Ezfka looks to attract young scholars

this promises to be good. a pivot from the slightly dull kids of large scale proletariat exploiters and higher-caste families to the slightly dull kids of local warlords and corrupt bureaucrats .

plus anyone else on the continent who can borrow beg and steal enough to pay their way into the zone.

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What kind of country is ruled by university lobbyists? Fucking pathetic. Give me a good military industrial complex anyday.


maybe its bunnings pushing for this, machete sales are gonna go through the roof and they’re looking to cash in

A fly in your ointment

university lobbyists are just the squirrels so that dogs cannot sniff the real beasts


Hamas or Taliban rule.
Usury, buy now pay later, payday loans – nope.
full auto AK47s – yep
Women covered up so they cant whore themselves on onlyfans – nope


honestly legacy australians are such dumb cunts the dhimmitude might be a perfect fit political system for them

Reus's Large MEMBER

I am sure that the uptake from the warlords will be fairly low, my guess is that they would rather launder their money in EU or US.


Second tier warlord kids, eh.

I guarantee theyll they’ll all be fucking useless. Unable to organise a proper massacre, their torture chambers will be cramped and poorly equipped without adequate knives, batteries, blow torches or blood runnels, and their guns will be 22LR, or 25 ACP at best. They’ll be the warlord equivalent of new EZFKA apartment buildings, cheap, shoddy and second rate.


You have very good insight saar, but very optimistic.
Second tier warlord kids will have only .22 short chambered firearms, where will buy?


There’s not been any of that available for probably a decade or more, after the ISSF switched from 22 Short to 22 LR for the rapid fire match.

So these shitheads will have to stick to their machetes, I guess. Good news for blokes like me.


this is hilarious but i can’t imagine it would ever succeed, there just isn’t enough college level africans to matter, and those that rare few true high achievers absolutely are not going to come here over the usa. we’re talking countries with 1+ standard deviation iq below india and 1/10th the gdp per capita, if they even manage to get more than a few hundred extra a year i would be surprised.


>warns the sector

Dumb the degree down to year 3 level. Give nig degree even if they don’t pass. Give him a job alongside some HR bimbo. Or as some cultural consultant at shekelcorp. There’s always a way.


I expect them to give scholarships, perhaps on the basis of being a traumatised underprivileged refugee or something like that.

They are “underrepresented” and their lack of funds to pay for “education” cannot be an obstacle

In order to have the funds to subsidise those students, they will need to crank the numbers of paying subcontinent students and also have the EZFKA commonwealth kick in some dough


the capacity to pay part is the big deal, we’re talking a whole other level of poverty in SS africa than even in india

10k gdp per capita vs like countries scraping by on medieval level economic development

those with the capacity to leave have better places to go

but these people have the infinite seeming capacity to draw a rabbit out of a hat so you’re probably right

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

The point isn’t their capacity to pay – it never has been, the point is their capacity to have credit extended to them.

Just as the main motivation for skilled migration isn’t the skills that the migrant posses, rather it is the fact that from the Australian economy’s point of view they are Credit Clean Skins.

Do you really think all those migrants from Bhutan and Nepal are loaded back in their country? Nah – they or their families had just enough resources to get one member of their family’s foot in the door.

It will be the same with the jungle bunnies, only the social impact will be far greater because while you can take the African our of Africa, you will never take Africa our of the African.

The bitch lobbyist should have a sever social cost applied to her costless virtue signaling and the rapacious destruction of our social capital that her spruiking will result in.


yeah but again like i said before, india etc is on a different level to niggertown. niggertown is just so fucking poor by comparison the gap between it and subconland is similar to the gap between subcons and australia. SS africa is overwhelmingly on a different level, the rest of the world has mostly moved to what we would consider some level of middle income status (even india), while SS africa remains in low development economic hell, and seemingly always will. i agree with you that they might be able to get some but it wont be the floods we get with the subcons.

if they target a few of the outlier states like nigeria though we could be in serious trouble.

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

if they target a few of the outlier states like nigeria though we could be in serious trouble.

Of course they will. They’re gunna have a population of around 2.5 billion jungle bunnies in 25 years – Nigeria will have 400m of them.

