Well, the other day Haroldus had announced that MB is dead and Gouda reported it to the folks here, in the following terms:

I thought that this could use some numerical confirmation so have had the user interaction numbers that MB achieved in the last 6 weeks or so (measured by number of daily comments) charted.

Youse don’t need to be a charting geniuses to see what’s happening here. It’s a mighty channel heading down, with some seasonal variation (driven by day of week) around the trend line.
At this rate, I’d expect that by the end of January 2024, MB will struggle to generate 100 comments on their busiest day.
For folks so keen on always looking for signs of deflation and collapse everywhere (iron ore prices, Bitcoin, houses, dam levels), they sure seem to have missed the ones closest to home.
That guy over there, DLS? must have been raped by Big Iron Ore. He knows he’s wrong but he keeps on being Mr Wrong.
As for the 18 months house price crash theme? sucked in loosers
Can you superimpose house prices on that chart
make it log if you need to
the big collapse would have been when covid didnt kill the golden goose
To be fair there was a period of time when I couldn’t post anything. Because of site problems but they don’t tell you what’s going on. Which is fucken annoying.
But I also haven’t been posting because of denis, yokel and fn sweeper and another dickhead called DSS.
Funnily enough I haven’t heard from those knobgoblins for a a while now, but it may be all too late.
Get woke go broke
I have a suspicion they’ve implemented a new bespoke censoring mechanism.
My comments seem to go straight through when I occasionally post to DLS articles, but go via some approval check/review on Leith’s articles… I probably posted one to many snide remarks, or he may be still sulking over me calling Kiev Kiev instead of Kyiv (honestly only cucks change the English language to accommodate invaders preferred pronouns).
Anyhow, occasionally Leith lets a more innocuous remark through, and I get notifications that someone has replied to my comment, but when I eventually get around to checking the notification whatever the comment that was posted in reply has been censored.
Perhaps the quiteness on the Western front might be MB listening to those complains and those hobgoblins being more actively censored when they attack other people’s opinions.
Being forced to say Kyiv and Türkiye is like pronouns for countries.
Exactly – it is also a means of signalling which supplicant nation or society Western Elites are prepared to allow to ingratiate themselves with. China, they ran around and changed Peking to Bejing – what a cuck. Then even worse they sucked up to India, Bombay to Mumblefart or whatever the constipated sounding name is meant to be.
But for some reason Germany will never be referred to as DeutschLAND and they’re never going to refer to Moscow as Moskavo.
It is a signalling mechanism by the media to jump on the bandwangon.
Yeh. I’m all for Ukraine, but I don’t buy into the kyiv thing. As for turkey, I don’t care as well
Christmas is the ideal opportunity to annoy the whole family by asking someone to pass the Turkiye.
If you understood the language then you’d get it. Stop being a fucking moron. It is Київ not Киев.
You cunts moderate more than MB! Stewie is a putin dick sucking moron.
I pity you.
Dennis, yokel and sweeper drove me away from MB after subscribing for probably ten years. Those cunts are vile things and need shooting.
Thing is I am quite mild in my comments and believe I am centrist. I certainly don’t love the party of the rodent any more than I love the party of albeau or greens. If anything I am what labor should be – supporter of the strayan worker. ie strayan/worker. Neither of which albeau and his karens are.
I suspect it is my posting stories and comments about the ROP that is the problem for those cockwombles.
Good to see you on board Harry. And remember spinning is for chumps.. haha
Matey, you need to get with the program and refer to Anthony by the first letters of his name.
Good to see you here.
Leith seems to be powering on lots of appearances in the MSM
if tabloids are msm (and it seems so)… then yes.
but so did appear that phat Cindirella and that 91 kid rapist.
Would have to be a better earner than posting stuff on embee that no-one ever reads.
So will Alboeasy cave and send an Aussie warship to aid the Juice in their war?
Only if we can have 500k Palestinians.
that’s probably what he meant: to pickup and permanently resettle Philistines of MD to allow Philistines of JHV to expand their lebensraum in their dräng nach Osten ind Sudden
pin true Aussie tradition, the arrivals by HMS ships will be allowed to settle here after serving a honorary 5yr sentence which is then followed by a grant of 5 acres of land in vicinity of Port Hedland.
Be a loser with graphs. Call 091 483 333185729 5943 556 778 8938456754 222 8 0935632 994 5 564333333333333333333333333 2.
I think the number has an error.
that single 8 should be a double 69
MB articles are basically just copy pasta, all their predictions are wrong so it’s worthless as financial advice, the only value was in the comments and most of the entertaining commenters are gone too. I wonder if the Boomers drove Mattias into suic*de like he was always saying they would.
I didn’t know that was Matthias’s shtick. Curious.
the other funny dude was kodiak – he decided to wreck his family rather than drop $100k over what he though was fair value for a house.
These fuckin guys like kodiak who bang on about how much better the US is but never actually leave
Matthias constantly raved about how everybody was being driven to suicide for various resons and almost everybody he knew had killed themselves, and if x didn’t happen people would start killing themselves etc etc.
There was clearly something wrong with the guys head.
Thanks for bringing me up to speed with that guy’s antics.
I saw a few of his messages and definitely got the sense that he was a bit unhinged. But the impression I had was that it was more like the religious fervour of a recent convert, rather than the manifestation of some lifelong disturbances.
probably need one of the dozen ezfka doctors to judge what’s going on here – I expect that their senses are more finely tuned to distinguishing between different kinds of nutters. Gouda? Coming?
makes me pine for the shower pressure and international student fuel tax guy, he was wholesome
The irony of you posting this after constantly raving about how everyone you know is dying from the jab
Yes 100%. Hope he didn’t end himself. I reckon he must have been from goldie or some other gold diggers paradise. Not all women are like he said. Some are pretty awesome. Have a mate who lives in euro zone who got shafted by some bird in said country, his friends are a collection of weirdos blaming woman for shafting them. Fmd strange bunch of xunts, can see why the birds went yeah eff off.
Kodiak was 100 percent full on America yeah! 🇺🇸
We got into some heated discussions about that. They/them (feels strange to even type it) still live in late 20th century.
Yes they are cut and paste jobs especially when quoting bank economists and their forecasts. My beef is that with each current forecast they don’t point out the last forecast, and the one before, for being wrong.
If only it was worthless financial advice. If the reader takes MB seriously it offers negative value. Worthless would be a win for them.
At least they seem to have grown enough sense to commenting on Bitcoin
bitcoin will kick your ass
is Reusa gone? I went to have a quick look, and seems to be absent.
yeah he is gone, sadly. everyone I used to banter with has really. now it’s just fucken dreary joyless scolds
Remington Plumbing too?
The terminal sign for embee was their social media mentions which rarely went beyond single digits. One just has to look at the level of engagement with EZFKA twitter (@auseconomicunit) compared to @macrobusiness.
You would think that any economically conservative, anti-immigration publisher would find a following and do well since the Elon Musk takeover. But even with a decade long head start they haven’t been able to build up a substantial following.
