Vaccine mandates will still be maintained for a while longer, as there are still significant stocks of magic-juice to use up.

Vaccine mandates will still be maintained for a while longer, as there are still significant stocks of magic-juice to use up.
so i can come to work as a covid positive vaccinated person but not a covid negative unvaccinated person now. wow, makes sense
most 2 shot ppl were last yr and are all but unprotected now anyway
They bought 120 million doses for a population of 25 million …. those sheeple that are still alive are going to be taking many more boosters
no one is getting the 4th, its done
I was reading a SMH comment section earlier and some bloke said he’s up to number 5.
It’s our moral duty to encourage people to take as many boosters as possible. ” Oh, you only had three shots? wow, are you some kind of science denying antivaxxer cooker?”
Most of those are shill posts.
There are obviously those who legitimately walk among us.
it’s the Aussie way, moite,
it’s the right thing to do(tm)
Lol hadn’t even considered this
deep clown world
It was funny the abuse Coming and I took on MB about the charade of Covid.
Others here to.
I’m busier than he is so he posted more and got slammed more
Any medic with a brain knew this was just a flu on steroids.
Serious but nothing more. Lock up the olds.
I’ve told my patients to have no more shots – its tricky and they look at you funny.
In my line – 25 yrs in the speciality – I’ve seen
than in my whole career
will these observations be validated?
Damn straight they won’t.
The issues must be vaccine related in case I didn’t make it clear
And the traitors in the media – ie SMH must be remembered. I do hate that one eyed POS rag. It makes me feel less Australian – it makes me feel this country truly is the EZFKA
I genuinely thank you and all those who did fight the good fight, whatever it was. And I appreciate you not selling your soul when those around you have, so cheaply.
Personally I railed on social media and at protests until it really affected me, this is my only outlet (thankfully no swimming in the cesspits of Twitter or FB or Insta).
Those politicians, cops, journalists and Covid Karens will get theirs.
Oh and I forgot the Quacks, the ‘Epidemiologists’ basically
the scammers and betwetters from the Doherty Institute and such like. They too will face a reckoning.
My wife got verbally abused by a Covid Karen last week at a supermarket. CHOs endorsed this behaviour and these Karens loved it and won’t be giving it up easily especially when their brethren got elected to parliament ie teals.
I walked through st Vincent’s today to visit a sick friend (jabbed of course) unmasked. Not challenged once.
Unsure if luck or no one could be fucked challenging me. Probably the later.
my take is that they can’t be bothered. Everyone knows it is useless and yet they just want to avoid sedition as they know it is pointless.
since mandates in NSW subdued quietly and only mask became compulsory few months ago, majority now realy pose as wearing a mask and put it only when someone approach. It will not be long before the cost becomes a matter to be dealt with and it is ditched
“Those politicians, cops, journalists and Covid Karens will get theirs.”
Hate to say it but no they fucking won’t. Nothing will happen to them. The worlds moved on and is trying to pretend like it never happened. Nobody gives a fuck anymore and with interest rates and inflation going to go higher + hurt way more than people think, they will all be distracted…
I remember – you, Coming and DrX vs DLS…. now here we all are.
(apart from X – anyone seen him?)
I enjoyed our “once the post was over” chats. Talking to you initially gave me hope MB had knowledge and awareness. That soon went.. The end came when I had a wee battle with a fool called Winning/Failing. Nothing much c.w. ZH but it soon became clear he had mental health issues which I pointed out and he admitted to not taking his meds! That was the standard of debate. And don’t get me started on the “me first!” shit. hahaha
Pretty sure his meds were meth and crack whores.
“The issues must be vaccine related in case I didn’t make it clear”
It’s got to be – the increase in unexplained deaths only commenced after the vaccines were rolled out.
And the traitors in the media – ie SMH must be remembered
Absolutely – the way the media behaved cemented my complete contempt and distrust for the mainstream propaganda industry. I don’t believe anything other than the sports results, and even those are likely rigged.
Most who reported on it should be put in stocks and left in the public square for all to scorn.
My brother is a GP and he reckons the biggest issue is that faith in the health system and government has been destroyed, so when something serious comes along and the health experts and government officials ask us to do X, most people are going to say “fool me once,shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you”.
He’s still yet to see and studies/investigations into the whole Covid process/outcomes.
There was no courage from any leadership at any level and the journos knew they were controlling the narrative. You get covid – you die said channel 7. But its maybe hastened the financial meltdown we had to have so its not all bad. 🙂
Specialists from every field have the same stories to tell (in private)
-Weird diseases that they have seen once in their career, suddenly half a dozen in the last year
-lymph nodes constantly enlarged
-Chest pain, chest pain, chest pain
-autoimmune and inflammatory conditions going berserk
etc etc
Of course, no way to tell if it was the jab or the china virus itself
but I don’t think doctors have ever been busier
Work is off the charts, more than anyone can handle
Bloke at work had huge tumor removed from left side of skull two weeks after his booster. Size of golf ball and nearly killed him. Now has permanent paralysis in left side of face.
Nil health issues beforehand. All signs point to jab but he won’t admit it or entertain the thought.
Now that the immediately vulnerable have been killed by heart attacks and strokes, there will be a lot more of this….cancers running wild due to immunosuppression.
Gently encourage him to get his 4th jab
Have you found yourself a .22 Hornet yet?
I have to agree it looks a tasty round but I’ve got 6 calibres overall to stack for and thats enough.
This week I took delivery of a ruger 10/22 though.
That’ll be fun! …. I mean serious, serious …got swarming rats…
Do you know if Adler lever shotguns can be topped off like the Rossi lever rifles? I did get that rossi 44mag btw
I thought no-one apart from the elderly got the 4th injection, but looked it up and 40% of the population over 30 apparently. Sucked in to all of them.
What about ADF members? Did they get theirs before or after the raping?
Don’t feed the troll mate! LOL
must be before as one side effect is known to be the enlargement of the boobs and schwantz
You got jabbed. Don’t gob off me to champ.
How will Pfizer and Moderna justify their share prices now? Oh wait, headline in The Australian saying Australia can’t delay ordering boosters.
Tweets that don’t age well, but no ‘journalist’ ever checks.
Not forgetting that this is the cunt’s second covid bout in 6 weeks. Safe and effective!
I didn’t know that? Second time, eh?!
that’s some “100%”!
apparently the only mandate in N,S and W left is for aged care workers, at least few weeks ago when I checked last.
no one gives a flying duck abot jab in hospitals, with exception here and there. it was easier to enter Reichstag as a Choo in the 1942. than a hospital as a healthcare worker without a proof of jabbadabba-do times two
And now, for Comings’ personal enjoyment and entertainment, the September figures for NSW, along with the cumulative July-Sept figures:
random number generator
Quite possibly.
But a Government-generated one nonetheless.
EZFKA new favourite AFL player is Liam Jones…hope he wins everything there is to 🏆
Good luck to him and wished he got compo (but the AFL won’t), but as a Carlton fan I can confirm he’s a spud. One dimensional, no footy smarts, just average swing man and interceptor.
3rd jab mandated by NSW health
and they’ve even mandated fucking flu vaccine (which is also ineffective but that’s a different discussion)
but the wording is interesting
“Category A Workers who are non-compliant with, or refuse, a COVID-19 third dose (booster) and/or influenza vaccination requirements must comply with all other risk reduction strategies as directed while working in a Category A position and/or be redeployed to a Category B position at the discretion of the Local Health District.”
so effectively, there’s no mandate
somebody at work asked me to send them my booster certificate
I told them I haven’t had a booster, and don’t intend to
He just shrugged and walked away
obviously they need to maintain something on paper to keep the Karens satisfied and avoid losing face
but with the practical freedom to ignore the rules so that they don’t lose any more staff
Effectively everybody knows the scamdemic is over
but they need to maintain some sort of facade and token concern , in order to avoid having to admit that this is the greatest series of policy errors in human history
there’s still heaps of private mandates out there, look thru advertised jobs on job sites, unless the wanted positions are copy pasted spiels from years ago most jobs still claim to require the jab
whether they even ask for the certificates anymore is another story
yeah but they aren’t easily enforceable without a government mandate to fall back on
Can be tested in court, and most employers don’t want the hassle or cost
absolutely hilarious that Karen Llewellyn Smith hasn’t discussed Covid (aside from the disastrous economic effects) since March 29
they’ve just gone completely silent on it, hoping we all forget they were at the forefront of the lockdown campaigns from day 1 and called us “psychos”
its a weird fever dream everyone is waking up from, no one wants to admit how crazy they were though
even if u press them they will not admit it
I aggressively berate anyone I see who I remember arguing with me back in the day
I refuse to let them get away with being complicit in the greatest conjob in the history of humanity
I don’t have many friends or accquaintances anymore. I lost quite a few from this
I get a few different types of responses
-scant few who are still deep in the grips of covid hysteria. Hard to understand them through their N95 mask
-the majority say “oh well even in retrospect we had to do it because we didn’t know if it was going to be bad at the time”.
-a few who get a bit teary-eyed and say “look, just let it go, what’s the point in dwelling on it”
-nobody has apologised or admitted they fucked up
i dont think we’re ever gonna see anything on that scale ever again
covid was such a big deal it made the most apathetic normies who normally do not give a fuck about anything that happens outside their lives and their family life into raving hysterics
i have no idea what the fuck the secret sauce was about it that made it such a big deal, we had SARS etc before and they lasted like 2 days tops no one really cared
The absolute best part of it was that everyone on MB thought that I was only an antilockdown covid sceptic because I was a highly indebted property investor
and was desperately talking my own book to somehow save my property portfolio from the epic meltdown they were certain was about to come
Had some of the most hilarious times of my life following the commenters on that website as property prices soared the fastest in history
They’re pivoting away from Covid because the economic shitstorm underway will have everyone distracted.
We’re moving from one event to the next. Covid to climate to Ukraine to markets to fuck knows what next.
Mainly because DLS went to hospital after his second jab and shut up about it very quickly after being a normie zealot for so long.
I suspect some of the commentariat at MB have suffered similar and no longer comment there as a result.
Lol who started this rumour
sounds juicy are there any evidential clues at embee ?
It happened. Im vigorously trying to find the thread on MB but it may have been nuked.
Lethal mentioned it in the comments section. Peeps were having a go at MB over their covid response, in particular pushing the shots and that s when he let it slip that Karen ended up in hospital post shot.
I’ve had a quick search trying to find, but no idea how to search comments and even then I’m no longer a member so probably locked out 🤷♂️
I searched all March and April because I’m a sad cunt but couldn’t find it. I reckon it’s been memory holed but do remember Leith and others having the convo. Wish I’d screen capped it.
I fucking hope some of those fools have suffered. I hope they don’t comment any more because they’re fucking dead, the worthless dogs.
Especially that swampy cunt.
oh man fuck that guy
Are you boys on the turps tonight? Seem more disinhibited than usual….
Nah just some good old fashioned two minutes MB hate in a Friday night.
Unfortunately it looks like dennis is still alive and dribbling.
He’s nearly as big a soy jack as DrSmithy.
That guy is a freak. I’ve never run across someone so simultaneously stupid and aggressive.
I hope he’s on his fifth job, snd feeling a little tightness in his chest.
you wish it is as black-white as depicted.
I for one do not shy that I was pro-lockdownsin the early stages until I saw that quarantine was a sham for cheaper ticket holders and that the jab was not actually a vaccine, cue in the politics about Ruski and Slants wax being “unrecognised” against supposedly a virus as deadly as novichok (in real danger politics have 0 role wrt vaccines), ban on the “horse dewarmer” and then the final straw was the first mandates when I openly suggested sedition against pseudo medicine.
Aus has a natural protection of oceans and if quarantine was implemented as per known infection control measures (unlike the simple imprisonment for 2 weeks), there would’ve been benefits from short lockdowns until it was eradicated locally for the sake of awaiting a vaccine (a real one) or knowing more about the virus I.e. it’s pathology. The data was obviously obscured in the anticipation of a mass clinical trial of epic proportion hence one cannot blame the majority of sleepyhollowstan for not being informed. Telegram was one of the few rare sources of uncensored info. not many knew of that.
I could expand but I don’t want to trap myself into Gunnamatism of on of those 10000 words internet replies which no one reads.
to sum up, lots of stuff made some sense until about Q1 or Q2 of 2021 when about everything stopped making sense and in Q32021 it made negative sense with mandates.
I knew as soon as those videos of people falling over in the street in China with no context played ad nauseum on t.v. I knew we were about be fucked over somehow.
Biased because I lived there and can spot poorly produced CCP propaganda when I see it having been exposed to that shit endlessly.
I remember that – that must not be forgotten. WTF was all that about? Worked a treat on the plebs and pollies.
Social proof. CCP is big on that kind of stuff.
Same with all the lockdowns and people being barred in their houses. Some of that was real and a lot of it performative to intimidate other countries.
that was peddled here (Westworld) probably more than in Slantistan.
in retrospective, the disinformation that accompanied the Bidenite-flu is historically unprecedented and second only to woke war on Russistan. No one had sufficient info to make a rational judgement and those that may had a bit more info were silenced whilst woke brigade was the only one with unhindered access to speculation published as information
Yes, precisely.
There is a lot of revisionism there
For starters, a vaccine was not anywhere on the horizon in 2020
Firstly, because everybody knew that vaccines take many years of clinical testing to be confirmed as safe
Secondly, because we have never had a successful vaccine against coronaviruses
(In 2020 those were things that everybody still knew)
Furthermore, we knew that the virus wasn’t that deadly because we ran a tightly controlled hermetically sealed and intensely tested experiment to determine the severity – the diamond princess
Everybody just ignored that of course
Lockdown in Australia made sense until about mid 2020
At that point, we had never actually eliminated the disease – there were still 1-2 positive cases a week
And it was clear that the globe was never going to eliminate it – Australia could not stay a hermit kingdom and a vaccine was years away and would not be 100% effective anyway
Of course, most people had no idea about that because they don’t know how viruses work
But most of all – you and everybody else decided to completely ignore the most fundamental factor in making decisions – cost vs benefit
Here was a virus that was proven and known to mainly be fatal to elderly and unwell people, and even then around about as deadly as a flu strain
If we let it run unchecked, we were probably looking at it killing about 0.1% of the world’s total population and mainly the elderly and infirm
In exchange for a slim to none chance of stopping that from happening, we decided to
-destroy the development and future lives of children and young people
-fracture global politics
-instigate financial chaos
-destroy supply chains and production of basic goods required for human life
-destroy personal and political freedoms (that will never be regained)
-destroy social bonds and interpersonal relationships that may never be replaced
-destroy trust in governments, police, neighbours, doctors etc etc
You are a liar or a fool if you think you can even retrospectively justify any of that
There is a lot of revisionism there
For starters, a vaccine was not anywhere on the horizon in 2020
Firstly, because everybody knew that vaccines take many years of clinical testing to be confirmed as safe
Secondly, because we have never had a successful vaccine against coronaviruses
(In 2020 those were things that everybody still knew)
Furthermore, we knew that the virus wasn’t that deadly because we ran a tightly controlled hermetically sealed and intensely tested experiment to determine the severity – the diamond princess
Everybody just ignored that of course
At that point, we had never actually eliminated the disease – there were still 1-2 positive cases a week
And it was clear that the globe was never going to eliminate it – Australia could not stay a hermit kingdom and a vaccine was years away and would not be 100% effective anyway
Of course, most people had no idea about that because they don’t know how viruses work
But most of all – you and everybody else decided to completely ignore the most fundamental factor in making decisions – cost vs benefit
Here was a virus that was proven and known to mainly be fatal to elderly and unwell people, and even then around about as deadly as a flu strain
If we let it run unchecked, we were probably looking at it killing about 0.1% of the world’s total population and mainly the elderly and infirm
In exchange for a slim to none chance of stopping that from happening, we decided to
-destroy the development and future lives of children and young people
-fracture global politics
-instigate financial chaos
-destroy supply chains and production of basic goods required for human life
-destroy personal and political freedoms (that will never be regained)
-destroy social bonds and interpersonal relationships that may never be replaced
-destroy trust in governments, police, neighbours, doctors etc etc
You are a liar or a fool if you think you can even retrospectively justify any of that
Now C my boy, here you go ruining your diatribe by calling anyone that does not agree with you bad names. That wouldn’t wash on the ward now so I presume you are in a lab.
I cut people a lot of slack because of the media. Especially the arrogant feckers in Australia. I’ve never quite understood there power here. Alan Jones, John Laws , the SMH, channel 7 – all shit but folks love it.
My own mother (85yr) started it all saying “Well this will sort the wheat from the chaff” and finished it cowering under the bed signing up for all the shots out there.
Pathetic but a product of the experiment that has just been played out on people.
just stating the facts – is there anything you disagree with?
There are a lot of fools and liars out there thats for sure
Since when did doctors not call a spade a spade? Theres a proud tradition of it where I trained
I did a cost-benefit analysis when the vaccines first appeared and decided that no way in hell was I letting them stick that shit in me. There was no safety data either short or long term, the proper process was clearly not followed, and Pfizer were huge corporate criminals who would cheerfully sell poison for profit every day of the week.
Then followed enormous pressure from my parents, partner, friends, my GP and employer.
Still unvaxxed, and very very happy to be so, as I see the evidence (and sadly the casualties) mounting. A fine Engineer and good bloke who I worked with for 25 years…25 fucking years…dripped dead out of the blue last year. Didn’t come to work one day, and then his family called.
I feel what might best be described as murderous rage when I think about all this shit.
Really the vax mandates were only a fraction as outrageous and unjustified as lockdowns
I did the same last year and as much as the vaccine of my choice was unavailable to me (Sputnik or Sinopharm), I was rolling up my sleeve for AZ as the nearest equivalent. Fizzler was never a choice for obvious reasons. When it became compulsory to take one (airport workers) it was the straw that broke the camel’s back and my sleeve rolled down. Subsequent events just enforced that decision.
The critical thought on the subject was so suppressed that I find it difficult to blame the sleepyhollowstan plebs for not knowing better. That excludes zealots, they ended up being a useful tools (tools as in character and as leverage).
He made his bed
@ Coming
1. Vaccine development does not have to take decades i.e. if existing vaccine is adjusted so its use is to be broadened. US elections were heavily pivoting around vaccine development and that is Q3 of 2020. Hope that puts to bed claim that vaccine was not on the horizon in 2020. The vaccine ended up as not fit for purpose, that stands, but apart from a few at the top few could have know it, at least in 2020. This is why I said that some things made sense up until 2021. when everything stopped making any sense.
2. I am happy to sacrifice your family member or you yourself if that means a financial benefit for me, should your stance be the same in reverse. I understand that at times some people have to be sacrificed for the greater good (i.e. a defensive war), however the sacrifice there is subject to one’s luck too rather then just a culling list as you suggest.
The cost vs. benefit prior to 2021. was trivial in comparison and we had a chance to remain unaffected locally by making the island a virus free environment. As I sad, that made sense until it was exposed that the attempt to do that was a sham (see my previous comment).
3. claiming that virus was going to be as unmalicious as it ended up is like saying that one knew that betting on 7 in a roulette game was going to win. It can only be claimed in retrospective. Swedes took a gamble, sacrificed all their weak and elderly and ended up where everybody else ended up. They had more freedoms but we lost ours only when lockdowns became a leverage to enforce clinical trial of novel gene therapy.
4. The destruction you are raging about came at the begining of 2021. and it culminated in September 2021. with tyrannical coercion of all ezfka units to participate the clinical trial. It came as a result of hanging onto what stopped making sense but was a function of ulterior motives.
I agree to what you say for events post 2020. but in general not prior to it. The 2021. is the year when all became a function of disinformation to enforce gene therapy trial across the world as well to introduce Trojan laws for the function of freedom removal.
1. the vaccine was never going to stop transmission
We have never had a vaccine that can stop transmission of flu or coronaviruses
If there was rapid development of a vaccine, it was going to reduce severity slightly. That is the best that could be hoped for, and that was always going to be of minimal benefit to most people and therefore there was not enough benefit to delay letting it rip
2.not sure what you are trying to say here. The cost benefit analysis of lockdown never made sense on a national level. It barely even made sense for the elderly and immunosuppressed, but a reasonable approach would have been to lock those people down and have their meals and tasks delivered by people in PPE.
3.This is where you are talking complete bullshit.
We knew what the fatality rate was going to be when the diamond princess happened
That was all done by April 2020.
That is exactly why I was jumping up and down. We had all the data we ever needed by that point
Sweden did amazingly well. There was no gamble. They simply looked at the actual evidence and made a rational decision.
This is more revisionist bullshit
4.the destruction started in 2020. The vax mandate debacle is a sideshow as far as I am concerned. I’m not really that angry about it compared to everything else, because the actual data shows that the vax cost-benefit (barely) makes sense for anyone over 40 or so. Yes its overall negative for younger people , and mandates were illogical, and that is outrageous that they were forced to have it, but the incidence of negative effects is in reality small
Lockdown on the other hand had a devastating impact on the vast majority of people in the country but particularly the young
Coming – I really appreciate your honesty.
That said, what your wrote is really fucking sad for you personally, and, for this fucked up country… if not surprising.
when are the ppl who pushed the vax mandates gonna get theirs is what i want to know
vax mandates were framed from day 1 as OH&S issue, thats the only way you can legally jsutify them
they sure as fuck could never be argued to be about protecting the hospital system or encouraging vax take up, that was an after the fact justifcation that was bullshit anyway bc that opens the door to firing people for being fat fucks etc
vax never did shit for transmission ever
how the fuck they can still exist as private mandates even now is even more clown world shit, what the fuck
cant even get a job at big w if you havent had a jab, so someone who got 2 shot in jul 2021 is considered protected by this logic LMAO
a person in that instance would have no protection whatsoever
absolutely correct it makes absolutely zero sense, and never did
the best was dan andrews getting pissed and falling down stairs then taking up an ICU bed for weeks, at the same time he was accusing people of putting the hospital system under strain
I guess when the heat came out of any search for the virus origin, I should have known it won’t ever come out.
Good way to shut someone up still, so where did the virus come from anyway?
I’ll admit to being coerced into getting a jab, combination of needing to work to pay the mortgages and medico’s in my family.
The feeling of being ripped off sustains my anger though, remember when it was “it’ll all go back to normal when you get the jab”? Then more lockdowns came anyway. I had several arguments with family etc when I broke as many ‘rules’ as I could, saying “I’m waxed, you’re waxed” so we’re ok right? One Medico sibling was telling me about the morbidly obese person under their care, while ranting about non waxed not deserving medical care. I mentioned that the in waxed is a million times more likely to be healthier, so obese person should be denied help first, or maybe just both treated if needed, personal health choices and all.
Still remember ripping down laminated signs on Melbourne playgrounds a few times and getting Karens abuse me, one took my photo outside a cafe because I wasn’t wearing a mask, I was on my bike, and Karen shrieked “I’m going to post this on Facebook so everyone can identify you!” Admittedly I was concerned, because I was wearing Lycra and am middle aged….
I did something else, I engaged in exaggeration of the rules when dealing with Karens in reality exposing them to the absurdity of it. It seeded the confusion beyond comprehension and mirrored the hypocrisy back at them. Being a greater Karen than a great Karen when dealing with one has interesting effects.
I still do it.
hence I like the “you sound like vaccinated”…
Who could have known.
You know, if the covid Vax causes a crippling injury, you should do it again, because that’s what we need to do.