This year’s Australia Day awards to be renamed to more accurate ‘How many non-whites can we give trophies to’ Awards

The 2024 edition of the Australia Day awards will be renamed to it’s more accurate and inclusive version and will be sponsored by Woolworths.

This year’s awards will be renamed the ‘How many non-whites can we give trophies to ‘Awards in honour of the deracinating of Australia, with the award to be presented by a descendant of Kalergi himself.

‘It’s a great acknowledgement of the forced multiculturalism of this country and just two days after we ticked over to 27 million migrants, er, people the time has come,” Anthony Albanese said.

‘Everyone knows the awards are fucking gay anyway, it’s just a case of find the most insufferable public identity and give them a participation trophy. Look at all the recipients we have given awards to that turned out to be complete fuckwits – Grace Tame, Adam Goodes, Dylan Alcott and that fat bitch last year.’

Jews are also expected to disproportionately dominate this year’s awards again, with threats of hate speech accusations and lawsuits if they don’t win the Victimhood category over carpet bombing Gaza. However, new tunnels built under the Chabad House in Caufield are believed to be enough to win them the ‘Engineers of the Year’ Award.

The Sudanese community is widely tipped to sweep the ‘Best Foreign Criminal’ category despite stiff competition from the Lebanese and their firebomb war in Melbourne.

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Agent 47

Well they’ve already started cutting statues down.


That park used to be the camp for drunk Aborigines before they moved to the corner near the entrance of Luna Park. I’m so not surprised Vic Pol don’t have a suspect despite it being very busy, cameras in every shop nearby etc.

Same reason some animals film themselves running down two cyclists on Beach Road, upload the footage but Vic Pol can’t make an arrest. They can visit the house of a pregnant women and arrest her for a FB post tho. She was white of course.


The quickest and most assured way of returning to a high trust society is publicly executing people like the ones responsible for this crime.

Agent 47



East Asian aren’t brown, they’re east Asian – they’re even higher in neoteny than Caucasians. But you are welcome – happy Australia day!


I concur.


“The horse thief is not hung for stealing the horse, he is hung so the horse will not be stolen”

Agent 47

That’s because investigations like these take time and the current staffing levels means there’s a huge backlog of work that isn’t being brought before court. I’d suggest it’s the usual suspects but you can’t make out much from that video.

But hey, continue with the Vic Pol hate if that makes you feel validated.


Complete and utter shite, but hey keep making excuses for Dan Andrews’ henchmen.

What does a court backlog have to do with making an arrest for attempted murder, when the scumbags basically do everything to identify themselves?

Vic Pol are pathetic, they’ve proven their loyalty and intentions over the past few years. They’ve been sucking up to government for more swat toys and powers, allowing African criminals to be mis identified as “youths”, supporting the idea to raise the age of culpability etc when they could have been standing up for the community they serve, calling out the Police Ministers spin etc.

They picked their side.

Agent 47

Not making excuses, explaining the process and the realities of policing to the armchair critics like yourself and that ointment clown.

What does a court backlog have to do with making an arrest for attempted murder, when the scumbags basically do everything to identify themselves?”

As an ex VicPol ‘henchmen’ staffing levels are beyond critical due to jab injuries, resignations and burnout. Some policing commands are without units on the road at all, they’ve had to close and consolidate watch houses and some stations, I expect more to close in the next 12 months. There are currently no new squads going through glen Waverley. That’s never happened before .

No, they actually don’t ID themselves, defence lawyer worth their salt would pick that apart. You have to identify vehicles, who was driving, who was filming, etc. Then you actually have to find them. Then you have to seize evidence and all the rest of it involved in usual chain of evidence.

Believe it or not, there’s a plethora of cold cases and most crimes go unsolved.

I’d personally like the re-introduction of the death penalty for not only these people but some magistrates that facilitate re-offending as well. Case in point the Doncaster doctor that was killed.

“Vic Pol are pathetic, they’ve proven their loyalty and intentions over the past few years. They’ve been sucking up to government for more swat toys and powers, allowing African criminals to be mis identified as “youths”, supporting the idea to raise the age of culpability etc when they could have been standing up for the community they serve, calling out the Police Ministers spin etc”

Those decisions are made at Dep Commissioner level and above, of which there are less than 8 people. No one below Sergeant level has any say but has to wear the entire brunt of shit decisions like this, like it or not.

