“We need a crackdown on foreign traitors” says traitor that let 737,000 foreigners into Australia last year

In the wake of a spying scandal announced by ASIO boss Mike Burgess, Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has called for a crackdown on foreign traitors.

O’Neil has called for increased migration to crackdown on traitors, and is also considering adding spy to the skilled occupation list, with preferences for Israelis and Chinese.

“We need a crackdown on traitors, that’s why I’m increasing immigration to 2 million next year, Clare O’Neil said.

“We won’t need to worry about foreign interference if we are majority foreign. It’s a genius strategy when the aim is to stomp out the local”s interfering in anything political.

Burgess has vowed to give more stern speeches about spies but then do fuck all about it and disappear until the next Senate hearing.

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its all so tiresome

what even is in australia worth spying on

Agent 47



what even is in australia worth spying on

Freddy’s new Brazilian coworker


This. I believe she is a foreign operative and I intend to keep a close eye on her.


she could be an industrial sabouteur here to destroy austalias iron ore industry from within so brazilan exports can reign supreme


There’s probably a reasonable chance it could be turned Chinese given a long enough time line.

Then what happens if and when India becomes king shit…

What a whore of a country.


I am hoping Labor are frenemies with China. The west wants to continue the flood of chink shit and I guess China still wants food and other primary industry resources from the west.


This is interesting


As per every festering mess it all traces back to the Choos.


Just as this steaming turd traces directly back to them:


Agent 47

Clive Davis was the one bankrolling Diddy. As usual, Jews.


From The Nightly online:

“Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen, Employment and Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke and Education Minister Jason Clare — who combined own six investment properties — each have listings on the online short stay platform Airbnb.

Mr Clare’s “countryside luxe” cottage in a NSW southern highlands town grappling with a housing shortage is available for up to $500 a night.

Mr Burke rents out a rustic rural spread in Jackeys Marsh, Tasmania, for $200 a night, and Mr Bowen’s luxury home at Bawley Point on the NSW south coast costs $680 a night.”


Love it when the left eats itself.

The sheer irony of them having to rely on NSW Pol to get rid of protesters to their parade, and doubling down on that is the “Queers for being thrown off roofs by Islamics” group. Bahaha



To be honest, I don’t understand Australia’s recent fixation with spys.
Seriously what are they concerned with keeping secret?
Look into the whole Alexander Csergo.fiasco
Talk about a beat up. There may be much more to this story than is public knowledge, but if the case against him is as slim (based on public info) as it seems, then we Aussies are entering an era of McCathy like paranoia (real reds under the beds stuff)

Despite the fact that this guy is sittting in jail (awaiting trail), nobody seems to be in the slightest bit disturbed by the legal processes (or the lack there of)


There are all sorts of things that should be kept secret from foreigners. University research, business marketing positions, data that feeds into government policy making….I could go on all day. It’s not necessarily the codes to the nuclear missiles, it’s things like how much Iron Ore BHP is going to mine, and how much they plan on charging China for it.

In Australia’s case, economic espionage is probably far more important then military espionage.



Every time I see an EZFKA company hacked, and the media jumps all over their CEO, I wonder why no one seems to ask what the hell ASIO are doing?

Corporate espionage will always hurt citizens a lot more than spying but I guess ASIO don’t want to do that. Too hard etc


I spent 5 years working on the corporate side of things towards the end of my career. ASIO, ASD and other agencies actually do take corporate espionage by our enemies and our “friends” very seriously.


Agreed, there are lots of things that any country would want to keep secret, but there are also hundreds of way to gather this info that simply didn’t exist in the past. Today, you can buy accurate reports on the most obscure topics imaginable. Is producing these reports “spying”?

In the modern world “Human Intel” (aka spys) is probably one of the weakest methods unless the individual, in question, holds an important position within the organization (or some oversight/regulatory agency) and can therefore supply info not in the public domain.

For stuff like local Iron Ore supplies, organizations (and countries) use spy satelities or commercial satelite images. These days you can get percise images of any part of the world almost hourly.

As far as economic espionage, you need to be very careful, before you go too far down this road.
For instance, is it Economic espionage if BHP accesses comercial images of Rio’s Iron Ore production?
what about if they fly the drone themselves, or direct the satelite to a precise location?


If human sources were a poor source of information the foreign intelligence services wouldn’t make such significant efforts to pursue them.

Despite satellites, drones, electronic intercept and other whizbangery, Humint is still the gold standard.


Agreed again Humint is the gold standard
BUT it needs to be Humint from someone who knows wtf they’re talking about.

Take this Alexander Csergo muppet. I don’t believe he has a F’ing clue what’s happening in any of the areas he was asked to report on. He wrote complete BS reports (from open source sources) to protect himself while he was still living in China. This is the stupidity of the whole witch-hunt, we’re not finding anything/anyone of value so we’re going full tilt on any unfortunate muppets we happen to cross paths with.
it’s dangerous even discussing this sort of incompetence, kind of makes you a target

but we’re lucky this is Australia where everyones gets a fair-go.


Libs stealing the SAP line ‘better not bigger’. Hah

>while also dodging questions as to what the Coalition wants to see happen in the future



they arent going to do jack sh_t

its just more words from dan tehan a total fake


Yep. Meaningless bullshit to placate the sheep.


just catching up on the peter tulip drama

Both sides of the debate lacking nuance imo

if we were getting hard working dagos like in the 40s/50s then there would be no issue
they would be cranking out homes for everyone, and produce far more than they receive

the problem of course is that we are getting useless lazy muslims and africans and indian grannies who get on the dole and public housing and NDIS and do fuck all except take up space and commit crimes

the same can be said about a large number of legacy units , of course, not to mention the aboriginals

the solution is not planning reform and nor is it deliberately cutting immigration, but cutting all forms of dole bludging and welfare

without a free house and free money to come to, the immigrants will go elsewhere


Nobody seriously believes most immos are getting free public housing

We just spam infinite numbers of low skilled IT seatwarmers and not labourers


In a free market nobody is getting a job unless there is an actual economic benefit

if you are salty about being pushed out of your seat warming job you can always get a job putting up chipboard instead

if everyone did that there wouldn’t be a housing crisis

houses cost fuck all in the US and they have rampant “unskilled” immigration

of course there’s also far less opportunity to dole bludge in the USA as well

the main problem is welfare and free shit and the general ezfka attitude of being lazy which is endemic in legacy and aboriginal culture


Of course a broad and punitive land tax and abolition of tax on earned income is also required


Mmm you may actually be Coming or at least a close facsimile

But you also sound a bit YIMBY

Requires further analysis


Maybe an AI trained on all the text coming wrote here/


its coming for sure


There is no way to be sure, we need to test him:

Question for Comingback:

“If Britney Higgins were layed out in front of you like a trussed up chicken, what would you do?”


