Labor candidate John Kamara hopes to introduce more diverse African violent crime to Tasmania

Tasmanian Labor candidate John Kamara says that Tasmania is too white and that he hopes to bring a taste of the mainland havoc being wreaked by African gangs, if elected to the legislative council next month.

Kamara, who ran away from Sierra Leone, hit back at claims he was just the latest token diversity hire pushed by Labor and pointed to Africa’s track record of outstanding governance as the reason he was running.

“Tasmania may still be 90% white but as my employment history shows, I’m all for bringing that number down as fast as possible. Hobart often gets called boring and I agree, it’s in dire need of some diverse machete attacks, rapes and home invasions to really spice things up a bit,” Kamara said.

‘I’m confident there are enough self-hating whites in Hobart that will vote for me. It’s a choice between me and the other anti-white Greens candidate so what are you going to do?’

Kamara said he hadn’t chosen a campaign slogan yet, but was torn between ‘Sheeeeeeeeiit’ and ‘13/52’ according to his campaign manager, Nick Gurr.

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It’s a law of the universe that if you ever appoint a politician specifically so they won’t do something, they will inevitably do that same thing.

In retrospect, expecting the US not to give arms to Ukraine is like asking Apple not to sell iPhones, defence is one of their largest and probably most rapidly growing sectors, borrowing a shitload of money and using it to buy arms to send to their shithole allies is as important to them as massive CFMEU infrastructure projects where the costs blow out to double or triple are to state Labor governments here.


Even the second rate bankrupt ALP types are not bothering to hide the fact they are traitors to this country:

Victoria Labor Treasurer made a recent trip overseas and specifically met with arms dealer in London in November “Held investment attraction meetings with BAE Systems, a British multinational arms, security and aerospace company” just before he met with Lockheed Martin in the US…


Visited every western dealer. I was thinking it was strange seeing Lockheed Martin advertisements at train stations and tram stops in Melbourne.


Western dealer should be western arms dealers.


Like how every Western country is cramming itself with immigration, ramped up defence industry spending also seems to be being forced down every country’s throat. Any Western country/ally participating in diplomacy is completely verboten nowadays so we have to all arm ourselves to the tits for WW3 once it happens because Ukraine absolutely must join NATO and Taiwan absolutely must formally declare independence.

Meanwhile we won’t reserve petrol or anything in Australian territory because our security doesn’t actually matter, just that we buy shitloads of MIC hardware from the US.

Gruppenführer Mark

Didn’t US house of representatives just pass $8B for indo pacific countries? Taiwan will be stirred up for sure. And $26B for Israel. And $60B for Ukraine. And a law prescribing Tiktok owners to sell it to a US company or be banned.


Wow, he’s really good. The internet says so

I wouldn’t click on any links if you have high blood pressure.
Just found the ABC endorsement

No chance they’ll get mistaken for Abo’s, too bleck, Abo’s all white.

Agent 47

New Tas ALP candidate


what is this domestic violence ‘crisis’ shit all about. seems like a contrived effort to complain about men to me, is there any evidence so called domestic violence is getting worse because i seriously doubt it

boy i am sick of the word crisis


50% of Aboriginal women suffer from DV by the Aboriginal partners.

The real Uncomfortable truth…


It seems Australian men have taken their misogyny to new heights, extending their abuse to giving us the finger beyond the grave….


It’s a us against temptation according to tis esteemed journalist.


Us against them situation


Lost the battle already, if there really ever was one (never has been one in my family or friends).

This is the Albanese Government department currently pushing for censorship of all online content.


One cuck in a room of stunning brave types.


That crap needs to be put down with violence.

Gruppenführer Mark

Kamara said he hadn’t chosen a campaign slogan yet, but was torn between ‘Sheeeeeeeeiit’ and ‘13/52’ according to his campaign manager, Nick Gurr.

He should go with “about three fiddy”




Melbourne has another immigrant gang stabbing and they just keep on eating, don’t even shut the restaurant to investigate.

How good is the food?!


Knifepoint living up to its nickname


these events have a copycat nature to them. the more they are reported on the more they encourage imitators to replicate them

its long been recommended by psychologists to stop reporting about spree attack/killing incidents at all as that would reduce the rate at which they occur, but no one in the media give a shit


If people stopped watching they’d stop reporting…


OK but its a lot easier to regulate the reporting side than the watching side so whats your point

A fly in your ointment

with culture and education.
alas, it won’t happen.

gore for the sake of gore in movies is long established. Low intellect is drawn by the images of maiming others.


You really seem to want to live under authoritarianism.
There are places that have that, like North Korea for instance.
Maybe you should move there.

But my point is we live in a free society and people can do whatever the fuck they want within reason. If you don’t like it you are free to fuck off somewhere else that doesn’t let people do that.