Even if just 1% attain incomes sufficient to pay for an airplane out of Africa that is still a pool of 200m Sub-Saharan Africans. This would be a comparable number to the floating pool of Indians and Chinese our same Universities have been competing for.

That said I agree though that it will be doubtful they’ll be able to maintain the same flood as they did with the poos and chinks. The Global economy isn’t going to fair well as we slide down the resource curve, and to be honest once things start falling apart in the West, few will know or care about the malthusian event that will take place in Africa.


ive always been skeptical of the projected SS-afrian growth rates, not because i think their fertility will inevitably drop but bc resource availability will reel their pop down to managable levels again. really the rest of the world needs to step into SS africa again and implement a mass eugenics program.

A fly in your ointment

…really the rest of the world needs to step into SS africa again and implement a mass eugenics program

Won’t happen.
Because homo-afronigrus is not *that much* stupid and bc the eugenics in the westworld is nearing the peak preparations from where there’s no return. Westerners are focused on LGHTDV+, rainbows, prides, Phat Cindirella and Brucey telenovela, Big Bruh, Eurovision and other effective distractions.


I think your last point is very well made.

Caring about what happens in shitholes like Africa is a luxury belief. People can afford to do it because they’re comfortable and have time, money and intellectual effort to spare.

Once things get worse here, people will be far too busy looking out for themselves to pay the slightest attention to the mass famines, wars and other catastrophes that will inevitably occur in Africa.

A fly in your ointment

…the mass famines, wars and other catastrophes that will inevitably occur in Africa.

This is guaranteed as long as there are resources to be plundered which interestingly means that, if the Westworld goes tits up, the need for resources will subdue thus famines, wars and other “catastrophes” may not be as frequent or as present.


no one is plundering jack shit from africa, africans just cant create societies that arent shitholes

A fly in your ointment

Ignorance is bliss


Government can pay.



looks like this chick saved her husband from the meat grinder, for now anyway

im starting to realise ukraine doesnt have the state capacity to run these mobilisation press gangs forever even if their manpower pool was effectively unlimited


The west is just flat out communist now.

A fly in your ointment

That’ll be the day to see a convict wife be so persistent to save her husband from dying for US corporations but would be even more unbelievable to see convict flayer letting go a catch in shackles (like in the video)

Aussie Soy Boy
A fly in your ointment

Serial groper???

Only in homo-convictus habitat

Progression goes like this:
Serial wolf whistler
Serial dirty looker
Serial man


If the bodies are needed then the homoglobo cartel will simply create a sob story about how Africans are a victim of colonialism, entry/success will not be evaluated by traditional patriarchal/racist metrics, and before you know it we will be flooded with Africans to keep the charade going. It’s the EZFKA way!

A fly in your ointment

not that it will be difficult to create that sob story, because it can just copy the reality, The Great Aussie Replacement© will proceed irrespective because the homo-convictus is passive specie which stands still when it’s being fornicated by homo-wardenus. In fact homo-wogus did more to save the habitat of homo-convictus than the homo-convictus itself. In the mean time, the homo-convictus is fixated on behaviour of species of homo-poous, homo-slopus, homo-afronigrus and homo-sandnigrus which is an effective distraction from homo-convictus asking itself why dafaq and by whom the Noah’s Arcus Avstralis has been laden with so many samples of those species.


Homo-Wogus has performed well in that in Italy they progressed to a stage 2 fake democracy where they elected a far-right government which is exactly the same as its globalist predecessors

Homo-Convictus still thinks Dutton can turn things around

A fly in your ointment

Aye-talians invented fascism. Fashionism too. Nation like that can be pacified and lulled but when cornered it will wake up, bite and scratch, even kill.
Not even my unexhaustable optimism whell can supply enough to believe that a nation built on obedience to overlords (minus a few abberant figures like Ned Kelly) will do more than just bark then tuck it’s tail between legs and accept/embrace what’s coming it’s way.
Hope I’m wrong


What did wogs do? Most wogs I know capitalised on it, because they were always outsiders so I guess had a better view of how things were going to turn out. They didn’t waste time waiting for homo-convictus to stop being retarded.