He’s far too pleasant to actually be coming


current day britt?

or circa 2019 britt?

actually never mind it doesn’t make a difference


it’s coming alright


if everyone did that there wouldn’t be a housing crisis

houses cost fuck all in the US and they have rampant “unskilled” immigration

Houses cost fuck all in the states that have unrestrictive land use regulations.
In places like California that have restrictive land use to prevent urban sprawl housing prices have skyrocketed.

Coincidentally Australia during the 50s also wasn’t trying to restrict urban sprawl and there were houses for everyone, but we have since restricted land use to prevent urban sprawl and ????


housing price multiples have been consistently rising nationwide in the u.s since 2010

the supply siders are running into the exact same problems they have here where eventually their cities are so built out beyond distant exurban fringes the only way to b uild is to develop on brownfield rather than greenfield land which has diseconomies of scale

i used to think it was uber affordable too but every time i look at prices there now its clearly increasingly not anymore, cost disease has claimed the u.s too

america has less migration than australia does on a per capita basis and its population is massively more decentralised so its harder to crushload land markets there as it is here

california is one of the biggest migrant destination states

this lolbert yimby propaganda bullshit does not fly

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

california is one of the biggest migrant destination states

So is texas? It’s certainly a big target for internal migration from other states.


texas is increasingly creeping into unaffordability just like everywhere else, though its clearly nowhere near as bad here yet partially on the basis of the factors you described

and it also comes at the expense of having the absolute shittest fucking cities in the entire world, texas is a fucking dump and no one who has ever been there would ever say otherwise

TX is larger than australia population wise and more decesntralised too

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

It’s not land prices it’s all building costs

the free shit movement gathered steam in the USA
COVID payments, free credit cards for illegal migrants etc

plus higher interest rates


Depends how into living in the ‘city’ you are. Cash left over from cheap cost of living buys a lot of holidays if you are happy living in a generally urbanised area but nothing flash in the ‘city’ stakes.
Perhaps better than living in a luxe-city but living in disposable income poverty. Especially if government
obsessed with destroying the standard of living
Have met a number of cashed up Texans when on holiday, i.e. a couple of weeks in Italy with the 2 daughter flying business class types.


Austin I thought was awesome. Dallas has potential.

Dunno about Houston only spent a day there.

You could do significantly worse than the large Texan cities.


they come here bc its not a shithole like india and they couldnt get into america, thats about it

even with housing costs as they are it still beats: https://maps.app.goo.gl/kY8ZDYxESA87VjqVA

thats just a random street view location in dhaka, all of india and bangladesh etc look like this though

its not hard to understand why even moving to sydney and working as a trolley pusher and living 5 to a room in a sharehouse still beats this

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

The Australian movie Lion, a cute (apparently true) story about a baby Pajeet who is adopted by a woke white childless couple in Tasmania. Was abandoned by his family and probably abused these. Ignore those facts. So he spends years looking on Google Earth, piecing together his memories etc. Goes back to India with his education and money (thanks white Australia) finds his mother and all is well. Cute huh?

Not shown is the speed at which he heads back to Australia, or the rapes happening daily to his real sisters etc, or that he wouldn’t be seen dead in that street shitting slum. He’s not stupid.


I want to know why some Australian progressives don’t do a film about heart warming story about Indian’s love of animals…


Holy quacamole.. dirty fucking animals…


People in the UK are really starting to get the shits with the Muslims. Probably too late, but still good to see.



pepe the frog


you guys do anything fun lately

coming where u been brah


Just saw that Leibler replied to an ezfka tweet

it’s over boyos

the feds are going to close this shithole down and not a moment too soon


no fuckin way



say it aint so boys


It takes a special talent to unite the left and the right.


Last edited 7 months ago by Gouda

It’s a honeypot! Half the members are probably glowboys


so 2 people then?


+1 for that – well you’re a couple of members


Thats what she said…

Agent 47



Pretty funny watching one black man accusing another black man of racist slur… and so much for “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”


Last edited 7 months ago by Freddy

That game should have been marketed as ‘Legacy Units on Tour’.
Travel 13,000km to watch a game of NRL. Classic legacy unit behaviour.
Why the yanks are going to watch that long-term is beyond me, not without developing local US teams anyway.
Half of channel 9 media got a free holiday to pump it up as well.
Any chump can organise a game in Vegas – they’ll happily take your money. It’s what that city is designed to do.


I dont see the sepo s beyond those that have lived here or got into the game based on having aus mates , I can’t see them getting into it.

Agent 47



iv met the guy who posted the tweet about that building irl

i just realised it, hes who i think he was lol

long story


That is a funny pic


Geoff Hanmer gets it.


There are no YIMBYs. They want high rise in other people’s backyards. Few to none of them have their own backyard. They are NITBYs : Now in their backyards.


The YIMBYs are planning another council protest tomorrow night.

Why not help them along by bringing along some union thugs or bikie friends in support?

Just don’t screenshot it and send it to the council (https://www.northsydney.nsw.gov.au/homepage/121/waverton-precinct) otherwise they might beef up security and we wouldn’t want to see that would we…


Note they are only interested in areas that appeal to hipsters. Harbour side of Inner West, Lower North Shore. Apartments in these suburbs would still cost a bomb. They could afford an apartment at half the price in Parramatta right now but no interest.

