Australian YIMBY unwinds after another hard day of avoiding all discussion of immigration

A YIMBY has described another horror day on social media blocking critics of his plan to turn Sydney into the next Kowloon Walled City.

Brad Jones, from the Sydney YIMBY movement, was exhausted after another hard day of astroturfing support for demolishing entire suburbs while not mentioning demand driven almost entirely by immigration.

“It’s becoming harder and harder to gaslight the population and avoid the 600,000 per annum elephant in the room,” Jones said.

“We’d thought we’d employ the same gaslighting and bullying tactics seen from COVID. Only the vaccine could save us then right? Well, only 80 storey apartment towers in your backyards and subdivisions of ten or more can save us and we must turn the entire country into Shanghai and New Dehli combined, without the racist talk of immigration cuts.”

Jones also said milquetoast fags like Cam Murray and Cameron Kusher that sit on the fence are some of the YIMBY movement’s greatest allies.

“Every square centimetre of Sydney must be transformed into a Soviet communist tower bloc that I have no intention of ever residing in. Want to maintain the amenity of and cultural heritage of your suburb? Fuck you, you anti-vaxxer NIMBY. We’re all in this housing crisis together.”

Jones said he planned to spend the rest of the evening wishing he hadn’t taken the COVID vaccine and facing the crippling reality that he was just another failed, childless arts major forced to take money to shill for Meriton.

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Agent 47

Last paragraph goes hard. Spot on.


YIMBY’s are the ultimate cucks.

They’re prepared to surrender their own backyard for imported 3rd worlders so a bunch of Jewish property developers can become richer than God.

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

Not sure they have a backyard to surrender.

Could just be the case of their wish for everybody to be equal (ly miserable). Plus a big FU to boomers. Kind of class war in their minds, benefitting the usual suspects.

Feminist and suffragette movements of the late 19th – early 20th centuries come to mind.


Commies. Signalling to the politburo that they will never say anything that isn’t permitted, and will be prepared to gang up on anyone who does. Like Hyenas.


theyre libetarian retards not communists


Wouldn’t tax and government spending be very low so the arts degree types like him would be far less? Yeah don’t think so. He’s a commie.


no the yimbys are total libertarian retards

thats why im suspicious this is an organic movement bc libertarianism stopped existing in any meaningful way after about 2012 or so but i guess theres a few left of them


A bit of both. A standard ignorant young person who has probably never heard of Third Way politics, nor understand the sinister intent of using selective social justices (immigrants) to undermine democracy (fuck privileged locals) and enable a more extreme form of capitalism.

Last edited 9 months ago by Freddy

Absolutely, just as their own fathers were. That’s what this all comes down to, weak men breeding even more weak men.


How funny is this faggot?

I was sure he/she/it was a parody when I saw his profile.

Hasn’t been ratio’d hard yet in the comments sadly.


Nah – he looks like the butt pirate partner of this pock marked, weasel faced turd burglar that I posted a picture of below. Check out his banner:

Agent 47

That Lowy immigration poll has got to be rigged

There needs to be an explanation for how it’s such a massive outlier from the polls MB posts

It serves the purpose of giving vested interests something to post to pretend the masses agree with them

Are they only polling the ANU campus or some shit?

  1. It is emotively phrased, no one wants to be anti-immigrant, especially the agreeable, retired people who will bother to answer the survey instead of telling them to ‘Fuck off’;
  2. Most people have no idea how many or how few people are allowed into Australia; and
  3. ‘The Lowy poll was run much earlier in the year before people began to realise how bat shit crazy Albanese and the ALP were gunna be with immigration.
Ironic Boomer

According to Jon,
‘I agree; our immigration system has huge problems. Particularly: that we are too restrictive.’

Who would have guessed.


i love how he tried to claim that migrant resource usage was the same regardless of where they live

then after that was debunked, he switched and claimed that them expanding their resource usage by moving to australia is actually a good thing bc it increases their quality of life

i fucking hate libertarians so much



Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

Every. Single. Time.