A fly in your ointment

Wogs are not outsiders. It may look that way to an “insider”. They are simply not part of that world which selfloath and self-destruct. One could say convicts are outsiders, in that sense.

Each wog you see wearing bogan clothes and spaking boganish is a keeper of Aussie – oi, oi culture. They rebel against LGHDTV+ “culture” and all the woke shyte. This place would already be in tatters if there was no friction to the woke agenda from them.


Yeah my mums got a wog friend who was against poofta marriage.

Wogs have had a propadee/tradie culture since they set foot here. So while they might not be very woke in terms of pooftas and trannies they sure like their propadee. I’d put most of them down as Liberal Party Conservative. So probably pretty clueless about immigration numbers.

A fly in your ointment

When you had enough at work and just want to tell fluck it all, and you don’t have parents with a paid off house or grandparents to fall back, you have no choice but to build stability through the RE. 3rd gen immos don’t have that issue.

In my experience wogs are more aware of shyte that cometh from excessive immigration but in the same sense see that excessive immigration is 82%ers agenda over which they have little or no influence. So they just focus on other things.

Wokeness is almost 100% westworld’s baby and it finds traction only there.


its jew-worlds baby more than anything

A fly in your ointment

It’s their seed, finding a fertile soil where it can.


The problem here is that many of the people promoting this type of thing grew up in nice safe areas and never experienced the type of violence endemic in low IQ lower class communities.

If you grew up having to fight and flee from groups of retarded lebs and fetal alcohol victims, you instinctively know that importing from the wrong groups is going to be a disaster.

Dummies like Jackson don’t have a clue because they don’t have the life experience to ask the right questions.

A fly in your ointment

If he took them to a remote private island, gave them fancy food and fancy clothes he’d be named the high society influence peddler.

Context and level of money makes a helluva difference.

He should’ve called in The Biden avatar along and then the difference would be galactic.

Ironic Boomer

‘Jackson repeated the sector’s opposition to student caps, and urged the government “to reconsider doing anything like” a foreign student levy to address research funding needs.’

But I thought the university sector was some miracle make it rain at no cost gdp number go up generator.

‘We’ve built up a really good education system that serves our domestic population…’

Serves them what? A pile of dog shit and debt? Good for who?

This is why I am against, in a broad sense, LVO’S call of taxing (whatever the tithe is called) the unis for international students. It just entrenches a ‘public’ revenue stream, which will make it relatively difficult to change the system. It is typical of public private cartels in EZFKA.

Of course what is rarely if ever discussed is why there aren’t Australians having more working age Australians. But addressing that will hurt too many feelings. Much easier to surf the wave of idiom.

As for Jackson, it reminds me of the old saying, ‘hair above the chin, subversion from within’.


First they came for the smokers and drinkers. Then they came for the soccer mum fatties.



A fly in your ointment

And we laugh at China whilst eclipsing them in systemic, full girth adaptation of social credit score… adopting 100s of minuscule laws which are indivodually harmless in isolation but are dystopian when fully bundled.
One cannot breathe air in Terra Avstralis without breaking some sort of Crown’s law. Life in a coop.


Ermo still thinks he lives in his own nation and doesn’t understand his identity has been scheduled for termination.


What’s even racist about that?


I saw that guy getting a run on the abc during the voice debate/debacle and assumed he was just another white ‘ally’.

After reading his bio, I’m fairly sure he’s trying to identity-grift his way into a political position.

The guy being called a racist is just a prop for Marcus to elevate his virtuous victim status into a job that pays more than he could ever earn on merit.

A fly in your ointment

Errmo is a Labtard shill, door salesman type, conscrpting one idiot at the time – kind. In essence a sandwich warrior. Did not struck me as a thinker.


Did not struck me as a thinker.

That would be because I’ve rarely met anyone with their head further up their ass than yourself. In fact someone with their head as far up their own ass as yourself could probably do with the full time assistance of a plumber.

Ermo is an old school convict class, a pejorative in your uniquely racist language/terms. As such he believes in old school Australian values, like a fair go, mateship and of course the role Unions play or played in improving the lives of the working man. He is like a time capsule of what we have lost, and is becoming more and more a stranger in his own land.