Then there’s their decision over the comments section – arguably the most interesting part of the site, yet now a shadow of its former self from being locked behind a paid subscription service. Why would anyone bother where there’s so many freely accessible sites like Reddit, Twitter, Whirlpool, Ozbargain etc?
This is marvellously ironic. I think they used to write a lot about how foxtel was dead in the water because of how internet streaming providers were doing it cheaper and better and foxtel kept charging more while offering less.
And they:
Yeah I mentioned tongue in cheek on this Melbourne blokes YouTube channelre housing affordability and no longer a society just a economic zone and some other punter mentioned EZFKA.
Well done
I wanna be 67.4667854321 and wasting my time over how MB was wrong.
I enjoy freedom of expression except when it offends the Flemish. They kind of look like they gob up a lot of phflegm.
That’s why they gave them Brussells and Belgium. Because they were gobbing too much. Bruges is entirely coated in phlegm.
Hey Stewie
i have had lots of time on my hands recently (nothing to do until feb), so have read up on this Wright Satoshi stuff.
it was hard to latch onto the thread initially, but then it clicked. Superb write ups here:
it al fits together so neatly. The ezfka tax refund schemes and the claimed bitcoin payments that are somehow never on chain. The chameleon evidence. The curious coincidence that everyone who might corroborate anything happens to be recently deceased. And the remarkable stream of apparent forgeries and hacks. Then the stuff that reportedly went down recently with nchain… my god.
Bloke is going to get wrecked in the upcoming court case, I believe.
half wonder whether he might flee to some non-extradition country or otherwise disappear rather than face the reckoning
While Arthur makes some valid points the guy is basically a full time paid troll of Blockstream and Barry Silbert’s DCG whose sole job and occupation for the past 10 years has been to attack any iteration of Bitcoin other than BTC from his mother’s basement. So I would take his opinion with a grain of salt, as he takes whatever grains of truth that support his view and mixes it in with the flour of his own opinion and speculation.
Without a doubt there are many ‘forged’ documents – mainly final versions of the Bitcoin white paper whose meta data indicates that they were printed out or formated well after the supposed dates they were created. What Arthur doesn’t mention is that there is also a large amount of evidence, like earlier iterations or drafts of the white paper, that do support his claim. In the end it will be for the courts to decide and as I’ve said before predicting the outcome there is no better than a coin toss.
I’ve long maintained CSW is a very flawed individual, however I still think on the balance of probabilities that he is Satoshi, as he is practically the only person in the space whose vision of what Bitcoin should be remains aligned with the original Bitcoin whitepaper. However as to whether he will be able to prove that in court remains another matter.
If you want a more objective criticism of Craig and of his likely chances of success then I suggest you have a read of an email addressed to CSW by Calvin Ayre, who happens to be his main financial backer in these court cases, which was recently leaked to the public (the link is now dead but have a copy of the transcript of it:
Calvin clearly believes CSW is Satoshi, but he also believes he is likely to lose the court case unless he can actually sign in court.
There have apparently been a number of mock trials or prep sessions with CSW being cross examined in practice all of which were complete disasters.
Anyhow, as to whether he is or isn’t Satoshi is a question I’ve always found less interesting than the underlying technology – the main fact that had always interested me with BSV was that it actually works. I’ve used a lot of crypto at different times and none have compared to the seamless experience of BSV, and it achieves what the paper originally described – peer to peer trustless micro payments.
Shame that its been euthanised by US Fintech and payment processors, but that is the way the world works sometimes.
It’s not a coin toss at all. In my mind.
In my mind it’s a roll of a 160-sided die, with only one of the sides indicating a Wright win.
so I give it significantly less than 1% chance. If I could bet money on it at 2:1 odds, I certainly would.
I am quite completely convinced that the story of bloke pointing at random public blockchain transactions and public blockchain addresses and claiming that they are his – initially to support some kind of tax claims is very plausible and indeed likely. It also seems plausible that the claims then escalated as the snowball of BS rolled downhill and gathered mass.
this is all much easier to accept than the keys being his wife’s/his company’s/his dead friend’s/tulip trust’s (as may be convenient at the time) or that he can’t access keys because they are lost/in shards with anonymous parties/in a hard drive that has been stomped on/he is prevented by the terms of a trust.
and he didn’t make one coin move from any address of substance. Not one coin.
it is beyond ridiculous.
and now he’s in a huge hole, having a $100m+ judgement debt, with no way of getting out. It’s over.
Given he’s already essentially won one trial around issues that deal with much the same topic with much the same evidence related issues I would suggest that the odds are higher than 1%.
That said I’m with Calvin – unless he signs he’s most likely going to lose.
I wish there could be 100 trials, so we could estimate the odd more accurately!
whatever he has won must have been on incomplete or fabricated evidence or againtst unrepresented parties or something.
It was against Ira Kleinman who received significant funding from DCG. Ira lost the 50bn claim and the 100m found against CSW in the same trial is owed to himself and his wife, there is another ongoing case as to how much of an interest if any Dav Klienman actually had in the entity CSW was found to have engaged in ‘conversion’ over.
but in that case, as I gather, the Kleiman side was not out to challenge the fantastical edifice of wrights stories. On the contrary, they were incentivised to leave that uncontested.
They were like “okay, we’ll take your word for it about how you and Dave invented Bitcoin and did all this shit in the Seychelles and Panama and Costa Rica and wherever… so then hand over Dave’s share of the value”
so he got hoisted by his own whatsit
One for the court Peachy, like Britt’s trial there are too many vested interests with their own agendas commenting on this case.
I dont agree that he’s got a 1% chance of winning, but I would agree that the odds aren’t in his favour, as outlined in Calvin’s email.
I’m no fan of the personal qualities of the man, to be honest I take some pleasure in whatever personal suffering and angst these trials might be causing him because I believe he’s a fuckwit and significantly harmed the adoption of a technology that he played some indisputable roll in developing, whether that was as Satoshi or in collaboration with as a part of a gestalt Satoshi entity.
yeah, but making predictions is fun, when you have a view.
I feel that I now have a very strong view.
I wonder if the proceedings will be live-streamed. That would be awesome to watch.
How do I become a pedestrian intellectual? Walk down George St at 10:02 on a Wednesday in June.
I don’t get it
It was a dumb attempt at a joke. Because there’s lots of so called intellectuals around who are rather pedestrian. Like Dr Demography.
i can’t hep but notice comments are deleted from ezfka too ……..
I think that comments with a bunch of web links get caught by some sort of filter
More than two links lands comments in purgatory and needing approval. Otherwise it’s generally been fine aside from some dickheads years ago who got banned due to going around calling everyone faggots and other unoriginal abuse.
“dickheads calling everyone faggots”
anyone know what happened to W@F?
I thought maybe OzCuck is w@f? Just with the “feral” dialled down?
i thought maybe but im not 100% sure either, w@f was extremely aggressive and challenged everyone to a fight
ozcuck is in sydney
W@F was in regional queensland
completely different political views too
although they/it could just be larping multiple accounts who knows
That’s who I was thinking of. For some reason I have a recollection of another poster (bjw perhaps?) starting a few threads to bait him into replying and then deleting his responses which was quite amusing.