Last edited 7 months ago by Freddy

it’s the nimbys who are pro immigration that give me the shits

most yimbys are just autistic homos and a few astroturfers sprinkled in for flavour.


ive barely met these mythical nimbys, who even are they besides old cunts at council meetings

huge correlation between yimbyism and mental illness, its disturbing how much attention they receive but theyre an excellent tool for reframing the entire housing question

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Maybe we should start a super earnest anti immigration group in the same vein

all ugly young incels who hijack community meetings

but without being intimidating gymcels or nazis like Thomas sewell

like we all get SAP tshirts and go to cheap Asian restaurants to take unironic group selfies


i love the thought but unfortunately ugly young incels are too timid to ever show up to anything like that

hence why intimidating gymcels like thomas sewell are the only people who do it



imagine if nimbys had timbo making memes for them instead

maybe you could just unite with the boomers and introduce them to Pepe memes and anti semitism


“imagine if nimbys had timbo making memes for them instead”

in a sense they kind of already do

its just more indirect

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Maybe we should start a super earnest anti immigration group in the same vein

this would do more than any poasting here or at macrobusiness, that for sure

as soon as these incel heroes had a hint of success the neo nazi types would try to infiltrate. though they’d be easy to spot because they lack the cheeto dust


ive barely met these mythical nimbys, who even are they besides old cunts at council meetings

it’s because you live in Dubbo and don’t get out much.

every time there’s a development around there’s a backlash

there was even a street protest for a large development.

nimbys are everywhere on the north shore


Fascinating and not unfunny.

Faggot in Sydney claiming Islamic rapists and all around Goat fuckers in Gaza would be happy and understanding about him being a faggot.

Fellow faggot claims him not being thrown off a roof while travelling not in Palestine but amongst a bunch of goat fuckers is proof of this also.


it’s what people have termed the chickens for kfc paradox

they’re mostly just full of shit virtue-signalers though


African girls beating the crap out of autistic white girl


Agent 47

Only going to be solved with retaliation. Would happily go to jail for drowning these sheboons if that was my daughter.



50 blows to the head.

FFS – “Police say the attackers were known to the victim, but no arrests have been made.”


same thing happened on the train a few years before and the cops did nothing


I’ve never heard of anyone under 18 being charged for assault. It’s pretty much free reign. If you’re an adult bloke you probably won’t get any help either. Maybe if it’s really bad and its clearly on camera but otherwise they won’t care.

You can’t really do shit except try to be Jean Claude Van Damme but no one’s got the time for that except the meatheads.


i got charged for hitting abo kid with a stick


Ok I guess they care if its white on shitskin violence.




Who’d have thought the Africans could be so based?


5 years in the slammer for tromboning your mate!


check out the president of uganda, i loved this


what an answer, wish our politicians werent such cowards


The passage of these types of laws are possible indications that the cultural battle has already been lost. Think about Howards marriage law (that it is between a man and a women).


I actually approve of white missionaries and NGO’s spreading LGBT acceptance throughout Africa – anything to slow down their exponential growth and stop them spilling out of their petri dish.

It is interesting though that much of the support for these laws is by African women, quite the opposite of much of the west.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

the number one thing we could do to stop nigger growth is to stop mailing them food

theyre like the gremlins you should stop feeding them after midnight


They have the same social entropy qualities as Gremlins too.

Aussie Soy Boy

They probably don’t want to catch AIDS from a partner on the down low





Agent 47

Accurate af


Leftard ‘journalist’ steps over the huge pile of shit being immigration, and cannot understand per capita…

This muppet failing to see that Australia’s population has increased 31% since 2005 (?!). In fact despite infinity migration it is highly likely the white man has been the result of a 1/3 per capita reduction in emissions.

This graph the muppet uses is in fact proof that immigration is causing an increase in emissions.


hes the same as liz allen, just ignores all the criticisms he gets and never acknowledges it exists. stewie has been ripping him for ages but his skull is impermeable to any of it


My account is so hidden in the replies it is like opening a series of Russian dolls to find my comments – I doubt he has ever seen them.

a fly in your ointment

In % atm we’re running the human vacuum at lowest setting.
I am sure leftards will soon use this to propel immigration back to >10% per every 5 year “historical norm”.
3mil over 5 years is 600000 NOM every year.

this place is flucked.
We better vote them out like this will change sumtin…. /s

A fly in your ointment

Don’t say Aussie Cossak done nuttin for the demoncracy in our pond and particularly for this little puddle



N0gs waking up to the fact they are getting replaced by these illegal spics. Haha. They will probably be better citizens overall.


Uphold Bidenism-Comingism


I would say the Oz model of Woolies and Guzmans surrounded by units is the goal for the west.


This actually a legit social concern for Blacks. Prior to the US elites inflicting mass migration on America, there were only three races – blacks, whites and in some states Mexicans.

Despite that it still offered the opportunity for blacks to enter the lower middle classes – the convenience store for example, although “convenience” was more of a two way street in that such stores tended to open when it was convenient for the proprietor, which may or may not have been on time.

With the arrival of more industrious and punctual Korean immigrants, the black family owned convivence store disappeared as did another route for blacks to attain a comfortable middle class existance.

Africans with the lowest median IQ as a population group will thus always make up the majority of the absolute lowest classes in any multicultural, multi-ethnic society they inhabit. Not only that but the more tiers of higher achievers above them, the more concentrated in the absolute lowest fields of employment and class they will inhabit.


Capitalism + woke is a fast moving machine. There is even a show which blames gentrification on whites who are portrayed as vampires.


It’s all such shallow and simple propaganda.


When you’ve spent a generation or two trashing your education system the propaganda doesn’t need to be sophisticated.
That’s the point of doing it, isn’t it?


Yeah there’s definitely a culture of getting the mid-low iq people to breed. Same among whites. Then tax the shit out of the high iq people. Hopeless.


Fiat money is just stock feed for tax donkeys.