I’ve actually had the pleasure of meeting the chap in real life and his interest in philosophy and thinking, and enormous tolerance for a whole range of viewpoints and topics that comes across as inquiring mind in his tweets or comments when I was regularly frequenting MB, was as present in real life.

Agent 47

Spot on.

Enjoyed Ermos post back in the MB days and could easily have a beer with him – he was as close as the Jack Lang version of the ALP you could get before the Keating neoliberalisation in the 80s.

Heart is in the right place although I think even he knows there’s realistically no chance of resurrecting the ALP.

A fly in your ointment

Exactly how many immigrants will labour bring in less this year because one of its active member has a heart in the right place?
It is cognitively dissonant supporting any of the 3+1 parties and opposing excessive immigration.
Road to hell is always paved with best intentions.


he might be a nice guy but how the fuck can he support the labor party ffs time to get the rocks out of da head


We talk at least a few times a year and he enjoys coming to see my band (at least that’s what he claimed to be polite).


whats the name of the band harry? i want to come and see you


I saw them here in Canberr few months ago. It was a hoot.

A loony feminist acquaintance of mine was there with her even more insane daughter, and they were so offended that they stormed out half way through, while giving the band the finger.

Like I said, really good.


He’s alright. His objective of wanting people to join Labor is just as hopeless as ours ie wanting people to vote “far right” or SAP.

A fly in your ointment

There can be no sane person actively or otherwise supporting Libtards, Labtards or Nattards. Particularly Greentards. Supporting any of these is support for further destruction of Australia and support of excessive immigration.
Having good intentions in supporting any of the options will not reduce the numbers of nee immigrants.


none of us are under the illusion australia can be fixed, at least i’m not

the idea that therres this huge wellspring of anti-immigration sentiment out there is pure copium like youve pointed out before

no one really gives a chit

legacy australians deserve everything they get

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Vivek Ramaswamy on How the Political System Really Works…



Plutocracy. Citizens United and the Speechnow.org decisions sealed the deal.

Ironic Boomer

Yeah? What’s he going to do about it..


Dunno – maybe they need some new Amendments? Might be easier to ban SuperPacs in order to save Democracy than to burn the place down.

Ironic Boomer

Fair enough. It’s good that he is talking about it. Though hr politicians often say stuff before they are elected and change their tune once elected.
There is footage, I couldn’t find it, of the current potus Mr sniffy saying similar things in the 90s. Words to the effect of, to get in positions of political power you need money which is given to you by other people, then you owe those people back once in political power.

Agent 47

I don’t trust this pajeet at all.

Massive Zionist and part of this overwhelming pattern of Jews getting indians to be their new golems.


Yeah – I was pretty skeptical at first, he certainly performs the necessarily adulations praising Israel that any candidate that wants the mainstream vote must do the performative dance for.

However his call for Israel to be defunded in the middle of what Jews and Zionists are falsely claiming to be an existential war would suggest that they have him wrapped around their finger far less than the slug from Argentina.

Having watched a few of his vids now I lean more to thinking that he is genuine in his motivation:


Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie


Big economic possibilities once the age of criminal responsibility rises in Victoria

Lots of fodder for true crime podcasts

Murders streamed on TikTok

You know in Japan how they have Mario Kart in the streets of Tokyo? Melbourne could do it for Grand Theft Auto.

Agent 47

Well looks like fentanyl has arrived here now so why not go full San Fran?


Weird drug. Making people want to stand and bend over.


How tight will be his calves be after stretching and touching his toes for 4 hours.


It’s almost like it turns them gay. Wanting it in the butt.

Aussie Soy Boy

It will be good to have all the methheads hooked on this stuff. Crime will go down, cities will be safer.


Going after a YouTuber with a mere 3500 subscribers.

Still implying Jordies was in the wrong.


It wouldn’t surprise me if this becomes a new business model for a media that noone with half a brain or any decency respects. Doxxing people.

Agent 47

Do people even watch Jordies anymore apart from millennials still quoting the Simpsons?

The real test for Jordan now is will he start mentioning immigration and the Lebo crime gangs that torched his place. Odds on no.


