Well, we’re one week out from the next big day and, interestingly, the EZFKA media has been rather restrained and quiet.
Typically by now we’d have have a reasonable sprinkling of “woe is we” stories about mums and dads who are struggling with their mortgage and have had to cut down their Marley Spoom dining to 3 nights a week from 5, how house prices have stopped rising and are at risk, rising to a screeching crescendo of “everybody hurts” early next week.
Instead, we just have weak sauce like this from Billy Bennett:

(Apparently scrawling crappy articles while he waits for his modelling career to get going, https://www.smh.com.au/money/saving/it-s-a-lowe-story-shaking-off-inflation-just-got-harder-20230626-p5djhn.html)
Have the “interest rates are going to stop rising/interest rates are about to fall” hopium finally been shaken out of the desperate cheap money addicts with Phil’s last hike?
Pause in July I reckon
That .25 BPS took a Herculean effort by Lowe with all the whining and he’ll want a stronger case to do it again.
Why should he care? He’s got enough money to live in style until he dies. He’s probably going to be replaced anyway.
Social status is everything to elites like Lowe
He has less reason to care about whatever the RBA ought to be doing (which is highly disputed anyway) than making sure he can still hobnob with the big wigs after he’s out
imagine hanging out with phil lowe lmao
He lives in Randwick. That used to be kind of scummy. The true elite wouldn’t be caught dead there.
You need at least $50m to be bottom of the barrel tier elite now.
Agree unironically
50m is minimum net worth if you don’t want to be living in a terrace and doing actual work
Unless you’re on the dole in social housing, then you don’t have to work while people with a pissant $30M do
I doubt Albo has $50M unless the cheques from the CIA have cleared and put him over
Seems like a very blinkered definition of elite that some bogan who wins Powerball is one but the RBA governor isn’t.
With you on that! Money alone doesn’t get one into elite ranks, just into nouveau riche
Your average bogan with a $50M Powerball ticket would certainly fit in this category
In his current position, Phil certainly fits here. Once he leaves, who knows. Depends on where he will wind up.
Albo is a puppet, not elite. Same with Lowe.
I mean if you wanna hobnob with the elite you’ll probably need at least 50m to enter.
Or you can just not and do fuck all which is what I’d do.
“Elite” isn’t just Bezos and the Rothschilds. The word has never been used to be that exclusive.
World leaders are certainly elites notwithstanding they have very limited power of their own.
you’re wrong
I always get you and ozcuck confused so I can’t remember which one of you is the smarter one
was scomo “elite”
these people are all puppets
Guy who pretends to be a doctor on the internet declares former PM not elite
Meh, I think elite is someone like Leibler. He’s been around for decades, has a passion for power and control. Scotty is a puppet, looking for a few million to be comfortable.
He will be replaced, that is a given. A few more board members will be replaced when their term expires.
Newbie must have a vahgyna tho.
Well, that is a given along with the rate cutting bias
Four more decisions before Phil Lowe’s contract expires. Will they keep raising and then stop and complete the scapegoating?
I wouldn’t be surprised if govt throws a curveball and give Lowe a short contract extension to allow him to complete his task of
fighting inflationcreating the recession we had to have.Politically dangerous to extend the guv’s gig while he’s hiking. It’s effectively taking ownership of any subsequent rises.
Albo (and just as importantly the FHs waiting in the wings to succeed him) wouldn’t want that.
They’ll hopefully want to get on with the job of appointing a FH guv as quickly as possible, too 🤗
IMO an even worse look if the next governor continues raising. The only way to avoid it is to keep hiking until they are comfortable it is done before October meeting.
If Chris Joye is taking tips from EZFKA then his career is all but over…
There was one of those shit “What they spend their money on” links in the last thread. The chick was 42, had a $710K mortgage and was paying it off at about $4K per month. At current interest rates she needs to increase that to near $5K per month, just to pay it off by the time she’s 65. I guess she’s relying on Mummy and Daddy to shuffle off at some point, leaving her with a big wedge to pay off the debts.
Finding a spare grand a month to put on the mortgage isn’t real easy for most people. I think a lot of of people with giant mortgages taken out at 2.5% must be in a fair bit of pain by now.
How high would the cash rate have to go for said chick to stop paying her boyfriend $1500 per month to sleep in his bed?
