on macro and it immediately hit me like a truck, ‘affordability’ is the worst possible word to frame the debate around. we need housing at the lowest possible price tag, not ‘affordable housing’ a huge distinction most people are too low IQ to understand


Affordability has been used by realestate bulls and other vested interests as a cover.

It’s easy to deny that high property prices are an actual problem and claim that people are still buying – there’s always someone willing to put their face out in the news, whether it be a new migrant family or some EZFKA legacy unit with a deposit from the bank of mum and dad. This means they can always point to someone succeeding, meaning that “affordability” can be overcome and never an issue.

Anyone – complaining about affordability, YIMBYs or otherwise can easily be shut down with this line of argument.

And taken to its logical conclusion, “affordability” will never be a problem – so long as Gina Rinehart or Kerry Packer can afford to buy any property in EZFKA, that means someone is able to buy, so why aren’t you?


Eg. Peter Tulip sheds crocodile tears for young people who can’t afford housing.

Yet here we can see examples of young people affording to buy housing.

Gruppenführer Mark

That Guardian article…. Lots of stories of 30-something single women not being able to afford a place.

Is it a pity play, or a sign of wider issues in our society?


d) All of the above.

And a play to give women even more privilege at the expense of men.


i just use the analogy of a jug of milk at coles

what if the price was $15 for 2L for stock standard supermarket brand milk? would that be ‘unaffordable’? nah not really – most people, even poor people – could afford to buy that once or twice a week or so, would be annoying but possible. but why should anyone have to pay that much for milk if say the only reason it was $20 for 2L was bc the govt had put in place a bunch of retarded policies that artifically made the price that high?

its just about fair pricing more than it is about ‘affordability’ – housing should be valued what it deserves to be valued at, a 50s fibro shack at the back of birrong is not worth $1.2m in any sane person’s imagination, and the policies in place that have made it that high, including immigration, need to be eliminated

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

we need housing at the lowest possible price tag,

Then remove all regulations, land use, building codes electrical and plumbing standards.

a 50s fibro shack at the back of birrong is not worth $1.2m in any sane person’s imagination

the shack isn’t, it will most likely get bulldozed. The land is.


Just for emphasis, this is what housing at the lowest possible price tag looks like, unless tents count as housing.
At least according to AI


“Then remove all regulations, land use, building codes electrical and plumbing standards.”

think youre taking my proposal a bit too literally

holy fuck you are an annoying cunt

bring back coming at least he wasnt subterranean IQ

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

So how about you say what you actually mean then?
What do you suggest to make housing cheaper?
If you aren’t going to cut the building standards where is the cost reduction coming from?

Or are you just a whiny bitch that wants to complain about everything.


The building standards are fine in the majority of cases.

Builders actually making sure work adheres to minimum standards is another story.

The rates being charged are too high for the quality of work being done too.


Not going to argue with any of that, but theres no solutions being presented either.


Solutions are a combination of 1) Lower demand via reduced immigration. 2) YIMBY ) fill labor shortages in building trades (all immigration should basically be tradies) 4) regulation tweaks to enable density (can of worms but can be done) 5) GovCo counter cyclical home builder 6) (re)nationalise building inspections because the above is mostly useless without building to appropriate standards.


“(all immigration should basically be tradies)”

you want housing quality to get even shitter?

the solution is just eliminating immigration and deporting the hordes of fake ‘students’, visa rorters and gasterbeiters. australia has had below replacement fertility since 1979, land markets would heal within a few years after doing this.

if migration has to exist in some form in australia in the future it should be based on the gulf emiri model where migrants are purely guest workers with no pathway to residency of any kind, deported when they are no longer necessary or if they are causing trouble.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

you want housing quality to get even shitter?”

No. The English carpenters that we used a while back were top notch. Used some chinese for masonry and they were great too. Both groups cheaper than the lebs and legazens who quoted.

Import qualified people with a work ethic.

the solution is just eliminating immigration and deporting the hordes of fake ‘students’, visa rorters and gasterbeiters. australia has had below replacement fertility since 1979, land markets would heal within a few years after doing this.”

Mate that’s never happening. Pure hopium.