Nah I am not him.
Is safe to say brisbane Hong Kong refugee camp yet?
They’ve probably cost some of their diehards $500k, $1m, even $2m lol with their terrible advice.
Hey, has anyone heard of a place in Australia where you can get gas? In Victoria, there are rumours of an El Dorado to the north where gas flows like water.
Just read the article.
seems like someone (that is, everyone, over many decades) in Victoria forgot to plan for bass strait production decline and so now their reaction is to just fucking ban everything and jack up costs brutally (after some pretend consultation) and also make noises about climate stuff.
Standard ezfka stuff.
the resurrection of SEC (the entity that would’ve planned for the production decline, had it not been disbanded and privatised) and transforming it into a gaslighter for gas price rises is a cynical ezfka masterstroke!
Looks like some greenie bullshit, we could easily get the gas, it’s just that TPTB don’t want to.
That’s just how it is when you live in a broke authoritarian one-party state.
anyone else completely over summer already
what the fk is this weather
no one can convince me this is better than being a little bit cold
Summer is the worst season by a long shot.
too hot = must have air con to be comfortable.
too cold = put on another layer of clothing.
I despise summer and everything it stands for.
mate you live in dubbo
summer in inland australia is pure hell
this is why people pay a lot of money to live on the coast
most people in sydney dont live on the shore either its not like the riff or whatever has much better weather than here
you’re right that’s why white people will pay a premium to live near the harbour/beach
indians don’t care about heat and will live in western suburbs without any hesitation
wear jeans and polo to the gym on 40 degree days etc
those new treeless suburbs w the identical greyscale houses are hell on earth, worst places in the world to live
indians seem to love them though
They probably don’t have the same general health issues that most legacy units have.
Going to the beach helps. Or doing exercise and sweating lots of crap out. That way I don’t feel like a microwaved bit of sludgy meat so much.
But yeah summer can generally get fucked. The superior white man’s weather is approx 19-25c.
we haven’t heard from bcnich in a long time?
Has he been on MB at all?
all of his claims exposed as complete bullshit tho
what about that glass pyramid guy, hes another yimby weirdo on twitter i read his shit
lmao also that 8888 guy messaged me on twitter to try to sell me some shitty trading platform imagine being this desperate for commission youre hitting up me of all people on this
Are you sure it wasn’t an impersonator?
no it was really him
there’s absolutely nothing sadder than the anti-hoomer who trades stocks instead and thinks they’re going to get rich
what was that funny twitter account that made fun of anti-hoomers
who trades stocks instead and thinks they’re going to get rich
Funny you mention this, but i was bitching a few days ago about being 12% down on stocks.
I’m now up $40,000 in one day on sentiment that rate cuts are coming.
dm me for my ‘no hands’ trading platform
the crazy thing about it is even if you strike it rich in the stock market, what will you do with the profits?
That’s right
buy a house
why not cut out the middle step
can you screenshot that and post it here?
was a while ago i just never brought it up, deleted the pm
im assuming he does it to a lot of his followers
lol, thats the aussie guy living in singapore who’s arsechafed he didnt buy a house in sydney.
typical that everyone on twitter is trying to sell something.
shit that must be why he was talking up apartments to me yesterday over terrace houses
IMO you are misinterpreting these guys. They are taking the piss out of the wealthier suburbs that demand population growth but refuse higher density in their own suburbs.
Yeah, glass pyramid guy is great.
I think he’s given up on interacting with the mb participants, such as they are
Sensible move. The mb remnants are aggressive spazz’s like Dennis and yokel. Don’t touch that poo.
Gone to twitter – https://twitter.com/pfh007 another embee refugee.
I wonder if any of them necked themselves. All they had to do was get ANY mortgage and stick the rest of their money in an industry super fund, maybe keep some aside to punt on some stocks or crypto.
pauline sucks now
lmao based dailymail
LOL, your palms must be covered in hair
Lisa Wilkinson told Brittany Higgins she could cause Coalition to lose federal election
this really needs to be made into a tv mini series
Michael West drawing attention to the population ponzi. I was surprised that he has called it out, even calling out the dirty Chinese money.
Seems some people think this is Bruce?
Not much to go on, but has named the visiting Canadian lawyer in the current defamation trial, as well as the alleged sexual assault victim in Toowoomba.
aaaand, it’s banned
-entitled boomer property investor 4wd enjoyer
– kills indian migrant family
– in a pub that had comandeered public space to sell overpriced beer
a microcosm of australia
think like the feudal pyramid you learned about in medieval history class
property investors are the landed gentry/barons
the tradies are the knights
this guy killing a bunch of people with his suv isnt much different from some english medieval lord accidentally shooting a peasant with a crossbow while out hunting in the forest
the only way the story could have been better is if some hero tradies in high vis getting pissed and smoking outside the pub after knocking off work at 1pm rushed in to save the day
Looks like he tried to have something to eat but there was no tables available in the restaurant. He should have kept an emergency chocolate bar or muesli bar or whatever in his car though.
Thing about boomers is it was never them demanding the shitskin invasion. They probably wouldn’t even know the immigration rate. They had a good work ethic but apart from that it’s all been dumb luck.
You could have bought a property in the last 10 years it would have doubled in value.
MB sowed the seeds of their own demise when they only allowed subscribers to comment.
The new QLD premier lmao
sounds like a scared year 9 student
holy shit is this the best guy they could find
makes albo seem like Winston Churchill
Miles is a colossus. All five feet two inches of him
This is next level
absolute bottom of the barrel
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s still a virgin holy shit
Wait for it…
$2 a cigarette. No doubt bought the can of coke for $3 when she stopped at the deli to buy her cancer sticks.
Probably spends $200 per week on smokes.
they don’t recycle the cans either, 10c each, there are homeless rough sleepers in the main street of dubbo who just sit there all day smoking or buying $1 bottle of supermarket brand cola, they throw the bottles on the ground after they drink them rather than cash them in for the 10c. the reality is a lot of these people are on the DSP and are just insane, that’s why they cant secure housing anywere bc no one will rent to them and they get kicked out of public housing for being a menace.
it still doesnt explain why we’re seeing more and more of them around lately though
Even the cheap units in bad areas are being rented by normal people now because they take whatever they can get.
One by one all the anti-social shit is being fed out onto the streets or living in tents. Once they are homeless 90% of them don’t really recover.
The housing crisis has been one of the best things for Australia. Cleaned up a lot of neighbourhoods. Effectively a eugenics program.
How does she even afford a $50 pack of smokes
If she gave up the cancer sticks for 6 months she could have enough to buy an old van to live in. After another 12 months of not sucking on the fags she could upgrade herself to something much nicer.
Her smoking habit is probably the equivalent of a rented room somewhere. She’s literally chosen smoking and living in a tent over sleeping in a warm comfortable bed.
Bring back the welfare cards and unleash robodebt.
My brother in law gave up the durries a few months ago, and was shocked when he discovered how much he’d been spending on them without thinking about it….roughly $20K per annum.