“You really seem to want to live under authoritarianism.”

sure do, except i want authortiarianism that works in the service of white people rather than the jews, roasties and their brownoid golems

the media selectively chooses what it does and doesnt report all the time do you believe we’re currently living under authoritarianism bc the media never talks about race & IQ and deliberately covers up racial/ethnic crime too?

you also cant move to north korea

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

You won’t get to be in charge…


we’ve got special plans even for you


You can move to North Korea if you have a skill, or are sponsored by a company to a job there, as we have previously explained. In short if you qualify, you can be an expat in North Korea.

the media selectively chooses what it does and doesnt report all the time do you believe we’re currently living under authoritarianism bc the media never talks about race & IQ and deliberately covers up racial/ethnic crime too?

When the media is prevented from talking about those things then I will believe that. This website, youtube and facebook also count as the media.

You seem to be having trouble comprehending the difference between choosing to do something and being forced to do something.
You want the media to be PREVENTED from showing violence. They CHOOSE to ignore race etc.



its practically impossible to move there, and i dont want to move there anyway lol

as for you, you’re going back whether you like it or not

“You want the media to be PREVENTED from showing violence. They CHOOSE to ignore race etc.”

a distinction without a functional fuckin difference lmao



libertarian fucktard

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

Indeed you are retarded…


you’re going back


I’d suggest you go back to school.
Primary might be the place to start.

Gruppenführer Mark

as for you, you’re going back whether you like it or not

What does this refer to? Back where?


Trying to understand the rants of a lunatic just leads to frustration…


You want the media to be PREVENTED from showing violence. They CHOOSE to ignore race etc.”
a distinction without a functional fuckin difference lmao

This site IS THE FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENCE, right in front of your face.
You are just too blind or dumb to see it


literally ten fucking retards read this shithole website and most of them are just here to bait and upset people like you

there is no functional fucking difference between self-censorship and imposed censorship, the end effect on society is identical


and most of them are just here to bait and upset people like you

You are the one that seems to get upset all the time

there is no functional fucking difference between self-censorship and imposed censorship, the end effect on society is identical

Not necessarily, See twitter and Elon musk. Self imposed censorship can be changed with change of ownership. imposed censorship would see elon in the gulag. That is a significant difference.

You seem to have a permanent victim mentallity that sees you assume you are powerless to change anything and hence the opinion that either is effectively the same.


“You seem to have a permanent victim mentallity that sees you assume you are powerless to change anything and hence the opinion that either is effectively the same.”




So good this. Hope he leads the Anzac Day parade, was Tasmania Australian of the year last year…


Labor is really taking the piss


Cue Albo. dressed up in traditional Namibian Himba garb in 3, 2, 1 ….
He might even let his tits hang out if we get lucky.

Gruppenführer Mark

Now why did you have to go and create this mental image?


Please put a trigger warning at the top of any post that refers to albo’s tits hanging out. I don’t want to have to clean up the vomit again.


Britain is run by an effeminate Hindu Pajeet miniature manlet. Scotland is run by some Muslim cunt. Wales is run by a generic African darkie. Ireland was, until a few days ago, run by a half-caste Indian poofter, of all fucking things.

Given all that, putting some savage in charge of Tasmania is nothing less than they deserve if they vote him in.

He’s also a sign of what lies ahead for the governance of the rest of the EZFKA.

We’re fucked.


Whatever you do don’t get these guys to tour EZFKA, they’d never run out of material.


Gold! 👍😊

Gruppenführer Mark

Running out of locals….


And the thing is, apart from the “welsh” (lol) guy who I know nothing about, they’re all complete fucking arseholes, and The Friend of No Cunt.

They are despicable, vile, psychopathic fuckheads, and exemplars of the political dysfunction that is universal across western societies.

Even among the white guys, you’ve got Albanese, Biden, Macron, Trudeau. Shitheads, every one.




i find it hard to believe albos not gay also he looks way older than he really is


They are pretty much all closet homosexual. It’s part of the selection process. I’m assuming they get some photos that they threaten to reveal if you don’t do their bidding also.


I have always assumed that the only reason Albo ever became Prime Minister is because Mark Liebler has some photos of him being fucked by BBC.


I would guess it’s a lot more boring than that, he’s just a boring faggot. Canberra is full of homos though.


bipartisan efforts to censor the internet bc a couple of homos couldnt handle a stabbing video

is this the result of people who didnt grow up looking at sites like



Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

Dutton was well into it. If you weren’t sure if he was another fuckin faggot or not well there you go.


Yet Another Fuckin Faggot


You can’t tell me Spud didn’t see the worst of the worst, being an ex Qld Copper in the early days of the internet? Totally unfiltered gore etc

Now he’s being all of a bitch about it?


I heard somewhere MSM vs tech is gonna be a colossal battle. Typical that they are gonna take muh safety think of the kids angle.


Be careful what you wish for.

Every can see the MsM is a pathetic dying obese creature, gaslighting its way to survive.

Journalists are utter scum who are not nearly hated enough. Fact is they are just putrid creatures who morph into bureaucrats and politicians like viruses.

