A new EZFKA study has found that watching the “COVID daily presser” lowers your IQ by at least 20 points.
The study, by the Institute for Based Australians, found that the average IQ dropped by at least 20 points in some cases.
“Whether it’s Jerome Weimar making claims about COVID going through windows or some crusty old, overweight Police Commissioner giving threats, your IQ will lower significantly listening to that vacuous bullshit,” Dr Greg Greggson said.
“Of course, you’re dealing with a low IQ starting point anyway, given by the majority of viewers still wearing masks and social distancing and obsessing over case numbers as the beginning of the apocalypse.”
No state premier has responded to the survey.
The chunt and the health hazzard
cherry kunt and the hap hazzard?
Brad Hazzard needs his head kicked in.
He does come across as a prick doesn’t he. Ex laywer also.
I am amazed that anyone believes the rubbish that those two spout, especially the Hazzard, anything based on science left the building months ago when it comes to anything that they are doing.
If they really cared then they would have built or forced scummo to build proper quarantine facilities, along with additional hospital capacity, they both just sat around doing SFA and hoping that the vaccines would save the day, hope is not a strategy and their stupidity and ignorance has shown through in their handling of this outbreak.
Why don’t they just come clean and admit that the horse has bolted ages ago and that we are going to have to live with Whuflu from now on, people are going to die, but they are mostly going to be the overfed and nearly dead. The overfed have had 18 months to get healthy so I have no sympathy for them and for some of the nearly dead this could be a blessing in disguise.
Classic EZFKA inability to plan anything (housing matters excepted) and allergy to actually doing anything.
Meanwhile, suicide rate gets crickets.
the inability to build something as obvious and basic as quarantine facilities shows you just how FKD ezfka is. caesar built a double wall ring around the city of alesia in a few weeks but a modern industrial society cant stick down a few buildings in a week or two? chinese built a fukn hospital in like 8 days. we cant even something as simple as some basic bones quarantine facility somewhere. what the fuck? why are so incapable of mustering resources and capital and actually getting anything done?
Because hotel quarantine was lining the pockets of big hotel operators who have little occupancy rates as few wanted to hang around a city.
Victoria was the keenest to build one for construction jobs even though we have heaps of portable classrooms sitting in a paddock somewhere that could easily be configured into quarantine accommodation.
We can muster the resources to get stuff done. the problem is the people making the decisions have no desire to do it.
Let them eat cake…
Gladys has been saying for days now we need to live with the virus
So looks like 4 more weeks of lockdown theatre, then let-er-rip, like me and Dict.Dave forecast?
Thy won’t have the balls to run the course of let it rip.
Case numbers go up they will lockdown again.
I think they certainly have the balls in terms of being able to stomach the resulting deaths. They are callous and don’t give shit about that. (Always have been)
The more important question is whether they have the stomach for the political fallout.
With 4 weeks preparation I think they should be able to prepare some sort of spin story that will enable them to ride it out while deflecting blame (eg to ativaxxers, noncompliers) & claiming credit (picture stories about tattooed non-binary baristas gushing about how their stupid business is back)….
None of them can do anything politically hard. The media is already starting to turn on them and a massive spike in cases and deaths will be more than they are willing to do.
We’ll see….
I think that 3-6 months from now, we are likely to be living with a much higher level of cases, without panic.
Well there is zero chance of elimination now so yes that it going to be the case, if they were serious about zero cases they would have built quarantine facilities away from the major cities where it could spread like wildfire!
On another note, it appears forboden to mention EZFKA on MB
It has been like that for quite a while. Some people still try though.
the absolute state of the MB comments section today
Some of them are in absolute meltdown, basically preparing for their children’s funerals now that covid is going to become endemic
All the #standwithdan types are absolutely dead fucking silent.
Haven’t seen a “gold standard” joke for a few days now
Sweeper probably already made a new account so he can come and astroturf later on without looking like an idiot
I hope the Istandwithdan brigade are first in line for endless booster jabs.
It will be an endless cycle for them:
Bedwetters abound, they are carrying on like Whuflu is Ebola or something as opposed to a virus that is 99.9% survivable for healthy people.
We’re finding out who the totalitarian, cowards and authoritarians are very quickly.
