EZFKA was right: Here comes Albo’s fake immigration cuts to normalise higher average annual rates

So, tip of the hat to the EZFKA commentariat, the fateful day that Albo has said he would pretend to cut immigration has arrived:

“On Saturday Mr Albanese foreshadowed a suite of measures to be announced next week designed to reduce immigration, with the focus largely on cutting back the number of international students.

It is understood the government will tighten the rules around English language requirements for foreign students and clamp down on agents who arrange to bring in migrants on study visas but then help them find work.

Education courses offered outside the university system will also be reviewed to consider whether they qualify for student visas. And it will be harder for foreign students who finish their courses to obtain permission to stay in the country to work, especially for courses where there is lower job demand. “

Giving yourself an award for putting out half an acre of a huge bushfire you started, bravo you spastic.

None of that shit is actually enforceable by sheer volume. It’s the usual fucking around the edges to appear to do something. The fact students are allowed to work at all has always been the giveaway that it’s about cheap labour and destroying wages, as well as the obvious dilution of white Australia and it’s political and social capital.

Net permanent migration Australia was around 190k prior to COVID. It’s now in the 600k territory. I’d hazard a guess the new level will between 250k to 300k. And then an incremental rise very year after that, same old trick.

They did the same sleight of hand with student visa work rights. Prior to COVID it was 40 hours per fortnight. During COVID, Scomo waived the requirement because fat cunts needed their takeaway slop delivered after being paralysed in fear over the 99.8% survival Chinese bug. Then dumb bitch Clare O’Neil gets in and raises it to 48 hours per fortnight and goes around claiming she reduced it from the LNP.

Rishi Sunak pulled the same fake cut stunt in the UK last week, because this global phenomenon of flooding the five eyes countries with the third world is totally coincidental.

Dutton isn’t going to do anything except posture on illegal migrants, and then maintain the status quo when it’s his turn of the middle management duopoly next year. He’s too busy genuflecting to the Israel lobby at the moment anyway.

We’re well into the bushfire/climate scare phase part of the annual news cycle now, so this will be off the front page before Christmas.

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MB victory lap article tomorrow

Duke Enjoyer

Everything the Duke said was not only right but extremely prescient. It an old pre boomer who could barely use the internet predicted it then what is going on? Link below.


the sad thing about this, is it is the worst possible outcome

acceleration was preferable; it had to get worse before it got better

i wanted no1 to be right not me, i wanted albo and the rest of his gang to be so brazen as to continue with the astronomical new rate he set and let the rest of us eat his shit cake forever

was probably the only chance of actually injecting some fighting spirit into the average ezfka unit, but now everything will go back to the way things were

this is a PTB check mate

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

It’ll still get worse, 300K or whatever instead of 500K (and it’ll inevitably rise to the old levels) is still too much to absorb.

But yes, legacy units need a full on homelessness and inflation Götterdämmerung before they’ll turn against their precious LibLab and this makes that harder to achieve


Ezfkas will do nothing but hate on and blame each other. They are basically niggers.

Duke Enjoyer

Basically we are a White Africa.


there’s a guy here (the duke) who tries to comment on articles using various names but can never get through due to guest users always being held in limbo. maybe we should get rid of the guest posting restrictions again.

Duke Enjoyer

Im not the Duke, but my drinking buddies and me know of his videos and podcast. He was right.

A fly in your ointment

why can’t he register an alter ego?




We’re adjusting the foreign investment framework so it costs more for foreigners to buy established homes or leave homes empty. This is about building more homes & making more rentals available to more Australians.

Finally, Labor can claim to be doing something when it’s actually not.

Cunts must be spooked by the polls.


The good news is Peter Tulip is upset, he claims only 1339 properties were sold to foreign investors so it can’t possibly be a problem. Of course, he’s picked a pandemic year 2021-2022.



Lol I knew Liberal hoomers wouldn’t like this. 1 point to Labor.


Unsurprisingly left wing pro immigrant types like Liz Allen are not in favour of Albanese’s immigration non-cut cuts. Obviously this threatens the supply of warm bodies needed to keep university enrollments high and academics like herself employed. Comments are universally negative.



Ridiculous person. Even when immigration was 80k there still seemed to be enough people to fill up unis.