Is Libertarian the new name for Choos?


Hopefully that pock mark weasel faced Irishman will never be able to afford a home in Australia and his dysgenic inheritance dies with him – alone in a Meriton apartment, with his corpse destined to be eaten by his cat.

Looking at his profile the guy is probably a fag so it is most likely his entire genetic legacy, since some fish crawled out of the ocean 400 million years ago, everything that defines him as a person and all that he inherited from his parents, will die in another man’s arse.

The guy is an honest communist in the 1917 Revolution style, open borders, complete dissolution and externalization of all social capital.

Hope he dies of a AIDS.

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Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

Worst case of Backpfeifengesicht I’ve seen so far this year.


I had to look that one up!




of course you did you hateful creature


Please approve this post!

Capture - Copy (4).JPG

In classic EZFKA fashion the Labor party turns a blind eye to the disastrous effect that immigration has on inflation and is instead focusing on strengthening the Grocery Code of Conduct to get Colesworth to lower prices.

Tony Abbott’s greatest legacy lives on!


populism to appeal to cheapo business illiterates who dont realise colesworths margins are sweet F-ALL, at most if theyre price gouging its in the realm of like 1 per cent

so $1 off your $100 shop in an ideal world if this ever succeeds

the average legacy unit throws out 10x that much in food every day

pure fucking sooking

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

Gouging Aussies for literal millions on real estate thanks to the actions of public and private vested interests is fine

Just don’t gough them for $5 on lamb chops

I wonder what it would be like to be Albo’s ideal Aussie who’s in a rage at the supermarkets while the government fucks them into nonexistence


The impact of price rises depends more about how often one has to pay for something than the actual amount.

Someone who pays 4k for a one off private surgical procedure is less likely to complain than if they are paying $300 for a half hour appointment each month to see a chronic disease specialist. In fact, a better example is seeing a GP – so many are complaining about having to shell out gap payments of $40. The amount is far lower, but the frequency of appointments is often higher.

Although housing is expensive, in most cases it is a one-off purchase. I know that I overpaid when I bought a few years ago, and at one point the bank valuation dipped around 13% before rebounding – I’m about 1-2% ahead now, although in reality it makes no difference to my quality of life.

The price of most grocery stables has gone up and can think of a dozen items that have risen by at least 25-30%. Petrol is similar – people have to pump regularly, so they notice more when prices go up even though the relative amounts are smaller. Inquiries into these sorts of things will probably get some attention, although in the overall scheme of things nothing is likely to change.


The housing purchase comes with years of interest payments so people are getting fucking sucked dry by this shit.

It’s probably more that the typical Aussie’s mindset changes once they have bought and then they just want to see prices go up so logically they have to accept that the pound of flesh they paid was an acceptable price to get in if they want prices to be even higher.

Most people assume price gains will more than compensate them for all the interest they ultimately pay so I guess they see it as the cost of admission.

Average people gain nothing from the prices of groceries or petrol rising so their anger will be more pure.


its driven by the same psychological processes that cause people to obsessively scrimp on their electricity usage just to save maybe $15 a year rather than just finding a way to increase their income or doing something actually meaningful like that

cheapos always fixate on tiny little costs in life while ignoring all of the enormous ones they happily suck down like their car note, private school bills, mortgage etc etc

its a form of OCD more than it is anything to do with a rational desire to save money

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

And right on cue!

Australia’s inflation slumped to a near two-year low in November and core inflation also eased sharply, a softer-than-expected result that reinforced market expectations interest rates would not need to rise any further.

Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday showed its monthly consumer price index (CPI) rose at an annual pace of 4.3% in November, the slowest pace since January 2022. That was down from 4.9% in October and under market forecasts of 4.4%.

Coles has reduced the cost of lamb to its lowest in years, as the supermarket giants come under fire for failing to pass on lower prices to customers.