Surprised he avoided vaccine death
My old man spends his entire pension payment on cigs which equates to a similar amount.
proportion of Aussie smokers halved in the last 20 years
now only 10% of population
they’re an insignificant voting block now we should all agree to crush them ruthlessly
no way is this counting vapers
i find way too many discarded vaping packs to believe if they were included it’d still only be 10% of australians
I don’t mind the vapers
have the odd suck on one now and then if I’ve been drinking
You suck on a vaper now and then?
Lmao disgusting
Nicotine is neuro protective (for dementia etc) and a powerful nootropic
I keep a nicotine spray in my work bag for this reason
if I’m feeling sluggish but it’s too late for coffee
Apparently a lot of chain smoking schizophrenics are basically self medicating.
They often think this, but smoking increases the metabolism of a few antipsychotics, effectively lowering one’s blood levels. So those with a chronic psychotic condition who smoke end up being undertreated, relapse more often and require more medication to manage their symptoms.
Ah – that is one furphy put to rest!
If anything people should want this girl to smoke. So she doesn’t lose it and stab some innocent person.
Prohibition is puritan faggotry. No wonder the micks took over.
Can’t wait for the day they are 100 bucks a pack
I once had a bout of low blood pressure and dizziness. Nicotine patches worked a charm.
New paragraph. Freudian slip?
10% is not insignificant. That’s more than enough to make or break a party’s chance in an election. Tories in NZ just reversed a lot of Arderns anti smoking policies.
Good chance people are sick to death of these AWFL kafkaesque cunts and will go full Tory bastard again.
Classic Legacy and/or abo behaviour
muh government housing
muh DSP
fucking hell we need to replace these scum
I hope they get flooded with poos and even more smoking homeless.
When I was in Qld I could get them for $10 a pack 20s at the based chop shop.
You’re a really savvy guy aren’t you?
How sad would you have to be to get butthurt over a few smokers. Lmao. If anything you should be grateful, less competition for the classy chicks, but you are too irreparably beta to get one.
Philip soos has absolutely triggered the libs on twitter
top tier trolling
Where? He doesn’t get that much attention because he’s not a Liberal or Labor whore.
I have every Liberal, Labor and Greens shill muted. So Twitter is just an echo chamber for me. Plus a few amusing accounts I follow. I’d say that’s the case for most users.
Watching Soo’s journey has been like looking in my rear vision mirror…. truth is it is nearly impossible not to end up in the same place if you actually care about your country AND break free of the msm unreality bubble.
Two of Australia’s biggest tossers, Pete Wargent and Rizvi having a sneer. Give it a few months and this position will be mainstream.
…and then for no reason at all the German people suddenly elected Hitler.
When continuously punished by a hostile elite and their mindless drones, everyone eventually ends up in the same place.
I for one will celebrate that day by pissing over the base of whatever lamp pole they’re eventually hung from.
And then Germany lived happily ever after
It took the combined might of America and the rest of the world to destroy Germany once it went Fascist in reaction to the same Globalist social policies the West are suffering under now…. whose gunna destroy American Fascism once it arrives? Martians?
Imperial Germany fought the allies to a near stalemate in WW1 which was a much better outcome than Nazi Germany achieved. Germany is just a strong country, or at least it was. Anyway if we judge economic systems solely by martial performance then we should go Stalinist.
Nazism wouldn’t be an improvement on globalism. Swapping one totalitarian dictatorship for another one. Even if we don’t get WW3 it would still be shit, living according to the whims of some new Austrian painter.
I would much prefer to live under a Nationalist totalitarian regime than the Globalist totalitarian regime we are headed towards.
They are the same outcome. Reparations from WWI destroyed Germany’s budget and eventually led to hyperinflation and the rise of Hitler. One of Hitler’s first policies was to cancel WW1 reparation payments.
imperial germany was practically out of gas after their spring offensive failed, if they hadnt given up theyd of ended up just like germany in 1945
States rights and the constitution.
You are probably correct – it could only be destroyed from within. But then that is already America’s fate…
Surprised Rizvi hasn’t been cancelled by the left over this racist comment.
Here he is calling for a Persian chiropractor to be given jail time for exploiting a refugee.
im redpilling reddit on fruit
they arent taking it very well
I don’t like fruit much. Vegetables ftw. Fruit is for girls that don’t want to exercise but still remain slim.
So triggering they deleted your post and retreated to their safe space.
If you ate 4000 calories a day worth of Oranges, would you digest all those calories and turn into a fat bastard? or would you be spending half the day on a toilet seat?
>muh strayan summer
>have to stay inside like a poof
i dont know what its like in brisbane but around here its not livable whatsoever, you eally cant do anything except for maybe 1 or 1.5 hours tops out of the entire day
I could maybe go to the beach but it would be a shit fight for a park. Once I’ve been in the water for a few minutes I’m over it and want to go home. Maybe go to the mall and buy some chink shit I don’t need. There’s literally nothing to do. I might take up fishing. But I need a licence.
dubbos pretty notorious even by aus standards for heat
Well I don’t think you’re missing out on much not being in a city.
wouldnt mind melbourne weather pity abour the rest of the joint
But I need a licence.
dont need a loicence if you’re abodigenie
Yeah I noticed.
say you’re a proud buggermadji man.
what can they do?
To save $35? Dunno, maybe they might dox me in the daily mail.
There’s nothing more tiresome than people complaining about the weather. Get some blood work done you might have underlying health issues if you find 35 degrees too warm for you lol.
my mower guy mowed one acre the other day in 37 deg heat. He’s 65 years old. when he was finished i asked if he could whipper snip. yep no problem
When you’re a simple person that mows lawns, the heat is kind of good, tradieocracy. But when you have a more complex life…
Hyperconformity as Resistance – jnteresting theory
What can I say except, MB RIP
But here’s the thing: they weren’t wrong; there was a possible (even probable) case where Aussie RE and the broader Aussie economy collapsed, just as MB predicted.
If you ask me, their biggest f’up was the assumption that Chinese growth would collapse around 2012 due to the so-called middle income trap. This was their key assumption. Look back, and you’ll get a good laugh from HnH’s predictions of iron oxide collapsing to under $20 per ton (with under 200 metric tons of imported IO). Instead, today we have $130/ton IO (with over 1000 metric tons of imported IO). DLS couldn’t see that he was wrong about China, and as a consequence, he couldn’t imagine any case where the Aussie RE game could continue to grow for another 12 years. All I’m saying is that there was a possible case where MB’s predictions all came true.
Unfortunately, as a small or fringe economics site, you need to make these bold predictions, or you have nothing differentiated to say.
What happens if the west allows itself to crash but China doesn’t? We should have nuked China in the 50s.
It’s already happening
I don’t see how either are crashing. Sure life has probably got worse for plebs in both but it doesn’t really mean anything when you have an inexhaustable supply of vermin to replace those that want to give up.
Its a super slomo. All large empires decline and crash slowly.