Tulip is correct in identifying this as a distraction. What he hasn’t mentioned is all the foreigners buying property under a different guise. Temp visa, shelf company, etc.


Does anyone actually like the Foo Fighters? I think the song Everlong is good but other than that they seem like a faster version of Nickelback. Bland, empty, that’s why they are so big here in Ezfka.

Duke Enjoyer

The theme to Stuckeyville “Ed’ TV show was pretty good

Duke Enjoyer

Didn’t see Foo Fighters but saw based Morrissey last night, at one point he made some not veiled comments about immigration saying how you can’t recognise London anymore, and if you don’t believe him go walk the streets there and see for yourself.


I never got into the Smiths, they were kind of the soundtrack to The Killer, a new movie made by the guy who made Seven and Fight Club, some complaints about it being a bit slow moving but I liked it.


I should see that movie.

I was a huge Smiths fan when I was younger but lost interest in Morrissey’s solo career until he came out anti-Brexit and started supporting For Britain. His last three albums contain plenty of alt-right talking points which is why every media outlet tries to cancel him.


And all the blowin tryhards think they are proper Londoners.

I’ve visited a number of times over the last twenty years after meeting the wife there initially, lived there for a bit amongst the poms. After this last visit in june have no intentions of ever going back. All english london natives i know have left the joint.

The nostalgia can only carry a place so far and London doesn’t have much to offer the general pleb any more that can’t be found elsewhere.

When to buy a beer at a pub around camden , wouldn’t take cash and was eftpos only. Gentrified wankole.

Aussie Soy Boy

They’re terrible they have not had anything interesting come out since the last century. There is more creativity from people doing ad jingles.


what the fuck is going on at reddit


ppl are legit spruiking the white australia policy and not getting hardcore downvoted or banned


not r/australia

Duke Enjoyer

Looks like the BneStrong crowd won after all.


That disgusting albanian potatoface qld premier has made a run for the door. goodbye greasy ugly old moll


yimbys have autism

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
Agent 47

It’s astroturfed bullshit and a handful of fag yopros. I just bully them on Twitter as best I can.


Never forget


Ugly/fat people should not be allowed to vote

yes or no

liz Allan is exhibit b

Last edited 9 months ago by Coming

incels should be allowed to vote

ready for the incelocracy


Good aussie pioneering stock right there.
Will fight in WW3 with chopsticks and cellfoams

Duke Enjoyer

And gehy mustachios


Chad in the white t shirt looks like he could take down a few gooks if it came to that

the others stick to posting on Twitter


Their parents would be just as clueless.


He ended the past with /s ie sarcasm. Dude wants a poo fest so he can be a planner or whatever he wants to be.

Absolute infants.


Lmao Elon musk now inquiring about the health and well-being of Gonzalo lira

Elon, you should buy ezfka.com from peachy


Alex Jones back on Twitter. I thought he was a bit of a nutter but when you have…well basically every part of the political spectrum being nutters too then who cares. He’s pretty good entry level red pilling.


hes insane rubbish

Reus's Large MEMBER

Problem is when the crazy stuff that he says comes true, difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth back then was a few years, now it is six months.


yeah but if you look at how much he broadcasts and all the claims he makes his hit rate is abysmal.


what crazy stuff has he said that has come true

the arborist

Bohemian Grove. Atrazine in the water turning frogs gay. Bilderberg group. Jeffrey Epstein. Great reset. Climate change scam. Vaccine mandates.

the arborist

Alex Jones Got ALL THESE Predictions Right!



I saw Alex being interviewed by Carson as a part of the drive to get him back on Twitter:


I have to say he came across as less of a less of a crack pot than I had been led to believe. Until now I have only watched snippets of interviews or shows where he’s presented – to be frank I find his style to be a little OTT.

Two things I found interesting

One I do recollect the drive to get Alex banned and thinking it weird how it sort of came out of no where and how later on they tried to backward fit ‘Sandy Hook’ as justification for his banning.

Only because I had been paying attention because it was back in 2018 and the huge number of accounts and personalities on the ‘alt-right’ who were being banned. So actually realised early on they were trying to back write the Narrative as to why Alex got banned. This was something that was mentioned in the interview too.

In hindsight it was obvious to remove them well before the 2020 election campaign – with what subsequently came out re Biden’s laptop, Ukraine etc, it was obvious they were be removed to increase the Elites control over the media narratives.