“Mate that’s never happening. Pure hopium.”

nor is anything you’re proposing so

end result of all of this: more shit, dodgy tradesmen from the subcontinent and elsewhere building dog shit for the Building Inspections guy to declare as non compliant

theres no ‘realistic’ pathway to fix australia and we all know it, this place is just for sharing dreams and unattainable ideals, nothing more

theres a bipartisan consensus to keep things the way they are (or make them worse) and most australians support it

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

YIMBY ) fill labor shortages in building trades (all immigration should basically be tradies)

Given tradies require apprenticeship qualifications they can’t be filled by immigration, and this is why they are paid so much. Labourers get replaced by immigrants but not the tradies.

4) regulation tweaks to enable density (can of worms but can be done)

It’s already done. Dog box apartments can be built in all sorts of places without local council approval. It isn’t fixing the problem though.

The rest I agree with but good luck doing any of it.


Given tradies require apprenticeship qualifications they can’t be filled by immigration, and this is why they are paid so much. “

There are lots of overseas-trained tradies working in Aus.

It’s already done. Dog box apartments can be built in all sorts of places without local council approval. It isn’t fixing the problem though.”

I’m talking more about low rise. So, in place of a free standing 4 bedroom on a 400sqm block you go townhouses or a small block of units.

Gruppenführer Mark

Not quite. Poor people who cannot afford milk can buy milk powder. 1 kilo makes ~7.5 litres of milk, with water added. Some stretch it even more, making 9 litres – all depends on the taste.

At today’s prices $10 (1 kilo of dry milk powder) that is $1.33 per litre (or less) and it doesn’t spoil. Store brand milk is what, $1.50 per litre?

You can’t do this with housing, unfortunately, unless we allow favellas. But then you will necessarily need to accept guns in the society 😀


i think milk powder is just so shite most people would still pay the $20 for the 2L Lol


Imagine enriching yourself by screwing over entire younger generations with wage suppression, ending up with lower rates and much higher house prices, and still being able to claim the higher ground with improved loan-serviceability. As far as evil plans go, I think it is brilliant.

I have said it before, if you want to truly understand how evil our politicians are then listen to Andrew Charlton on the Jolly Swagman podcast. If he had his way interest rates would go deeply negative.


Yes, its nothing but a blatant wealth transfer while depreciating the purchasing power of the monetary unit. Meanwhile, intangibles that aren’t really measured, like quality of life is getting destroyed.


They never say how they will get the labour to have everything built. It’s obviously not gonna happen with the RAM drivers and CFMEU lot we have now.

If anyone holistically stood for anything in this country they’d be violently cancelled. So I don’t entirely blame them.



The Victorian parliament recently rolled over on a vote to retain duck hunting.

Seems strange when Labor has been sucking Greens and Animal Rights Trans Paedo dick for anything the last few years, mainly for support of their Lockdowns (Samantha Ratface of the Greens famously returned from maternity leave to be the deciding vote for Lockdown 1/7).

Anyway, turns out the CFMEU are full of blokes who love a good buckshot weekend. CFMEU runs Victoria so the shooters win.

This is despite the evil rat fucks in Government trying to crush all hunting anyway. Latest move is to swap designation of State Parks to National Parks, which goes from hunting being ok in season, to never ok in a Nat Park.

Here’s a pic from that one great day anyhow.


The Jew fears the “hottie” smokin CFMEU member.


On a minor technical note “buckshot” was originally used on bucks… ie deer and other large animals. Birds are shot with birdshot, because buckshot would vaporise them.


buckshot would more likely miss them…


To whoever -1 this, why do skeet shooters use birdshot not buck when vaporising the target is the name of the game?


It’s not just the g-yboys getting all jealousy, g-ygirls too
Why, it’s almost like they aren’t the perfect people the media portrays


That NSW fag cop was wild, I’m just catching up. He tazered an Aboriginal guy in the face! Meanwhile he was a notorious star stalker on SM, so how low is the psych test to get into the job?

Here’s the clip:


what are the reqs to get into the police these days

Agent 47

Much lower than what they were when I was in.

the arborist

Reckon the cops would be as desperate as the armed forces for recruits, so standards will be dropped significantly to not only fill the numbers, but to make sure the full diversity quotas are met. Pajeets, femmes, muzzies, fags, they/thems, transformers… the whole shebang.

