Is WA going to crash or fly?

Many posts at MB about how iron ore is doomed recently. This one today says this is the start of the the long way down.

According to Pete Wargent “There’s been little or no fanfare this time around, but we’ve seen a record surge in mineral exploration in 2023, to above $1bn per quarter.”

he says this means WA’s economy is looking pretty good but he does warn that investors need to take care not to get caught in areas bid up primarily by interstate investors:

apologies for large embedded youtube. Couldn’t see quickly how to tell WP to do it differently. On the plus side, embeds usually play without ads

But iron ore is 29% of the GSP (gross state product):

The iron ore industry is a large part of Western Australia’s economy, accounting for an estimated 29% of the State’s gross state product in 2021-22. In 2021-22, iron ore accounted for 55% of the value of Western Australia’s exports of goods

Pete Wargent is a competent commentator, and DLS was right about iron ore in the 2010s. The question then is do these things fit together, or is one right and the other wrong?

My reading of the 10 year chart is that iron ore has to break below $85 for it to be a serious downturn. That’s a 28% drop from today’s price. Let’s say that happens with the next two years, and let’s assume that the iron ore part of the WA GSP is linearly correlated with the iron ore price. That would be a hit of at least 8% to the GSP. Would property prices hold up? Would McGowan’s making Perth a regional centre for the purposes of immigration be enough to prop up housing regardless?

I have more questions than answers.

I note the following from DLS in “Australia’s future is deflation”:

The US will respond with inflationary tariffs as Chinese goods are dumped worldwide but not in Australia. Here, we will see a convergence of MASSIVELY deflationary AI job losses, crashing goods prices, smashed bulk commodity income, and mass immigration, a nightmare scenario for wage growth and inflation”

And in the comments:

So uhhh buy now?

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MB calling a deflationary future = standby for more ‘unexpected’ inflation.
[While their subscription price goes from $199 to $249 in a single year I would add.]
They haven’t considered that these nations might keep the production for themselves.
You can trade the inverse of their forex ‘calls’ profitability.
AI will be destroying 3 million jobs according to them, but the irony is not lost that ChatGPT can already write better articles than what they put out, and that is the version that doesn’t have access to pull/interpret live web data.
If there was any justice the jobs of MB, Tulip et al. will be the first to go.
It’s obvious what funds this pontification industry, and everyone is poorer for it.

A fly in your ointment

Short term, AI will be the slayer of jobs. Long term, the sterile “internet readers digest” as the main product of everything AI will wear out and most intelligent jobs will return. AI cannot be programmed irrational like the humans are and inherently everything resulting from human behaviour/activity.
Shitty lazy analysis types like Llewdo and Bleato will be surpassed by the first wave of AI induced job losses. The EmBee may he right on rates dropping later this year but for very different reasons: to support failing house prices (of course only if 1mil immigrants can’t suffice)
IR are purely just one more function of RE serviceability game.

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s probably doing all those FIFO workers a favour they can spend more time with their families and have normal routines/work life balances.


That would be a hit of at least 8% to the GSP.

But what does that actually mean? GSP means nothing about money actually getting into the local economy. How much of the iron ore money just goes straight back offshore as profits? How much goes straight into billionaires pockets to never touch the local economy?
If those chew up most of the money the industry could stop completely for minimal real impact in the local economy, beyond the directly effected workers.


a lot of it seemingly

aus has a ppp gdp of 65,000, if all the mining revenue was flying overseas and no one was seeing a cent of it locally that wouldnt be the case

bc mining is basically all our economy is and w/o it we’d be portugal


Even if 100% of the money from it goes overseas it is still included in the GDP calculation if it is mined here.


i dont think it works that way, only final transactions count in gdp not intermediary ones

very clearly aus isnt a country full of povos at all, if mining wasnt actually going into our economy we would be so it makes me really doubtful of this narrative

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Commentbot seems more right than stagmal here.

doesn’t really matter if miner gross margins go from 220% to 70% – the staff all still get paid, but shareholders receive less.


iron ore sold overseas is a final transaction. The iron ore is the product the miner produces. Otherwise mining adds literally nothing to gdp at all. Wages aren’t product.