He’s never gonna seriously tackle immigration. He annoys the luvvy scum though because his fans are actual working class and he provides a reasonable amount of red pilled insight. Like how most of the ABC employees are actually rich private school trust fund kiddies larping as lefties.


hes on the ALP pay roll man he aint sayin shit against key labor policy


Yeah he is a total Labor shill I don’t take him very seriously.


how do youse read these articles? i cant get past the paywall on any of them, they dont let me even preview anymore

was the yt channel Feminism Debunked? ive seen him before quite a few times, hes been on YT forever actually


Paste the link into 12 foot ladder.

Don’t know what the channel is I couldn’t find it.


Yeah that must be the channel.

A fly in your ointment

33 plead cases of child rape (God knows how many unreported)

Vibrancy shyte, I guess


whats your obsession with ‘proving’ legacy australians are pedos


resentful that his eastern european country of origin is a shithole. cant work out how dumb convicts built what used to be a nice country

A fly in your ointment

Resent, hate?
Can’t be dumb that much to conflate a critic without a reservation for either or both of the two.

…what used to be a nice country

That I agree.
So why is it not noice any more? Who flucked it up?

…country of origin is a shithole.

You’re right there, sadly. All the smarties in my shytehole went to Western Europe and US. The rest of us whom were not smart enough and had to move elsewhere where we could blend in easier.

A fly in your ointment

whats your obsession with ‘proving’ legacy australians are pedos

proving??? There’s nuttin there to prove. Just reporting as it comes in the newsfeed.
When some isolated case of an odd asylum seekers jumps a woman, “youse” types are all over the case, whilst blissfully looking the other way when those with a citizenship by descendancy bang your own children multiple times.
Pedos seems to be baddies only when they’re *not* 82%ers.
That’s perhaps what’s proven, unintentionally.


Yeah I think it’s safe to say a lot of honkys are pedos. Usually Anglos.

the arborist

Dodgy middle eastern barbers are everywhere.



They wouldn’t ruin people’ Crhistmases by making it rain only in the major capitals, would they?

A fly in your ointment

Love your work

Aussie Soy Boy


comment image

Look at the size of it.

Isn’t a sack of 20kg rice $30? That would last them one month even if they ate rice every single meal. Rice with some vegetables could feed someone for $10 per week if they were genuinely in financial difficulties and at risk of starvation. That’s 4-5 cigarettes.

50% of the world survive on rice as their main staple and far healthier than some of those fat slobs in the foodbank queue.

Give them all a few cups of rice and tell them to fuck off.


Look at them, immigrants and degenerates, not an ounce of self respect between them, literally begging for food!


That chick in the green dress would be delicious. She’d feed an Ethiopian family for a month.

Personally though, I’d eat the Muslim woman in the hijab first, just because I hate Muslims.

A fly in your ointment

Thin blurry line between love and hate….


If he pointed his revolver at the kebab shop people he’d get $1 off a doner kebab.

Honkys with revolvers. 70s honkysploitation.

Aussie Soy Boy

They are fucking animals. In the poorest parts of the world they would rather scavenge rubbish tips than stand in line begging for food.

And this is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Look at the fucking waistlines of some of them in the article.


Banal honky bigs himself up by putting others down. Cornerstone of the English Empire.


Parasites are already the lowest form of life, there is nothing lower


How do you define a parasite? What about pubs/clubs with pokies? They provide a lot of little jobs. But I would say they are a parasite.


Celebrating white homeless plus invasion and race mixing. What a dogshit people Anglos are. Absolute whores.





As he speaks in the language of the Anglos


It’s a language developed by many civilisations over the years.

the arborist

Name two groups better than Anglos. More if you can.



the arborist

Fair enough. Also Japanese.
I bet ozcuck is none of them. Ozcuck needs to go back where he came from so he can be happy.

So Polite, So Clean

Japanese are so nice, 4 ministers resign for graft, TEPCO pollutes the earth with radiation and their entire nation, Takata kills dozens and maims several hundred, Kobe’s Steel Company lies about its test data for 50 years putting millions of passengers and customers in peril, some Japanese nut kills dozens of old infirm people in the middle of the night with a knife, some other Japanese nut sets fire to 36 people in Kyoto, some half Japanese nut kills a pensioner on his morning walk in Noosa. Nice people. They also killed 15 million innocent people (after raping most of them) a few decades ago. Everything in Japan was stolen from Europeans.