If it is about (((whites))) then they would be correct.


Bud lights sales were tanked far more by the head of marketing saying their customers were fratty than by the whole mulvaney thing IMHO.

the arborist

The India-fication of EZFKA is almost compete.

A young Queensland family are asking their local council to step up and help them after workers on a street drain caused their house to become flooded with sewage. 

Sumit and Sucheta Kapoor, who both are hardworking hospital nurses, moved into their Toowoomba home with their two primary school aged children in 2018. 



You’d think they’d be overjoyed…it’d be just like home for them.


A young Queensland family

because “recent migrants to Towoomba” would elicit zero sympathy?


So it’s more like India than India?

the arborist

The sewage in Toowoomba probably doesn’t have quite the same pungency as it does in India. Yet.

Gruppenführer Mark

Straight from the article, debunking of your conspiracy theories about the quality of Toowoomba shit

‘Everything got damaged in our room, my son’s room, everything.

‘And the smell … within one hour, you couldn’t stand (it).’

the arborist

They probably wouldn’t have minded so much if there was more curry in it.


Canada continues to turn to shit.

The latest is legislation that would allow detention and other sanctions for people who may commit a crime in the future.


This garbage is to good for the Canadians to keep to themselves. Once our politicians hear of this it’ll be up and running before you can say “Albabese is an arsehole”.


Canada does seem to be leading the wests fall into totalitarianism.


I find this far more disturbing though:

The current law prohibits mental illnesses as being considered as a grievous and irremediable condition, but this prohibition will expire on 17 March 2024.

At that point someone with depression is eligible for medically assisted suicide.

In November 2022, an anonymous active Canadian Forces member has alleged he was offered MAID when seeking assistance regarding PTSD and suicidal thoughts, raising concern about MAID being inappropriately offered. In December 2022, Paralympian and veteran Christine Gauthier testified that a Veterans Affairs Canada employee offered her MAID as an option when she is fighting for installing a wheelchair lift or ramp at her house


Since last year, Canadian law, in all its majesty, has allowed both the rich as well as the poor to kill themselves if they are too poor to continue living with dignity. In fact, the ever-generous Canadian state will even pay for their deaths. What it will not do is spend money to allow them to live instead of killing themselves.


is that a recent video wtf??


Under the Greens’ plan. Shitskins would get lots of free units. Woooo. Everyone get blue hair and a septum ring quick! Paid for by a massive tax on steak. I made that bit up but you know they’re almost certainly gonna do that.


Gruppenführer Mark

Great news! Which bits of public land are they going to get to build this pipedream? Confiscate undeveloped land from developers? Public open spaces?

Welcome to the Soviet Bloc. Greens are the watermelons, green outside, red inside.


Labor has taken half of some golf course near Sydney CBD, plus maybe one or two horse racecourses. Yeah that’ll do it.

the arborist

Wouldn’t it be nice if EZFKA had a Green party that gave one single fuck about the environment?


Why? They’d probably end up even more irrelevant than SAP


This guy is pure comedy, are we sure it’s not parody? Hyphen name, inner city soy faggot etc.

John Macgowan’s take is always a good one, he’s right on Day 1 the Government faggot is going to wonder why he’s being asked for hundreds of thousands of $’s for bribes and payoffs to CFMEU and other organised crime involved in development.

EZFKA propadee development is so infested with organised crime those Government fags would last 5 minutes.


You know the state governments have done this forever, right?



Yeah but we have open borders levels of immigration. They haven’t addressed the labour issues either.


The greens wil never have power so it’s all a larp anyway. Makes no difference what shit policies they have.


Greens gave their preferences to Labor in Dunkley in the by election on the weekend, handing them the Fed seat to a dumb cow who previously harped about “white privilege” when Albo’s Yes vote failed. This new MP is a genuine fucktard.

Libs were pretty close on first preferences, 39% to Labor 41%. So the Greens were the difference.

Greens however have been silent on real Green issues though, stuff like this gets no interest from them because the Greens are no full of Street Shitting Pajeets and Islamic moles, who eat Koalas rather than protect them:



Who do you think the greens voters would vote for if the greens were abducted by aliens or something?
Labor/greens are only slightly more seperated than lib/nats.

The greens are only the greens because when they were created the environment was the virtue signallers cause of choice. As the in thing to virtue signal about goes, so does the greens.


Yeah I should have just had him muted. Done.


I’ll preference the greens above the duopoly if they don’t fold and actually run with this.

Things that make neolibs mad are generally good.


Completely ruined by severe cognitive dissonance. Plus I like steak and maccas and mining.


i hope the greens take control then force you to eat soy


If they take control I hope they force you to be a trannie.


Can’t be all bad if Tulip and the YIMBYs are pissed off.




The greens have one based policy idea and it immediately exposes the libertarian lobbyists pretending to be policy wonks.



this guy now has the mark of cain on him, by taking this public the media has endangered his life. every abo around is going to try to get him, he’s going to be followed in his car, be threatened in the street etc. same happened to me when i fought back against boong kids

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Lmao they were 6 and 7 years old bro

I know aboriginals are criminal from a young age but this is legit psychopath behaviour

to have the zip ties on hand too is doubly suspect no doubt he has raped and killed backpackers or homeless before


to have the zip ties on hand too is doubly suspect no doubt he has raped and killed backpackers or homeless before

He appears to be a tradesman, zip ties have hundreds of uses.
This is a ridiculous assertion to make.


How old was the kid you bashed ?


like 15 i think

i never said he should have done it but lolh es fucked now. abos are going to follow him for the rest of his days

Gruppenführer Mark

Super Tuesday come and gone. Trump pretty much swept the primaries up to now.1215 delegates to win, Trump sits at 993, Nicki at 86. I’d say, done deal, unless he is somehow permanently removed from the race.

So Biden Trump 2.0. If the polls are right, Trump wins that race. Could make for an interesting time in US-Oz polical games, with our own PM beauty contest is due for mid-2025.