US debt already began to be not as desirable (ZH recently reported on that) and if the world gets lucky the US will at best cause only pure proxy wars. It’s not impossible for all of us here to actually see the stage where the US decline becomes rapid and even the breakup of US (except Coming, he’s multi-jabbed so no guarantees there)
OTOH, slopes have 1/4 of the world market in its own backyard and if US goes bust they can just turn towards self and try to fill the void left by US
Not sure I’m with you.
If the west dies than Chinese mercantilism is doubly dead, but that doesn’t mean that China itself is dead.
China’s debt is much more like Japan’s debt circa 1990, it’s completely unmanageable (in any financial sense), but the debt is largely owed to itself and that which is owed foreigners is uncollectable.
Resolving this will result in a system wide financial haircut but does this really matter?
I would say it doesn’t matter unless the Chinese themselves insist on making it matter.
Sure, they’ll have to reduce imports (such as IO and coal) because they’ll have no dollars to pay for these resources (but interestingly for Australia there is no country capable of even taking 1000Mt of IO per year. Logically we’ll find a way to work this out)
In the end, what you’re talking about is the simultaneous logic and illogic of globalism.
Globalism is a Gordian knot. We’re all supposed to exist in this forever state of mutual interdependence, all looking for solutions but finding the problems are impossible to solve. Someday someone’s going to simply cut the rope. That someone is probably China.
An age old joke about a mouse banging an elephant (and the coconut falls off and hits her in head and the elephant scream, mouse then says Yeah baby, see how my fuck makes every woman scream) is what describes all the predictions Llewdo and bleatho made: a pure coincidence.
Llewdo is big on King dollar and China will collapse in 18 months which is an ideology, nit an economical prediction.
Yes. That possibility is only if by some miracle alternative factors accidentally cause the same effect as what thr hot bros predicted, never by the reasons they thought,
Like the blind chicken and a grain, a scatter gun kill, a….
yes, but if you make bold predictions on all topics, all the time (ie permanent contrarian) then you go against common sense and are guaranteed to be wrong >50% of the time. That is unprofitable.
that’s what they didn’t work out.
its ok to make a few high conviction calls that go against the grain, sure.
I don’t thing that their follow-on conclusions were inconsistent with their base-cases of China going ex-growth (or even bellyup)
IMHO China was 100% responsible for Australia sailing through the GFC largely unaffected. If all Aussie growth (resulting from Chinese growth) was suddenly to evaporate, right at the moment that the FED was tightening, well lets just say things wouldn’t have been rosy in Australia.
Remember that the AUD was above $1.10 to the USD at the time. There would have been lots of follow-on effects if 30% of Aussie exports (and 100% of our growth) just disappeared over-night.
Worlds First aboriginal woman Pilot For Qantas.
Stunning. Brave. Exquisite.
I knew some guys that worked for Qantas and gave a leg up to a leso and then her leso partner didn’t like her work hours so made her give up being a pilot.
So I am of the opinion that pretty much any idiot can be a pilot.
For 99.99% of the time being a pilot is no different to being a bus driver. It is the 0.01% of the time that they earn their money.
DIE and the elevation of diversity over merit is a cancer in society. Not saying this (apparently near full blooded) indigenous Australian did not meet the requirements to get through – but if she in any way allowed through some elements on diversity grounds then it is an imperilment of public safety.
When I fly in plane I always breath a sigh of relief when I see the pilot as being a white or east asian male, anything else leaves me uneasy.
Same I would not want to fly with her.
i think being a bus driver is probably harder most of the time
driving a heavy vehicle is absolutely terrifying
on top of that you’re dealing with absolute ferals since it’s mainly feral areas that are serviced by bus rather than train and bus drivers have to speak and interact with the riders
being a train “driver” is a joke since the only buttons are go and stop and you don’t interact with the riders who are higher quality anyway
it’s similar to firemen vs police
one job is a nightmare the other is a bludge and a joke
there should be a wage difference of at least 100% in my opinion but unions distort what should be fair market pricing
planes dont have to share the sky with anyone theres no pedestrians who are gonna walk out in front of your flight route and die
autopilot does 99% of the job
bus you do 100% of the job
why shouldnt bus drivers be paid more?
its a distortion created by unions and regulations
Blah ha ha hah! Dued you are so terrified of driving you get chauffeured around by Uber.
Driving a heavy vehicle is no different to driving any other vehicle – it becomes an extension of your body. It isn’t exactly complex either, a couple gears, brake and a steering wheel.
Flying a plane you need to know a whole lot more, a vast amount more – keeping a large plane aloft in thin air isn’t as easy as it seems.
While 99.99% of the time it is probably little different from driving a bus, it is just that 0.01% of the time when they earn their money. Read up on synopsis of near miss air disasters and it basically comes down to the skill and experience of the pilot making all the difference.
Not wishing to be rude mate, but have you ever driven a really wide car/truck/bus in Sydney peak hour traffic? Say 2.2 to 2.4m wide
Try driving something wide across the harbour bridge, it’s terrifing, there’s other roads where the lanes are really narrow like Pacific highway at Pymble, it’s scarry how close all the other cars are and they’re close on both sides. Just a few inches right or left and you demolish the side of someones $100K Merc.
I’ve driven trucks, tractors and other heavy vehicles, maybe not through tight city streets of Sydney but enough to appreciate the technical skill and concentration it requires.
But honestly do you really think driving a truck through Syd is going to be as cognitively loaded as following instructions moving through a 3D airspace, dealing with cross winds, calculating fuel consumption, flight times, etc.
The point is flying a plane is an order of magnitude higher in terms of stuff that can go wrong, and the margin of error is far smaller.
Sure with auto pilots and pilot assist it might make it easier to the point where you can compare it to driving a bus (compare but not equal to), but I maintain it is the 0.01% of the time when you want someone with a high cognitive load to solve a problem.
You stall a bus and you can start it up again in moments – you stall a plane and you fall out of the sky.
Some of this stuff may be true about small airplanes but commercial jets fly take off and land by themselves
You’re also ignoring the other part which is that bus drivers have to directly deal with the absolute dregs of human society
That part is true – although it has gotten easier for Bus drivers too.
Once upon a time they had to sell the bus tickets and police who got on their bus – now that is the role of the ticket inspectors.
All Bus drivers have to do now is sit in their plastic bubble, listen to the radio and avoid hitting other drivers (which can be difficult on Sydney roads).
“…..but commercial jets fly take off and land by themselves.”
Yeah, right……
This story really only proves my point
crash your plane on a body of water
everyone survives regardless
Coming’s roadmap for a discussion on EZFKA:
Dude, that’s one fine reply, a killing.
In a plane it’s just you vs physics
in a vehicle it’s you vs every methhead, bogan and retard
If you assume everyone is a retard it’s a breeze. If only I’d applied that to economics and house prices.
This wisdom is so profound it deserves a 5th wisdom tooth and a lifetime on waybackmachine.
It surpasses the “no jab – no job is ggod” wisdom.