Such nice people. Google “usomohouben”.


The French. I have a bit of French in me.

>Historically, the heritage of the French people is mostly of Celtic or Gallic, Latin (Romans) origin

A fly in your ointment

I have a bit of French in me.

Which bit?


idont think french are better than anglos but their food is better


They flooded themselves with nigs and muzzies but kept their houses prices reasonable.

Also smoking is more respected.

They could make a good car if they wanted but cbf, cars are just another jew.

Gruppenführer Mark

I have a bit of black in me. You know the part


everyone on here has a black soul

Aussie Soy Boy

The rental crisis one of the best things to ever happen to this country. It’s made it almost impossible to rent anywhere in the country and live the typical dole bludger or spastic on DSP/NDIS lifestyle.



gonzalo lira’s heart sinks and any hope he may have had of receiving a fair trial disappears as the ukrainian court announces the “Honourable Steve Keen” as the guest judge to preside over the case


Imagine the outrage if this was an ad in an Anglo nation.


A fly in your ointment

now I know what happened to Michael Jackson…

Aussie Soy Boy

comment image


If you are interested in Genetics, genetic history and Culture then I am sure you would have probably heard the fact that during the Neolithic period male genetic diversity went through a bottleneck such that “for every 17 women who successfully reproduced only 1 man was successful“.

I am pretty sure I’ve referred this fact myself before, in discussions on how the transition from hunter gather societies to farming gave rise to significant inequality, including the greatest inequality of all – access to women and preproduction.

The black pill theory is that this period was evidence of female hypergamy run amok, such that women would rather be with a powerful man and compete with his other wives, than a poorer less well resourced man. It is also underlyingly marxist in its view that the establishment of complex societies, i.e. capitalism, gave rise to such inequality.

Anyhow I came across this more nuanced take on the Y-Chromosome bottleneck that occurred about 8-10k years ago:


It has an interesting take in that the bottleneck is more a function of the change in the ratio of Y-Chromosome diversity through intense social competition and warfare at the outset and throughout this period of time, until social complexity reached the point where kin trust systems were replaced.

Basically the theory is that village A, was slightly more successful than village B. With the increasingly intense competition for land and resources once agriculture became possible and the boost to local population, village A eventually went to war with village B, with the males of B being eliminated and replaced with familial patriarchally related kin. This would eliminate all the genetic diversity associated with the Y-Chromosome from village B in the present. Gradually village A would replace all the other alphabet villages in the local area, until it emerged as Culture A, and the level of male genetic diversity had fallen considerably.

At some point after Culture A has emerged the distribution of Village A’s Y-Chromosome had effectively become homogenized, and social and economic prosperity no longer so dependent on kin relationships, that Y-Chromosome variation in that population group started to increase in diversity again, rather than being continuously pruned, hence the end of the bottleneck.

This isn’t a fact just a theory, to explain a fact. The fact being the bottle neck existed, the theory being simply trying to explain why it came about.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

comment section aint the same w/o coming

A fly in your ointment

Yep, it is devoid of the Phat Cyndirella and the Brucey telenovela, but it misses big on Erdoganomics.


Bruce grew up pov with a single mum on welfare. The exact people Coming and Aussie Soy Boy hate with a passion.

>A court previously heard Mr Lehrmann’s father died when he was two, leaving his mother to raise him and his sister on welfare. 


Based Bruce.

A fly in your ointment

good foryah moite


Poor fella is so impoverished after these rape accusations he’s having to eat dog food.

Supercoat adult chicken. It gives my dog the runs.

I hope bruce fairs better.

Merry christmas you filthy animals.


I just realised how pleasant this thread is…no Coming.

Maybe he’s succumbed to a vaccine induced thrombosis or stroke.


Coming is probably not posting because he’s pretending he has a family.

I’m still a bit nauseated from my woke mick Christmas.