Interesting speculation on his potential running mate:


IMHO this would be an unstoppable combination AND it would leave the VP in a strong position to carry on the same anti-globalist movement.

Gruppenführer Mark

Sarah Palin 2.0. Maybe 2.5. It goes right against your long-term argument about women in positions of power. Most likely, if he learned anything from the first term, it would be someone cunning enough in DC games to actually make something happen.

Trump, being the populist and isolationist candidate would do well picking someone with a different set of ideas. RFK Jr. Would be better IMHO, but fat chance of that happening.


My argument isn’t that ALL women cannot lead, there are always exceptional women, my argument is that women as a population group are inferior leaders in aggregate and that policies designed to deliberately increase the level of female representation beyond where it would arise through merit alone, ie via DEI policies, produces a toxic outcome on aggregate social decision making.

it would be someone cunning enough in DC games to actually make something happen.

I think he tried that last time with Mike Pence, who was still a enough of a political insider to make things happen – not that it helped him a great a deal as the Swamp was still able to suck him in and stymie his every effort.

Tulsi is imho another kettle of fish, she’s both an insider in that she has worked as a Congress Woman for several terms, she was being fated and chased by the WEF crowd for quite a while until she resoundingly turned her back on them prior to running against Hillary.

She has just as much distrust of media and is probably hated by the media nearly as much as Trump, but she’s nowhere near as decisive as Trump in the broader electorate. She could buttress the lefts support for Trump’s radicalism, eg the Bernie Bro’s segment, while still commanding the respect of the Trumpers.

Trump went the mainstream choice with Pence last time, he’s a one termer this time so imho he’s free to be much more radical this time around… plus he’s much more motivated to seek retribution against the elites in that have pursued him with such gleeful malevolence.

Gruppenführer Mark

Speaking of veeps (vice presidents). You make some valid points re: Tulsi. Also, she left Dems in 2022, but is yet to join the Repubs. Politics in the US are more cliquey than here, I think if she is selected as a veep, she might need to proved he republicandness.

On the other side of the fence, here is an interesting idea. Based on your suggestion,

Trump went the mainstream choice with Pence last time, he’s a one termer this time so imho he’s free to be much more radical this time around…

Biden is also in the same boat. Why can’t he do something radical? Kamala Harris is a waste of air. She adds nothing to the ticket. So, let’s say, at the DNC convention a decision is made for a new veep? Further, let’s say, veeps name is Obama. Not Michelle, but black Jesus of american politics himself, Barack Obama? This will kill Trump’s chances, I think.

Then Biden has a medical episode, or whatever, and the veep becomes the President. Third coming of Barack.

I know the argument. Term Limits. I have looked up 22nd Amendment, and it only prohibits being elected more than twice, or, if served as a President before for 2 years or more, more than once.


No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

Nothing here prevents Barack Obama to become veep, and then succeed the sitting President. How’s that food for thought?


Not Michelle, but black Jesus of american politics himself, Barack Obama? This will kill Trump’s chances, I think.

For gods sake, don’t give them ideas…


I know the argument. Term Limits. I have looked up 22nd Amendment, and it only prohibits being elected more than twice, or, if served as a President before for 2 years or more, more than once.

That is a very interesting observation.


lets hope he actually delivers on something meaningful this time if he wins again, four years of him already left little to be desired. though i do hope he wins again because he pushes the overton window elsewhere and that’s the most important thing, providing further impetus for ideational shift in young people

the worst was when he appointed his loathesome son in law and his whore converso daughter into positions of authority in his govt – no more of that, he should disown her and him

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Yah – his son in law and converso daughter were toxic to his supporters goals and was imho one of the central forces in his last administration that worked at mixing up Trump’s messaging.

I’m not sure whether he’ll ditch them (which imho after last time he should) because imho he’s gunna be even more reliant on people he knows and trusts this time around, and blood remains thicker than water.


Hoping he purges the Deep State

He will have to do it to keep from being JFK’d

Even then he’ll never get them all

I doubt he’ll be able to implement any other enduring practical changes


I doubt he will purge the Deep state, but I don’t doubt he will help to further reveal its presence, making it easier for the next populist president (who is hopefully a little more effective) to dig and root it out.

Getting rid of the deep state will be more of a processes than a single action, because it is just as much cultural now as it is ideological, and it has permeated so many institutions.


Could Australia become a part of Singapore ?

we would cede all control to the Singaporean government , and Australians would not be allowed to vote in their elections but otherwise we would all effectively be one unified nation

Singapore benefits from our resources

Australia benefits from being run by the best government on earth
-corporal punishment and zero tolerance policing
-housing policy
-no bludging

hard to the USA getting upset about it either

and we would clearly be the dominant power in SEA

Who would honestly be against this aside from current politicians and grifters ?


compared to the current mob it would be a legitimate improvement

Gruppenführer Mark

Nah, I still say WA and QLD secede, take NT with them, and let Putin to open up.a couple of military bases for protection. Singapore ain’t got shit militarily.


No. We don’t need to become robot insects. In fact we should work less. Because most workers are retards and therefore vandals. MAFs, shitty apartment blocks…they should be forced onto fentynl addictions.


If Mohammed can’t move to Singapore, he’ll have to move Singapore to him


There is basically no circumstance where the majority of Australians agree to not being allowed to vote for their leaders? Delusional stuff.


I don’t know.
Would they agree to being locked in their homes for months or years?


seemingly yes


Would they agree to being locked in their homes for months or years?



yet they did…

for the most part.




But closing the local parks is a step too far LOL.


who was literally locked in their homes for months or years?

we had a soft lockdown for around 100 days and people were still going out

and explain how this has anything to do with voting for our leaders? thinking the majority would be happy getting locked in their house, does not imply they would be happy to live under unaccountable government

logic fail


Our government is already unaccountable.