They will collude with politicians to survive and in doing so treat the legacy Australians like shit in the process.

This censorship push will probably end up having the reverse effect, and police will find it even harder to police.


Case in point.


The alleging is that he rammed the police cars.
I reckon better than even money all the collision damage is a direct result of police actions, ie the guy stopped just near the 4wd and the police van rammed the car from behind.

Agent 47


Agent 47

Sikhs are the worst for this shit.


Burn those pricks

A fly in your ointment

westworld’s variety


I’ve seen it all now.

I wouldn’t do any research on who the various professors are if I were you.


Less than 24 hours after being released from custody…


nothing communicates the power of high average IQ and high conscientiousness than north korea

as allegedly poor gdp wise as sub-saharan africa but is more pleasant, clean and safe feeling than most towns in australia


It looked like a giant prison to me. Hardly any vehicles or people evident.

I think our PM is a fucking idiot. If I said that about the Dear Leader in Korea I’d be arrested and strapped to the mouth of a cannon.

Where would you prefer to live?


the point isnt that its a particularly pleasant place to live, but rather that such a poor (allegedly GDP $2000 PPP) country can somehow still end up looking like that, when there are countries in sub-saharan afrca or the sub continent (india and bangladesh have a GDP PPP of about $10,000) that look like they are covered in absolute shit and grime everywhere you go and there are layers upon layers of litter and filth on every street corner.

what it tells you is that high av IQ / high conscientiousness trumps material deprivation in determining whether people act like disgusting disordered human pigs. black ghettoes in the U.S have a level of wealth vastly beyond what people in NK have and yet they live like pigs in sties and neglect or outright trash everything around them. there are upper middle class black neighbourhoods with a median income over $100,000 in america where you will get mugged and robbed at night (happened to my friend in atlanta), but any street in north korea at any time of day is going to be safe. north korea is fascinating because it is living proof of the ascendancy of nature over nurture, its a natural human experimental control.

the lack of cars is a good thing imo, as is the lack of crowds; hoons should be shot on sight

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

Try Turkmenistan.


i like it but its not as safe feeling or as clean as NK

kazakhstan is on the google street view now but turkmenistan mostly isn’t

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

what it tells you is that high av IQ / high consciteniousness trumps material deprivation in determining whether people act like disgusting disordered human pigs

No it doesn’t. What it tells you is if you make the punishment harsh enough you can get people to do just about anything.

Various states in the US are currently proving the reverse. Remove punishment and peoples behaviour deteriorates rapidly.

Last edited 9 months ago by commentBot

lmao yeah sure koreans would just turn into wild ape jigros running around the countryside throwing their poo on walls and trashing the joint if they didnt have strict laws in place to keep them in line

BN crime was still sky high even during the height of jim crow

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

if only the whole world had westerners culture…crime then punishment to control the cattle.
some tidiness cometh from religion, from cultural traits and some from the environment.

Aus has highest penalty options in the world and yet it is not comparably cleaner. The amount of red tape in building industry would make unsuspecting observer think our homes are the best built in the world and not emulating tower in Piza


Aus has highest penalty options in the world and yet it is not comparably cleaner.

What is written in the law means nothing.
What is enforced, and how visibly it is enforced is what matters.

Start public canings regularly for littering and I’d bet the littering rate would fall close to zero.

The amount of red tape in building industry would make unsuspecting observer think our homes are the best built in the world and not emulating tower in Piza

Who signs off on meeting said red tape?
They self report meeting the standards you say?
Well what do you know. See point above re enforcement.


“Start public canings regularly for littering and I’d bet the littering rate would fall close to zero.”

in order to enforce strict laws in the first place you need to have the state capacity to do so, in order to have the state capacity you need to have a population thats capable of producing that state capacity. iq 70 nogs dont have the ability to easily produce that level of state capacity by themselves bc theyre too inherently corruptable and unruly.

murder is an extremely harshly enforced crime basically everywhere in the world doesnt stop nogs doing it at 20x the rate of everyone else.

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

of course what is written in the law means a lot.

problem from penal colony’s crime&punishment culture is that it has a limit. When every single ezfka unit is disobedient you need another equal amount of police pigs to police every single person. impossible.
public canning will work the best in countries with subservient tradition but in others it will bring the rebellion. In NK they have a culture of dob-in everyone. Needs an iron fist to keep that together. This place is in the deep trough on the way there and arrival to the same spot is guaranteed. But democracy, eh, we’ll vote out a tyrant.


North Korea probably exports next to nothing for which official statistics are available whereas most sub-Saharan countries would be exporting resources and agricultural products and that will be added to their GDP.

The US must surely also be a major outlier because of its reserve currency status enabling it to carry much more public spending than any other country could do, plus the healthcare system which is pretty much unique to the US and also represents a big GDP boost even though it adds minimal value.