Some strong projection of both comings hatred toward people and general worldview encapsulated in that reply
I think that coming is just a bit of a grumpy old man.
realising that this is about as good as it gets, and then hating everyone for it
LOL, I see him as the (wo)man who saw (s)he’s been duped so many times so now (s)he chooses to rather believe thise lies then to accept (s)he was duped, whilst hating all others who did not fall for the same. So I adjust my interaction accordingly.
(I have no clue if Doctor C is ovulating person or not, hence the multi pronouns)
Wrt modernday cars what’s interesting about all of the so called advanced driver-assistance system (ADAS)
technologies is that they do not result in reduced collision incident rates nor reduced death rates.
Some might go as far as to say they’re a massive failure (but don’t tell the car production industry and definitely don’t tell the car regulation industry)
ADAS technology is a requirements these for covereted ***** 5 star safety ratings. Even the very safest 2015 car that would have gotten 5 stars under the old star rating guidelines is today at best a 3 star car using today’s ratings.
But here’s the thing there’s absolutely no real world data supporting the theory that ADAS saves lives, or reduces accidents or is in any way beneficial. Some of the recent stats are actually pointing to this tech being dangerous, causing accidents and resulting in increased deaths. Oops!
So how do we decide if this tech is really beneficial?
Interestingly it’s not an engineering question and real world data is neither sought after nor appreciated when you dig it up.
Whatever your feeleings about ADAS, unlike shitloads of other inventtions of modern times, adaptive cruise control makes long drive less suicidal. It should be mandatory same as blind spot alarm.
But otoh long life tyres and brakes should be banned (because they can halve the braking distance easily).
While some of the ADAS the ideas are good, the implementations often leave a lot to be desired. And then there’s the human nature risk adjustment aspect whereby we all create greater risk if we feel that some magic technology has our back.
But I stand by what I said, in the early days of ABS and Airbags the advantage was astounding, just jumping off the page at you (as in we need to get this tech into every car)
The results are nowhere near as clear cut with the latest rounds of car tech yet we a awarding these safety stars (for technology) as if there is an obvious safety advantage.
In the US down-sizing pickup trucks would definitely save more lives than even the very best implementation of the very best ADAS tech. Unfortunately this trend towards over-sizing our cars / trucks has taken off in Australia, so get ready for more road deaths, especially pedestrian deaths.
I read this and wondered – are there even any pedestrians in ezfka?! Like, do people actually walk to places?
expect more people get killed by cars piloted by partly-demented boomers running into people’s houses and things than while walking to the post office or crossing the road.
MBR – you seem like you are familiar with the statistics – what are the numbers like in terms of victims of traffic accidents as split between vehicle occupants and others (as proxy for pedestrians)? How have the numbers moved over the decades?
Categories of Vulnerable road users keep changing as new sectors open and old ons close (eg motor scooters replaced by Ebikes)
where do you put powered skate-boards?
It’s also not clear that every country classifies road deaths the same way. For instance is a killed person getting in.out of a car a pedestrian?
Bottom line is you need to be very careful making comparisions between statistics in one country where skate boards are unheard of vs another where they’re common. These local road use differences showup in the effectivness of their assisted drive tech solutions when used on your actual roads.
There’s nothing more to be desired to adaptive cruise control and blind spot alarm, US is not the world and once again, as much as I agree lots of new inventions are for problems that are yet to be identified, road riding a bike (with an engine) feels much less stressful when a little light lights up in the drongo’s mirror telling him that he can kill someone (including himself) if s/he turns or changes lane.
With many of the new technologies I believe it is more important to ask yourself the question: when does this tech fail to function?
Rather than simply asking, when does this tech function?
For instance, if we say that lane assist and blindspot detection work correctly 90% of the time you might say, wow implement it now, that would represent a huge reduction in car accidents with lots of lives saved etc
What’s missing from the 90% effective stat, is the 10% fails are almost exclusively for the most vulnerable catagory of road users like bicycles and scooters and the unexpected.
This is where learned behaviour becomes a problem because the driver now expects a warning from the system and feels that it is safe to change lanes anytime there’s no warning. So your drongo still runs over the bicyclists he just doesn’t feel as bad about it because the car failed to warn him/her.
wrt emergency braking (and automatic braking) which are an essential part of any Adaptive cruise control you have a whole host of failure cases that depend on the sensor technology. In the case of Lidar (snow flakes can be a huge issue), for monocular SLAM / DME heavy rain and fog tend to be problem cases.
For forward radar, fails are usually caused by some unexpected reflections / multipath and/or blinding from other powerful radar systems (such as driving near an airport) or other car radars.
At the moment there are a ton of emergency braking fail cases (for Mazda’s in particular) that have resulted in the car braking and being rear ended when there was no risk at all. (I believe there’s even a Class action underway)
Now if you do the job properly with multi-sensor data fusion, well lets just say the DoD is very uncomfortable with the main-streaming of this tech. Add any sort of Gaussian mixture filtering or rjmcmc or similar and someone will be knocking on your door.
You never drove a car with ADAS, roight?
* 90% figure is rubbish, perhaps accurate for those bolt-on camera rear view mirrors from aliexpress. Try 99.99%.
* Adas is assistive much the same as SRS is supplementary – none is a replacement for primary. In fact most emergency braking assistance is engaged in the last moment long past the human reflex thus impossible to teach bad habits (learned behaviour).
* all safety systems have a fail watchdog and loudly announce inaccuracy and/or fault. So the snowflake reference is perhaps valid for Elon Musk’s coal powered cars.
* you still have to look in RV mirror to see the blind spot alarm. If you don’t, we’ll, you already killed that cyclist so luckily the adas will sound a loud warning telling you you’re a drongo driver. As a rider, you can see the alarm turning on in the rv mirror and proceed with a bit more certainty that a drongo will not knock you off. But if you think you’ll be safe because a little triangle lit up in drongo’s rv mirror and it will prevent the drongo from knocking you off, well, you’re a drongo rider too. Meet your destiny.
* if someone rearends another car it is 100% rear-ending driver’s failure to adjust and adapt driving style and distance based on the road conditions. Mention of that principle/rule is vague and too broad in Aus road book.
I agree that lane assistance can be iffy as I experienced it with my VW 11yrs ago. It often calculated road crack patches as lane boundaries, so it was permanently off. The one on my Merc is immaculate and it has not failed/miscalculated once in the last 7yr/3600000km. It is reasonable to expect improvement with every new generation of adas.
Your main point that contemporary adas is luling drivers into automation doing the job for them thus making them inherently less involved thus more ignorant – is inaccurate and in conflict with the real life experience (to put it mildly)
Hmmm the boy want’s to be schooled.
what do you-all reckon, should I go there?
LOL, the boy.
You sound like you’re jabbed and triple boosted.
so, after all you actually *never* owned a car with ADAS… like those that never read a book but put a harsh critic of it.
one of us was working on the Prometheus project in the late 1980’s, and I don’t think it was you.
…and I worked on the Sisyphean project on the 21. Dec 2023. (just finished) which is more recent than your project from 1980. And my father’s dick is bigger than your father’s.