*hypochondriacs not authoritarians
How will you look an unvaccinated child in the eye will be the question.
“Sorry, for your loss of smell and taste young squire but I like to do brunch on Sundays with all the other vaccinated superspreaders.”
Strangely enough an 18 month campaign of fear actually works on a reasonable percent of the population.
The news helpfully informed me that 2/3 of australians believe vax is our pathway to freedom. What they base that on, fuck knows.
What do they base that on?
“Experts in the field”, a rare breed of people whom are all as absoefinlutely as independent as possible whilst on the .gov payroll and are omnipresent in the independent media.
The power of dark force is in its might turned on 12 and it is a miracle we are all not like zombies.
I reckon “turn off the TV, use duckduckgo.com for search ” campaign could recover some of the cognitive activity.
Kerry Chant is a very unattractive woman.
It’s the mo that does it …..
So is the uptalking lebo or Turk or whatever she is.
Same thing as a Turk right? She’s probably got Turk blood in her.
She’s cute
Vaccinated are as infectious as the unvaccinated.
Will it be possible for a vaccinated, disease and filth carrying adult to look an unvaccinated child in the eye when we let it rip?
The way we are going we won’t let it rip. Lockdown for the next few years, to keep us safe…
yeep, saw the qatari study today
This mashup of Gladys press conferences is amazing:
That is intense!
YouTube link. I lose it everytime she gets to Fourth Reich:
For decades, ‘My body, my choice’ has been a mantra for those defending abortion. Given that it is the mother, not the father, who is tasked with carrying a baby to full term, it is understandable for there to be significant debate over the rights and responsibilities of both parties. This is especially so in an age when marriage and lifelong commitment are increasingly scarce commodities.
Now, as covid vaccines have become available globally and the pressure is on for as many people as possible to be vaccinated, this slogan could be repurposed. ‘My body, my choice’ has become a straightforward and relevant motto for those who believe vaccination should be a choice left to individuals and not the state.
If this was a vaccine or treatment proven to work after many years of use, almost zero side effects, and confers total immunity after one or two doses then you’d almost be crazy to not take the vaccine.
You wouldn’t have to extort people into taking it for a start because the benefits would be self evident, but I suppose there would always be people who believe some weird stuff so you could make a case for making in mandatory although that would be extreme.
These vaccines have only been available for 9 months, the disease it treats has only existed on this planet for less than two years, only identified at the start of the year, the Israel experience says you need three injections in the first 8 months and it looks as though you’ll need injections every 4-6 months going forward to stay classified as “vaccinated”.
Plus the disease itself isn’t exactly a death sentence a 0.2% IFR including all the fatties and elderly. Still quite deadly compared to a flu, and side effects are not very nice it’s not the kind of thing I would like to have once every few years especially when you don’t know if it’s doing long term damage to your body.
There’s a total lack of information and data past the absolute short term about both the virus and vaccines.
To me the best solution is change your lifestyle. It’s not something you put life on hold or really worry about too much, but certainly avoid venues that are obvious vectors of transmission.
Shame the vaccinated who go around to public venues for recreations becoming infected and infecting others with their disease and filth.
Pfizer has found another way to make money out of the Woohoo flu. No doubt, you’ll need 2 shots of the Vax, a booster every few months, and then you take these pills when you develop a rare “breakthrough” case of the disease.
They are going to call it Pfizermectin …. if you pre-buy 2 years wworth of your 4 monthly vaccine then you get a weeks supply of Phizermectin for when you catch whuflu.
Can see the daytime infomercials for it already … LOL
Don’t know if it is related to the research being done in Australia. The idea is to use the RNA technology to treat more serious infections. No need for the vaccine.
World-first COVID-19 antiviral therapy developed in Brisbane and US targets virus in the body – ABC News
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perhaps limit to 2 links is a bit too low as my other copy/paste has been ditched
I’ve just seen ABC’s programme on Covid stuff, something I’ have not done in 5-6 years at least.
I wanted to cry.
The panel constituted obviously biased and emotional people (“please get vaxed or we all die”), influencer whom admitted that straying in thought freedom direction will instantly ban one from any platform, doctors with double speak (will vax make Texas flu cure us all? – yes, no one will die)
They even used Rogan for the purpose of “bigotry”. What an irony