The level of corruption and tribalism in sub-Saharan Africa also makes GDP per capita meaningless because in many of those countries, the authorities won’t spend anything on development outside the capital city or their tribal lands or whatever, even if the lack of roads and shit prevent the country from even developing its private sector. So people can still live in mud huts with no electricity even in a country with reasonable GDP per capita.


only a scant handful of sub-saharan african countries actually have fairly reasonable per capita gdps ($10,000+), excluding south africa which doesn’t count, off the top of my head these are botswana, namibia and gabon. all have the same feature in common in that they’re all small populations with a lot of resources. of those three though only botswana seems like it has an OK government that has managed to make a decentish place to live for some people there. the rest of the continent mostly is povosville

even if NK GDP is underestimated which it probably is its easily the most powerful, orderly and effectively managed country in its ‘class’ i.e the sub $3000 GDP per capita club

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

central african republic is probably the dysfunctional country in the world, also the most funny. someone told me the story a long time ago, some international NGO wildlife organisation gave national park rangers there firearms to protect animals from poachers and instead of using them to do that they formed a militia gang and are now one of the various factions vying for political control in the country

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

You laugh now but what do you think LSWCHP is getting ready for?


When the fall comes I will pledge myself as a Peon to labour in the fields of LSCH’s Canberra Hacienda.


That’d be great. I’ll take care of the feral, you help the missus with the veges. The bloody oxalis is a constant hassle

A fly in your ointment

I think our PM is a fucking idiot. If I said that about the Dear Leader in Korea I’d be arrested and strapped to the mouth of a cannon.


what cometh from freedom which in real world can produce nothing but just the endless professing of it.



What commeth from sprouting endless nonsense?

A fly in your ointment

What commeth from sprouting endless nonsense?

Well.. CommentBot cometh.


I think the ointment bloke is also a fucking idiot. And I can say that without fear of the plod coming to nick me.

You should try writing coherent English sometimes, instead of incomprehensible gibberish.

A fly in your ointment

…ointment bloke is also a fucking idiot.

true dat, an idiot.
hence I come here to make myself happy that there are greater idiots then myself.

…without fear of the plod coming to nick me.

contrary to popular belief, not one single person here is incognito. Some I already know where to find. But fuck ne silly if I’ll ever be offended on internet, let alone to be vengeful for internet stuff. Besides, youse types make me feel good about myself as per above point so why should I ever come to nick youse??? I guess it takes a convict to not comprehend that.

since you struggle to comprehend that 2+2 is Not 22:
your freedoms to shout idiot at PMs is toothless and tbis is particularly true in the karen environment we live. It makes no difference if you can shout it or not. OTOH, I am sure if a NKorean parks his car in front of his driveway or drives 62 in 60kmh zone will not get a ticket or a penalty.


Yes, yes. No one is as smart or has as strong an avatar as you. Cool bro.

A fly in your ointment

I never said *everyone* here is an idiot and that I’m better than all. It it were that way, I’d have nothing to learn from this little pond and I’d move on. Pooping in haters ointment only goes so far so it has to be more.

How do you fit in there is up to you to choose


Asians are probably the biggest boot licker race.

A fly in your ointment

that’s true, and they are out of the closet.
otoh, there are those that do the same amount of the licking but just hide behind “it’s the rule moite”


I’ve noticed some Karens will use the word mate at the end of a sentence and the tone conveys authoritarianism while trying to make out they are laconic and matey. Nauseating.


Speaking of Karens….

It is interesting that a large amount of the footage included in the accompanying video was of Australiana from around the Bicentennial, which imho fits with the Peak Australia thesis and marks the start of our decent into full blown MultiCult obliteration.

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

It all turned to shit in the 90s. First with bad interest rates, then with nog culture taking over in the late 90s.

Gruppenführer Mark

Except the Australian Constitution does not have a clause protecting freedom of speech. Instead,

the High Court held that an implied freedom of political communication exists as an incident of the system of representative government established by the Constitution

Makes it a lot more convoluted

if you observe locally what most people in the world consider to be “human rights” or just “rights” – as a privilege instead of rights, most local laws make sense (the bad sense) and explains why there will never be a bill of human rights here.
it goes something as…. you have a privilege to use crown’s roads, parks, land…. privilege to breathe, breed, travel,


Love the video


Fuck that yank bitch.

Ram n jam

Ask yourself why the ozcucks want to knock down a perfectly functioning stadium for the globoimmaolympihomo games. Next stop reptile shit all over the rugby league state of origin.

For about fifteen years now the msm have gone after aussie cricket the video you shared on a young a dolf I find synergy with, why does Australian media hate Australians.

And after our spastic qld premier signed off the meth heads on site getting 1k a day when it rains the stadium is likely to be around 4 billion. The rub and tug joints are going to sunny when it rains.

Who does this shit benefit, look at pommy soccer clubs for reference.

Someone’s prob written a similar article on health care. Why is it a certain group aligns themselves with policy makers or get on the government tit. Always….

This bonkers money just to provide a fucking plastic seat to watch some carnts do sport..