From today, Coles will be offering its Australian Lamb Loin Chops for $16 per kilo, which it says marks a 25 per cent saving and is the cheapest price in four years. Lamb cutlets will also be on sale for $29 per kilo, a saving of $5

Gruppenführer Mark

Not sure what you are on about. Colesworth fruit and veg prices are easily 30 to 50% more expensive here in Perth compared to two local Vietnamese shops. Colesworth quality is atrocious, too.

These guys are excellent, selection is great, fresher, cheaper and tastier stuff. Yes, they sell some “authentic” things as well – I recall seeing Buddha’s hand for the first time.

Yes, need to go to a couple of other shops for meat, canned/dry goods, but prefer making those trips to aimlessly wandering around big shops where everything is wax coated or wrapped in plastic.


So if the options are available (and you haven’t mentioned IGA or Aldi) WTF are people bitching about. Shop elsewhere FFS people.

Even this concussion-affected soy can’t understand out how commerce happens…so if a cow costs $50 how come my steak costs $20 and its a lot smaller.


This is the Labor mate tasked with handing Albo some political mileage for Labor whipping Colesworth.

Julia Gillard’s old boyfriend and K Rudd’s old mate. Awesome.

No Jobs for the Boys huh?


agree drago

also i think IGA is way way more expensive than colesworth

mark ups at iga are obscene

aldi is about the same price as colesworth, the only reason people think its cheaper is bc aldi stocks few brands so youre comparing a store with mostly only store brands to coles-woolworths which have a broad range of brands, including their own supermarket brands

when you do a like for like comparison (aldi brands vs colesworth store brands) the savings are negligible/non existent

plus aldi surcharges debit cards & doesn’t have a points redemption scheme which any non-retard shopper at woolworths or coles should be using, so all in all aldi might actually be more expensive

of all the things that is retarded about the ezfka economy, coles/woolworths have to be like 4 or 5 pages down the list

like you said if there really are these super cheap places (i have never seen them) that beat them on prices everywhere why is this even a problem; i have nfi how its possible bc small businesses cant compete on price with large supermarkets due to the issue of scalability

maybe these asian grocers are paying their workers slave wages

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

Here in Canberra the Aldi prices are significantly cheaper than Colesworth.

I mostly buy fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, nuts, cheese, milk and bread from Aldi.

I get about 90% of what I want from Aldi, and then a few name brand items from Coles. I reckon I save $20 or more per week shopping at Aldi, and that’s a $1000+ in my pocket every year vs in the pockets of the Colesworth execs and shareholders, who can all kiss my arse.


Wrong. Aldi is cheaper in Sydney on everything mate than Coles worth. Meat, fruit and veg, packed goods, you name it.


by how much? when i do a like for like comparison on store brand vs aldi there’s almost nothing in it – how much do you meaningfully save also when you factor in flybuys/rewards points or dollars off on shop at coles/woolworths?

are you *sure* youre looking at store brand coles/woolworths vs aldi or premium/non-store brand vs aldi instead? ive compared both and the differences are trivial, though you are right on produce/meat

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

Like LSW we buy 20% of our stuff from Coles then 80% from Aldi.

Tend to buy a lot of fruit veg & meat it’s all 10-15% less at ALDI easy so that does increase our savings

Aldi also has their own branded products that are copycats of the original or are actually produced by the same brand name factory just rebranded. I find Woolies less so does this. E.g. the Halo top ice cream is $10 at Coles the ALDI version is $6

Same goes with natural peanut butter, jams, biscuits, nut bars and so on.

For basic pantry staples like baked beans, or bread yeah not a lot in it


I guess like normies farmers are probably not idealogically congruent. I guess if you’ve got a small field full of beets in bumfuck you might be a bit more nationalist than the guy with a 50m dollar cow farm that loves sucking off Asia.


And there you have it.

He’s literally tweeted it.