Aussie Soy Boy

Tax revenue.


still doesnt add up, we’d be NZ or worse (prob closer to portugal) if the resource sector wasnt contributing somehow. aus GDP is too high theres no economic activity otherwise worth a shit. our gdp per capita is the same as germanys which has serious industry.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

I’d bet actual living standards on the ground for locals are equal or higher in NZ despite what the GDP is because mining adds to the GDP figures without adding any significant benefit to locals.


plausible actually, and i’m, not inclined to immediately disagree. i’d love to know; the best way to try to figure it out is divide the cost of goods by local incomes but that requires too much work for most economists

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

based on?


Pretty sure it won’t be…


lazy cunt


Recall MB’s doom a couple years ago that futures markets had lost the plot predicting rates above 2.5%, and no way rates going much above 2.5% without causing house prices to half.

Last week DLS saying rates going to zero and futures market has lost the plot.

I note bond market predicting a brief bottom at around 3.6%.


DLS is analysis by projection. He wants a certain market and society and his takes are pathways to that route.


Someone once suggested that MB was maximising their subscriber base with narratives that appeal to subscribers.

That is how I see it. Even that YT link above. Chris Bates gives his own Mortgage Broking business a plug every single time. That is the sole purpose of these commentaries.


Yes they are just reinforcing what the (remaining) subscribers want to hear.

It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong.


US rates are going nowhere near zero. They still need some people to buy their debt. Where the US rates go, we follow, so unlikely we cut hard on our own.


Friends, it has all unfolded as I had written.

A rise to $1tr market capitalisation, a rest there and on to $72k.

comment image

I hope you were on this ride.

I’m afraid that I have not seen any further. Good luck to all.

comment image


Well done Peachy. The recent price rise has reminded me of companies promoted into the ASX 200 for the first time with (compulsory) inflows sending price much higher. Then an inevitable price drop when those inflows have settled.

I expect inflows into the Bitcoin ETFs to eventually settle although I wouldn’t be betting against it in the meantime.

Last edited 7 months ago by Freddy

Well done Peachy. I bought bitwise ETF at 23.00 when bitcoin was 41,000 USD.

I must say, smashing through the all time high pre halving is…both scary and exciting.


Boeing whistleblower may have been iced according to COVID betwetter. I hope it is true. Traitors to the EZFKUSA need to be taken out. Stock prices über alles.

Agent 47
Aussie Soy Boy

I wonder how much of this is from a lot of these planes sitting around rotting for 2-3 years?


If so, then it would affect Airbus too

Aussie Soy Boy

Maybe they are better built so haven’t rotted as much.


More to do with these companies now being run by finance people who know the price of everything but the value of nothing.
So they saved a few $ on maintenance to pay the shareholders a slightly larger dividend.
And for what? A permanent stain on their reputation that will be costing hundreds of millions and they will never get it back.
Capitalism seems to be consuming itself where the efficiency gains have been had, and now any further cost cutting puts the entire operation at risk.


they saved a few $ on maintenance to pay the shareholders a slightly larger dividend.
And for what?

A much increased bonus for the executives who leave the company and any long term repurcussions behind them.

A fly in your ointment

…executives who leave the company and any long term repurcussions behind them.

it’s the feature of the position.
change CEOs every now and then to allow exculpability for his “misdeeds” which make large profits. Bad person goes, profits stay.


Yes it’s the proverbial race to the bottom.

I concur it’s 100% as you note in my industry.

Now the only way forward is hiring panjeets.


I looked at what Virgin uses for planes. Seems every passenger plane is Boeing. Cool.


Boeing made good planes pre 2000. Now, not so much.

Boeing has worked out that the money is not in passenger aircraft. Over 50% of their revenue comes from military. It is practically part of the MIC.


The GOAT doesn’t care who he offends.


think its mostly just bc of the growing hispanic % of which a lot are substantially white. theres been almost no shift in the black vote at all, its as monolithic as ever


Trump has increased his share of the black vote, but they still overwhelmingly vote Democrat.


Asians/Poos generally work for a living, legally/socially they’re safely above whites now because of woke. My local Chinese place had a Liberal corflute in their window during one of the elections.


it doesnt hurt that theres no political difference betweent he LNP and the ALP. i dont know why it matters who migrants vote for. ill probably be voting albo next election just bc he has more accelerationist potential than dutton.