I saw an ad on the back of a bus the other day pleading for cop recruits with a giant picture of a smiling pajeet recruit.

Agent 47

Can only really speak for VICPOL but they used to average 3-4 squads a month at Glen Waverley pre-COVID. They’re now lucky to get one every two months and there was a period of about 18 months when they had no squads through.

They were literally calling candidates that had failed testing and encouraging them to reapply last year. Unsure if that’s still going on but wouldnt be surprised. No fucking chance id go out on the road with some clown who didn’t pass psych.

I know WAPOL has always had problems because of higher salaries in mining and a lot of the UK cops they target get sick of babysitting boongs and go work in the mines after a while.


is that why so many police on oz are british? i always thought that was super weird

Agent 47

Yeh that started in 2008. WA and SA aggressively recruit poms but other states not so much although I worked with a few in Vic.

the arborist

Good info. I’d say anyone with the required brains and brawn to be a good cop, would have enough sense to know it’s a mug’s game and will look elsewhere. More money, more respect, less danger to be had in mining or various other pursuits.

State cops are just another degenerate government agency where being white, competent and having testosterone are distinct disadvantages.


it doesnt seem that hard to be a cop especially in australia. i look at the kinds of people who are police in town here and they are blockheads

A fly in your ointment

here’s a video from test taken.
if you blow it you’re taken

the arborist

Have we reached peak degeneracy yet? Or is it going to keep getting worse?

Gruppenführer Mark

Welcome to Costco. I love you!

the arborist

You’re right. We’ve got a long way to go.

New question: Is a rebuild after complete collapse of society the only way out? Is there a chance of some sort of renaissance at all? A religious revival? Anything?

The MAGA movement and similar in Europe seem to be the only hope for the moment.

The only thing I’m certain of is that leftism, feminism, wokeness, etc are only going to continue to make things worse.


They notoriously want cops to be npcs. Even before woke.

Even those smart cops you see on the news that are trying to crack some difficult case…they look npc as fuck.


Anyone smart can work out that it’s a shit job before they join. But npcs certainly make the tyranny much easier.

Gruppenführer Mark

I have heard somewhere that in certain police departments they have upper limits on IQ scores for the new recruits. Need to follow orders, not think.

Not sure how true this is.

the arborist

This cop wasn’t even equipped to be a productive civilian, but in this degenerate femmocracy he was celebrated for everything he did and given a badge.

Even now, after the double murder, the press doesn’t dare publish anything negative about the perp, but instead focuses on celebrating and glorifying the degenerate victims.

For me, this tragicomedy is emblematic of the decay of western society. Everything low T, low impulse control and degenerate is celebrated and promoted – while the opposite is demonised and demoted.


i just realised he was the cop who hit that little abo shit a few years back!

the arborist

Which one?


nah nevermind wasnt him, i was thinking of this guy

Agent 47

He was a known problem. Should have been dismissed several times.


He Tazered an Aborigine in the face didn’t he?

As usual people got their undies twisted and ignored that this guy was on bail for domestic violence.


lmao what a wanker


Old Tulip bubble blocking people again. These people have higher fragility than that of an egg-shell, which is an insult to the strength of egg-shells.
No wonder this fool can’t process any alternative idea. The CIS must have become a circle-jerk, truly sad for something that was supposed to be supportive of independent thought.


No wonder this fool can’t process any alternative idea. The CIS must have become a circle-jerk, truly sad for something that was supposed to be supportive of independent thought.

oh i don’t think that was ever the point to begin with


I don’t think it was always that way, many years ago i used to go to some of their events on a variety of topics. Mostly economics related. At that time it was literally a few people interested in hearing the debate
Only recently I checked their website and am amazed at the number of ‘staff’ they now have.
You can bet this hasn’t come about via small-time supporter donations like years past.
And I doubt we are going to see a debate of Peter Tulip v LVO (or Dick Smith) on our favourite topic anytime soon.


of course we wont see that he cant block people irl


Strange to block people when his contact detail are publicly available.