The other thing was when the played the clip half way through the interview of Alex Jones having a rant about Brian Stetler and why he was evil Demon – it should have sounded batshit insane, but with Egregore model it made perfect fucking sense.


hope he wises up to.. certain things.. a bit more bc from what iv seem hes fairly full on philo


Yeah Zinocuck is a common criticism of him apparently.


I solved the riddle:
Liz loves ice cream
Liz loves swimming in a pool
When Liz enters a pool the water level rises
Children drown


“Context is important”. “I was taken put of context” etc etc. Obfuscatory bullshit.


This is all the context you need.


What are the odds she can’t fit through the new Coles electronic gates?



Ablo has released the reduced immigration numbers.
510k in 2022-23
375k in 2023-24
250k in 2024-2025
One million people in three years? wtf


all higher than the pre covid rate

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

They’re gonna use some bullshit accounting with temp visas or something, or just rely on people to forget this bullshit pledge. The mates aren’t going back to 250K. Australia’s shit businesses have nothing else to keep profits flowing.


A ten year old Kim Jong Un with yakuza tattoos, black tacticool pants and white tennies. chicks will go nuts.


imagine wanting to be a ftm masectomy patient


Look how the sunnies sit on that piece of genetic garbage. They’re tilted like that because the tops of his ears are level with his nostrils. On a normal, non cranially deformed human, the tops of the ears are level with the eyes. That’s how spectacles work.

This is the sort of human sewage that we’re importing from the third world, at the rate of 10000 per week apparently.


All the photos in that link are kalergi af.


This immigration explosion experiment reminds me of high school physics.
Newton’s third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

Unfortunately our politicians seem to believe their brain-farts are exempt from the laws of Physics. They believe they can exponentially increase Immigration without even trying to understanding the complex forces needed to contain the problem.

It’s a bit like putting the adhd kid in charge of a nuclear reactor, Settings too high, we’ll halve them, double them, turn them sideways, do something, anything….
what could possibly go wrong?


Our politicians will be fine, and will lead eminently comfortable lives while dining on Wagyu and the finest shiraz because thats why they’re politicians and that’s what politicians do. Meanwhile, the rest of us will eat the bugs and have nothing.


Yeah I know, niether the public nor the politicians believe that actions have consequences. It’s all just a game.
Until it isn’t ….bit like the whole Hamas /Israel kerfuffle, no consequences until all consequences are deadly.

Agent 47

EZFKA Twitter delivering today

Agent 47



Yeah fuck I came here just to post this

she is an absolute Fox

britt was also hot at the time of the white dress photo
anybody who says otherwise is exposing their incel tendencies tbh


fogged by her mother both then and now though


Many such cases


Nah. Awful weak chunky flabby legs. Big puffy nose. Bulbous bony head. Long neck. Too tall probably.


Like I said only incels will disagree with me


Yeah muh smug/insecure ug couples that want to think they’re living a life worth envying.


Both of these women could get it

both very attractive

Brittany Higgins’ mother has been confronted in court over text messages with her daughter about being “cut out” and her relationship with Lisa Wilkinson

“You’re choosing to cut me out. Your choice. Can’t even return my texts or answer my calls.

“If I was Lisa Wilkinson, or a journalist, no problem.

“I’m just your mother who lives across the road and is trying to be here, who also lives alone.”

Last edited 9 months ago by Coming

The photo was alleged to have been taken at a restaurant just after Brittany told her mother she was allegedly Raped by Bruce. 

mum gave Britt her looks, and also her propensity for lying

not her metabolism though obviously


Nah, mums got more of a fuck you look about her, Brit looks meek. Meek = weak = gonna get fat.


Lmao here’s daddy, beach Chad in the 90s. I think I know where she got most of her genes from.

Screenshot 2023-12-11 225608.jpg
Aussie Soy Boy

My God, it’s Brucey in 25 years! Fuck!!

Aussie Soy Boy

You don’t hear much about the father. He’s probably been out of the picture for many years probably court ordered to pay child support though. Mother was probably quite promiscuous, many date nights with different men getting her fill. This is all Britt knows, you go out on a Friday night sans your knickers and guts down as many free vodka and limes as the pudgy little office boy offers you.