Banks don’t want the loan to be paid off before retirement. Switch them to interest-only to keep the game going, and then receive a lump sum payment out of their superannuation at retirement age.
This is also the plan for many people in their 50s. Live it up off Equity Mate, pay it off with superannuation, and then rely on pension + inheritance.
Not a bad idea about the super and loans. Why waste highly taxed money on repayment when super will do, It may be actually tax efficient (sure it was at least for the last 10 yrs)
I know, just look at her boyfriend!
She makes 22k/month
an extra $1k/month is nothing
The bitch spends $1500/month just on “eating out”
then pays the bf another $1500/month to eat her out
now consider the 66% of the population without a mortgage who are making more out of bank deposits
There is no problem in Melbourne, just teenagers in being stabbed to death every other week in the same few Western suburbs.
Watch the recent 60 Minutes segment.
Nowhere in the Age article does it describe the attackers.
Say it you faggots.
They’re Africans !!!!
Fucksake the Vicpol are such weak faggots too. How can anyone even give help if they are so gutless to even describe the killers?
The ordinary have to pay the price of virtue signaling. And he paid it alright
If you repeat a lie often enough etc.
‘Beyoncé blamed for inflation surprise in Sweden – BBC News’
It’s fucken Beyonce proles, not the 15 sanctions packages against Russia/Belarus
they also claimed the new zelda game drove inflation in the uk
These cunts are just laughing at us at this point
They’ve gone full Pravda and they’re loving it
Nah, they believe in garbage like this:
EmBee can’t see the connection either:
pfh007 is in scintillating form:
see also pfh’s comments here
I still get MB in my google feed. It’s annoying. And the fact they pay beast google makes me more grrr
i think it’s going to be 0.25!!
I will agree with you, simply because you posted first the usual guess of 0.25% and that’s my wishful thinking. Actually I wish it went 0.5% but that is a pipe dream
Gonna go with 0.15 to make it seem like he cares about inflation but not too scary for the people that have houses that are now money holes ….
how has the inflation been over the last month
Inflation is predicted to be down, and if so I am more bullish on my 0.15
And if not, a bit of category reweighting will fix that.
Oh hey RLM, you’re not dead, how nice!
interesting prediction there with the 0.15 – haven’t had that suggested for a while. Might be a good way to signal a levelling out. But I don’t think that’s the signal that they want to send yet
Yeah I was super busy at work to the point of packing it in and enjoying my 12 month non-compete / paid holiday now so having a bit of time to add my 2c worth
Ah, big move, good onya.
but don’t waste too much of your 12mo posting stuff on here. Go fishing or do flying lessons or whatever you blokes like
There are rainy days when it is a good time to catchup on this sorta thing
Plus 1000!
Just like Putin defeated Corona in February last year, same thing happened last weekend. Prigozhin defeated inflation!
There is nothing to worry about!
Flat, or, if Phil phils lucky, 25bp CUnT!
wut, 5 hours since the new post was published and no one proposed Recep Erdogan’s theory that rising* interest rates (but still below the inflation) – causes inflation???
This place is rapidly beComing, a pale copy of EmBee… {:sigh:}
Coming to rescue anyone?
How about this for an incremental inflation driver – covid killed some folks (hysterical estimates say 1m in the US) – so inheritances and life insurance policy payouts flowed…?
it seems that jabbadabba killed more XYZedders than boomers whom died of a severe flu.
my take is that some of the QE ended up on street in spite it being fenced from descending on plebs. There is a tsunami of it and I don’t think they can control all of it from spilling down (like a lidless vat of whiskey on a racing horse cart spilling at every pothole, waiting to inevitably overturn and spill all of it).
Everyone thought we’d be in recession and with a collapse in house prices with interest rates at 4%
but instead here we are
Terminal rate expectations keep being revised higher
rba forecasts keep failing
Long bond yields keep rising every Tuesday with rate rises
Maybe things don’t work the way they think
who is this “everyone”?
last time interests were 4%, there was no recession, nor were house prices collapsing…
…was it the same folks that were saying that a recession and house price collapse is coming last time that rates were 4% and house prices were rising? 😚
anyhow, the rates aren’t really biting yet and commodities are still powering, so current conditions aren’t really hard to understand.