Labor shill spells out that this is all just a ploy by Albo to appear as if he is doing something about his own economic mess.

Make out that you’re a hero for taking on the big bad guys.

This Labor shill literally grifts off taxpayers by taking money to push-poll then regurgitating Labor ideology back on them. What a sweet deal.

Shill has spelled it out. Blame the big bad corporations, suck in the plebs, it’s easy to diffuse any awkwardness later with a wink to their CEO in the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge later.

Better still repay your Labor mate with a nicely paid gig to run the song and dance, won’t be too bad because he’s been a paid lobbyist and consultant to these exact companies anyway.


The country deserves what it gets if people are that stupid they believe Albo gives a shit past his reelection prospects

Boomers and bogan fuckwits, even the migrants probably know all politicians are criminals

Aussie Soy Boy

Inflation trending down anyway, but won’t stop Albo taking credit 12 months from now for cutting grocery inflation in half.


Albo’s mate running the dog & pony show. Who’d have think he’s worked for the companies he’s “investigating “…?


They need a distraction as polling is starting to look horrible for Labor.

A TPP of 49-51 and a primary vote of 29% isn’t going to be enough to retain government.

In some polls from last year, public perceptions of the PM are starting to become more negative. Albanese comes across as more of a ditherer and indecisive. If we look at the failure of the Voice, it appeared both the Yes campaign and government did not bother to show up while No voices were more proactive early on. This was Albanese’s pet project, so it just makes one think he’d be equally insipid or worse for other issues.


the thought of ending up with dutton though

hes just as pro immigration as albo and is the biggest ziocuck on the block

he talks more about israel than australia these days

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

colesworths margins are sweet F-ALL,

got a Bridge to sell ya mate, it’s inexpensive with great views, you’ll double your money in 5 years.
Only fuel gauging is worse then colesworth’s


Come on genius, let us know your figures?

A fly in your ointment

No need for cheap sarcasm.

My mate sells upper shelf eggs to colesworth supermarkets. They mark them up more than 50% and their risk is zilch (i.e. breakage, past BB date is not paid and must be removed by him) and they pay only what is sold *after* it was sold.
Previously he supplied them with mid range ‘grain fed’ and they doubled up his prices. Only dirt cheap eggs are sold with a smaller margin as it is for marketing purposes, like the 1 buck bread and milk at the back of the store used to be

Do you think its different with other products?



Meanwhile Your ABC doing its best to support Albo with dross like this…


Yep. The inumerate see this and think prices are going to fall. BwAhaha MB ‘the inflation is transitory ‘ theory.

Transitory to permanently higher and permanently increasing prices.

A fly in your ointment

For a newcomer handle, you seem to be well versed in sarcastic snarled comments.
Well done.

A fly in your ointment

“Good news, inflation went 50% down, from 20%pa.”

Betcha 3/4 of the nation did not receive sufficient education to understand what it means


chalmers getting community note’d is beautiful haha


Talent being punished. So much great art came out of the UK but now it’s just another slut town. The USA has their constitution but it doesn’t curb the opportunists. Constitutions and law don’t really deal with maths and economics. They are essentially innumerate. You don’t really need hard numbers maybe ratios.


Repeat after me…

nobody is safe until we’re all safe.

Nobody lives in an apartment until we all live in an apartment.

Nobody has cheap groceries until we all have groceries.

Etc ad infinitum.

A fly in your ointment

Wuts wrong with apartments?
It provides endless wealth growth for those that came earlier than thou and endless number of job opportunitie, eh?
It should be a test of allegiance to a cuntry. No apartment in pertifolio and within next 5 yrs you loose your citizenship even if your ancestors came by a boat.

Agent 47

Totally useless as well. On their phones and won’t get involved in confrontations, not that the law allows them to.

On the other side of the coin you have Islander security bashing everyone.

Agent 47



Muh straya day. Does anyone actually buy that shit anyway? Muh flag when 1/3 the country are non-white lol.