It’s interesting because Britt is 29 years old

I refuse to believe her mum is over 50

simple mathematics tells us it was very likely a teen pregnancy “accident”

how can we even know who the real father is
could have been an aboriginal after she wrote herself off and fell asleep on a couch or in a park


i told you

fast life history characteristics run in this family

though for some reason her mum got long telomeres


They showed his picture on channel 9. Definitely same face as her.


Born 1994. That was pretty much peak white beach culture before youth culture got nigged.

Aussie Soy Boy

The dad must have been a full-blooded one


Her father was a Chad surfy type douche when he was young. She got the ug genes from him.


That was the culture, probably still is, absolute trash defiling the best women. Probably celt in origin.

>Higgins Name Meaning



Jeez yes, and pass on the daughter and take Mum any day.


having a mum hotter than you has to be very hard for a young woman to deal with

Might lead you to seek approval and validation from other men through sex

surprised whybrow didn’t explore this on the witness stand

how many loads do you reckon sharaz has pumped out while thinking about the mum

Maybe even when he’s in Britt

Last edited 9 months ago by Coming
Aussie Soy Boy

Sharaz is a cuckold, likely bisexual


peak coming post


Tradies still off the immigration list because blondie Labor mp says there is no proven shortage there.


There’s no proven shortage of anything.

We’ve been importing million of foreign cunts for decades. How can there possibly be labour shortages. It’s all bullsht.


if there were real labor shortages we would see actual wage growth and getting a job would be a lot easier than it really is

Aussie Soy Boy

First half of 2021 I think anyone could get a job. Saw some real freaks working retail and hospitality.


Getting rid of HR would help. I bet HR bitches aren’t on the list. Having to get past them is insulting as fuck.


the bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy


Yeah. It’s basically which professions get to be protected and which don’t.

Aussie Soy Boy

Less would be coming in next year anyway given the huge increase was pent up demand from when the country was shut off from the rest of the world for nearly two years. It was going to decrease anyway, but Albo is going to claim he’s reducing it.


Be interesting to see some accurate breakdown of new arrivals, visa category and location. In Brisbane is not all 3rd worlders. In last year or so predominantly what appear to be cashed up south Americans, Seth Africans, or euros

Aussie Soy Boy

Keating must be sweating after the investigations into that poofter Jones.

Aussie Soy Boy
Gruppenführer Mark

Read through the article. Heavy on the description of poor living conditions. Very light on the reasons these two families found themselves in this situation, other than “unaffordable rentals”. Must have been other reasons. Both families have 2 able-bodied adults. Family with 9 kids has older kids (18, I’m sure there are more) who can either work or take on the burden of looking after little ones. This seems like a lifestyle choice.


Yeah, there’s some serious bullshit about those stories, along with lots of things left unsaid.

Gruppenführer Mark


Need to increase brainwashing stat! Because social media. TikTok communists are leaching into young people’s brains!



Their might be hope for the next generation yet!


I can’t believe the number of people who say it was exaggerated isn’t 97%!


Anybody who can do basic arithmetic would realise that the six million figure is bullshit. But even if the figure was “only” one million, that’s still not really good.

On the other hand, suggesting thst the whole thing was a myth is headscratchingly bizarre.

As Bill Maher said on his show the other day, modern educational institutions should be ashamed of themselves, because they’ve produce a generation of fucking idiots. Never a truer word.


The official Red Cross Tally from end of WW2… not their revised tally that got pulled out of the air in the 1970s.

Screenshot 2023-12-12 221831.jpg
Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie
Aussie Soy Boy


Gruppenführer Mark

Probably will continue to grow, unless Musk gets threatened enough to introduce selective censorship on X.




lmao twitter lefties are in maximum cope mode with this Higgins trial getting worse and worse for Britt

now Zwier and ABL are in bed with the LNP and it’s all a Zionist plot to make Britt look bad

just lmao



lefties doubling down on anti semitic conspiracy theories

this could really break the leftist-Jewish relationship

Dutton is smart to take the Jewish side . Normal people don’t like Muslims
it’s only the extremes of the horseshoe that are anti Jewish


only applies to boomers

anti semitism or at least anti zionism is really popular with younger people

writing is on the wall


I’m out of touch with young people so i don’t know

But inevitably they will become anti muslim as they get older and realise their physical safety and material conditions are of paramount concern not the nonsense that they get taught in school and uni


dunno lol

not enough muslims in australia to matter

sudanese and islanders are the only truly scary demographics in aus

Kow Lion

Not really.
All POCs are now aware that they are causing problems with legacy units. A lot of legacy units don’t want to be called Australian anymore, because it means everything and nothing.
If you think islanders are scary, meet some people from HK and have them tell you their inner thoughts. They are demons.