Peter Tulip’s contact details

My address:
Centre for Independent Studies
Level 1, 131 Macquarie Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

61 2 9438 4377 (w)
61 479 059 849 (m)
61 2 9415 8538 (h)

web page:


You do realise you can block emails and phone numbers as well.

Just saying.


Blocking on Twitter a bit different. It is not necessarily about blocking spam or trolls. If you block enough people with an alternative view, you create an echo chamber.


I love the way those Yimby faggots can’t even face an argument on Infrastructure either.

Supposedly the infrastructure in Vic and other states was vital, the huge spend which is bankrupted Sicktoria.

So how is it going to cope with a million Pajeets on the roads, shitting in the gutters etc?


Tulip is a modern day Bligh. Stop torturing yourselves. You could find a boomer cunt like that most likely in your own street.


Earlier in the week I spoke to a Boomer who mentioned the usual crap about how easy kids have it today with lower rates, fhog, how lazy they are, etc. He was whining about land tax on his multiple houses and said the housing crisis could be solved by abolishing land taxes and CGT. I told him the housing crisis could be solved by dramatically raising land taxes to force him to sell, and then cutting off his free healthcare paid for by the taxes of young people that cannot afford a house. Red rag to a bull. It was an epic troll.


Based. I try not to talk to anyone about housing. Seems like most people in my neighbourhood don’t even really want to talk to each other either apart from a hello and a few words about your dog or the weather.


It’s just a conspiracy theory that the Jews run things


South African parliament looks true to expectations


How’s the Anti-white self hatred from this faggot? He is editor of Crikey News it seems.


Has anyone replied telling him to start by killing himself yet?


I think they’re starting to realise that the culture war they’ve been at the forefront of is driving men, particularly young men, toward the right, and they really can’t admit to themselves that they need to share some of the blame.


If politicians are half as bad as the people who post in political subreddits, then that explains every societal problem

They are probably even worse because at least there are dissidents on Reddit but there aren’t in their gay party events


Also pollies have a financial incentive to be pieces of shit but Redditors do it for free


if youve ever read the reddit worldnews / politics subs youd know this is the future generation of politicians/bureacrats/government officials/diplomats in the world

most of the people we’re going to be voting for 15-20 years from now will be these guys, and the yimby posters on twitter

they all have the most middling tier analytical capacity and understanding of global issues, their whole take on ukraine is “send ukraine more money, weapons, then theyll finally be able to win”

i brought up manpower and ukraines obviously fucked demographic pyramid in that sub to them once and got banned about half an hour later

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Mainlining the blackest blackpill


With the mainstream media basically run by a few companies that are owned by a dark coloured geological substance company, people are fed a diet of news articles that benefit the investment of said company.

The whole Putin propaganda insults and Kremlin troll keeps getting trotted out to avoid a proper conversation. If people knew how many Ukrainians have died, they would be advocating for peace which is unprofitable for a dark coloured geological substance company.

Gruppenführer Mark

Prez ze just came out and said that Ukraine only lost 31,000 men over the course of the war!

I mean, the jews killed more than that in Gaza since October, they are a much better equipped fighting machine, with superior weapon systems.


propagandists gonna propagand


With Avdeyevka under Russian control and the war not being a stalemate, the truth starts trickling out:

the arborist

Has everyone seen Peachy / Poochy’s announcement at the bottom of the screen about funding this site? I admit I haven’t made a donation, but I would if I weren’t a crypto averse luddite.

As she says… “Be a man and do the needful.”


i just don’t understand crypto but i actually want to donate

the arborist

I’ve been told it’s easy as, perhaps a learned shut-in can give us a couple of beginner pointers.


She’s gone! The AFP are running the place now and it’s a honey trap. That’s why both her and coming have gone

Agent 47

Everyone’s a fed bro


I don’t like being told to be a man. There are no men in the west.


Speaking of the crypto subject. Has anyone seen this?


Not gonna bother, the end of freedom has already happened and it wasn’t crypto.


Leftards are such unintended comedy, this retard begging for more retards for their protest outside Albanese’s office.


And this.

So good.


It’s like men aren’t interested in their bullshit or something.

the arborist

Albanese and Morrison being faggoty at the psyop concert.


Our politicians are fundamentally unserious people. That and they have no idea what they are doing. It is a recipe for long-term disaster.