Lol ok m8
im sure you thought back in 2021 house prices would stay flat and unemployment stay 3% when rates were lifted to 4%
im sure you can dig up a screenshot to price it
here’s this fucking clown again
any minute the interest rate rises are going to “kick in”
fuck he’s absolutely dog shit stupid
reminds me of pre covid MB
well, you can’t deny that the rate rises are going to fuck some people up pretty unpleasantly.
but it happens slowly as people mop up their spare cash, take additional shifts/jobs, string out other credit
and it doesn’t happen to everyone
and it doesn’t happen overnight and all that

Yep debt doesn’t matter anymore.
Couple buys house for $2m
Pays off $1.5m
Spends $500k of house equity on retirement
Bank sells house for $2m (assuming no house price changes)
Bank gets $1m
Kids get $1m
That’s because the full effect of 3 year fixed has not been realised yet, do you think that those that stretched to buy at the lowest interest rates in history had the savy to put anything extra into the mortgage to cover when interest rates go up, hell no, I think the crash is going to make 2008 look like a sneeze in a hurricane
they did not have the savy nor much financial capacity (although they did have some as house prices hadn’t gone up all they to reflect 2% rates (in perpetuity))
yes, but only if those marginal buyers from the last few years are:
worth pointing out that there is a lot of “extend and pretend” between those buyers and being forced to sell and Albo is pedalling damn hard to get the headcount up to prop up the bid.
all that said, I do feel that the bid is softening. By many reports, average suburban houses in average suburbs which would previously be sold priced in a way that only makes sense to developers for a knockdown-and-replace-with-2-or-3-townhouses …are no longer selling at auction.
the gap between that kind of small time developer pricing and owner occupier pricing is a few hundred thousand dollars, which is a sizeable air pocket.
As much as there are more warm bodies coming in, at the end of the day, if inflation is eating up more of the paycheck every month then everyone can less afford to spend in the economy which means that the engine room, i.e. small business is going to take a hit, and the jimmies are not going to be able to deliveroo there way into a new mortgage even if there are 20 to a house.
Lmao these people are absolutely fucking delusional
we must listen to “experts” on the voice because you would call an electrician to fix your lights
its clear to even the dumbest neutral observer that the voice is complete bullshit
Putting aside all the problems with blindly believing self-proclaimed experts and the ultimate message that democracy doesn’t matter because only those with qualifications should be able to make any decisions
We live in a complex world. There is no scientific field of study which professes to understand the manifold consequences that will emerge from something like The Voice
It’s the same problem as during the pandemic, someone might credibly claim to be an epidemiologist, but that doesn’t make them into a hospital administrator who can determine the impact of COVID on the health system, they are not an economist who can foresee the impact on the masses via the economy (good luck finding one of those who isn’t a bought and paid for shill anyway), they are not philosophers who can weigh the impact on the freedoms of 5 million people against the slight acceleration to the deaths of a few thousand very frail people.
The hypocrisy is astounding from this shyster.
Have to admire his tactics though, when you’re a complete fraud what better to denigrate your opponents than by calling them frauds.
From the quadrant article about Bruce Pascoe:
Yet this hoax is particularly malicious because it feeds off the manipulation of a particular race and group of people who are not able, with records, to refute the implication that nomads are less admirable than farmers.
They are being given another fake story in order to develop a stronger claim to sovereignty and stoke the fires of resentment on the strength of lies about white ‘invaders’.
This will surely fuel even more dissatisfaction and disillusionment.
His target and the butt of his malevolent joke are the innocent and mostly naive.
His book is, essentially, a racist cultural Marxist whitefella hoax which aims, amongst its other bent goals, to convince today’s blackfellas that the white ancestors of their fellow countrymen wanted only to kill them and destroy any and all records of their forefathers’ achievements.
Same like we were meant to listen to the experts about covid and the vaccines and look how wring they were about those
Yeah or interest rates
Who is the Publisher and promoter of Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu book?
Who stands to gain financially?
Schwartz Publishing.
Morrie Schwartz, publisher and property developer.
Every single time.
Do check out the sales video! Because mortgage stress is real and RE agents are bad.
So cool. Such a man of the people.
That is a great find.
Which part of the Weimar is he from…?
I ran a search on the address, for shits and giggles. Domain puts house value in a range of $1.2 (low) to $1.4 (mid) to $1.6 (high). And then something else popped up!
The article describes this dude, in various places, as a comedian, an experienced advertising agent, and a filmmaker.