>Normal people don’t like Muslims
After 10+ years of extremist feminism, severe treason re housing and stupid wars I wouldn’t be so sure. I think they are winning the propaganda war atm.

It’s not muzzies trying to pump a house $1m because they did a paint job and went shopping for furniture on The Block.

Also kebabs are good.


I’d rather live under the Taliban than in a cuntocracy ruled by fat middle aged boss-bitches


They are pretty much the people I hate the most.


yeah, i wouldnt mind if the womens were competent, but majority are shit at their jobs.
My worst nightmare – being assigned a female indian heart surgeon


They are shit at everything so try to make up for it by thinking they have good boss skills, and no one can tell them they suck at that too, because theres always some lowlife faggot simp or other people willing to milk brownie points off your downfall because you were mean to a woman.




6 hours ago

I’m sure everything will change now they have a new Government:

“Luxon later told reporters at the post-Cabinet media briefing he was not planning to set a cap on the number of migrants, saying no government could realistically achieve that.”


Another way high immigration is locked in for the EZFKA, the new cuckservative government of NZ is pretending it can’t control immigration levels.

We should close this open border, who tf wants to move to NZ


i love how they say “no government can realistically achieve that”
when it took them 2.5 seconds to slam borders shut as soon as it looked like covid could bump off some of the boomers

done instantly, effortlessly and without any complications whatsoever

but nooooooooo

we cant cap migration lmao




They can’t control immigration until they think they can win some votes from pretending to cut immigration

NZ will be there in 18 months


its all pass the parcel till lnp gets back in and the ‘adults’ are back in charge

they might even make another pretend cut and the fb boomers will be gloating that we’re finally a real country again

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

excessive immigration is the only trick in the book left to… not to support the economy but to delay the inevitable recession.
This place reduced its economy to export of only 2 commodities: iron ore and citizenships.
Imagine someone saying we shouldcap the exports of iron ore… that’s what all the 2 parties of “democratic” spectrum think about immigration too, they just can’t say it for now, it is still not palatable as much as they need it to be (but wait for it)

Last edited 9 months ago by A fly in your ointment


what a squalid dystopia melbourne is

random african trying to abduct some fat immigrant school girl walking down the streeet in broad daylight

A fly in your ointment

you’ve always wondered the real looks of the Moby Dick

Biden’s response when asked if he wants Cocainskyi to win the war against Ruskies.

it seems to be that UA went the covid ways.
little known news is that Ruskies are advancing and it seems they prepared a train coach and a hand gun for Cocainskyi to decide the fate of a failed cuntry, reminiscent if the previous war ruskies have won.

my image upload button went down the sewerage ways

Last edited 9 months ago by A fly in your ointment

moby dick


It’s a cult, I tells ya! Or a gang.

Although carnivore for life has a better ring to it.

A fly in your ointment

There’s way too much meat in westerners diet, excessive amounts of it, but veganism and vegetarianism is wrong ideology, on a Galactic scale.

A fly in your ointment

I always said that minuses are for chickenshit karens.
Real men put words of their mind and open them for scrutiny.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, 2 more cocksucjers with speech impediment having guts only to hit a minus button.


I agree. Asians have the right balance. You don’t really see them going to the gym. While whiteys gettin huge so he’s got a shot with the thot.


A fly in your ointment

not all whities are westerners but even outside Westworld the meat obsession grows.

Not sure I agree (not my downvote, btw).

Meat has always been a part of human civilization, and as humans have continued to evolve, they kept inventing better techniques to either domesticate animals or kill them (and fellow humans, of course).

Meat (or proteins) and fat are the best source of calories if you take into account calories (work) required to obtain it. Killing one bison after a morning hunt would produce way more calories for the entire tribe than having said tribe gathering roots and berries, or growing corn, for example.

I think there is way too much complex carbs (processed foods) in the westerners’ diet. Meat is present in any culture, be it Africa or SE Asia, the problem is they cannot afford it, so eat rice with spices.