I think whites hate each other and want to die or kill each other. Whether is be left vs right or class based or they liked the same girl. I think accelerationism isn’t real and the west will be something like Singapore.

But yeah conservatives are shockers you can just feel them wanting to hurt and insult us somehow. They are gonna be all but destroyed in the UK I think.

Aussie Soy Boy

west will be something like Singapore.”

I can only dream.


singapore exists, just saying…


That’s generally what high density suburbs in Sydney turn into. They are pretty comfy as long as you have a small car and don’t have a family, or at the most one baby. You’re probably a suburban Melbourne fag.


nothing like singapore, we’ll be more like malaysia than sg except with indians instead of malays. i bet in like 20 years time we’ll be like 50% white legacy australian, 30% subcon 20% other random groups and chinese. maybe another third or so of all boomers will be gone and hopefully a couple of those remaining will apologise for what they have done, along with the millennials and gen x.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

It’s just weird hearing people actually say sorry these days. Taking responsibility for their actions. Not gonna happen.

Anyway millenials are mostly to blame now. Probably have been for ages. Can’t be against mass immigration because craft beer and reddit.

the arborist

Still blaming boomers? But millennials and gen x also need to apologise to you now?

That’s a pretty broad spectrum of people you want to apologise to you. This is such a leftie snowflake crybaby opinion. It’s everyone’s fault but yours, right?

What is it exactly that you want boomers (and other generations) to apologise to you for? What did the big mean generations do to upset you?

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the average citizen isn’t running things. Society is controlled by the parasites in the 0.00001% at the top regardless of which generation they belong to. It has always been thus. Blaming generations is such a low IQ take.


Blaming generations is such a low IQ take.

it’s much easier than blaming races here in australia though.

the arborist

The races themselves aren’t a problem. The races being here instead of where they belong is a problem. And they’re here because of the ruling class. Not because of white males or boomers.


You’ve misunderstood my point. Setting the generations against each other here is the equivalent of setting the races against each other in the US. Give the population someone to blame other than the elite.

the arborist

Fair point. I did indeed misunderstand your point. Nevertheless, ‘multiculturalism’ is a fucking disaster.


evertheless, ‘multiculturalism’ is a fucking disaster.

Not going to argue against that.


“That’s a pretty broad spectrum of people you want to apologise to you. This is such a leftie snowflake crybaby opinion. It’s everyone’s fault but yours, right?”


i have never voted for the alp or lnp or the greens in my life

imagine believing people cant be held accountable for the decisions they make in an electoral democracy

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

imagine believing the people are the ones making decisions and not the politicians in a representative democracy.

i have never voted for the alp or lnp or the greens in my life

so you have had less input into policy decisions than someone who did.


who votes for the politicians bruh

there is a certain level of moral complicity to a voter who elects a politician fuck knuckle in a representative democracy. not as much as the politician fuck knuckle themselves, but to suggest there is no moral complicity tp to their electors is the same as the “you cant blame the immigrants” bs argument

“‘so you have had less input into policy decisions than someone who did.”

that’s a good thing — it reduces my complicity doesn’t it

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

who votes for the politicians bruh

In the first instance, party donors influence the party members who preselect candidates in a limited number you then get to vote for.
Or you can vote for an independent who will never get elected based on historical precedent, and even if they do have no power to achieve anything as a single vote in parliament.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

From Soos’ Twitter.


Soos cracks me up – he’s got more balls than DLS or Levo in terms of honestly recognising where the problem is.

Even Michael West has it over MBs in terms of spelling out Australia’s Zionist problem. MB’s Ziocuckledry removes valuable information from their opinions. If you self censor than you restrict information, which results in your info being of a lower worth.

MB isn’t as bad as the msm who have basically reduced the quality of their wares to a $15/hr crack whore, but compared to West or Soos it is lower.


It’s a shame he doesn’t get more attention. He’s spot on about pretty much everything.

Aussie Soy Boy

That new Spanian video I had to take a look. What an embarrassment the legacy units, the islanders, the abos in this country are.

You won’t see one Asian or Indian in those videos they’re all busying studying or working.