What a loon! But I wish him luck, maybe some Chinese student will pick this up.
And to respond to your question directly, I don’t think he is from Weimar, but he is channeling his inner Trump!
lol, bought it for $700k over a decade ago but can’t afford it anymore.
that’s not an interest rate story – that’s a shit income or excessive “equity mate” story. Or plain bullshit.
The story is him living with his son. There is not one mention of a “partner”, so could be a story of a divorce and “take half”.
Also, his kid goes to school in Footscray. I don’t know Melbourne, but there are two other primary schools within 1km from the house. What’s so special about Footscray?
I thought this story sounded familiar – reckon if you check back in a few months it will still be unsold. Asking way too much IMO.
Poor decision by Dutto if he’s really going to campaign on the Voice for a seat by-election
Just underlines the fact that the Libs have so little to offer that they can’t even lie about or exaggerate what they do have like Albo is going to.
Literally just a party to represent Boomers and aspiring Boomers
Wow nice one
But I wouldn’t really want any lebs or wogs in parliament though corruption runs in their blood
we need more Asian representation though
berejiklian, obeid, barilaro and so forth
haven’t exactly covered themselves in glory when given the chance
You mean more Gladys Liu’s. No thanks. They are just as corrupt as anyone else.
Massive self own from Left politicians and their paid Labor shills, trying to laud the passing of their own.
In summary, history shows they did not support this guy’s position, never supported him as their leader.
getting visited by the sailer reaper on twitter is a painful experience for many
Ratios are racist.
All maths are racist!
lmao this is hilarious
Such a cuckold be should have let him have sex with his wife instead
the absolute state of white people in 2023
like telling white women it’s their fault that they got raped by arabs/blacks
Great find.
This is what these bored rich wives bring on themselves. The likes of Zoe Daniel of The Teal party have been acting this out in public for some time.
From your article:
”However, the charity was warned on Wednesday night that the document, compiled by its LGBT network and seen by The Telegraph, could breach equality laws as it suggests reporting rape is “contemptible”.
The four-week “learning journey” recommends that staff read Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism, a book by Alison Phipps, a professor of gender studies at the University of Sussex.”
Women are blokes now. Like trannies. Yucko.
I cant see it I don’t have an account. But I don’t blame him. Look at that white ex-marine bloke that saved everyone at the train station in NY. Now he’s the bad guy and has to go through courts. Lucky for him crowd funding got him a shit load of money for defence. When he should’ve been given a medal and a cash prize immediately.
Given the Fed has paused, I am not entirely convinced that the RBEZFKA will raise rates at the next meeting. There will be at least one more rate rise before Lowe’s contract expiration.
We are so far behind that it would be hard not to raise though
We are probably two rate rises behind them, but our rate rises have more impact given the amount of variable rate debt held by consumers and SMEs. With that being said, our rate rises are now more to do with exchange rate stability. If we don’t raise with them our dollar will crash importing inflation.
That rubber band is certainly stretched – probably even further than two steps. Plus but also USA has the various government “onshoring” incentives which are helping push capital in that direction.
you are not wrong on this dynamic either, but don’t forget that commodities are still powering. This supports AUD exchange rate immensely.
until commodities roll over thoroughly, I don’t think that the exchange rate will crash due to an incremental 0.25% or 0.5% rate differential to USD
Since when did the left become so pro war:
Go visit the city you peasants. I always find the city pretty alienating and pretty boring after a short while, no way I’ll afford to live near it. Bars were always filled with mega gold diggers or a sausage fest. Get into a fight with a sexually deprived meathead. Cool man.
they absolutely refuse to recognise that going “out” is completely pointless now that we have tinder and other hookup apps
nobody wants to buy overpriced drinks and line up to get into some dingy loud dirty shithole
when they can find someone to fuck from the comfort of their own couch
the pubs and clubs lobby is all powerful though
pubs and clubs have been sausage fests for ages and places roasts go to unwind up with their friends, if chad approaches them all the better but other than that theres no point
people go to them with the express intent of hanging out w/ the people they came with. why pay a premium to do that just so you can sit in the shitty ambience of some pub with sports and horse racing blaring on 5 screens all around you when you can literally hang out with your friends fucking anywhere
go to the park or the beach or something ffs
huge waste of time and money
Pubs used to be okay when you got cheap counter meals. Quality so so, but they were cheap. Home town had $10 roast meals several years ago in the lounge at the pub. But seems these types of pubs are dying out.