See lockdowns, immigration, vax mandates etc.


i think most people in australia really supported lockdowns at least initially. i heard the first big melbourne lockdown was seriously adhered to, the second one not so much. most of the country otoh had absolutely no lockdowns besides some soft stuff like cafes/businesses closing which tbh was pretty refreshing. i loved being able to go out and ride around on my bike w no cars around, thought it was nice honestly.

im surprised there isnt increasingly more lockdown nostalgia. best labor and rental market conditions we’ll ever get ever again.


best labor and rental market conditions we’ll ever get ever again.

Should be nostalgic for border closure then…


opinion polls seem to show people are


I dont remember an election for Charles III


Deal offer:

Singapore gets: all our resources revenues.

We get: welfare and voting abolished.


Singapore gets: all our resources revenues.

Most of our resource revenue has already been sold off…


we, the people, are “singapore”

i trust the singaporean government to institute a MRRT or sovereign wealth fund

so yes it would be a great deal for us since at the moment it is just going into gina’s pockets

dumping the dole bludging and “democracy” are just bonuses


why dont you just move there


I’m grifting off ezfka Medicare


could somebody tell me what this sam kerr soccer player chick did why was she racially abusing someone and how. she isnt white herself so wtf


I’ve seen shitskins have very racist moments. Some westy shitskin I worked with got the shits because all the shitskins were going to his westy shitskin suburb. At the same time he hated me because I was white and I made it clear I didn’t like the shitskin invasion.



“stupid white bastard”

lefty twitter is thrilled about it.

poxy little shitskin lezo

fuck i hope she fries but i doubt she will


If Kerr is found guilty it will become a mass triggering event.

the arborist

She’s got almost the full set of get-out-of-jail-free cards. And it was only a white that she abused anyway. At most, she’ll get off with a very polite and deferential warning. Albo will probably erect a statue of her and we’ll all be forced to worship her forever.


It will be interesting to see if the home of the English language accepts a leftie redefinition of the word “racism”.

Gruppenführer Mark


Logic here. I read this article this am, comments were all against this opinion. Now, no comments.

the arborist

The English are happy to arrest a white christian person for doing nothing but silently praying in the street. Meanwhile Pakistani rape gangs continue to run amok and pro hamas forces do what they want. The English are an utterly defeated people. Worse than EZFKAians, in my opinion.

the arborist

By which I mean to say, the English will bend the knee to whatever the wokists want. The sportsball player will not be punished at all.


We are not talking about corrupt police selectively applying the law. This case is going to court.

I expect it to turn out the same as the Mark Latham defamation case where judge said, “racism only applies to oppressed minorities”.

It would be nice if a legal system somewhere around the world enforced the original intention of these laws, rather than an ideological redefinition.

the arborist

You’re right. We’re talking about a corrupt judicial system interpreting the law. And yes, racism only applies to non-whites.

Drone citizens are already celebrating and saying they love her more than ever.

We hereby find the defendant not guilty and in fact, rather excellent. Case closed. You may all rise and praise the defendant.


t would be nice if a legal system somewhere around the world enforced the original intention of these laws,

It would be nice if the original writeres of the law wrote them in such a way you couldn’t avoid the intention, although it is possible that your ideological redefinition was the original intention.

Gruppenführer Mark

They are already saying because it was a white police officer, it’s not racism.


the argument they use is you cant be racist against white people, they believe this


Yeah she’ll get away with it and get a ton of sympathy.


I bet no Journalist even digs into her family. Her brother was a good mate of Ben Cousins which says a lot…

the arborist

An immigrant cries racism when a legazen notices that an immigrant ran over an immigrant.

An ABC reporter has shared a clip of the ‘casual racism’ he receives while trying to do his job. 

Nabil Al-Nashar was reporting on an alleged hit-and-run in Sydney’s south-west on Wednesday morning when a passerby made an allegedly racist comment just as he was about to record a segment. 



i thought the passerby guy was talking about housing

the arborist

Might have been. Nevertheless it’s still an immigrant crying about a ‘racist’ comment when reporting on an immigrant on immigrant crime.


And the moral of the story is don’t click on clickbait (easier said than done).


This is a remarkably concise and clear eyed take on the US government’s catastrophic debt situation, and where it’s likely to go. None of this is good.


Similar thoughts apply to the EZFKA in my view.


its one of the reasons U.S gdp is rising so fast relative to other countries, its smoke and mirrors based on insane spending


Similar thoughts apply to the EZFKA in my view

that’s why we need the immigrants, to pay taxes to cover the liabilities.

It’s the ponzi to end all ponzi’s, wildest one in the book


ctrl-p. The only real constraint is inflation.


Further news in the “Canada leading the way” dystopia.

We’re introducing the new ’Unacceptable Account Conduct’ policy into our NAB Credit Card terms and conditions, making it clear that NAB doesn’t tolerate financial abuse conducted through NAB’s credit cards and electronic banking channels.

Presumably the bank gets to decide what is or isn’t acceptable conduct.
What could go wrong?


This isn’t quite the same thing – NAB, like a number of the major banks, have rolled out rules where you can’t attach messages to your payments like “Die you Cunt” which some people are doing in respect of payments they have to make like through spousal support following a divorce, etc.

Not saying that they’re wont be separate legislation or policy that will take them down the Canadian route, but this specific example is more aimed at personal abuse through their carriage service.


The smh disagrees with you.

The complete official terms say:

We seek to protect our customers from harm arising from unlawful use of, or financial abuse conducted through, our products. We recognise financial abuse may happen to anyone and can include forms of family and domestic violence or elder abuse.

We will investigate instances where we identify or are made aware that a product is being used in a financially abusive manner, including coercive or controlling behaviour to limit a person’s access to or use of funds.

We may reasonably exercise our rights in this contract to block use of a card or your account, or not agree to a credit limit increase, if we reasonably consider it appropriate to protect a customer or another person from financial abuse.

It doesn’t bother defining anything. They are judge jury and executioner.
Kind of like how account freezing in canada was only to prevent funding of terrorists, until it wasn’t.


And it says nothing about giving you your money back after they lock use of all your accounts.