Agent 47

A knock out punch to the jaw, then a fall that bashes the head onto a concrete floor, or the soft bones of the temple onto a table corner will result in a fractured skull, brain bleed and death.

My partner’s Mum was fit and active, but slipped on a wet pavement, hit her head on the kerb when she fell, and died there in the street with her husband looking on helplessly.

Agent 47

Allow me to rephrase that: Islanders have better chins than Indians


That was years ago probably 5 maybe 10. 9/Fairfax are faggots now. I watch 7 news even though they are only a little bit more based.

the arborist

Why am I not surprised about this information on that faggot killer cop?

What do we know about Lamarre-Condon?

Lamarre-Condon worked at the NSW Police Force Youth Command as a ‘youth engagement officer’ with schoolchildren in Sydney’s south.

The role saw him travel around the suburbs of Rockdale, Kingsgrove and Bexley acting as a point of contact between schools, community groups and NSW Police.

He would run programs with kids to help keep them on the right path.


Not all homos are degenerate predators, but it seems like a higher proportion than straight people.

the arborist

True, but what sort of leader would put this obviously demented fag in a role where one of their main objectives is to influence children?

Lamarre-Condon once found fame as celebrity chaser and has been pictured stars including Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Dua Lipa and Harry Styles.


The same ones that make them teachers, or create the gemini AI or make movies that are commercial failures that push THE MESSAGE, or insert other orwellian social engineering here

the arborist

Indeed. Tolerance is not a viable option.

Previous generations knew this.


The US is actually screwed if they deal with the fatness problem

About 17% of US GDP is healthcare spending

They need bad health to keep the money pumping

Fucked if I know how mass layoffs from AI = booming economy, remembering that the stock market and corporate profits aren’t the economy


where even are these mass layoffs seriously

is this AI shit even impacting anything beyond hype merchants on the internet

gpt is getting dumber and dumber too


I thInk that AI is the latest version of the electric car. It’s a nice trick that’s being massively hyped by the usual suspects,but it’s also very likely to catch fire, explode and hurt you.

It will ultimately be useful, but as long as it’s hampered by woke developers it’ll just turn out worthless shit, like Google’s ridiculous Gemini thing that produced pictures of black female Nazi stormtroopers in the name of diversity.

Those people at Google and elsewhere, who think they’re so clever, really are fucking idiots.


Those people at Google and elsewhere, who think they’re so clever, really are fucking idiots.

You underestimate them. They are playing a long game. You aren’t the target for change, your children and their children are.

He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.

But at the point it becomes too obvious for even the most sheeple of sheeple to ignore then it gets really interesting.

Gruppenführer Mark

I think it will be more like a self-driving car, or a flying car. Tech may well be there, but you hand that over to a bunch of idiots, who will try to break it just to see if they can, and it will crash and burn in a spectacular heap.


If nothing else it is useful to see where the digital overlords plan to take us.


AI is impacting something. Call centres are replacing staff with useless chatbots and you will hold the phone line for another two hours to speak with a staff member.


The useless chatbots are just replacing the uselesss offshore call centres because they are even cheaper.


productivity boom times ahead

at least that means we get to listen to opus no 1 more

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

There’ll have to be layoffs if AI is going to do anything useful

IMO it will. A lot of low skill white collar bullshit-style jobs are cactus.

You’ll want skills that can’t be automated like being a black queer disabled DEI manager


IMO it will. A lot of low skill white collar bullshit-style jobs are cactus.

doubt it, the fact that theyre bullshit and useless already but companies etc still pay people to do them shows they still exist even if theyre not needed in the first place

same as the countless uni “admin” workers that exist in every uni institution all over the world whether theyre private or public

clearly theres no efficient market processes here at all


It’ll be too obvious for private sector entities to resist once AI can do those types of jobs, insurance adjusters and admin staff etc. Right now those people can hide behind the fact that their job is probably somewhat necessary if only to meet bureaucratic regulations even though it may feel pointless.