What Coming said about pickup joints. 90s and 2000s I had friends who used to travel all the way from Wollongong to Sydney every weekend to go clubbing.
I also suggest that the flood of vibrants accelerated the process. There was blatant club/pub entry discrimination in the 90s and 2000s because every owner knew that once vibrants infiltrated the sought after white women would go elsewhere.
It’s really only lebs and Arabs who even go to nightclubs now
Do the poofters still go clubbing?
Like you’re not one…
After the crash, if there is one, you won’t have 558 places to buy a pair of jeans. Shieet.
much ado bout nuttin
one dies next one to the top….
It looks like the increased rates have done their magic giving us lower inflation.
They will definitely leave rates on hold now.
weren’t you the bloke saying they had to be higher than inflation?
Yeah we need to get it down to 2-3%. Need some new homeowners necking themselves to drive it down.
Won’t happen, in the EZFKA new home(house)owners think they are gods. Suicide would waste so many bragging opportunities.
It’s like you promote the lowest Dalit into being a Brahmin, doesn’t matter how hard things get, he’ll always have that, he’ll always know he’s better than all the Dalits out there, so he’ll keep going
Jackey used to work for dole, Centrelink gave him a strike
He’s down on his luck, Job Centre is tough, so tough
It’s interesting – there’s a picture there of the allege gang members wielding hatchets, a bow and what might be a metal bars or machetes
in the USA if folks like that came into someone’s house, my understanding is that they’d be shot quick smart and the person protecting their home wouldn’t spend a day in jail.
here the police are talking about “reengaging” with these dudes, ha!
The locals lodged a Human Rights claim in February, against the NT Gov for lack of policing.
A few things…
It’s a town of only 200 people.
How pissweak are police when they can’t catch them?
The locals and their families can’t identify them and or exert some discipline?
The Aborigines instead revert to the Police and Government as the White Protector.
Abrogation of any responsibilities then no doubt later on claim their children were stolen and chase reparations.
How strong (weak) is their culture?
Reclaiming the word “indigenous”…
Another point being lost in the Left’s “de-colonisation’ of Australia, is the experience of the white settlers.
The black armband version of history they promote is usually of Aborigines being victims, as if the whites were all one homogeneous class of rich men with untold opportunity.
The convict aka early settler was essentially a stolen generation.
Convicts for often petty crimes uprooted (a lot further than aboriginals) from family and culture to Australia.
Regularly subject to barbaric treatment, flogging etc., appalling treatment of this class if whites were common in our history books and movies 30-50 years ago.
They were multiple Stolen Generations of whites, yet none have ever sought reparations. Victim hood was just not in their playbook.
House prices are declining in the US where the governments are too disorganised to apply Australia’s advanced world-leading ponzi techniques. From a peak of almost $500K to now around $415K.
It was a stroke of sheer fucking genius for ScoMo to kill all the homebuilders via HomeBuilder to ensure that they can’t cut prices for new builds.
america is way too big and too de-centralised, you cant fire hose the country with migrants in the same way you can with canada or new zealand and pump property to the moon bc you would need way too many migrants then there are people in the world to achieve that. and theres a billion cities there, ppl dont just have a choice between 2 shitholes like they do in australia
They are pretty much hosing the country with migrants via having open borders with Latin America
Those people are just too poor to possibly move the dial on house prices.
IMO America and its authorities simply can’t match the passion for housing that Aussies have. They build housing there, because they don’t care if it takes 1% off a Boomer’s house price, we prevent housing from being built at all costs. When the authorities want to pamp their bags, they send the NASDAQ up 20%.
nowhere near as much, the migration rate there is like 600k-1m p/a
when you consider americas population = 14-15x australias, thats chicken feed in comparison
and they all go to different places rather than just pack in to 2 cities like here, the scale of america and the degree its decentralised means it cannot be compared to here. you cant easily manipulate land markets there in the way you can here bc of it
55 metros with pop over 1m
114 with pop over 500k
Doubt: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/migrant-border-crossings-fiscal-year-2022-topped-276-million-breaking-rcna53517
2.76M in 2022 and that’s just illegals.