A fly in your ointment

don’t be rude,
he could be jevvisch, muslim or hindu. Or even atheist


Maybe Jehovahs Witness. I think they are old fashioned and have trad roles for women.


there’s other lower effort trolls on here to take up the slack, like
OzCuckSoy1488-Oinkment ” how about those White trash Anglo convict loosers? hur hur hur”.
Coming was happy for his “son” to be gay and to have sex with animals. These other guys need to trim there troll game

A fly in your ointment

don’t drink and write moite, it’s dangerous.
you should get double demerit minuses for this post.


coming is a legend

A fly in your ointment


but how’zdat connected to my reply to the angel of death?


cannot convert to estonian slavbabble. sorry

A fly in your ointment

cannot convert to estonian slavbabble. sorry

I know, translation requires an intelligent meaning in a sentence.

that’s still double demerit points for you,
it’s a happy season, everyone gets to get some demerit points during “merry” and “happy” holidays


the downvote system here is gay imo

needs to go, too much like reddit

A fly in your ointment


it’s good.

we get to see how many wankers are there each time I sling some fecal matter towards Brucey and the Phat Cyndyrella fairytale.

I did not like minuses at first but now I get to see how many ointments I spoiled.


bzzt wrong

A fly in your ointment

nope, confirmed I’m right

A fly in your ointment

When’s the phone a phone and when’s one not a phone?
Department of people prosecutions (DPP) went to the supreme court to uphold a farken overturned ticket to a P plater for
‘using’ a “mobile phone” without a simcard as a navigational device. Apparently, it can make emergency calls to one single number hence it is dangerous in hands hard mounted cradle of a P plater. Wonder if having an Android watch may be subject to penalty.

What “youse” types can’t get is that even when you crack a fat when someone else is being penalised, you too are being fucked by wardens at every turn and twist of the life. Can’t breath the air in this pond without breaking some sort of law.


Agent 47

Right on cue


No country will take them though, not even their Muslim mates. Everybody knows they’re insanely violent inbred ratbags who will cause a rain of shit no matter where they go, so they won’t be going anywhere.


Albo will take them and even give them a 5% deposit on a property as some sort of aid package.

the arborist


the arborist

Western nations will eagerly take them in. We’d be racist if we didn’t take them all in and we can’t be racist now, can we?

Agent 47



Such a type of person or people would never use a lie or deceit in order to justify the establishment of their state by UN decree would they?


If they’re own crazy Muslim mates abhor and reject them,why should the West feel any different?

Of course, we’re now ruled by women and “men” who are essentially women (looking at our current PM here as a prime example), so we have to be all empathetic etc. We’ll probably be welcoming tens of thousands of these vile savages to the Zone in very short order.

A fly in your ointment

We’ll probably be welcoming tens of thousands of these vile savages to the Zone in very short order.

‘zdat a reference to Tarakovski?
if it is… Noice!


That Penny Wong fellow has “married” another fellow who looks even worse than him.
wen helicopter?


>Senator Wong is a practising Christian who attends the Pilgrim Uniting Church in Adelaide.

All these churches. Needs to be a church for smokers. Then we’ll hoik up gob. King Arthur was about who could hoik up enough gob to loosen Excalibur.


Senator Wong is a practising Christian

Practice makes imperfect in a fallen world.
Jesus wont save her.

Gruppenführer Mark

Have any of youse started watching Netflix special World War 2? Basically, six parts, each part is devoted to one year of war.

I got through the first (39-40) and second (41), and it was mostly pretty good, with a few bits of propaganda here and there. Episode 3 (42) was the unraveling for me. Most of it was spent on USA and UK bravely fighting Japanese in the Pacific (Midway, Solomon) and Germans in Africa (all of one tank army). The Eastern front got an honourable mention for the battle for Stalingrad, about 12 minutes of time out of 45 minute episode. Dictator Stalin conscripted 1 million women that resulted in capture or death of an 800,000 German army. A footnote.

The restored actual video footage is impressive though.

What are your thoughts?

A fly in your ointment

Lol, that’s the rewriting of history that started with 100y anniversary of The Great War in 2014. Paul Sheehan lead the rape of facts at SMH.
WW2 literally changed direction with the battle of Stalingrad and Soviets sacrificing 26mil ruskie lives to save the Europe from another attempt of a “Union”. Invasion of allies in the west was literally to prevent soviets from going past the Berlin.