A lot of cops resigned over jab mandates, the handling of the protests, the new public drunkenness laws and I expect a ton more will over the new bail laws. None of that ever gets told because people are too busy blaming senior constable smith with a mortgage and two kids, pulling dead kids out of a car accident caused by an Indian truck driver and then expected to back on shift the next day as if didn’t affect him.

Tl;Dr if you think it’s bad now you wait until Senior Constable Gurdeep Singh and Superintendent Li Xiao are the norm and it becomes full banana republic. It’s already happening.


It seems that the apparatus of state cannot function properly without a functioning nation behind it.

Agent 47

100% said it better than I ever could have.




These kids are our future


So glad we let these goat fuckers come here and that we support them too



they all hate us – jews, muslims, the lot

even when people like me afford sympathy for the palestinians, theres no quid pro quo


If we don’t fight back violently and now, they win and we die. It is horrendous.


It’s worth remembering that your enemy’s enemy is your friend.


For the past couple years I’ve looked over the Awards and who they go to:

Total Order of Australia honor lists recipients 2020:

837 Awards for General Division,
26 Military Division,
236 meritous awards,
so around 1100 in total.

So the small hats awarded themselves 41 in total – which amount to 4% of the total awards (3.7% to be more precise)…. sounds reasonable – or does it?

Per the 2016 Australian census Australia’s total Juicy population was 91,000 out of a total population of 24m… or 0.38% of the population, so they appear to be OVER-REPRESENTED by a factor of 10.

Let’s take a look at the next year, Australia Day honor list recipients 2021:

Juicy’s 11 (last year 16)
Catholic 4 (last year 0)
Protestant 6 (last year 0)
Church 13 (last year 0)…. curious that these categories have been blown out this year
Muslim 0 (last year 1)
Sikh 1 (last year 0)
Italian 1 (last year 2)
Indian 0 (last year 1)
Greek 1 (last year 1)

I can’t find my analysis for 2022 and 2023 – I think I was busy on both those days and didn’t have time to do the relevant analysis close to the relevant announcements…. I might have to restart this tradition this year.

Always interesting to see how many awards the Jewish Community vote for themselves. Got to hand it to them, like the Pharisees they work very hard at being at the front of the church and having everyone acknowledge them.


And in Stewie’s utopia we’d see some wholesome racial normalising, to make sure that awards are distributed as close as possible to underlying population make up?

sweet sweet equality of outcome, just like the dei stuff you love so much?


Why not – live by the sword, DEI by the sword.

Truth in advertising would have mixed race couples as they are found in the community. Criminals portrayed on TV must be directly correlated with the incidence of criminality among the general population by population group.

sweet sweet equality of outcome, just like the dei stuff you love so much?

Better than having to stare a bunch of Nogs being declared young Australians of the year, simply because a group of Jewish businessmen and empathy hacked AWFL voted for them.


I’ll take Stewie’s Utopia thanks.


With a population structure that is still 70% white, this shows the outrageous bias in the existing system that nominates various “Australian’s of the Year” such that we get; an AWFL, Abo, African and Asshole from India.

This outcome ISN’T a reflection of community effort and appreciations, rather it is a direct result of skewed preferencing and deliberate choices in order to achieve a desired DEI outcome and send a ‘message’.

That message mainly being telegraphed by AWFL’s and their cuck husbands saying “See – we’re not racist”.

In turn, the desire to send this message out by these colonised minds is a result of cultural values taught throughout our University system and increasingly our Coporate sector. This cultural change is elite driven, through their funding of think tanks and academics.

The skew in awards to ethnics versus the underlying demographics, is a reflection of a elite lead social preferencing towards Xenocentrism, that is mainly adopted and spread by status seeking AWFL and cuck husbands who embrace these values so fully that it verges on Oikophobia.



So close to home for Hellbourne residents. Surprised you mentioned the Levo crime gangs firebombing tobacco shops because Vic Pol and the media has been working so hard to hide this war.

Agent 47

Except every time a shop goes up it is reported on even in Domainfax, but whatever.


Haha so good. I think non-whites and the left need to know white Australians consider these awards even lower than the Logies and barely take notice.

Gruppenführer Mark

I just googled, out of interest, if there are, say american of the year awards. Came up with this link.