Absolutely shameful.


indians are definitely not better than legacy units, including the indians who come to australia (who are much better than the indians who stay behind). the indians who come to aus are never going to be like the indians in the u.s and uk and quite frankly some of their success in those countries is due to ethnic networking / nepotism and stuff white people arent allowed to do.

indians in aus from my impression seem thoroughly mediocre / sub-mediocre to me. i wish we had more data on this but australians seem massively allergic to collecting stats by race/ethnicity unlike in america. we don’t even have census data that allows you to properly estimate what the racial demographic %’s are.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

Sure, but you won’t see one of them in the middle of the day drinking on the street, doing burnouts, or bragging about violent crimes that have traumatised innocent people. They are busy working unlike the legacy scum, coconuts and nig nogs.

Agent 47

Indians working? You’ve obviously never worked with them. Worst work ethic in the world, throw in caste politics and it’s a shitshow.

But yeh, “muh legacy bogans” post #58373920


yeah i figured there was a reason they gravitated to working as security guards etc bc its the closest you can get to bludging w/o going on the dole itself

Aussie Soy Boy

It doesn’t bother me no worse than some legacy unit WFH replying to emails. That’s the bosses problem not mine.

At least they’re busy out there working for a living, not dole bludgers or thieves.

Flood this country with 1 million Indians and Asians per year.


Incredibly based as usual

did you see the latest bogan uproar on about taxes on huge utes and suv

they are just dumb, lazy entitled scum

we waz kangz muh Anzac muh tradie

honestly we have more in common with the greens than we do with legacy bogans


Had one tail gating me today. Most of the time I don’t think I ever seen them actually carry anything in their RAMs. Those RAM trays look to be about half the length of a typical ute. It’s all to look tough and put out the old fuck you got mine attitude.

A fly in your ointment

The SWL is at best 20% more and sometimes the same as the usual BT50 and similar Ute’s. It’s the appeal of a large engine smoking tyres. On par with those pesky SUV-wannabe karenmobiles.

Falcon/commodore Ute bogans still fare better in my judgement-o-meter bc they’re true to their culture.


Those RAMs are the direct end result of the US implementing similar fuel efficiency standards decades ago to those being discussed for here.
Something the size of a hiliux is defined as a car so needs to meet fuel efficiency requirements making them relatively unavailable. But people want big cars so the manufacturers make something that just crosses into the classification of truck and doesn’t need to meet the car fuel efficiency standards.
Expect far more cars that size on the road here if similar standards are implemented,

Gruppenführer Mark

Funny how cars tend to get bigger, but parking spaces tend to get smaller. And narrower.

the arborist

It’s just market forces at play. The mindless drones need bigger cars to protect their precious cargo which is far more important than all the other cargo. And just think of the pReStIgE!!! So we end up with a passenger car arms race. Also equity mate.

And car parks are always looking to squeeze more paying customers in.

Obv these two opposing forces are going to crash into each at some time – and that time is pretty much now.


Yeah they’re shit. But the housing ponzi is primarily coming from the finance sector. Because most private school fags just wanna be bean counters and live in Willoughby or fuckin Northbridge and hang there being a shit boring pretentious faggot.



our politicians are absolute clowns, we elect these idiots to represent us and they spend all their time passionately getting angry over the most ???? bullshit


They don’t represent us, that’s just the narrative that keeps representative democracy functioning.
They represent their party, their donors and themselves. Nothing more.


and we keep voting for them i don’t think we’re off the hook here

well i am and maybe you are, but the average legacy unit isnt

katter is a genuine idiot lol

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

I haven’t voted for shit…
Cause it doesn’t matter anyway. The outcome is a feature of the system. Who else you gonna vote for?
An independent who will represent you? I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Actually a better Idea, run for parliament yourself and find out why it is the way it is first hand.


no one is voting for my troll doll lookin ass

i should be living underground im so subhuman not running for public office


the bin chicken got to be nsw premier.
Its showbiz for ugly people


gladys is a mega stacy


no one is voting for my troll doll lookin ass

i should be living underground im so

subhuman not running for public office

I doubt you’re as bad as you think you are.

Maybe join a party, turn up at all the meetings and just work at shifting the overton window at your branch. See how you go.