Sitting on grass hills used to be ok but now it’s not about seeing the game or sport it’s about being seen at the game. Typical sepo bullshit. I mean a plunge pool at the gabba. Go and get farked.

A fly in your ointment

While Meta complied, X said it would comply in the interim but would launch legal action.

It prompted the eSafety commissioner to go to the Federal Court, arguing X had failed to fully comply with the law because it was geoblocking the content rather than deleting it, meaning the content could not be viewed in Australia but could be seen elsewhere.

If a person in Australia uses a virtual private network, which hides their location, they can view the content.

convict culture flicking up rhe country one little legislation and a penalty at the time. This is clearly not about the videos but about a dry run a novelty practice for the n3xt ban on truth.
When they slap The Musk with a fine, I bet 3/4 of the population will crack a fat.

A fly in your ointment A

don’t need immigration to cause this self-inflicted destruction.
westworld deserves its wishes to come true.


Andrew Bolt frothing at Aussie Cossack once again for free speech sawing of division.
it seems that everyone is happy to be denied access to obscure information which someone else thinks is no good for them. Good onya moites.





Shameful but not surprising it’s coming from ezfka. They want a full global ban not geolocated ban and have the gall to call Elon the arrogant one. Absolute scum.


it’s all good. If they try and enforce it twitter will just geoblock all of australia for everything and fuck off never to worry again.

A fly in your ointment

that’s nor the point.
the ruski fatso is now guilty that ch7 got sucked in I
and royally fucked in their own game.
it’s all about restrictions of information. thatter is just a springboard, next is to criminalise any info outside the approved msm

video in the inline link


it’s all about restrictions of information.

No shit, and guess what, the reason that elon is in shit is because he didn’t bow to the request from AU gov. What other social media companies got that treatment? Why do you think none of the others did?

That battle is already lost.

A fly in your ointment

not sure whom you’re having at the other end of your fight. I just pointed to the one of the many steps of a larger process.

dont be so shallow
battle is not lost.
not yet.

when the legislation cometh it will be illegal and punishable by law (penal convict culture, eh?) to have unapproved information. At this moment it is not illegal. If the battle is lost they would not need to outlaw freedom of information.
Given the convict culture of self-destruct the chances for here and particularly Canada are slim to none.

I thought Soviet Union authoritarianism type was an aberration and Ruskis will need to catchup with the rest of the world. It looks as if they just took a gian leap forward and are past it, whilst Westworld is yet to descent into authoritarianism

Last edited 9 months ago by A fly in your ointment

it will be illegal and punishable by law

It doesn’t need to be. If elon hadn’t bought twitter then the info would have been supressed everywhere, without a single law required.

A fly in your ointment

of course it needs to be illegal. It MUST be (eventually).

Elon is just a decoy. Twatter just dialled back one notch on the censorship and now dissent is back and those “who’s requests cannot be turned down” can again have unfettered access to dissenters’ phones and lives.
One day, smarter mob will learn that twatter is for twats and facebook for fuckwits and that the real freedom is outside Westworld’s reach, like Telegram or WeChat or RuTube. That’s the time when unapproved information will have to be illegal so that even inadvertent possession of illegal information is punishable by the law


Be specific. It’s coming from an ezfka female.

A fly in your ointment

Be specific. It’s coming from an ezfka female.

you can find Dutton regurgitating the same and a small bulge on his trousers appears. And Albo (though that is technically a female)

it’s the governing class thingo, Karen is just a messenger and a chosen convict to whiplash the rest of convicts so that wardens’ hands stay clean (aka the convict culture)


She’s American, not convict.

A fly in your ointment

in that case a true professional.
She’s good at emulating a convict mind.


3/4 of the population? LoL. You really do live on a different planet.

A fly in your ointment

you’re roight

it’s 90%

I stand to be corrected

Aussie Soy Boy

The people of this country are the most despicable on the planet. I cannot wait for the Islamic or Chinese takeover.


holy shit theyre busted


The Choo running the festival has already started selling tickets for next year.


They were mostly Islamic and Asians you muppet. Pretty much the only white guy was the one holding the microphone.

Aussie Soy Boy

They’re half caste mutts trying to fit in with the degenerate legacy units.




Muzzies live the gear and festivals


So Australian…


Soy boys and girls load up on food. Thats a drug in itself really. Lots of food no exercise no sun.


So an event for drug addled morons attracts a cohort of drug addled morons. Meanwhile, everybody else gets on with life

I’m not defending drug addled morons, simply pointing out that to suggest that they represent “the people of the country” is silly.


Yep, along with demons and goblins.

They take human form, but they do things like sexually molest children and stab women and babies in shopping malls.

I’ve always been careful while shopping at my local Westfield, but I was there today and had my head on a swivel. Copycats gonna copycat, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see some more mall stabby action coming soon.


I am about to do something counterintuitive and buy an apartment with higher strata fees (~$1800/quarter). My reasoning is the price has already compensated for the rise, and further rises unlikely.