I actually am not aware of any vegetarian cuisine, other than indian (up to 40%), that is prevalent. Mexico at 19%. Veganism is even less prevalent, India and Mexico 9%, the rest 5% or less.


A fly in your ointment

Both 200g of meat per week and 2kg per week classify a nation as carne-/omni-vorous. One of them is bad. Westworld went as close to pure carnivorous diet as it can be.

I do not negate importance of the meat in human diet. After all, apparently it was the shift from herbivore to omnivore diet that made us divert from primates and develop higher functionality brains.
Humans are essentially still herbivore with carnivorous supplements and our digestive system evolved to that diet. Meat was actually the supplement to a daily vegetable staple food up until approx the discovery of oil which made meat “production” easy and low cost. Fast forward a century or two to today and suddenly meat is the only daily staple and vegetables are supplement.

Meat in moderation is beneficial for humans. It becomes not beneficial thereafter with increased intake. If all the people in developed cuntries stopped being gluttonous and reduced meat intake to a healthy level (approx any meat the size of a clinched feast, per week) the high demand for meat would evaporate and all the bad practices that come with it.

Vegetarianism and Veganism are ideologies and serve only to virtue signal like the Moby Dick character. Words were propagandised to conflate them with normal people having a “no-meat” diet, but the distinction is still there.


These faggots are so half arsed talented. You’d barely have heard of them in the good old days of music. They’d be d-grade lucky to get a gig at a pub.


Live music is another awful legacy Australian trope

obnoxious fuckwits poorly playing “music” so loud that everybody’s ears bleed and nothing is actually distinguishable anyway

muh culture
muh nighttime economy
muh NIMBYs


Yeah, it’s mostly just another form of extended adolescence.


or the obsession with music (the worst possible music) having to be everywhere including supermarkets and gyms, the legacy australian shys away from the silence like a vampire from light


I see the tribe have cancelled Usman Khawaja, the phrase “all lives are equal” is offensive when you’re not taking about blacks, homoglobos etc., but the victims of Israeli terrorism.


Double think is a cultural trait, that’s why they hate Jesus so much.

The TLDR version of Christianity – ‘Treat others as you would have them treat yourself‘.

Judaism is primarily an ethno-centric rule set for advancing their in group. If something is bad for you and good for the Jews, then it must be “good”. If something is good for you and bad for the Jews, then it must be “bad”.

It is little wonder they invented double entry book keeping.



isnt the only reason this stuff is dangerous bc its cut and fitted on site, if it was pre-prepared in a factory or w/e would it be a problem at all?

A fly in your ointment

moite, it causes myocarditis and blood clots and stroke and rapid cancer and….




Tradies could just use proper PPE. No need to cut off site. IMO the issue more to do with tradie ignorance and machismo.

Also, the specific silicosis illness means it can be quantified much like Asbestos. Meanwhile, MDF which also produces fine carcinogenic dust has been sold to all and sundry for decades because it can’t easily be quantified.


Lol even the rural legacies going NIMBY. The NIMBY meeting everyone 60 years old.

We are not opposed to development but not in our town because quality of life etc




They need to send those ugly faggots from Sydney YIMBY to sort them out


where the fuck is that


SW Sydney, south of Campbelltown, way closer to Wollongong than Sydney.

A fly in your ointment

we must reduce immigration
(The crown’s way, already done at its main colony)


Stonks going gangbusters today after the US Fed held fire on rate rises and predicted cuts next year.


hes a yimbytard i realised it earlier

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

He’s forever bitter and resentful that he isn’t a property investor

muh share trading
muh financial knowledge

meanwhile hoomers soaking up the CGT free gains while this pov cunt seethes


lmao no doubt he actually pmed me to try to sell me some dumb trading platform i just stopped replying to him

Aussie Soy Boy

The 500 will get 5200 next year.


I’m down around 12% on shares the last 12 months. It’s like paying to be kicked in the nuts.


That’s odd. The ASX is almost dead flat over the last 12 months, and the S&P is up about 11%.

Are you making risky plays, or what?


Haha, poor Azrael keeps buying the wrong shares.


lmao nixon talking about homos



He was right.


homos and indian women

nixon the most based US president

its amazing how he has been smeared


o/t NAB has a savings account paying 5.6% if you add to the account and dont withdraw.

Agent 47