The US doesn’t have our level of ponzi but to match us they’d have to fucking clear slums in India and the Philippines and boat them in. Everyone knows by now that the US is sink or swim, it’s not cushy like here.
fmd 2.6 million? i was under the impression it was about 1m (it used to be), that is seriously insane you’re right, but still its nowhere near our per capita level of ponzi. and the de-centralisation issue is a big one as well.
i’m still really not sure they get THAT many illegals alone, not convinced by that. eventually latin america would have no one in it at that rate
also australia’s homelessness rate per capita overtook the u.s a while ago, and our welfare payment levels are lower then theirs now too lmao. so even the whole notion of america being this darwinian capitalist society compared to here is outdated
That’s got to be bullshit, there are no tent cities in Australia and heaps of them in the US.
If it looks that way, it’s gonna just be different ways of measuring and different levels of reporting.
theres a tent city under the bridge in dubbo now
is it really surrising that austalia has more homelessness than the u.s? in some cities in america you can buy a house for the price of a dvd player lmao.
almost like theres going to be some relationship between how expensive it is to buy a house or rent and homelessness. i cant quite figure out why those two things might be related
The US would do what we’re doing it just lacks the means to pull it off.
Republicans would crack the shits if Biden started processing visas at our level per capita.
The best they can do is just let in every Latino no questions asked.
p sure these days indians/south asians have overtaken latinos as the biggest migrant groups into america.
one thing a lot of people dont realise or know is these days mexico just isnt that bad anymore. sure crime there still sucks (does in a lot of the u.s too though, tbh) but income wise its actually become a pretty respectable decent country.
It’s not really Mexicans anymore, more people from dirt poor Central American countries, Venezuelans.
Mexican economy is pretty good these days, lots of manufacturing going on there.
last time i was in america was 2015, every hotel/motel manager there is indian, every gas station worker is indian, every small franchise owner/ subway/dunkin donuts owner etc, indian. its just like here
india and the subcontinent can shit people out like its nothing, just shedding 2% of its population would barely be noticable and doing so would flood the rest of the world.
Funny thing is, you watch a Netflix show and it makes it look like America is 50% white and 50% black with a few Latinos mixed in.
Indians are totally flying under the radar, they must not be very big into idpol at least over there.
steve sailer made that point ages ago as well. he said american tv is stuck in 1975 in terms of its demographic depiction of the country, where america was like 90% white, 10% black and a few native americans and asians here and there.
in a lot of respects to people on the ground, it kind of is. bc the u.s is so hilariously segregated its not funny. in some metro areas like milwaukee its not uncommon for everybody on one side of a highway to be white and the other to be black. try these maps out if you want to see
The only Indians I can think of in American TV are Aziz Ansari, Mindy Kaling and Apu… so they have to be TV creators in their own right to get themselves cast in something.
They are just unskilled in winning concessions for their race.
theres also that guy from the big bang theory
i think the reality is theyre just not very charismatic. same with mexicans etc.
blacks are overrepresented in the entertainment industry bc theyre inherently entertaining to a lot of ppl
The USA is absolutely fine…
The new trend for the puppetmasters, putting up brainless mental patients into positions of power
I guess they’re more reliable than people who might have a hope in hell of being elected without being selected
Sort by homeless per capita.
Australia have three times the homeless bums than the US.
That’s with the US having a high amount of blacks and hispanics who would be the majority of the homeless losers.
Abos get everything handed to them here.
I’m guessing our colonial legacy unit white scum are 5-7x more likely to be homeless than a white yank unit.
Just more proof that white Australians are the worst white people on Earth..
The list also shows the Asians are basically the best people in the world (like I didn’t know that), also Russia have little homeless. It’s probably hard to be homeless when it’s below freezing for 6 months.
or it could just be bc houses are way fking cheaper in america than here. browse a lot of second and third tier metro cities in the u.s on trulia and see the kinds of shit you can buy there vs here. it’ll blow your mind.
even in shit small and regional towns houses are expensive in australia. houses in dubbo are more expensive than they are in many large 2m+ american cities.and you get more bang for your buck there too, better amenities, better design, better build quality, actual insulation, etc.
Even NY is way cheaper
That would be 3-5m in Sydney.
Quick google search says around 2% property tax champ. What’s that nearly $40k AUD per year?
Imagine how many foreign students you could fit into this. You could fit a whole uni’s worth.