Any thoughts on this?


Are you sure further rises are unlikely?
Maintenance costs tend to increase rather than decrease with age, and presumably there is a gym, pool, elevator that will need replacing sooner or later.


I am aware of that. It is a 22yo six story building which is structurally sound, but as you mention lifts etc. They recently spent ~$500k complying with new fire safety regulations. These were unknown/unplanned and done without the need of a special levy. So the existing fees are already compensating for unplanned major spending.

I feel this is a safer bet than buying a newer one which as you imply will only temporarily have lower strata fees, and then also have the value adjusted as strata fees rise.


Personally I wouldn’t buy anything highrise full stop.
I’d buy a villa or similar low rise with much lower ongoing maintenance costs overall. And I’d buy something much older rather than anything from the last 10 or 15 years, but that’s me.


The concerns over highrise have pushed to prices of older Low rise and Villas to a similar level of financial risk. Just my opinion.


I couldn’t comment on current prices. I haven’t looked at the market for a long time.


Probably best to figure out who the twat sherriff is, you know the one that has taken over the strata committee and will vote to put in gold hand rails in the fire stairs. That’s your real worry; theres a gem in every strata committe just waiting to cost you an arm and leg.




It would be unlikely for buildings older than 10 years to have unaddressed structural defects. End of warranty inspection at 6 years, you may get a couple years after that where the builder avoids the expense by threatening a lengthy legal battle. By 10 years the levies would already be there.

Btw this can also happen to any newer house as well. Check out the price history of this house that ended up with $1.5m worth of defects after the renovation.

54 Bowman Street, Drummoyne, NSW 2047 –


Any highrise the builder went out of business long before the 6 year warranty is up.
Literally single building building companies then pheonix into a new one.


bogan white trash bitch authoritarianism

jacqui lambie has to be the most unpleasant person elected to office

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

Being a really putrid skank in a cesspit of human filth, is quite the achievement.


she should be forced to wear a sack on her head

Aussie Soy Boy

She’d be still on the dole if she did not get elected. Probably turning some tricks to top it up.


Maybe not on the dole, she’d fit right in providing sexual services to NDIS patients. Might get awkward when Albo comes in the door as a client though.


imagine getting a gum job from her


How about she worry about her own family, i.e.successfully raising kids that aren’t drug addicted retards, before pretending that she should have any business being some sort for government nanny in determining which reporting of real-life events the public can or can’t see.

Why worry about “Chinese communist invasion” when this skank has the exact same totalitarian instincts.

Aussie Soy Boy

I had to look that up. Never knew her son has an ice addiction.

Ha, what a failure as a parent.

Sucked in Jacquie!


She used to be kind of cool and reasonable. Saying shit like how disgusting house prices were. She’s probably been bought off. She will certainly appeal to the karens.

A fly in your ointment

a year in a politician’s life, eh, can make one flip 180 degrees


Based in a round about way.

All this bringing up our more based past is worn out. Bring on the foreign legion of poos.


Keep your kids out of state schools.


My relos went mick they are woke. People take the military for granted or don’t even think about it




Fuck those cunts. In a just world I’d be a able, if not required, to engage them with automatic fire while a bunch of my old digger mates cheered me on.


Anzac Day will be full of boomers who got a 120k LandCruiser through propadee and bearded fag millennials fingering themselves over fuzzy wuzzies.

Aussie Soy Boy

Yeah fuck ANZAC Day. It’s had its day. It will rightfully die off when the Chinese and Indians reach critical mass here. Day of reflection has turned into a celebration for murderers/rapists. Fuck them.


ANZAC day should be for WWI and WWII remembrance only, everything else subsequent was far more a ‘war of choice’, many of which we had no business partaking in.

And curse all those entities (looking at you AFL/NRL) that try to exploit this day with confected performances in an attempt for ratings with legacy units.


ww1 was basically a war of choice

we declared war on germany and japan too

A fly in your ointment

every war is avoidable by reasonable diplomacy thus has to be a war of choice and equally the same it is a war of necessity as own views are more important. What makes a difference is the viewing point. All sides consider their viewpoint to be that of the vantage.

for most, Great War was not of a choice.
English crown was not going to miss a war which could’ve produce a new super power, they had to have their finger in that pie. Perhaps that was of a vanity choice a bit more than the necessity…


many of which we had no business partaking in.

How much business did we have partaking in the arguments among the european nations?
The pacific theatre and japan is the only direct threat we have ever encountered.

Yeah fuck ANZAC Day. It’s had its day. It will rightfully die off when the Chinese and Indians reach critical mass here. Day of reflection has turned into a celebration for murderers/rapists. Fuck them.

because someone took a piss in the pool, do we fill in and close the pool or do we replace the water and preventively remove the prostate from the cunt and ban him for life?


Oh fuck off cunt. Move to India already.