The boost to earnings and concormitant boost to executive bonuses from getting rid of the low skilled will make it unavoidable unless there’s some sort of anti-AI legislation passed. Governments will keep employing the equivalent of chimney sweeps and shoeshine boys and shit for a long time to come though.


this is some pure uncut colombian grade blackpill definitely a bit painful to have some of this shit stuck up my nose now


i still dont think youve caught quite up with how shit these LLM systems are becoming though

everyone has noticed an obvious degeneration in gpts functionality and how you have to argue with it bc of how cross-contaminated it has been made from all the bullshit that has been fed into it

its becoming a schizo mess of inconsistent bullcrap that arbitrarily answers or doesnt answer the same thing for absolutely no reason

i suspect this issue with diminishing returns and the constant demand from reactionary creeps to further censor it will gimp it even further and further into uselessness

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

And googles gemini AI is woke as fuck. But that same model can be trained by non spastics to work well, and probably is, but is not being released publicly.


the wokeness gimps them but its more than just that, the ‘minds’ or whatever you might call it of these things seem to be eating themselves from the inside out


They just do what they’ve been taught to do, and it seems the public facing ones are being taught to indoctrinate the public. Hardly a surprise given the history of censorship from big tech.


Efficient market forces are great in theory, but if you look at individual people making these choices then you can see how you end up where we are.
The people making the actual day to day decisions in a company of any significant size get no direct benefit or loss from the profit the company makes, in fact they probably have no visibility at all of the company profitability. Their decisions are driven by what is best for them, not the company.
The more bullshit jobs under you, the more people you are managing and the better your resume looks for your next job.

The real job losses will be when the companies goes broke because someone creates a new one without all that baggage in the first place.

the arborist

Agreed. There are so many jobs being done now that don’t need to be done at all and exist just to keep the economy ticking over. There will always be enough bullshit jobs in a modern economy to keep the peasants under control.


remembering that the stock market and corporate profits aren’t the economy

They are to economists, politicians and journalists.


They matter because corporate profits and stock market gains go to the ‘right’ people.


Given DLS has a perfect record of being incorrect. It is time to prepare for a recession and sell down your shares.


Just stay invested all the time

There’s no way a fuckknuckle like me or DLS is going to outsmart the market

Aussie Soy Boy

US stocks are still cheap by historical standards. Not a good sign for the MB fund if DLS is a little weak at the knees again.


I think the RE tide is begineing to turn.

The other day I talked to a young man (just graduated MechEng) about taking up an R&D job in Adelaide working for a high tech defense company.
His concern is that there’s very little left of his salary after he rents an apartment. Why make a move like this when the sums don’t even make sense?

My advice was simple, demand at least $85K plus make it their problem to rent you a house.

The company’s feedback was along the lines that $85K is OK (starting salary) but that they didn’t want to get involved in the house rental business, so he would need to find and secure his own house/apartment rental/purchase.

Predictable response but what will they do if everyone (with necessary skills) has the same demands?
What will happen to critical defense projects if appropriately skilled workers demand that suitable housing be included in their packages?

Think about it. This young man has lots of choices, US engineering is booming and (from what I hear) it’s easier to rent a house in Los Angeles than Adleaide, why would this young man accept this job?
It’s stupid to even try, and since the young man is anything but stupid we have a bit of a conundrum.
(IMHO any country that won’t provide skilled young workers with affordable housing, can just go F’itself. as far as I’m concerned this should be his baseline negotiations position.


we’ve been hearing some variation of this story affixed to the phrase “the housing market tide is starting to turn” for the past 10 years

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Yep I know and for the past 15 years ordinary people have been paying outrageous percentages of their salary for shitty housing.
What’s happeneing now is that we import 10 x low skilled tech subcontinent talent while simultaneously exporting our best home grown talent….If you can make any sense of that then you’re much smarter than me.
At least now this discussion is being had and critical defense employers know what is needed to maintain Aussie talent in Australia. That’s a huge step forward. The problem is that these “defense jobs” can only be filled with Aussies so this is where the change will happen, either wage offerings will need to double or …
It’s one thing for Scomo to propose his $360B sumbarine program but it’s pointless having these projects if our big defense contractors can’t staff the positions needed to move the projects forward.


a lot of ‘ordinary’ people havent been paying anything because they already own, in fact they have been attaining outrageous amounts of capital gains from land price appreciation

they don’t want that to change no matter what they might say in opinion polls


The $360B submarine program will end up us renting overpriced second hand subs from the septic tanks.
Poor value for money for Australia. Given your friend has no qualms about working for the MIC, why not go to the US.