There was sanother series of videos WW2 in colour, methinks BBC (not coloured, filmed in colour). It is eery to see it with that added realism.

Tnx for the alert, I’ll go and check the series soon

Let me know what you think. Wonder if the tank battle at Kursk gets a mention in episode 4 (43). Also, nothing so far about the blockade of Leningrad. Not even a mention.


I haven’t seen it but….

The whole “America won WW2 rah rah rah” thing is utter bullshit. The Russians won WW2, with a bit of help from everybody else. Without everybody else the Russians would have crushed the Germans and then the Japs all by themselves. It just would’ve taken longer.

If anybody doubts this, Google for Operation Bagration. In this one battle, involving an attack by around 170 divisions over a 750km front, the Russians destroyed 24 German divisions in 2 months in Summer 1944.

The Russian forces in that one battle, that virtually no American has ever heard of, were almost twice the size of the entire American effort (about 60 divisions) in Europe in WW2. And that was just one battle, against the German Army Group Centre, amongst many others going on at the same time!

I presume from your handle that you know all this, but I had to rant. The fight in Russia was so incredibly vast and savage that it makes the rest of WW2 seem almost trivial by comparuson, and virtually nobody outside Russia, certainly almost no Americans, understands this.

Gruppenführer Mark

Always enjoy your rants, even if we don’t see eye to eye on some subjects.

Another impressive thing the Soviets managed was to transfer a lot of their industry on the east side of Urals, and ramping it up in short order, so they were out producing Germany by 1943 in tanks, and a bit later in planes. That was a feat worthy of the nation.

Nah, the handle is a throwback to our local WA premier Mark McGowan. I might need to get a new one, now that he is gone.


nazi germany’s pathway to victory against the ussr was in 1941; they probably would have won had they mobilised and moved to a total war economy in that year. i’ve seen credible analyses of the numbers that show that the soviets would have simply been overwhelmed by an army that was vastly operationally more effective than any other in the world if the germans had brought their manpower and resource utilisation ‘forward’ rather than stretching it over 1941-1945 (with a lot of armament and reserve procurement peaking in 1944, when it was too late). the soviets would have simply been denuded of too much territory and resources to have mounted a resistance against a sustained, early german surge.

of course, the foresight to have done that at the time would have needed to have been extraordinary, as no one actually knew at the time just how many reserves the soviets had. soviet manpower won that war more than anything else, the same factor that will eventually allow russia to defeat ukraine.

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

Perhaps (as with any speculation).
Ribentrop Molotov was because soviets knew krauts would run them and squash into oblivion and the fat English cunts were deliberately stalling any meaningfull defense agreement. They needed time and the move of factories to far east (as Gruppenfuehrer mentioned above) was their perfect response which actually saved them.
Luckily krauts had no clue of that


If anyone has a month to spare. English dubs but unfortunately maps still in Russian.

Soviet Storm

Thoroughly covers the Eastern Front.


A fly in your ointment

At a first glance, excellent videos.


Aussie Soy Boy

The yanks gave the least and took the most.

A fly in your ointment

Forgot to congratulate everyone on the event advent.

A fly in your ointment

slopes and poojits are overwhelming jobs which were becoming obsolete even before them being brought in by shiploads. IT is an industry going the watchmakers or TV repair guys or vacuum salesmen. All thus fluff reminds me of Sathafrikan “idiot behind the counter” episode where everyone complained of a kaffir ape being incompetent at the counter conveniently forgetting that before incompetent apes, there were equally incompetent blankies at the same spot, equally unimaginative and unintelligent.
In my line of work, I’ve hired about 5 times and interviewed about two dozens of people. It was only one poojit, a few various pacific slopes, the rest were exclusively euro and convicts. Some jobs are simply not in their interest nor in their acumen.
Some industries apparently became improved since being overtaken by poojits and slopes exclusively. No one can do repetitive tasks with high importance like Indian subcontinentals.


One of my relos copped some bad racism from poo majority work place. They just left and got another job. No one says nuffin. Convicts like that its hurting each other. Crabs in a bucket.