A fly in your ointment

by the looks of Indian economy, 50yrs from it may be very well a penalty to stay here vs. going to India.
To clarify with an example, if faggots decide they were prosecuted through inability to poo on the kerbside, it may become socially acceptable and legally required for everyone to do so as a show of tolerance and acceptance.


Not based at all, cowardly.

Over reaching their role, knowing they have gullible young people around them and no chance of anyone having the balls to push back.


All the more reason to not think much of Anzac Day. It’s all just posturing. Muh vooot and muh hoooms.

A fly in your ointment

you need to make a distinction of what the anzac day IS/WAS and what it has been perverted to be today.
Anzac day (unlike “the first boats arrival day”) had a unique ability to homogenise the cuntry and create the myth which every nation needs in order to exist. Without it, there is no “australian” as a nationality, only meaningless citizenships. Units of gdp computing.

I said “had unique ability…” and sadly its not a typo.


if only all the men who killed women knew beforehand that killing women was bad and wrong and that they shouldnt do it, that would have totally stopped them


Wimins love meatheads. Thats my fault apparently. Oh well it’ll fill out the week in the media.



women trying to blame men for their retarded choice of company


I see it every day. Usually tall 6’2 – 6’4 guy who looks a split second away from punching on. Extremely not my problem.


yeah you can tell they have hair trigger tempers too

zero sympathy

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

That’s why they like them which makes them just as bad as said meathead. Its no wonder this country is being invaded half the white population is focusing on getting muh muscles and being a tough cunt just to get their end in. In the more based good old days people were way thinner. Just look at those Rhodesian soldiers they were skinny fuckers.


only about 10 years ago, there was only like 2 gyms in dubbo, maybe 3 tops

now im discovering gyms when i go out i didnt even know existed, theres probably like 15 gyms in town now

the moment gymcel culture and lifestyle went mainstream that was when we were immediately fucked as a country


Hypothesis: many have been financially, culturally and philosophically castrated. Gymcels are building up their bodies for the purpose of inspiring the opposite sex to take a sexualised interest in them, which they then hope to be able to respond to. The flipside is those who sterilise and mutilate themselves because they can’t cognitively process their own reproductive capacities thanks to the same castration process. Far far worse than the first wave communist crippling of economic engagement as seen in the USSR is the ongoing feminist-communist crippling of sexual engagement in much of the rest of the world. We’re cucked.

Aussie Soy Boy

Those murderers and/or rapists from the Vietnam War should be told to go take a hike on ANZAC Day. National disgrace they are.


Show us on the doll where he hurt you…


Soy boy is clearly a failure in life, resents himself and everyone else and just wants to fill the place with others who he can not feel threatened by.


No. They’re not. Shame on you.


You think the same didn’t happen in the earlier wars as well?

A fly in your ointment

Yes it has but only Ruskies did it, and Sadam, Gaddafi, Milosevik, Assad, Slopes, radioactive slopes…

GW and WW2 are one same war with a bit of breath taking in between and it had clear real baddies on one side. Not the same as corporate wars of later years, where the only baddies were banksters and Military-Pharma industry


LMAO – the Pirate got community noted!!


The anti White anti Australian agenda for these putrid types is so obvious and pathetic.

Deliberately chooses Anzac Day to publish that tweet for maximum outrage.

I might go back and watch this clip, gives many people great joy to watch.


hes a football player? might explain why he he is so brain damaged


Interesting way for The Age journalists to generate “news” stories…


Assuming these gentlemen are telling the truth I will be very interested to see Channel 9 and other MsM reporting on this outcome, explaining why and how much they paid for a KC to represent The Age and Channel 9 in this case.

Why were the media with counter intelligence up in the Grampians following these men?

What more don’t we know?

Your ABC Media Watch will no doubt also report on this as well.


The American woman known as Karen trying to censor X and take on Elon.

Taxpayers foot the bill for her to spend 4 days at the WEF in Davos. You have to dig this up, the putrid journalists in this country won’t say it out loud.


eKaren is now stalking any perceived threats to their narrative.


Absolute tools the lot of them.


normies are not the same species as us

A fly in your ointment

Convicts further shitting on everything in Commonwealth of Convict Karens, focusing on Sheep Shag Wales. More freedoms foregone under the “it’s the roight thing to do moite” umbrella.
Would be interesting to see this blamed on immigration



The state of it.

A lifetime of sedentary uselessness.

Man boobs, with a slouch due to no muscle whatsoever, weak shoulders and can barely even hold himself up or stand up straight.


We are ruled over by buffoons, incompetents and all-round fuckheads.

I aspire to be everything that he is not.

A fly in your ointment

he is NOT intelligent


Only one of the retard journalists who reports on his PNG photo opp bothers to question why.

Every one of his many OS trips has been to hand out visas like flyers on the street. Why this shit hole?

Turns out he’s recruiting natives to join the ADF…this will work out well I’m sure.


People think it is dangerous to have Biden with dementia, but at least he once had some senses.