2023 and 2020 are expected.

2016 and 2014 are good.


What is this? Medals for the best medals?

the self referential recursion is frying my brain

Last edited 7 months ago by Poochy

What is this? Medals for the best medals?

the self referential recursion is frying my brain!


You can click through the states the potential winners here

Sad to say random clicks to see who they are and what they’ve done failed to find anyone who had done anything other than their job, usually a taxpayer funded advocacy organisation.
So I played find the whitest blackfella – so many to choose from, took ages.


A AWFL, an abo, a nog and a street shitter.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

An AWLF, an abo, a nog and street shitter.


Disappointed that the Australians of the year are a couple of brainiacs curing cancer.


I have to say that for the first time in years it was a worthy Australian of the Year award honouring a genuine contribution to Australia rather than some political DEI statement.


I particularly like one of Tassie’ candidates who lives on the Sunshine Coast in Qld


Jogs from Perth to Sydney in 47 days for the homeless, pretty impressive.

Never heard of him though, and he probably would never say stop the poo invasion.


He is also white af and a pragmatic person, so he’s not gonna get it. Albo has some kikes to please.

Agent 47

If you saw the photos in the Age it was easily north of $500k resources deployed just to try and save them. Police Air wing, 4 ambulances, SES and at least three local police units plus probably the water unit.

All for a family of sub 80iq useless pajeets.


That’s unnecessarily callous, I think.

seems like no kids died, so that’s a small upside.

Agent 47

Ever attempted a water rescue with someone who can’t swim? You’re at more risk than them of drowning because they try and pull you down with them as they shit their pants.

Nil sympathy from me, these things are so frequent now that there’s an obvious correlation. Chinese tourists on the great ocean road beaches do the same shit.

These guys decided to swim in the southern ocean in an ares which was not patrolled with obviously nil experience.

Tl;Dr They fucked around and found out.


it should be more socially acceptable to wear floaties at the beach as an adult

same w driving with a bicycle helmet on

the big figure

seems like no kids died
so whats the diff between kids and adults dying peachy


Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.


Being able to swim 100m should be a prerequisite for Australian citizenship. If they require rescuing then they should be instantly deported.


You wait for the huge advertising blitz and scolding commentary on the entire white population for these drownings. Same as the hand wringing over the increase in crashes on our roads.

Take out the Pajeets and it’s most likely reduced amongst the EZFKA pop.

Therefore ban Pajeets from the beaches and roads for all our safety as well as theirs.


I was at that beach in the last couple of months. I’m an ok swimmer with sons who are strong swimmers, we all looked at the caves, the beach v nice, but the water was “fuck that”. It’s too bloody cold anyway, next stop is Tasmania and back in town there’s a nice big beach with 1 ft waves.

None of us even considered it, the tourist map and all the signage said not to swim there. It is well signposted and warnings there.


I have little doubt they weren’t given some nice pamphlets in their own language with nice pictures outlining how dangerous swimming is when they arrived in this country.

Plus the usual big signs at the beach.

the arborist

I wonder who the people ‘back east’ are…

Washington? New York? Middle East? Far East?

Audio recording reveals the moment that senior Republican figure tried to bribe Kari Lake not to run for Senate


has there ever been a time when these awards haven’t been a joke

big alarm bell was when grace tame got the award just bc she rooted her math teacher when she was 17


Totally unrelated to this article, just want to save this Red Cross document down here for future reference


Mmm…. and what do we have here Census data!


So this whole Stage 3 tax cuts lie was actually just a cynical political play, orchestrated as usual by the faceless puppet masters of the ALP.

Who knew?

All the Labor shills are talking about what a great wedge it was, how Libs are now offside with this. WTF?! It was all just a political move.

Millions of EZFKA muppets will swallow this as a tax break from Albo, and believe the lie that it’s hitting the top 5%.

Since when did the rich even pay income tax? Surely the actual numbers of people declaring an income above $200k is no match for the Tradies, Partners, Lawyers, Property Investors etc who minimise their tax so only declare low incomes. Can you imagine them all going down to the H&R Block with a shoe box of receipts?

Scomo may have been a complete turd but he implemented the first tax reform for years. Now these muppets will be back on a 37% rate (instead of the 30% promised by Albo 3 times before and after the election) and that rate won’t change for a couple of Labor terms at least.