No one gives a shit. EZFKA units have never been fans of flag waving and broad displays of patriotism like the yanks, so it’s disappointing to see the right wing media waste time on stuff like this. One of them was so stupid he said that Woolworths should “stick to selling food instead of virtue signaling and getting on soapboxes”.  Flags aren’t edible last time I checked.

Woolworths and Kmart basically explained that Australia Day merchandise didn’t sell, so they don’t stock it. They also don’t sell Invasion Day merchandise either – I’m guessing there’s no demand for that either.


Coles had a tiny section when I was in, all made in China and pretty pathetic.

Stupid really, because all Retailers force crap on the EZFKA like Halloween and Black Friday sales, the plebs eat it up. I’d be pushing heaps of the flag hats and giant thongs on the punters if it was me.

Personally I’m going to fly the flag on Aussie Day mainly to say fuck you to the Leftard snowflakes.

I still hold a great Australia Day memory of being in my early 20’s and blagging onto a big boat party on Sydney Harbour on Aussie Day and it just being a massive perv (beautiful people from advertising and local models, before they all turned into fucked up Cole heads), Aussie Flag bikinis on big perky tits.


Gotta love some perky tits roastie getting in the Aussie spirit. Go Australia 😉

A fly in your ointment

Tru dat, local 1 dollar shop run by chinks has more paraphernalia than all the majors around.
Apart from all the bad reasons, parading with flags on a .gov set date is a sign of weak nation, one that needs glue to be kept together. Like US.
Betcha if it was not a public holiday no one would’ve done sfa on that day.


They have to think up something to waste time on. I was wondering what rubbish the Overton Window would focus on this year. I guess we will get a few weeks of straya day.

My local Woolies seems to be more modern and younger types that have accepted this world, where as my Coles has more boomers and old fashioned people so it makes sense Coles sells a bit more of the straya day chink shit.


honestly didnt realise either coles or woolworths sold australia day shit, ive never seen it and i live in the most bogan shithole of all


Its on the end of an aisle that isnt very important and the display looks all ratty and shit like they have gone to the $2 shop and bought random shit with the flag on it and just chucked it there.


That’s it.

Can’t understand why they don’t put it at Point of Sale or whatever, impulse buy shit.


Aldi has stopped too….reeeee the rage and fury.


why do people need to buy a new australian flag every year….? do they expire like milk or something?


Dunno what world cuckservatives are living in. Denial. The country’s fuckin gone, and given Liberals have been in by far the most over the last 30 years they fuckin sold it.


Moved to Whyalla yet mate? Seriously maisonettes sell for $170k


This is kind of the point isn’t it? If you’re out in the sticks and not even seeing EZFKA day merch there, it’s clearly says something about its sales potential.

A fly in your ointment

Muh flag when 1/3 the country are non-white lol.

82 percent are anglos as per last census. Wogs were a few percent but I am unsure the 82%ers count thrm as whities

So that’s about 1/6 non anglos in this cuntry. When I lookn outside my Sydney hotel room window it looks as if 50% are Asians of some sort

Aussie Soy Boy

Those legacy units are out. Homeless I’m guessing.

Sucked in.

Aussie Soy Boy

Get a nice Sikh family in there, Camry with an Uber and Didi sticker in the back window in the driveway, Corolla as well. I’ve added about $50k per house to the street.



You deserve them.

Send Bobs and Vag.

Gruppenführer Mark


What about those tunnels? All I can find are reports of 9 arrests over tunnels dug by students, and reports that the tunnels led to various conspiracy theories.

Anyone has any links to the actual conspiracy theories?


its all really weird but i suspect theres less going on there than people think, but they did find a soiled mattress and a baby chair down in those tunnels for some reason so wtf is all that about


Was all over X a couple of days ago.

This was good:


Nick Fuentes’ take

”You don’t need to know too much about the rest to know that these are not the good guys of the story”


And the cover up begins, nothing to see here. Don’t be antisemitic.