Is there anything to lose doing this?


i was joking lol


Greens are on the cusp of enlightenment

teetering on the very edge of the horseshoe

they just need a push

maybe you should join

hitler was a vegetarian who loved animals etc


Just saw the Greens are now promoting Cameron Murray too

they are so close

the arborist

So close and yet so far. They will never do anything positive about the environment. They will just bleat about it online to get the doctors wives et al to vote for them so they can help liblab import more pajeets.

They used to be environmentalists back in the Bob Brown days, but now they’re just kabuki theatre.

the arborist

This is how far away the greens are.

Senator Mehreen Faruqi

Real Estate – 8
Directorships – 2


the german movie Look Who’s Back made this point too, that hitler with a limited glean of Greens ideology policy would have been inclined to have supported them politically


Greens policy has shifted from a national to global policy. National policy was no Australian population growth. Global policy is import as many third world jimmies as possible, stuff them into highrises, hand them an iphone, and hope they don’t continue to breed like rabbits.

Last edited 7 months ago by Freddy

>Is there anything to lose doing this?
Completely wasting his time for no result at all. No way you can stand for MP without being vetted by the jew.


Underrated and succinct high quality post there, sir.

Aussie Soy Boy

There should be a fat tax on 90% of the rubbish Coles and Woolworths sells. Hit the low socio economic fatsos were it hurts.


I actually agree a sugar tax is overdue.

We do it on cigarettes why not sugar.


aspartame tax


We should tax people based on BMI or body fat or somethin. Another thing that’s never gonna happen. Because who likes drinkin and smokin the most? That’s right white males.

A fly in your ointment

The things with cigies being “slap in the face” taxed in this pond can actually happen only in this pond. There are no gutless and servile people anywhere in the world like they are here. It’s a main feat of culture – compliance to every single shyte thrown at them.
Mind you, I still think tobacco is bad but the slap tax on tobacco now is the slap tax on other stuff tomorrow.

Last edited 7 months ago by A fly in your ointment

-freedom to cheaply destroy your health and become a burden on society

-cradle to grave welfare state

choose one


We could actually tax shekelcorps and stop mates feeding from the trough. But the people love their cagies.

the arborist

The people don’t have any choice. They’re not in charge.


smokers prob save money just bc some of them die before they get to old age where virtually everyone becomes a costly burden regardless of how healthily theyve lived their life

thats before even taking into account tobacco taxes

phillip morris made this argument in a court case in hungary ages ago and i think its probably correct

A fly in your ointment

@ Comingbot

that’s a false bifurcation.
I’m all for everyone to eat what they want, or do what they want. Nature is ruthless and societies with poor diets or unhealthy life eventually perish. History is full if examples.
The socalled burden to society is just a rubbish sofist excuse (remember covid and unjabbed being a burden). It serves to justify telling other people what they can or cannot do and this place is world leader in “cannot” legislation (next time pigs give you a speeding ticket check the massive fat one in his trousers when he tells you “you’ve sinned and here’s a ticket”)


The first thing legacy units think is ‘will this hurt certain people i know and reduce their status and thus improve mine through doing nothing’.

Also why the left wants to believe in climate change so bad. They can’t stand people getting so much happiness and satisfaction out of a fuckin burger chips and a coke.

I doubt it’s just an ezfka thing though. Seems to be some version of it all around the English speaking countries.



>Giant American-style utes and SUVs may soon be charged higher parking fees in a dozen Melbourne suburbs

>Paris voted to triple parking fees for large vehicles last month. 

First they came for the smokers. And I said nothing because I wasn’t a smoker.

Sucked in!



hope we get some legends going around deflating their tyres too like in london

A fly in your ointment

do those legends go out and take revenge on those who own a larger house then they do?




do those legends go out and take revenge on those who own a larger house then they do?

Of course not, they go around saving the environment by destroying perfectly good tires. Very environmentally friendly.


the point is to discourage people from driving these things


the point is to discourage people from driving these things

Do you think it does? OR they just go buy a new tyre, hate environmentalists more and care less about the environment.
Like the idiots gluing themselves to things, they are turning people against their cause.