And here are those shills, “hardworking tradies” earning $60-$70k…

Fark how stupid can these cucks really be using that as ‘evidence’.

Cashies prob make up about 30% of most of their income (undeclared), some dodgy claims, then you’ve got the ‘legit’ claims of the Ford Ranger and tools (JetSki).

My ‘evidence’ is the income and assets of a family member and mate’s son. They’re on around $200k in reality but ATO says less than half that.

No wonder we have Albo wrecking the joint without any opposition when you have useful idiots like these types in the media.


drsmithy got him with a reply pretty good

imagine beliving reported income from tradies


I honestly think they have no idea. I’m not excusing them I’d love to bash that faggot and his soy boy ilk.

They should come visit my suburb. Utes and concrete rendered houses all over the place. An absolute trouncing and they weren’t even caring or trying. They wouldn’t know shit about anything other than what they get from a few minutes of 2gb and the 6 o clock news.


Greg got smashed in the replies – the numbers are after deductions, and no-one believes tradies aren’t doing cash jobs. If he believes those figures, he probably believes the average negative-gearer is on sub-80k pa.


I also wonder if they would supportive of higher tax cuts for skilled migrants earning over 200k – after all, they would need an incentive to come to EZFKA instead of the US or UK. Surely it would be racist not too.


This is such a massive win for Albo’s masters who told him to do this.

Forget the fact that 2 out of 5 Australians don’t pay tax / are below tax payer threshold / on welfare.

Just get the rest of them fighting amongst themselves for your political gain. Feed the narrative through the media lackeys and your SM minions.

EZFKA you’ve been played worse than Scomo ever did you.


Poochy = Peachy?


dont think theyve tried to hide it

‘Arriving’ will be here shortly to post a lot about interest rates and brittany higgins


Why isn’t David Sharaz Australian of the year anyway?

He’s kept most of the media employed, earned $2.3m in free cash for a poor lost soul, and tickled thousands of Leftards into orgasmic social media adulation.

They need to sack the committee that chooses the winner, open it up to voting and we can just spam it.


Will we get a user called Going that agrees with everyone?


That’s very cruel, Freddy.
If Going started posting here, then poor old Coming wouldn’t know whether he was Coming or Going.


I miss him and his hairy handed attitudes towards women.

I wanted to ask him if he’d bang this ‘sugar baby’. She’d have to pay me.


When did the label prostitute become ‘sugar baby’ ?


Just looking at the title pic, and thinking what a soft, homosexual, pasty-faced, flabby, effeminate, man-boobed, soy-eating, softcock miserable excuse for a man Albanese is.

How the fuck did that weak, honking, useless bucket of lard, totally devoid of any masculine characteristics whatsoever, become the leader of the country?


same reason all our pms are dorks

we dont actually choose them; shady back room union figures and mate$ do


I think voters prefer people that are dorks. Abbott and PERROTTET were pretty alpha and Abbott was probably the most hated Liberal and well PERROTTET just lost NSW even though they were probably the best state government since most people were born. Actually doing shit government is meant to do like roads rail etc.


perrottet is absolutely a dork

abbott always came across as a seedy creep to me, maybe not a dork though but hes no brad pitt


Yeah I dunno ask Poochy. I reckon he’d be pretty desirable to white collar girls.


another phucking twat of an account


I’m out at the Aus Day drone show at Lake Burly-Griffin. I swear at least two–thirds of the punters here are foreigners. All around me right now I hear people jabbering in foreign languages. Its fucking infuriating.


Happy Indian Republic Day


Indians always go to every freebie.


Lol this guy is very clever.




I just google for pics of him. He has blue eyes.


Wonder if these Indigenous Uni grads are marching at an Invasion Day Rally and still taking the handouts like always?


Australian of the Year, scientific duo trying to cure his terminal brain cancer. Using MRNA technology. Great theory’ All the lab animals died.
Senior Australian of the Year Aboriginal lady leading the 2 languages school up there. Rewrites Dr Seuss in native language. Worthy effort but my old stomping ground and illiteracy runs at 99%.
Australia Council fails again.


The Mayor of Alice Springs was threatened with an axe outside his next door neighbour’s home on Christmas Eve, sources have told the NT Independent, in an incident which comes amid a fraught situation for the troubled town, where crime has become the focus of national media attention and federal intervention. LOL. You’re a politician. Zero f***s given.