If others are interested then I’m happy to discuss ADAS technology, but fair warning it gets very technical very quickly.
I don’t think I can really discuss this topic without taking a deep dive into kinematics.
In the end you need a good framework for extracting realitive motion of all the cars and other objects on the road.
Understanding Machine vision and Visual SLAM concepts are also sort of manditory for any good implementation.
So you’re confirming you never owned a car with ADAS… I thought so.
See my reply below
you’re chicken if don’t go there…
Who….careful with those apostrophes!
50% of the time of that 0.01% they are on the phone to engineers based in their head office to figure out glitches.
barely entered this joint and already showing higher cognitive incapacity.
gunga dins delivering pizza should be paid even more as on top of all the skills navigating endless drongos in XUV’s they are literally risking their own life for that pizza to arrive oven hot to a lardy lazy slob.
recap of Australian politics 2023
pretty funny
this is fucked fucking disgusting
Need more of these fine people in Australia.
More yummy foreign exotic food, not that old boring 50’s meat and two veg crap.
Mmmm…. mystery meat. Coming to a take away near you!
You might’ve thought that homo wanking on a female parliamentarians desk was pushing the limits, but this guy really took it to the next level.
I think the gay crowd have started to think that they can do whatever they like wherever they are.
Those with a good memory will remember it also happened in our Parly House under ScuMo
Quickly hushed up
champions athletes showing off their period bloodNeed Sharia and Taliban to sort this nonsense out
Yeah. I’d miss eating pig, and I should probably stop drinking anyway.
It has its good points, especially the covering up the slatterns and whores.
This is neurotic woman think “Oh no! I’m not performing at my best so in order not to be judged a failure I’ll signal my womanly handicap.”
This BS is just women signalling to each other and demanding society elevate a bodily function that is basically no different to blowing your nose or taking a shit, as some sort of all important mystical rite. Fuck me dead it is bodily waste, you don’t go on TV and tell everyone you’ve just had a giant dump.
Women playing sport at elite levels and demanding equal recognition when skill wise they’re outperformed by 16 year old boys, is the just the matriarchy demanding homage.
As if any man gives a fuck – 9 out of 10 men don’t give a shit about female sport, and the remaining 10% are mainly fathers supporting their tomboy sporty girls.
Honestly women on their period playing sport – who fucking cares.
Perfectly normal, happens all the time
It is now. At least they’re not racist conspiracy theorists.
we all know what is not the cause of the
jabbicidedeathI betcha he had one of those toxic engineered stone kitchentop and his Mars was in Conjunktion with Pluto pentagramming with Jupiter.
MB died during covid when they decided to go full rabid on anyone who questioned the lockdown agenda. Is their circa March 2020 video on the “hammer and the dance” (they were talking as if they were expert epidemiologists) still up?
How is their fund doing by the way?
I think that They stopped posting monthly fund updates. Which is a pity, because they made for some good entertainment.
expect their fund is doing shit because it’s always positioning for the upcoming crash, and it’s always too early (read: wrong)
they didn’t stop, they post the updates on the fund website itself
the fund is actually doing about fine, marginally better than most super funds if that’s even saying a lot. but it really is just another superfund at this point with slightly lower fees and a much better/more transparent interface, i guess that’s something but it’s nothing revolutionary
all these funds do the exact same thing and all have prety much the same result, its almost like the whole industry is one big ticket clip
I don’t think it is just MB, Sydney on the whole, seeems to have shut down. I have noticed a sudden slowing on sites and things.
Sinny is rapidly transitioning to a 3rd world shithole. The middle class is heading for greener pastures. Soon the only ones left will be high wealth, povvos and various invader enclaves.
what, but coming says that interest rate rises make everyone richer and more willing to spend?!
excellent touchè
lmao this is a variant on the MB anecdote “my cousins neighbours best friends ex wife said the shops were empty on the weekend and that means the collapse is coming”
as soon as the fed announces its not raising IOR and is instead going to cut – long rates fall
who would have guessed that?
is it maybe that the tail is wagging the dog?
Ok, so for some anecdata, our workshop would usually be slammed right about now from worksites that realise if they don’t get thier stuff made right now before christmas, there will be a one month lead time when they finally open up again. Crickets.
Secondly, the non destructive testers that xray our welds, go to a lot of different fabricators and they all are saying it is quiet. From my understanding, the holding cost of new developments was virtually zero, so you could build whatever and sit on it until you found a tenant, but all this changes when interest rates are at normalised levels. Everyone would rather wait until having tenants secured and then build to suit. It has been a very sudden stop.
People actually got kicked out of the cricket today for hanging a banner that said “All lives are equal” and “freedom is a human right”, the same slogans Usman Khawaja was going to have on his shoes.
In case anyone forgets, cricketers were being forced to take a knee to support BLM when that was the latest thing, what 18 months ago? I wonder who is making these decisions behind the scenes? /s
Here’s a thought:
With MB deep in cardiac arrest, can it still be revived?
From what I can see, DLS has already decided to simply milk MB’s remains, extract ever ounce of goodness from the site, then leave the remains out front for council cleanup.
But does it have to end this way?
Over the last year the intellectual level of MB’s comments section has drifted lower and lower and lower again. Seriously, what does it say about a Macroeconomics site when it becomes your go to spot for plumbing advice and bicycle repairs?
How do you fix this?
Anyone have any ideas.
In a curious way MB’s demise is Australia’s demise in microcosm, on the one hand we have the plan (it’s fantastic, it’s inspiring, it’s the future) but then there’s reality.
does anyone even care
Good point, I’m definitly over it.
If MB has any residual value, it is probably as sort of gathering space for young Aussies interested in tomorrow’s Australia (the economics, the business, the politics from their perspective). But the truth is that Aussie young are not gathering at MB, matter of fact DLS beats them with a stick and chases them away. So….
Yep. One of their biggest failures was chasing commenters away while letting loonies / wokists run rampant.
And of course being wrong about everything (except for immigration) didn’t help.
I was hearing about how most of gen z don’t even know what a file browser is because they grew up with phones and tablets. So I suppose their internet experiences are very much a walled garden. I’d say they’re actually more a repeat of boomers. Ironically the potential of the internet has passed them by.
It doesn’t hurt to look at all the reasons they failed so others can learn from it.
I still find it hilarious that reusa produced their most reliable content.
It’s unfixable because the website is useless as an investment tool to check ideas. That was my entire reason for joining; to find a website that could better accurately assess and describe what is, in the Australian economy.
At some point you have to question why two blokes working from home writing a blog that makes maybe $100kp.a., are still writing said blog if they were correct about anything.
It’s the economics equivalent of the property investor selling you $200 seminar tickets that has been doing the rounds for a decade.
They’re failures and so is the website.
Agreed, I’m not at all interested in DLS’s investment advice and unfortunately there’s no way for other member generated ideas to survive. It’s a toxic environment, so why extend it’s life? good points.