Aussie Soy Boy

Can’t princess rent a room somewhere?


Yeah, but the thing is, he doesn’t need to settle for some moldy shitty room in a shared house.
Simply put: He has better options!


they can settle for a mouldy non-shared apt in regional for $250 p/w like me



Simply put: He has better options!

So why doesn’t he take them?


I think it’s called hope, loyality, sense of belonging…sort of things you write about in your HSC English essay.

Aussie Soy Boy

Princess does not have better options.

$215 per week in the CBD.

$180 per week

Princess just has to apply, but wants his employer to be his mummy and daddy finding him somewhere to live.

Scary to think this princess will be creating our military equipment when he doesn’t have the nous to find somewhere to live.


you guys are not thinking about the problem from a defense contractors position.
If employers were to offer new hires $150K starting salary then they’d need to quickly adjust a lot of recent hire salaries (and a lot of lower management salaries) or have lots of pissed off existing employees.
If they did increase everyones salary then all of their existing projects would suffer be making operational losses (negative cashflow on a project basis) this is not acceptable to senior management. meaning they’re better off not getting involved in these new projects.
The other solution is to find a way to support new hires in a manner that is not immediately obvious to all the other employees.

Hope it makes sense now why he is asking for housing support.


AS soon as anyone finds out about the housing support the same problem occurs, and housing support is a lot more obvious than what someone gets paid. Most people don’t go around sharing their salary with coworkers.


goodness just how right brained are you?

Ten years ago, the Treasury told us that Housing price escalation wasn’t inflation, because they’d changed the basket of measurables for inflation. That was what we all had to believe, but “believing” didn’t make it true. Housing price escalation was and remains inflation, we didn’t stop the inflation and now there’s a cost to pay….

In exactly the same way “housing support” is wage escalation,, but maybe if we all pretend it isn’t then it isn’t

There’s no way around this problem, we (all Aussies) are going to have to pay more (a lot more) for home made defense technology. And while we do this we’re all going to need to tell ourselves fairytales not dissimilar to the ones we told ourselves 10 years ago

It’s just what is necessary…doing the needful, if you want it in subcontinent parlance.


Predictable response but what will they do if everyone (with necessary skills) has the same demands?

Then the ofered wage may go up, but the attendant demand for housing has no chance.

What will happen to critical defense projects if appropriately skilled workers demand that suitable housing be included in their packages?

wages will go up, other people will do the jobs or shit won’t get done. And unless there is a hot war on no defence project is remotely critical in any way.

Think about it. This young man has lots of choices,

If this was true he wouldn’t be bitching about the offer he has, he’d be taking a better one somewhere else.


Yep wages can also increase but most large employers are reluctant to go down this path because it means that all their existing staff will also want to get the same percentage pay increases needed to attract new talent.

If you can constrain the additional costs to new hires (by providing housing support) then it will cost you much less than doubling everyones wages.


And existing staff won;t want housing support?


A million Pajeets with “engineering degrees” says your mate gets rejected. They’re already ‘hot bedding’ so accommodation costs are much lower if you’re prepared to share 9 street shitters taking shifts to sleep in a 3 bedroom house, etc.

Karen from HR probably can’t believe this guy made it through her software filter anyway, unless he’s ticked the boxes etc identifying as an Indigenous trans disabled female. The audacity of him making it through then her having to send more emails and actually think for 5 minutes.

We are talking about Gov or Gov contractors too, glacial decision making, usually done via 25 meetings in the Longhouse.

Your scenario makes sense, except we have systems now in place which don’t allow a sensible decision.


absolutely not worth doing this and holy sh_t this video is disturbing but this is a seriously brave bloke

Aussie Soy Boy

Ha what a moron


I admire him but I doubt he’ll be a Thich Quang Duc.

Seems to be a quick way to die though. Surprisingly. I guess all the flames suck all the oxygen so after about a minute you can’t breath? Dunno.


I’m gonna do this to avoid my next family gathering.