Do you think it does


if someone slashed my tires for the giant car i drove 5 times in a row id prob consider getting rid of it for a smaller car

its not about learning to love environmentalists its about not wanting to get your tyres slashed lmao

same reason countries like singapore get rid of drug users by beating the shit out of anyone caught with a joint

doesnt make you fall in love with the guy beating you with the rattan cane does it but it sure as fuck makes you not want to touch the joint

just literally do nothing bro

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

if someone slashed my tires for the giant car i drove 5 times in a row id prob consider getting rid of it for a smaller car

And you’d have the giant car crushed? Or you’d sell ti to someone else who will continue to drive it for it’s entire lifetime anyway. As well as 5 extra tyres in landfill. Way to save the environment idiots.

Really, if they want to stop people driving the cars they should smash the window, chuck in some petrol and burn the fucker.

Of course that just leads to an insurance payout and a new identical car being manufactured and also further fucking the environment. But yay activism.

doing nothing is better than doing something counter productive…

A fly in your ointment


if someone slashed my tires for the giant car i drove 5 times in a row id prob consider getting rid of it for a smaller car

true spineless convict culture.
yield to any power wannabe.
no wonder ots being replaced at pace of 750k immigrants per year.

if you drove one of those Yankee Ute’s you’d fall into a subculture of big muscles and no brain types having all their argumentation concentrated in a clicked fist. They don’t yield to shitbrain econazis.
…or a cuckold with a small dick seeking a substitute and projection.


true spineless convict culture.

righto mate ill just keep buying tyres five times a week then


You could always grow a spine and confront the spineless tyre slashers


how would i do that if i didnt know who they were

the point is if everyone was just imitating the tyre slash mobs and targetting oversized utes it wouldnt somehow cause the ute drivers to double down but get rid of them

i’d love to see you actually try that though lol youd go to jail more likely than not than them

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

it wouldnt somehow cause the ute drivers to double down but get rid of them

Really. Would you like to explain how you think that would actually work in detail? Get rid of them to where?


if your tyres were being slashed 5 times a week in some hypothetical extreme world because of the type of car you drove, would you keep getting them replaced?

or would you just get a new car that wouldnt get targetted instead

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

If my tyres where getting slashed 5 times a week, i would stay up one night with a baseball bat.


and maybe get your head bashed in itself


yeah maybe, but cowards who slash your tyres in the night tend to be cowards…

If they had any balls they’d confront you to your face.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

what would the point of that be if you’re trying to disincentivize ownership of a particular class of vehicle

a slashed tyre is much more burdensome to a problematic car user than someone telling them theyre a dickhead to their face (which they probably hear all the time anyway)

the point is the mass adoption of these giant utes and suvs is the product of regulatory distortions and a ‘safety’ arms race amongst drivers already on the road who feel psychologically compelled to adopt them bc everyone else is


the point is the mass adoption of these giant utes and suvs is the product of regulatory distortions and a ‘safety’ arms race amongst drivers

Or people like them and haven’t been brainwashed by the environmentalist bs.



go read a history about them its totally correct

they insist themselves into existence once a certain number of people started driving them en masse bc people increasingly feel they have no choice

they don’t even look good that’s the most incredible thing. especially compared to the classic sedan which has become an endangered species on a lot of roads

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

yep, history is totally correct…


all cars should be prohibitively expensive to buy and register

No older than 5 years

electric or extremely strict emissions requirements

tolls on every public road or extortionate registration costs

get the bogans into pods

we need to emulate singapore


electric or extremely strict emissions requirements

we are headed that way.
which will lead to as a consequence

all cars should be prohibitively expensive to buy and register

No older than 5 years

Maybe 10 years, but no EV is getting a new battery when it’s approaching 10 years old. The battery would cost more than the car is worth.

A fly in your ointment

if your tyres were being slashed 5 times a week in some hypothetical extreme world because of the type of car you drove, would you keep getting them replaced?

or would you just get a new car that wouldnt get targetted instead

someone wants to bang your wife and you just let him have her and move on then get yourself a fat unfuckable one because “no one hits at them”?

you’re again on that glue sniffing binge?
I just can believe your responses on this topic


analogy phail

oiintment defender of mega suvs

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

you’re right.
analogy fail if one will never have a wife.
would not be fail if I said “boyfriend”….

me defending big SUV?
you’re definitely heavy on glue sniffing right now.


you put your dick in the exhaust pipe of a dodge ram every day

A fly in your ointment

Lol, funny one from a gin jokey.