Sold for $2.2 million in 2010. With property taxes would have taken a bath.
overall tax burden in both countries is about the same, lack of prop taxes in aus just get made up for by other taxes americans often dont have
If you don’t own a house or don’t own an expensive house then you don’t pay property taxes though
so that affects price
fmd thats nice, yeah this is what i mean, aussies dont know how much theyre getting walletraped every damn day
If you’re a couple with two good jobs, probably just spend 5-10 years saving and renting, then just have a pissy or no mortgage, then the property tax would be your main expense.
Keep fit so you dont get ass raped by the hospital.
Nevertheless, the state is still obliged to give permanent shelter for free to anybody who needs better living conditions or has no permanent registration. This is because the right to shelter is still included in the constitution. However, this may take many years. Nobody still has the right to strip a person of permanent residency without their will, even the owner of the apartment. This creates problems for banks because mortgage loans became increasingly popular. Banks are obliged to provide a new, cheaper flat for a person instead of the old one if the person fails to repay the loan, or wait until all people who live in the flat are dead. Several projects of special cheap ‘social’ flats for those who failed to repay mortgages were proposed to facilitate the mortgage market.[5]
is that russia? it would be a holdover from the soviet era. i’m not surprised at all, the soviet union completely eliminated homelessness. if you counted economic rights, the soviet union probably had a better human rights track record than australia does.
Yeah, Russia. Russia became a free for all at the end of communism but still ensured everyone has the right to adequate shelter.
I’m guessing…more likely…who would be…
“Just more proof…”
Righto champ.
a quite different take on Vanila Ice – Ice baby
80s and 90s music is coming back
another one bites the dust
was it the Jabbadabba that killed Matt Rendell? Don’t know for sure.
Was it not the Jabbadabba?
Won’t know that for sure either.
All we know he “had to protect his 6 figure job” and there was plenty info to tell him what could be Coming.
The anti-gold coast seething has been going on for it’s whole life.
Begs the question of why the Libs should be saved
There are no economic policies that can help them with the younger generations that would be acceptable to their donors
They could go woke but that would alienate the Boomers
It’s natural that unreformable and irrelevant institutions dissolve. Nobody still wishes the Austro-Hungarian Empire existed.
Whoever holds a Liberal seat today will be able to end their career with comfort, that should be enough.
itd be good if what wasnt replacing them wasnt the greens/labor super majority
i suspect that the future conservative party of australia will be some weird middle class white – indian hybrid party or something
Greens and Labor can still credibly lie about wanting to improve things, Libs can’t so they’re getting shitcanned. Labor will die in time too once the lies catch up to them, but they have much better PR and weirdly have all these rusted on supporters online who defend them despite them doing nothing to deserve anyone’s support. They are probably Boomers who are comfortable whoever is in power but their whims are better appeased by Labor.
I agree that there needs to be a party that represents the foreign strivers who don’t give a shit about anyone else, maybe Coming can start it and be its first leader.
Just keep that shit about thinking white Aussies are the worst whites in the world on the DL.
I’m sure Albo would agree but you don’t hear him running his mouth about it, politics brah.
itll be a big australia party, massively pro-migration, neo-liberal, pro-abo and anti-white. not much different from the LNP now except more explicitly oriented to ethnics and indians, so a lot of indian lobby stuff, handouts to india, taking sides in the PAK-Indian rivalry similar to Israel-Palestine etc
I doubt whether legacy units could stomach voting for a party which makes anything Indian a major plank of its platform especially as the number one issue for Indians will be maintaining and increasing mass immigration, not to mention, is it really possible to appeal to Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs with the same party?
I believe this party will come to exist but I cannot see it becoming larger than One Nation.
my argument is assuming the two party system holds, but its irrelevant eventually bc therell be so many indians relative to everyone else in aus theyll dominate politics at every level. there may even be two major parties in the future that will pander mostly to indians
if a population of indians = the current pop of australia moved to australia tomorrow no one in india would evne notice it. think about that for one second.
That is probably the outcome if trends continue but it’ll be probably like 30-40 years before Indians have that level of demographic dominance.
I do think that the migrants’ kids will not be as interested in ethnic politics, it doesn’t seem like second-generation Indians really care about their parents’ cultural values in more than a superficial way. But that sort of assimilation might downshift as their cultural dominance becomes stronger.
Obviously we are all doomed in the long run. And for Canada, maybe more like the medium-run.
i say by about 2040 or so we’ll see all of this coming to pass, i can actually run the numbers for you later to figure this out, it may be much earlier than that.