And the most insidious part of all is it isn’t government at all. You have no recourse. You could be blacklisted by all financial institutions. Denied all government aid since you have no bank account to deposit into and you have zero recourse to anyone about it.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

Yes they are Judge Jury and Executioner, but the context is in relation to using the messaging within the Bank Statements to harass and abuse.

If you send abusive messages within the NAB or any other large banks payments system, you will find they’ll close your account “if we reasonably consider it appropriate to protect a customer or another person from financial abuse.”.

It isn’t anything like the Canadian Truckers convoy, where the mere association or paying donations to that cause resulted in banks closing people’s accounts – this is specifically to do with personal abuse directed at other customers while using the banks payment infrastructure.

Officially only payments to identified terrorist organisations will get your bank account closed in Australia under the existing AML/CTF laws…. not that I think they actually need it in order to close your account – just ask Blair Cottrell who has already been de-banked several times with no explanation given.


ut the context is in relation to using the messaging

If you send abusive messages within the NAB

The actual terms and conditions that are applied say literally nothing about messages.
The messaging is about messages because that is unlikely to cause objection, and stop people actually reading the terms.

protect our customers from harm arising from unlawful use of, or financial abuse conducted through

If NAB was training you that that is what it is for they are lying to you.

If you care to share the ACTUAL terms being applied by your institution, the specific text from the terms and conditions, then we can have a discussion about if they are lying as well.


Commonwealth bank actually list a definition in their terms, but it is hardly definitive and easily abused, also says nothing at all about messages. Any actual conditions or policy seem to be missing from the document though.



A serious form of domestic

and family violence that may

occur through a pattern of

control and which may result

in exploitation or sabotage of

money and finances in a way

which affects an individual’s

capacity to acquire, use and

maintain economic well-being

and which may also threaten

their financial security and self-


Why are they saying it’s about messages but completely not mentioning messages in the actual legal contract documents? Probably because messages are an easy thing to prove or disprove. Why would they care about that? Presumably because the intent is to do questionable stuff at some stage.
Is that questionable stuff going to be targeted at men, and be completely undefendable and completely destroy lives? Probably, it seems targeted to do that.

If I work and get all my salary paid into a bank account that is only in my name and not my partners do I meet the standard of

a pattern of

control and which may result

in exploitation or sabotage of

money and finances in a way

which affects an individual’s

capacity to acquire, use and

maintain economic well-being

and which may also threaten

their financial security and self-


Is there any possible way to prove I don’t?


NAB, like a number of the major banks, have rolled out rules where you can’t attach messages to your payments like “Die you Cunt” which some people are doing in respect of payments they have to make like through spousal support following a divorce, etc.

This behaviour is already illegal, or can be made so via avo’s etc.
There is no need for the bank to do anything. Do telcos need a similar policy regarding phone contracts that will see your phone banned if you are abusive?
As always the narrative and the reality are rarely the same, and obviously so if you give it a little thought.


I’ve just done the training last Friday (at another bank), it is in relation to personal abuse via banking infrastructure. You no longer need to take an AVO out in order to have it stopped.

Banks can already get rid of you if they deem you undesirable, look at Blair Cottrell.


Banks can already get rid of you if they deem you undesirable, look at Blair Cottrell.

Can they keep your money?


Only in specific instances, mainly under existing AML/CTF laws, even then it is ‘frozen’ until it can be dealt with by the courts.

In this example with financial abuse via carriage service they would need to return your funds after they closed your account. Not sure of the mechanics of that process as it is retail focused and that isn’t my area.

De-banking is a serious issue though, for all the reasons you and LCH have mentioned, and in a way it is possible to view this change as a creeping step towards normalising de-banking in other circumstances.


You’ll notice the terms don’t say “close” they say “Block”.
I doubt that is accidental.

edit: And there is no courts to deal with it other than as contract law.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

The banks are a law unto themselves who facilitate money laundering into property, but if you dare try to compete against them:



The banks are a law unto themselves

You’ll notice the terms don’t say “close” they say “Block”.

De-banking is a serious issue though, for all the reasons you and LCH

And it says nothing about giving you your money back after they lock use of all your accounts.

Bitcoin fixes this.


If you accept a massive network fee and prepared to wait a few minutes for the payment to go through before taking a bite of your Big Mac, then sure Bitcoin could be a solution. /sarc off


Bitcoin fixes this

I meant in a broader sense, in terms of money-power, centralisation, permissions vs permissionless.

But even that aside, a few minute delay seems better than being cut off from your funds for weeks.

technology will sort out the delays and the transaction costs soon enough.


If you accept that CBDC is about government control of money (AML, taxes, etc) then no way will the government permit the widespread use of other cryptos designed to subvert that objective.

Last edited 7 months ago by Freddy

If you accept that CBDC is about government control of money (AML, taxes, etc) then no way will the government permit the widespread use of other cryptos designed to subvert that objective.

well, that’s why there’s a contest. And at the moment it does look like Bitcoin is being monetized.

Also probably best not to lump in bitcoin with “other cryptos” because there are very large differences between the real deal and the imitators.


technology will sort out the delays and the transaction costs soon enough.

That I doubt. The only way to do it is create a higher level centralised transaction engine on top. It has to be centralised to manage the transaction volume required.

This is like how fiat was created to facilitate transactions more easily as a layer above gold, or the banks electronic transactions facilitate transactions more easily than cash.
The ease of injecting new tokens into the system and the massive wealth that can be achieved means it is inevitable that the people controlling that system will print themselves money and put us back in the same situation.


There are other cryptos.


Debanking is only an issue because banking has been made compulsory. The indirect state subsidies to the banking industry should result in much tighter controls, up to the point of nationalisation. pfh007’s idea about everyone getting an account at the RBA was a halfbaked solution, but at least he acknowledged the problem. I’d prefer to make it illegal to refuse cash payments.


Die you cunt! Wish I’d thought of that when I was paying shitloads of cash to my evil bitch ex-wife.