If the local abbos where robbing you once a week, would you decide to just give them all your money to stop them robbing you?

A fly in your ointment

If you leave your wife because someone is hitting on her, it a reflection on yourself, not on your wife.
I understand your point and I agree in general. Cheating is like tango.
Women though like some jealousy and tend to induce it, mostly the wrong ways

Last edited 7 months ago by A fly in your ointment
A fly in your ointment

I thought originally it was a hypocrisy case.
Instead, it’s explicable by a sheer sheeple stupidity. of having short-sighted views.


It has been happening for a few months. I recall the cops saying slashing is illegal but don’t believe there is anything in the law to convict someone of deflating tyres.


The alleged offender is facing tampering with a motor vehicle charges if caught.

A fly in your ointment

@ OZ

it’s simple: if you take up 2 spaces pay for both or get a ticket. No need for “how big is yours and and if bigger than mine you should be taxed”.
As much as I loath the culture of useless un-functional size vehicles, the same should apply for every SFUV (a Faken Useless Vehicle) and those “all in one – nothing at all” tall vehicles crossovers.


I don’t care much either way. I just found it amusing. I remember back when the soccer mum Landcruisers became popular. People got the shits but then everyone got used to it. That was about 20 years ago now.

A fly in your ointment

no one got used to it, they are still cast off, that being justly.
Micro Landcruiser Mad Max style are the new soccer mum FUV

A fly in your ointment

true, not just the ezfka thing. This place leads the rest by a fat margin and accelerate the warp speed, which makes it almost impossible for the rest to catchup ever. Like Sweden, on degenerate family and personality destruction.


>This place leads the rest by a fat margin and accelerate the warp speed

UK has always had it’s class system. Those dumb poms love fawning over the Royals. America basically has a class system too. I guess that’s naturally what people crave.

That way the rich can be protected from that annoying meritocracy and people that like to work hard, get up early and are good with money. Like immigrants. The poor can palm off any responsibility when it comes to politics.

the arborist

Really? White males are the problem now? They should be more like our aboriginal teetotallers, yeah?

This site is fast resembling reddit with all the blaming of white males and boomers.

A fly in your ointment

not quite what I understood.
convict class has its share of shyte.
why should whites convict class ezfka units be excluded from a constructive critic?


It’s only about 1/16th of white ezfkas that are convicts. Otherwise probably mostly UK mutts from shitty towns.

Spanian goes to Melton into the HOOD

muh nig nog culture

A fly in your ointment

heard elsewhere and from multiple mutually unrelated sources that English expats are rejects from the Empire. Basically would be sent to convict colonies if laws were not relaxed since the time of the first convict colonisation.
in a sense a class below Aussie convicts.
not sure if that is right but sure it seems plausible in my experience.


Same with ezfka wogs. All from shitty towns no one has heard of. Good worth ethic but extremely basic people.

A fly in your ointment

that’s not the same, actually quite the opposite


Right so people from Napoli are better than people from Milan. Haha. Dumb wog. You don’t even know your own country.

A fly in your ointment

Don’t be so smug when you can’t grasp the point.
Expats are apparently poor work ethic snobs from big cities where everyone can make it except them.

the arborist

White males who drink and smoke having political power is the worst take I’ve seen for a long time. This group is the Dalit of the west. They are universally despised. If they had any power at all, a pack of durries / container of grog wouldn’t be taxed anywhere near what they are and we’d still be seeing ads for tobacco companies everywhere and people smoking in movies.

Seriously, the percentage of white males who smoke is miniscule and they tend to be the absolute dregs.