Accidentally turned on the ABC wireless this morning to hear Warren Entsch giving the BOM a serve, rightly so, along with the MSM who flew up their to see a fallen tree. Unprecendented” he says, suing the buzzword of the year, describing the following rain event which followed failed cyclone Jasper. “A 100 year event” he espoused. Funny that. I was in Cairns in the late 90s when a Cat 5 hit. Incredible to watch and quite frightening. A few days later I took a trip to the Barron Falls and watched millions of gallons of water flow over every minute, truly astounding. Went back for several days and it seemed unending. Anyway Warren said there were people on the roof of a building in Wujal Wujal and rescue choppers had been unable to evacuate them. I’m gonna call BS on that one. Maybe just for the cameras. The weather would wash them off!
It’s clickbait bullshit.
if everything is a one in 100 year event, nothing is a one in 100 year event. But people forget easily.
You are incorrect in this case. A cat 5 cyclone has never hit cairns in living memory, they usually end up going south. The only reason cairns exists is because the township of smithfield was washed away in the 1800’s. Wujal Wujal is beyond isolated, with about a dozen land slides either side. Even though they have evacuated the township, the adf are still flying supplies in and then boating them to ayton, even though there is an airstip at helensvale. I will be flying in there on Saturday in a private plane.
They should do this at Westfield Bondi Junction
Apparently they’ve been marching every weekend in the city.
And Rose Bay
they dont like the steel uppem saar
Speak english cunt.
salam alaykum brother
If you don’t know what that meant, you should take the Oz bit out of your handle.
steel uppem saar
The fuck does it mean then
Yeah aussies like to be cryptic, withhold information then pass it off as some sort of intellectual feat. Fuck off cunt.
It;s another reason why you’re all going to die and be replaced.
Lol. You really don’t know what it means, do you?
I prefer to leave you in ignorance then, Habib.
I had a kebab yesterday, sold to me by a very nice lady in a hijab. You should go and have a kebab.
how can he know when it’s spelt incorrectly. Not surprisingly.
The IDF fucks up massively, again.
A couple of weeks ago an IDF soldier smoked a heroic civilian who had killed a terrorist who had been massacring people.
The dead hero was on his knees with his hands in the air shouting “don’t shoot I’m Jewish” in Hebrew when he was executed in cold blood.
Now, unbelievably, this…
Good stuff.
it’s what terrorists do… kill.
it’s not a fuckup, it’s just the same ole 70yo terrorism being exposed by the omnipresent camera phone shyte
These are the same people who wrote the 6m narrative.
The mother wears a short skirt showing off her great legs for an old woman, and here’s Britt wearing a dress down to the floor to cover up her cankles and big fat disgusting pasty thighs.
Fucking hell these clowns Britt and her bitch titted boyfriend going to France to live. Does she not realise the French absolutely hate fat fucks like herself?
how did she get let into france
One more try
It’s amazing how being totally into yourself can/could get a hotty. All it took was a Quicksilver shirt and enough beach time and some sort of tradie job. Look at that little manlet. Well either he is a manlet or they are tall.
fuck she’s so hot
they look maori (albeit significantly mixed)
As per usual with any video showing ethics behaving badly Reddit has already removed the video… the illusion that blacks make good citizens and aren’t the cause of societal entropy must be maintained.
Same colour as piss and shit
Latest episode of vibrancy this time in canberra
A skilled migrant of course (cook)
muh cafes and uber eats
from the news story
Group of guys means at least three.
Three to a one-bedder living is much better than dirt floor in Moratuwa. This underwrites the strength of the rental market and capital values of ezfka property.
the “privately-owned apartment building” seems like large scale slumlord operation.
Oaks Estate is the nearest thing Canberra has to a good old fashioned slum with lots of shitty accommodation full of derelicts, junkies and losers. No sane person would ever go near the place.
what about charnwood
Charnwood is like Vaucluse compared to Oaks Estate.
did he catch her stealing and things went the wrong way?
maybe she abused him in a defacto relationship and he eventually snapped?
or perhaps she constantly made herself available and open but always blueballed him?
can it be anything other than the simple case of unsolicited forced intercourse gone for worse?
just thinking…
Sri Lankan Cobber Murders a Bhutanese sheila.
Crikey! Struth!
slow clap for you spastic
i know you are, but what am i?
Don’t blame migrants mate. It’s not their fault they murder other migrants.
I reckon he could claim to be a proud wujul burra man and he’d be fine
Things get even worse. Russell Crowe decides to start singing again.
he looks like a garbage man now
What a fat git.
He’s just moved up to the top of my celebrity dead pool list for 2024.
He sounds so bland but I guess he’s still got a lot of 50-60 year old women that still love him.
master and commander was his best movie
Yeah, he never really recovered after Robin hood, but he played Roger Ailes well a couple of years ago. Unhinged was ok.
He used to be pretty based, mentioning mass immigration, defending Cronulla rioters in the Bra Boys documentary, but I guess he went black pilled.
A British woman lays down some heavy truth on a Muslim invader and his arse licking mate.
Worth a few minutes of everybody’s time.
…and its gone 🙁
Ah shit….you would’ve loved it.A bit of exceptionally plain speaking about Pakistani rape gangs, the great replacement, Muslim entitlement…the whole 9 yards.
Try this..
Ahh yes – I’ve seen that chick deliver that speech before. Bravo I say! She demolished both the Muslim invader and the faggot Protestant minister defending the invasion.
At about 5:52. Based smoker.
Reform UK split from UKIP
Sounds confusing cbf researching it.
smoking shrinks the brain – causes dementia
(muh nicotine is a noootropic)
when zerohedge is your primary source for medical information
muh vaccines
nicotine =/= cigarettes
atherosclerosis causes ischaemia and atrophy
the IQ here is super, super low but do your own research
also muh chronic chain smoking vs targetted low doses of pure nicotine 2-3 times per week when a pick me up is required
Muh Nicotine Nooootropics
Muh Vaxxine
Muh high paying jerb
‘smart’ person doesnt realize how stupid it is.
Carry on, fat paki, you’re winning at life
Expert lip reader can’t read the lips of the person speaking directly to him in front of his face
This absolute clown show rolls on
Just a fucking joke. Basically a scammer.
Your skilled migrants sir
I’m at war with some white legacy fucks in my street. I found their property manager, been keeping tabs for two months, been recording surreptitious videos of their violations, it has been sent and the property manager has confirmed they will pursue eviction through the courts.
Will keep you updated. But there’s going to be some trouble. I’ve set myself a $5k budget to ruin their lives. They won’t get a rental again. Fuck these white n*ggers.
If it costs a lot more it is no sweat, but it won’t. Just a broken window or car window I think.
What have they done to upset you?
They are uncouth legacy Australians
There you have it whites fuckin hate each other and love using propadee and immagrents as a sword to hack each other up like in mediaeval times.
Abject scum.
I detect some Anglophobia and Anti-White bigotry.
From about 4:30m – Go the British Australian Community!
I’m not the one trying to evict people and make them not be able to rent ever again. Shave the beard off soy boys have hillbilly heads. It’s projection from narcissistic spastics.
Go smoke your chop chop you greasy wog
Thank you I will. You insipid honky.