Albo seems to actually be retarded:


Legacy Australians won’t fight in Ukraine and I doubt many of our Chindian friends are joining ADF so now we can outsource to PNG in exchange for Visas. It’s the EZFKA way!


That’s a strange flag on his right tit (on the left)


Its the PNG flag – Albo is going the Byzantine route and importing mercenaries to our Armed forces by offering them passports.

the arborist

Is it recency bias or is this tiny sack of soggy rancid spuds the worst PM ever?

I know Howard and Keating (amongst others) have greatly contributed to current problems, but this cunt somehow seems worse and infinitely more pathetic.

Weak, corrupt and slimy beyond compare. His latest dribblings about censoring memes / ‘disinformation’ is a new low.


If Scotty from Marketing would just fuck off it would be even more obvious how rancid Albo is…

A fly in your ointment

sometimes politicians just fuck up. Plain ole stupidity.
now later PM should be smarter and be able to reverse previous mistakes and cockups. But if the policies never changed significantly or substantially ever since…. who’s to be blamed more?


leibler sighting on twitter


That other woman is based, this meme, Aboriginal elder “spends all his money on petrol, doesn’t own a car”


Just when you think there are people really suffering in this world who you should have compassion for, remember she had a male partner who she had a child with.


Yeah he looked like total soy so I have no sympathy. Saw her latest book in Kmart, the stack was full and on sale for $8 they wouldn’t be able to give it away.


At the endbof that load of shite it says “Clementine Ford is a writer and broadcaster living on Wurundjeri country in Naarm/Melbourne”.

Woke gibberish that says all that needs to be said about her.

A fly in your ointment

Hello Mr. President King Carlos da Turd

comment image

the arborist

I see Scott Fuckwad has stepped down from Atlassian to “spend more time with his family and on philanthropic endeavours“. AKA spend more time fucking EZFKA with his toxic WEF shit. Fuck him and everything he stands for. Atlassian software is a joke.


My old software engineering team transitioned to the Atlassian tools for source code configuration control a few years ago, and I also thought they were pretty crap.

Aussie Soy Boy

Sucked in to those already struggling! Should have bought something more affordable!


If you’re on the same side of a trade as MB then you asked for it


I started reading that sentence, and really didn’t know where it was going, right up until the last word.


YIMBY economics “expert” gets community noted.


These fucken nerds and their semantical bullshit

IMO Labor will bring in a rent subsidy or some more FHB help, can’t believe they would reduce NG or CGT discount even if those are probably really hurting the budget at current interest rates.

Even if they ideologically supported those things which I doubt, they would lose the election and the Libs would bring them back like in NZ.


IMO Labor will bring in a rent subsidy

Extend the rent subsidy.
Rent assistance has been a thing for decades.


After they have frozen all immigration for 2 years and reduced student visas by 90%, they should start with wholesale cuts to this list of fucktards.


Every time they reduce public servants they get replaced with contractors whose sole objective is to fuck the government over for every dollar they can.
This fucking over is the root cause of every complaint about the governments inability to provide competent services at reasonable cost.
For the latest example, perfectly functionality government agency providing services for disabled people via public servants -> NDIS clusterfuck.


Another stabbing. What would the cops do if it weren’t for immigrant crime. They might start hassling us on the roads again. Im a bit of a shut-in but I hardly see them doing RBT or trying to do people for speeding anymore.

A fly in your ointment

apps like Waze killed the surprise roadblocks or speeding. Last time I had a few drinks I checked the app to see the pigs roadside pens along my route. If I see pigs seting up for no good, I fire up Waze just to dob in on them.
They rely now on congestion to cause impatience thus extra tickets from static cameras.

expect more mall trouble and knoiving. when kids have no other things to do outside, they vent it on each other and those near them.

Aussie Soy Boy

I drink drive at least twice a week for years. Never been caught. So much cheaper than Uber and all that crap.


you can only get it if you’re on centrelink

he might mean a rent subsidy for everyone including wagies



But the person really getting the subsidy isn’t actually on centrelink. By definition it has to get paid directly to a landlord.

Last edited 9 months ago by commentBot


I love how the only whites walk past at the start then it’s all chimps screeching etc


I want one of those sticks poos use as a weapon. Go and whip people at propadee auctions.


Coming off a high base, this is an amazing stat.

Then again, considering that London is now only 35% white and run by a Leftard Paki, maybe not so surprising.

the arborist

Hmm… this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.

Must’ve been too much racism or truth or something.


People think I’m joking when I say the ultimate goal of this mass migration and adoption of MultiCult is the creation of parallel societies within our own:

The voice was meant to be the beachhead for the adoption of similar social shifts in Australia.

The all gave to go back.




We need this is EZFKA, Purple Pingers wouldn’t know what to say..

A fly in your ointment

SHyte, Nathan Birch was an indian with whiteface!

I thought he was a descendant of the first illegal boat arrivals.


More shitting on that Inman Grant thing, from One Nation, of all things.