I’m glad I’m not the only one confused.

I know they are into some seriously messed up stuff like metzitzah b’peh, which involves the rabbi sucking the blood off the penis after performing a circumcision, it’s probably related to shit like that.


Child’s chair and a stained mattress gonna take some explaining there Mr Finkelstein, that’s all I’m sayin


They were all Talmudic Jews.

Check out this link from a guys whose father was a Talmudic Jew.

Talmudic way makes you insane. It creates loophole-seeking leprechauns” — Jewish guy explains the perils of #Talmud, in which there is no truth.

Truth is what you can argue and get away with.

Americans also say, “Perception is reality.”

This was actually a re-occurring point the H man use to regularly make.


has coming left us for good


One lives in hope.


I for one am enjoying the 98% reduction in Brittany Higgins content with him gone amongst other things such as the 80% reduction in troll rate across the blog


Still a fair chance he comes back and says what happened or didn’t happen in his absence proves some gay hypothesis he had

A fly in your ointment

Good one moite.
Excellent insight

Ironic Boomer

His multis live on.


His last post was only just before Christmas – which sees lots of medical clinical places lock up or reduce staff for a month or so, so you can all stop fretting.

The guy has probably flown himself and all his Trans and homosexual kids back to visit his parents in Albania, so I dare say he is incommunicado due to his lacking internet connections or just too busy eating local Albanian delicacies like pickled goat testicles.

I dare say within a week or so, probably prior to Australia Day he will once again grace you with his presence.


I recall Coming vanished around the time that Glenn Logan, a YouTuber also obsessed with Higgins/Lehrmann stuff was ordered to front court.

A YouTuber has been ordered to face the Federal Court for allegedly posting images and clips from the defamation trial involving former Liberal staffer Bruce Lehrmann. Federal Court Justice Michael Lee on Thursday ruled Glenn Logan must appear in court in Sydney on February 13 “to show cause as to why proceedings for contempt should not be instituted against him”.

Since creating the anonymous YouTube channel, Mr Logan has posted hundreds of videos attacking feminism. Many are dedicated to criticising former Australian of the year Grace Tame, who is a sexual assault survivor and victims’ advocate. Others attack Ms Higgins, who has been described as a liar. He has also repeatedly attacked Ms Wilkinson and Network Ten.


glenn logan = feminism debunked right?

i don’t reckon coming is likely to be feminism debunked even if that’s really funny. coming never cared about the grace tame story at all and FD was way more obsessed with grace tame than brittany higgins


wow holy shit, FD deleted all his content or hid it on his channel

Agent 47

How awful. Pajeets can’t afford to settle. Vic govt will probably pay for it.


This guy is a good follow, has some snappy takes


Fuck these MB AI images look so shit

Is this so they can get out of paying royalties for the old images they had on rotation?


If I had a dollar for every time they used this one, I’d have made back all the money I lost in their MB fund (fortunately I donate it to Leith for the greater good):


did you actually lose money in the MB fund or are you just talking about opportunity losses? or is that just a joke? i don’t think ive lost anything from it; it’s actually doing pretty well right now


I had 50% in there for 2 years and 50% with another fin adviser. After 2 yrs the MB fund was flat to slightly down, but the adviser was so far up it would have been negligent of me as the Trustee to ignore the opportunity cost.

I would have liked to have left some money there to support them, but as it also meant simplifying the tax returns that I also prepare it was just easier to park the lot with the adviser.


do you know what 2 years they were? i was down for one year (but a lot of funds were down – ill get my exact figures) and now its reversed that and is doing quite well again


OK tracking the money ive had in there:

jan 1 2021


Jan 1 2022


Jan 1 2023

$189,209 (this is when it went down)

now its about $205,250 as of today

MB seem to be very risk averse though, maybe more so than my liking, but when i track them against other super benchmarks they dont seem to be behind anymore; i’d like to have something like what you’re doing though

if MB underperforms this year again like in 2022 im pulling the plug

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

It is good to hear that they are doing better, I genuinely want them to succeed. Transitioning from trading for yourself to trading for others can mess with your headspace.