Wasn’t there a scandal a while back because ex premier Dan was caught having a sly durrie at the back or a stage or something?


what an absolutely dogshit take

we are living in a boganocracy
take a look at Chris Minns NSW

no we can’t build houses in the inner city we need to keep this fucking dog track

no we won’t encourage people to use this public transport we paid hundreds of millions to build , instead we will give petrol rebates to people who pay road tolls

poker machines

getting pissed at pubs , but now also on the public footpath adjacent

no vapes, only filthy cigarettes (no the police won’t fine you for throwing them on the ground)\

car or motorbike exceeds EPA noise or pollution limits? we will turn a blind eye

etc etc

the worst parts of legacy culture are celebrated and protected as iconically “Australian”
muh larrikin
muh working class

while the best parts are decried as colonialist


What a really dogshit take.
Virtually all those things provide massive profits to the wealthy.


everything provides profits to the wealthy you stupid fuck thats how capitalism works


Australia is a dictatorship of the bogan proletariate

Australia is solely run in the interests of bogans as indicated by the existence of pokies

Lenin was right about Australia:


Pubs used to have bands but 95% of bands were shithead idiots that made a half arsed attempt at playing some sort of metal or grunge. Then the pokies came in in the mid 90s and there was no need for pubs to tolerate a few long haired drunken retards listening to shitty bands. Then millenial bands came in in the 2000s and were mostly whiny and gay af. Or basic bitch rock like Jet. No way they were gonna upset the pokies.

A fly in your ointment

Australia is a dictatorship of the bogan proletariate

Australia is solely run in the interests of bogans as indicated by the existence of pokies

cannot be more diametrically opposite from truth.
bogans are just the useful idiots.
if this little pond was run by bogans, immigration would be exactly 0 or negative.


Why are loud cars legal if Australia isn’t totally dominated by the bogan class?


I think the idea is loud cars and RAMs are the equivalent of the ABC or The Guardian for the left.

You need to have a RAM in order to get a 6.326578/10 pussy and then name your child Jayden or Brock.

Little bits of bread and circuses.

A fly in your ointment

I explained above.
Useful idiots are allowed whatnp they want for they are the useful idiots.


loud cars aren’t legal. Enforcement is just mostly selective to harass young people.

Aussie Soy Boy

Why wouldn’t they sell the dog track land and build a new one for the morons in Rooty Hill.

How the fuck can people who live bait weird lanky dogs for a living wield so much influence?

Do people even punt on the dogs anymore (unless they lost all day on the horses and none of their multies came in)?


enough punt that they run virtual dog races to bet on when the actual dogs have finished.


Probably an extension of the gambling industry. Which most likely has a fuck load of influence.


Boomer legacies only

the new generations of legacy degenerates do online poker or crypto or whatever

a much less obnoxious way for them to get their dopamine

the government should be transitioning them all so they can just stay in their pods and not bother the rest of us


You are sounding like dictator Bruce Baird who thought he could rub out greyhounds without consultation.

There are entire towns that would become ghost towns if greyhounds disappeared.


I think one of the appeals of smoking is to not be liked by normies. Normie repellent.


And why has she got a tea bag hanging from her hat?


is macro using ezfka meme images now?


Tried to watch QandA but I had to tap out

holy FUCK Patricia karvelas is ugly
she looks like a troll doll
and voice like nails on a chalkboard
absolutely unbearable

it was an uggo fest with Joe Aston as well

and obv all the ugly unemployed losers who show up to be the studio audience

that poor American gilf must have been wondering what kind of circus freak show her agent had got her into and what kind of degenerate country this is

hopefully she saw some hot legacy units while she was here but unlikely since only ugly people follow politics/economics/YIMBYism


Yeah that dumb wog Yanis is still cruising around making out what a great guy he is because he opposed the bailouts like a century ago now. Brilliant.

They don’t even have a RAM. Or maybe they do. It wouldn’t surprise me given all the lefty politicians have ips.


How many students do you reckon he banged at Sydney uni when he was a lecturer there in the 90s though

Chad vibes

Aussie Soy Boy

It would be the dumb, backward, Greek peasant genes coming through

A fly in your ointment

You meant to say “like the broken clock, Llewdo and Bleato are bound to be accurate twice a day” (for unrelated reasons, obviously)???


Did you ever notice that the little bass line from Under Pressure was the same as the one in Ice Ice Baby?

Aussie Soy Boy

Has there ever been an Indian or Asian (that wasn’t working behind a counter) in a Spanian video?


Lot of white legacy scum, dumb maoris and Aussie and African boongs though.

Tells you a lot about this country, and who you want as a neighbour.


Whites definitely have a lot more variance in quality than other races do


Houses are about $500k in Melton. A couple of woolies workers could afford that. Will be interesting to see if they get replaced or hold on to the suburb through sheer repulsiveness.