Are you predicting Coming’s death in 2040?
Fuck this is the absolute bleakest timeline
This is really what you’re talking about.
I wouldn’t underestimate how disgusted and disappointed people can get with Labor. They only had 6 years out of about 25 since Howard.
Reckon that’s a Boomer/Gen X thing, they always had something to gain from bringing back the Libs whether it be pumping house prices (“better economic managers” is code for pumping house prices) or keeping franking credits or the illusion that the Libs are tough on migration in some way. The Libs will never do anything that benefits Millennials so whatever scraps Labor throws (childcare subsidies or whatever) will be enough to keep them from the Libs. Even many well-off Millennials apparently vote based on climate change (I have no idea how someone can have this decide their vote but there must be some truth to it).
Libs might have one more term in power on the back of their dying base but I think it’s curtains after that, even Indian migrants won’t be able to resuscitate them.
Don’t be all doom and gloom, there’s plenty of hucksters making a quid out of it so why can’t you?
I’m totally in favour of guides and suggestions about how to take advantage of Big Australia
Especially ones that don’t require the significant capital investment into land/construction or a time machine
I think that would actually be a brilliant direction for EZFKA to go in @Peachy, and cement this website as being far more profitable than MB (although simply by saying nothing about finance you could still outperform them).
For being more profitable than EmBee, just do the opposite to what they say.
In terms of profiting from Big Australia, the other option is the sharemarket. My former neighbour bought CBA shares anytime they dropped significantly and he is well off now.
Just think companies that benefit from more consumers such as Retailers (Coles, Woolworths, Wesfarmers), banks and things like Transurban.
That would all be priced in, probably the reason why MB is always banging on about Aussie banks trading at a premium to international banks.
Not disagreeing with you about being priced in at the moment. I guess there are times when you can pick them up cheaper as per my neighbour example.
As per EmBee and a EZFKA banks, they have been wrong for over a decade and will remain wrong. Whilst the government implicitly supports house prices, their losses will remain low. They even let NAB take over Citibank and now there is no competition in the cards market. They will wave through the ANZ takeover of Suncorp bank.
The banks have nothing to fear from any EZFKA government, that’s for sure.
Whether they’re a better investment than just the index, that’s harder to say, they’re 100% dependent on the continuation of a ponzi scheme.
As far as profiting from Big Australia, I more meant becoming a dodgy education service provider or doing some migration agent work or something, returns that outperform.
Mortgage broking then.
or just buy a fucking house
They get a hard on from opening their savings account and looking at a big number, or tossing themselves to their stock portfolio.
Or live beyond their means renting in an area they could never afford to buy in.
You have to be a fucking moron to rent when you can afford a starter home anywhere.
Now I know why you disliked that wog who craned in the supercar
This is Australia mate, kys if you consider investing in anything but houses
You can have savings, stock portfolio and a house.
‘Especially ones that don’t require the significant capital investment into land/construction or a time machine’
The banker has pimp talked conditioned the goy into conflating affordable with loan serviceability.
But if they didn’t trade a sunk cost of their life time into mortgage debt peonage, what would the boring, culturally bereft soy conservative talk about at dinners/bbqs. They wouldn’t be able to weirdly and boringly inderectly flex their bank balance by stating what a propadee on their street sold for. Or try to flex their net worth while ignoring how much debt they are in and including their ppor. Which would get you laughed at in most parts of the world, including some Anglo speaking western parts.
I think it will be the teals.
‘Nobody still wishes the Austro-Hungarian Empire existed.’
Speak for yourself. Anyway most of the west are goosesteppers now, they just colour it in a rainbow+ ribbon.
Most of the conservatives in the West are a joke. An exception might be AFD in Germany, which recently made some ground. Of course that happened after Germany became mostly migrant.
The conservatives in Australia are even worse, a joke without a punchline. They are triehards with weird, wannabe boomer, bonehead flexes. Like trading your life into mortgage debt peonage to ultimately enrich and bankroll levantine bankers like good little soy goys.
The same levantine bankers who bankroll aforementioned rainbow+, which the try hard Australian conservative then turns around and bloviates about negatively, in some weird, mentally retarded, attempt at a flex.
Europe is moving to the right with the AfD in Germany. The left lost ground in Greece as well.