Death every day as Covid runs rampant in Qld hospitalsWorried doctors and a Right to Information request have revealed one Queenslander a day is dying after contracting Covid in hospital.


‘Cannibalism, sex act gone wrong’: Shock rape, torture chargesDisturbing allegations against a Queensland man accused of a sadomasochistic sex attack with “cutting and cannibalism themes” can be revealed. *Distressing
Can’t find the story yet.


Happy Australia Day you shut in losers!


38 in Sydney. Yay summer is soooo good. Not.


Sucked in you inner West losers, I’m relaxing on the beach and periodically cooling off in the sea. Back to my sisters for some marinated BBQ lamb cutlets for lunch!


i am not inner west as if id live around those sickos
they probably dont even have aircon so they can save the world lol


more like their slumlords wont pay for it


Back home now gunna blast myself with the AC, maybe light a scoobie and spend the rest of the afternoon playing PUBG slaying lebos and Pakies from the comfort of my AC.


Actually I spent it trolling Michael West, which was much more fun.

I like MW and most of his articles, his writing style, his investigations and in the past have supported him in the same way I do MB.

However on his blatent indigenisim posturing we don’t see eye to eye. That’s okay, everyone is allowed their own opinions and MW’s are well enough in other respects for me to accept his good will in what he believes.

But at the same time there is an under current of the ‘Great Australian Cringe’ in there too. Cultural cringe has always been a thing among Australia’s so called intellectual elite.

IMHO hating on Australia Day is just the latest iteration of a long tradition of Australia’s intellectuals and narrative class looking down their noses at the rest of us. Sad.


its too fucking hot to go outside it sucks


Nice. You’ve beaten him into submission, but wouldn’t recommend wasting your time on the rest.

How’s the level of Soy at the Greens’ Australia Day BBQ in Melbourne? The fists in the air is what does it for me LOL




The state of this fat fuck grifter

the arborist

Argh! Max soy! I can almost feel the testosterone draining from my body as I look at them.


That’s a shame. He is mostly a good guy and one of the few doing some real journalism.

There was a party next door to me, it got a bit annoying, but that’s mostly my jealousy because I am not in a pool with a girl in a bikini.

That’s probably 90% of the reason people hate it. They’re just ugly mongs.


Yeah – I like 90% of what he writes. People can have different views to myself that I don’t agree with, but are held in good faith… I wasn’t going to turn myself into a ‘Reply Guy’ over it.


Happy Invasion Day Stewie. May the colonies fall from the river to the sea yadder yadder…


Happy Aust Day LSW – the best thing you can do to the haters is make sure you enjoy the day! Spent the day indoctrinating the kids – name one thing that’s great about Aust over lunch. Fond memories are the best defence against cultural cucks.


Was it really 15 years ago? Wonder if there will be a 20 year reunion?


It’s not as though there aren’t lots more of them to go around.


“black peoples union”

australians are just larping as americans at this point


There’s got to be a less embarrassing way for this bugman to get some bbc.


Based on his letters to MPs on the YIMBY website, it appears that Peter Tulip resides in Roseville, NSW.

As there doesn’t seem to be any massive housing developments around that area, surely this is something the YIMBY movement can campaign for.


Or just find out his routine, get some mates and beat the shit out of him.


You kind of know that yuppy suburbs aren’t gonna get trashed even though Labor is in. You just know. They’ll just bribe them. Minns will get some $1m a year job after he leaves politics. Cheap.


Would be great if any Brisbane locals could go down and engage in convo with this pos


Resist occupation, disrupt the system, unsettle the settlement. The banner out the front of the invasion day march.

I started to think about what ‘unsettle the settlement’ look like. Do we take all the buildings and powerstations apart as we go?


If you’re a mixed meat moll or a fat germanic slut go to the invasion day protests.

If you’re a mixed meat moll or a fat germanic slut go to the invasion day protests.

If you’re a mixed meat moll or a fat germanic slut and you really want to show it if you’re a mixed meat moll or a fat germanic slut go to the invasion day protests.


How come vikings were such niggers. Couldn’t handle being such albino fags.


Cheap clothes shop mixed with fawning over fast food. Modern day Beatles.