This has been the subject of a recent huge scandal in the UK. Nigel Farage was “debanked” by his bank, essentially because they didn’t like his politics. Being Nigel Farrage, he didn’t go quietly, and the head of the bank was ultimately sacked as a result. It appears that there are hundreds of other similar cases. Do something that the woke levies in the banks don’t like, like use the word “nigger” on a blog, and suddenly your bank accounts are closed without warning.

Roll on CBDCs.


Roll on CBDCs.

LOL. That is just as freezable.
Cash is what you want.


CBDC a bit safer but ultimately comingBot is right that they can still be frozen.


Off course they can. A Bank account is a bdc. You currency is held digitally in the bank.
Technically cash can be frozen as well, as each note has a specific serial number but that is an impractical procedure.


The difference is traceability. With CBDC, Authorities would already know where the money is coming from. It would be difficult for banks to block people they don’t like based on fabricated suspicions.


It would be difficult for banks to block people they don’t like based on fabricated suspicions.

They seem to be creating legally binding terms that make that much easier. And you have no court date, trial or recourse.


Doesn’t make sense for private bank to have that level of control on money which is effectively deposited with the RBA. I would be curious to see what you have read to make you think this.


Doesn’t make sense for private bank to have that level of control on money which is effectively deposited with the RBA.

It isn’t effectively deposited with the RBA. It is effectively a loan to the bank held under a contract you agree to. I read the updated terms above which are the literal wording of that contract. It says we can block your accounts if we think you are doing bad stuff.

The 250k guarantee is a reflection of the reality that loan may not actually be paid back by the banks if they fuck up.



Gruppenführer Mark

My precious


im so sick of hearing about donald trump

its remarkable how utterly obsessed even the australian media is with this guy

the ABC runs like 4 stories on him a day, more than they do with their nominal pointless human interest woman-centric stories they always feel the need to push

boomers and old people really lap this up

the arborist

Trump is important for what he represents to downtrodden legazens across the west. He represents the last hope for them (rightly or wrongly). The fact that the people in charge are doing everything they can to eliminate him from the presidential race reinforces this. The elite / left have been trying to destroy him ever since he first ran for president. The more they slander and try to destroy him, the more popular he becomes.

If he’s assassinated, there will very likely be some serious civil unrest in the US.

Also… the failing legacy media clings on tightly as they’ve got nothing much else to screech about. Trump is keeping them in business.


he already had his chance

the only thing that so remarkable about the u.s elections is how few people are pointing out the obvious elephant in the room, that how in a country of 350m people the only people anyone seems to want to vote for are literal octogenerians in early stage senility

its clearly a gerontocracy in the making if it isnt already


the only people anyone seems to want to vote for are literal octogenerians

The people get to vote for the people they are presented with. They get very little choice in who is presented. Virtually all the power in a democracy is in the votes within a party to preselect candidates, not in the electorates votes.


The people get to vote for the people they are presented with. They get very little choice in who is presented


in america they actually get more of a choice than here where our pms are determined by shadowy backroom mates and union spooks

they actually vote not just for the president but the actual party candidates, its much more democratic than australia is

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

How do you think those 535 people rise to the top of the local branches? Elections are a business, even to become a US Representative the campaigns cost A LOT. Gotta have sponsors, gotta make deals.

There is no choice.


they have to do that here too, but at least theres an element to it there that is much more democratically involved

that still doesnt explain why theyre all rotting old farts nowadays, if its all the powers that be that are selecting these types for president why is it like this all of a sudden?

the answer is bc these candidates are reflecting the voting populations that elect them

https://incendar.com/baby_boomer_deathclock.php <– even now only 1/3rd of the biggest generation ever has karked it

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

No, in US politics, just like here, once you get in, you have to climb the corporate ladder. You have to get re-elected. You have to fill bills with pork benefiting your electoral sponsors. You have to get on committees, and then on TV. You have to become recognisable, a household name. So, an actor or an old politician.

Or do a revolution and take it.

Or wait a few more years and President Camacho will surely come along.

A fly in your ointment

Or wait a few more years and President Camacho will surely come along.

Noice, can’t wait for that.

the arborist

That’s another reason Trump is popular, he doesn’t have the might of the machine behind him. He’s largely self-propelled. He’s seen as an outsider that represents the despised legazens.


president but the actual party candidates,

who picks the party candidates?


no money in news. no community to act and care about it. much cheaper to pull news feeds in from the USA.


plus being anti trump is woke101

the arborist

As a way to entertain myself for 5 minutes, I made a ranked list of groups which hold the most power within EZFKA.

Real estate


Government as an entity I’d put higher on the list. Lib/LAB as an entity probably below retail at least, maybe below the woke parade at the moment as well. The way that governmental power is controlled is with threats of getting the opposition into power instead.

the arborist

Fair comment. Agree for the most part but government as an entity is really just the way big $ controls the system. Government will happily do the bidding of Triguboff et al.

I’ve added LIBLAB just below the faggots.

Real estate


Where is the tribe?

the arborist

The tribe is above all.


The fat beefy cunts in CFMEU
Women seem to demand at least a bit of lip service addressing how hard done by they are even if they have multiple ips.


Agriculture, at least the big farmers I suppose.

the arborist

Real estate
Big fat unions
Finance & insurance

the arborist

I forgot the most important people of all. First abos.

Real estate
Native blacks
Big fat unions
Finance & insurance


I want to see a Sir David Attenborough documentary series where he films these legacy units in their native habitat.


Just dear old uncle Eric, out by himself in a grassy field with an adolescent girl, gesticulating suggestively. Nothing to worry about here, move along.



I’m not going in to bat for Abetz, but that is just a bad promo photo, if you look it is a normal aged person holding her child. But agree, looks a bit eerie


It’s even weirderer.,,


The grass is pretty long. He could get away with some shit if he stayed down low. Who the fuck goes and hangs in some long grass.


Imagine being this age and cheating like this? It’s cultural, clearly.



What’s he actually doing?


These are the men Clare O’Neill is hurrying into EZFKA



Poos can be good allies in the workplace if you need a good amount of defensive sexism and yet still be sufficiently woke.


I bet it’s got a few fridges and a big kitchen, she looks like a big eater…