It was mainly opportunity cost. I put a chunk in in mid 2020, and took out about the same amount 2yrs later. I was down about 5% on an amount I dropped in about 6 mths later.

I know they say you need to wait 5 years, but after 2yrs the outperformance from the adviser plus the opportunity to simplify tax affairs was too great to ignore.

Last edited 9 months ago by Stewie

I think the problem for the Aboriginal people (all this wokeness aside) is that they need a revenue stream at the tribe level, from which they can use for betterment of their people, instead of relying on governments. It would need some professional management and advice, but the last people to be doing it is people from Canberra (who identify as Aboriginal).
Maybe a final settlement where they get a % of mining royalties would work better than some random parcels of land.
Then they can invest the money in worthwhile projects of their own.


Last edited 9 months ago by V

these pro israel boomer tards are some of the stupidest people out there by far

had to log out of twitter just to screenshot this bc they blocked my account

i’m telling you right now, this is why democracy doesn’t work and ultimately always devolves into duopolistic two party dominated systems – people are just too stupid overwhelmingly to not think in binary categories

its why whenever you say something like “albo sucks!!!” or whatever reflexively you’ll be confronted with “YEAH LIKE SCOMO IS ANY BETTER” – like the first and unwavering assumption is that because if you don’t like labor you *must* support the LNP


holy shit

gonzalo lira dead


Poor bastard.

The MSM and Leftards have already buried the UKR war, he’s not going to even be mentioned.


EZFKA has chosen a new war to join anyway. No reason for the media here to report anything like this:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Shortfalls in required monitoring by American officials mean the U.S. cannot track more than $1 billion in weapons and military equipment provided to Ukraine to fight invading Russian forces, according to a Pentagon audit released Thursday.

The findings mean that 59% of $1.7 billion in defense gear that the U.S. has provided Ukraine and was directed to guard against misuse or theft remained “delinquent,” the report by the Defense Department’s office of the inspector-general, the watchdog body for the Pentagon, said.

Houthis say thank you, “I am the Captain now!”


the houthis are just not going to be stopped by these air strikes, america and the saudis have been bombing them for years now and it does absolutely nothing

the only difference between these recent strikes and those before is the recent ones have been publicized

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal


30 pirate attacks there since November, not sure if that is a pre Christmas rush or just your usual month.

Fact is the hardware is getting very much bigger, the Houthis were in speedboats with rusty AK’s before.

No doubt the Leftards will hero worship them now too.


No one cares to ask where these goat feckers scrape together ballistic missiles and drones? Or even whether this hardware is probably the US’ originally.

Meanwhile the Leftards show the Pro Palestine demonstrations in Yemen without any fecking idea what it means to them.

What little media there is on this will just say Iran is sponsoring a proxy war against Israel so gave the weapons to what the media call ‘rebels’ (they are pirates raiding western ships you idiots).

I’m not saying don’t bomb these sand joggers back to their stone age existence, but be honest about it.*%20Dec.%2026%3A%20Houthis%20claim,from%20Saudi%20Arabia%20to%20Pakistan.


they get it from iran

why would you want to bomb them? theyre the only people doing anything to stop the jews right now

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal

the houthis are actually taking action, compare and contrast to the fucking losers on the streets protesting every day or disrupting that christmas carol shit in melbourne

not one of those cowards has any conviction to get on a boat to yemen (or send some of their money over) to help out, white people are getting mogged by a bunch of iq 80 afro-sand niggers in speedboats and drone helicopters theyre piecing together on ali baba


Case in point Leftards angry they are stacking shelves in Woolworths reposting this…solidarity brother!


Amazing clip of the US actions against the Houthis:
