According to commentator Alex Berenson on his substack, an article recently published in Nature has identified a new “heavily mutated” coronavirus variant that is capable of bypassing the vacccines. If so, that was faster than I anticipated! If this has legs, what’s the likely outcome? More lockdowns, or do you think people will finally accept the inevitable that we have to take the excess deaths on the chin and move on?

Deaths are going to be massive due to all the folks who have had their immune systems destroyed by vaccines / boosters
The best comment for that article by moniker, Just The Facts,
Guess what! If the A.30 mutant evades all vaccines, everyone is UNVACCINATED!!
I guess it was only me who laughed.
Lots of chuckles from me. Spreading it far and wide on FB with a double dollop of schadenfreude.
what, boomers take their medicine? Not bloody likely!
Too right, that is not the EZFKA way, you really expect them to give up their hard work of buying properties when they were cheap, living through the biggest boom in everything in history where at every turn you could make a killing. Only to be denied your future Rhine cruises because the rest of the population wants to get on with life. Not bloody likely, they did not get fat and unhealthy with that kind of consideration for others.
Premier Andrews has reached an agreement with Pfizer and Astra-Zenica to produce the third booster vaccine as a suppository.
He stated that he “Wanted all Victorians to have access to something they can shove up their clacker” . “Most of my loyal supporters are used to ‘ass-play’, and this will give them some small amount of pleasure while at the same time giving their rectums a good ‘hey-ho’ with protective science juice”.
Tentative brand names for the ass-pills are ‘Azzblaster” and ‘BungJuice V’.
This is a game changer folks! my butt is tingling in anticipation!
Have you thought about writing for EZFKA? We always enjoy satire 🙂
How long before they change the Google algo?
“Suddenly died”.
I don’t get it.
Thinking about it some more it was a pretty silly search – people die suddenly all the time. Nevermind, move along, this isn’t the factoid you are interested in.
I clicked every link on the first three pages, I had to force my perversion to a stop. I shall return there after posting this comment.
“Suddenly died”, was a search term that never crossed my mind, thanks for that.
Is jy ‘n Afrikaner?
Die naam lyk asof dit in Afrikaans is.
Kan jy praat die taal
nee ek kan nie, nie sonder die hulp van Google-vertaler nie
‘n bietjie, ek kan nie afrikaans praat nie, behalwe basiese gesprek.
Oh no, not at all, just short for, Classic Ars… Hole. Thought I’d sanitize the name as none of my post would get though on some other site called, duMB.
My alter nate name is now permanently banned for seeding confirmation bias discomfort outside the chosen target.
youre so cryptic… especially for those of us that don’t regularly follow what’s going on over there.
Whatve you been sinbinned for?
OK, just put Klarse Holl into Google translator, had no idea it translated to, Clear Hole.
It only evades the current one. They’ll churn out a new vax along with the boosters for everyone to have. It’s a little late for sensible acceptance of virus effects.
Assuming they work, isn’t that a good thing?
If they don’t have side effects, maybe. What does work mean though?
The fact the new variants are resistant to the vaccine is mostly because of the vaccine, so it will be an endless arms race like the flu vaccine.
Also maybe read the article someone linked a while ago about the excess mortality among the young since the vaccines have been in widespread use.
and the endpoint of that arms race with antibiotics is multi drug resistant bugs that can’t be killed by anything we have any more.
Saving materially more lives than without having them is a pretty good start point for the definition required… and yes, factoring in side effects. The current (flawed) vaccines ultimately do that.
No they don’t. They delay getting sick.6 months later it will kill you anyway.
I suspect this is also not a surprise to pfizer. Why do you think they demanded collateral to cover the government paying for their amnesty from prosecution for providing these drugs.
Edit: For context I suspect their were Birth defect rates increase X% headline pre banning of thalidomide.
This is why the approval process now takes 5-10 years for new treatments(except covid and it’s exemption from being sued for side effects)
i don’t think that we know that yet. Nor do we know it to not be true.
my sense (without study of the data) is that the shots are moderately effective at preventing severe sickness/death given infection for older age groups.
if that’s right, then what might kill you 6 months later is actually a different version of the virus (one that the shots don’t work against)
If that isn’t true then giving a booster shot of the same vaccine is a pointless and meaningless exercise. Besides I think the isreali data already does show it becomes ineffective even against the original strains. The varants just make it even worse.
Nah, they can’t keep up, can they?
the vaccine, second shot, booster, second booster – they’re all the same juice.
So in 2 years, they’ve only been able to get one kind of juice distilled.
Not looking promising.
But the regulators are primed to rapidly accelerate the approval process, and the variants really only started after the vaccines went into widespread use.
They have millions of doses already produced that they have to get sold before they update the vaccine, it is about the science I promise …..
I actually think that the stocks/inventory don’t matter much to pharma companies.
production cost would be in the pennies. A dollar at most. Margins would be 1000% or so.
so wastage/spoilage wouldn’t move the needle.
for the governments/bureaucracies with a cost of $10/shot, it’s a different calculation, obviously.
The margins on anything still in patent are probably more than that. All the cost is the upfront development, testing and approval process.
And given they sidestepped a whole heap of that for v1 of the vax expect them to sidestep even more because variants and v2.
indeed – the cost to develop & being to market would’ve been 1/10th of what normal drugs cost, because it was done on such a rushed basis.
the costs for the pharma companies is basically tied to time in two ways – direct wages (man hours) and opportunity costs (while you have 100 people working on one drug for 3 years, they can’t be working on other drugs during those 3 years).
all that has been largely done away with for the COVID shots.
That is a point that is open to debate, if there is truth to the claim of the tech being in development for 20+ years. I suspect it simply wouldn’t pass those trials under normal cicumstance(and possibly didn’t when tried for other diseases), hence the UNUSUAL contract clauses demanding governments pay all legal damages awarded for any issues and claiming assets as guarantee of such payment.
Direct link for the those who like to share the LOLs:
I dont get it, is this for real or just another fear prawn?
It’s nature – a proper medical science journal. The vaccines we are being mandated to get may well turn out to be useless (or worse) if this A.30 variant spreads. Given the whole point of the mandates is to open the borders to keep the ponzi state economies ticking over, I can’t see why it wouldn’t spread.
It’s what that Dutch dude was warning about, isn’t it?
Geert van Sometning….
Dutch dude was saying how the vaccines out your immune system into overdrive and cause it to “wear out” so to speak meaning you would end up with immune deficiency syndrome and will be unable to fight off a cold let alone a new variant. The interesting part about that was that it ties up with how the Delta variant’s way of infecting the cells is a bit like HIV so not sure what they spliced into the Whuflu in the first place when they made it.
My take from this is that the new iteration A.30 appears to be using a different method to infect the cells, one that the immune response learnt from the current vaccines spike protein only does not recognise, seems that it could be a bit nastier on the lungs too.
This is what you get when you have non sterilising treatments sold as vaccines.
I get it that this is your interpretation however it is quite probable in my view and it is depressing.
Depressing, or depending on how you feel about overpopulation, is that by 2025 we could be less than 3 billion people in the world if we continue down this path of non sterilising vaccines and ignoring other treatments that could reduce the spread of the virus.
I read a interesting article about South African researchers that had studied a HIV positive woman that had had Whuflu for 9 months, as in she had contracted it and not got over it, as she was part of a HIV study they were doing anyway, they do bloods on her regularly and found that she had no less than 40 mutations of the whuflu in that time, however the most interesting part was that they changed her HIV medication and the Whuflu went away. They did not state what the HIV meds changed too but I am guessing the link between Whuflu and HIV is there. Especially seen as the Whuflu has Fauci’s fingerprints all over it.
It still cannot be positive in my view, because that would amass to a mass murder rather than the positive selection. If they let it rip worldwide then perhaps evolution applies but I fear that it is a clinical trial the size and proportion unseen in the history of mankind. Then this becomes survival of the fittest to resist the em RN aye and those that can avoid them.
there have been multiple situations in the last 2 years that have added up to some kind of variation or iteration of the “trolley problem”
lockdown or not
jab or not
ivermectin or not
passport or not
a man-made, hiv-spliced pathogen, of course, looms as the big daddy of the trolley problem: Depopulate or not.
trolley problem, Thanos edition.
I think if the plan was to kill us all off to get a docile easily controlled population for elites to control, then it might have seriously backfired… any resulting survivors and the majority of any subsequent generations, would be the most skeptical, recalcitrant and disagreeable people to be walking the face of the planet.
True that. The exact opposite selection pressure applied to the natives on colonisation where all but the most docile ended up being killed in conflict…
I think that the side effect of people dying from the vaccines giving them ADE was un-intended and that the real plan was to make all submit and get used to control before they started thinning the herd.
Based on what I remember from what I read, it’s like Lib not just the jabbed that are going to get to wear the consequences of the virus evolving to get nastier. It’s everyone.
Viruses that kill their hosts and never that successful, unless you have a vax that keeps them alive and allows it to propagate ….. oh I think that might actually be the reason for the vaccines being so poor, and the mandates being so strong, get the levels of fear as high as possible, this is just round one of getting us used to the 6 monthly injection of “something” and the real controlling jab is still to come.