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learn tocode

At least mig had the balls to post his own you softcock…


And i’ll let migs words do the talking.

Of course you’ll let Mig do the talking, every time you open you mouth you just confirm you’re a ‘spergy low IQ shit head and send any nearby babies to sleep with your endless droning.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

So own it. you softcock.


Own it? Of course I’ll fuckin own it.

I’ve been writing that fuckwits telephone number on the back of dunny doors every time I’ve had to take a shit in public since the fool put it up here.

It was there for anyone to check on – not like the IP addresses that are hidden away from view and that you thought you’d get away with sock puppeting an account and pretending to be Chad…. fuck you are dumb.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

AS if i didn’t know about IP addresses you retard.
And if he’s living in your head that hard, lololololololol.

Did you ever ring it?
Nah, you are to chickenshit for that.


AS if i didn’t know about IP addresses you retard.

You be the retard who was caught out sock puppeting, you even had the nerve to try and accuse me of it you tiny dicked weiner.

Why the fuck would I ring Mig – I’m not a horny poof like you.

learn tocode

Why did you keep migs number?
I found it by searching, you must already have known it…


What – you think you are the only dickhead who remembers things. You’re not special you spergy floppy dicked tosspot.

learn tocode

but apparently mig is, to you at least…


Funnily enough I did txt Mig when he chucked it up. Had some limited “conversations” but that’s about it. Mig is an interesting character lol



Pity you let the cat out of the bag before W@ffle gave it a call, surprised you didn’t try and give it a call yourself after you sent a LinkedIn invite to some poor doofus who you mistook for me last night, you pathetic loser.

Fuck I must have gotten under your skin for you to waste time trying to dox me.


Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I am just making sure EVERYBODY knows what you are like.
And you are making it really easy.
You are still spraying shit all over other articles.

Like I said, you are done here. Just go find another site.


I am just making sure EVERYBODY knows what you are like.

What like I did to you yesterday by revealing you were running sock puppet accounts pretending to be Chaddles?

Same IP address although your lack of wit and beige way with words had me guessing from the outset what you were doing.

You are still spraying shit all over other articles.

I ain’t be spraying shit over other articles, that is your forte. I’ve just been taking a dump on your comments and I will continue to do so until you BEG for me to banned, you central coast cuck.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

sock puppet accounts pretending to be Chaddles?


There is 1 comment, not pretending to be chaddles that is nothing like chaddles, that you somehow thought was chaddles because you really aren’t very smart.


There were a ton of comments by “Chaddles” on that particular day – although that was the only one made on a post I could see the IP address on.

All the other comments by “Chad” were made on your forum post, so I couldn’t see the IP address…. more likely you posted one comment then realised your mistake and made sure all the rest were done on posts that only you could see the IP address on.

because you really aren’t very smart.

Has that poor sap you tried to ‘friend’ on LinkedIn replied to you yet dummy?

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Awwwwww, you reported my account for making a friend request….


Blah ha ha ha ha hah – someone reported your account?

Blah ha ha ha ha hah! Don’t look at me, I don’t know what your pathetic name is, I’d probably start with Big John the Wanker.


Don’t need to know about your friday nights…


Don’t need to know about your friday nights…

Ha ha ha ha… good one – you are so witty. I bet all the ‘spergy ladies fall for your lines.

learn tocode

Aww, you still only have that picture, i have one too


You are the one REPEATING the generalisations you have read.
I know the concept is a little hard, but you’ll get there if you think about it,.


FMD Poindexter – I wrote a fucking blog post on an obscure forum trying to explain some pretty cool new technology to a bunch of lay people, of course I’m going to use generalisations to make it more accessible.

EVERYTHING I’ve written is referenced and support, the only thing ever supporting anything you have ever said is your own bloated and very boring opinion.


Blah ha ha ha ha hah – you’re still hung up on me calling Distributed Ledger Technology a type of database?

Despite the fact that it they are commonly referred to as a type of database by practically everyone who isn’t a ‘spergy low T neckbeard trying to nickle and dime someone who disagrees with his Crypto Bro philosophy.

You absolute beta.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
learn tocode

you never “reference” anything.

And if it is a database, what advantage does it offer over more conventional ones?


you never “reference” anything.

Yawn – anyone opening any of the posts I’ve made to this blog will instantly be able to see the embedded links and references that I’ve referred to.

And if it is a database, what advantage does it offer over more conventional ones?

And here we go again, fuck you are dumb spergy idiot there’s only like 76 million articles discussing blockchains in the context of databases.

But hey, 76 million articles are wrong in YOUR OPINION.

You complete muppet, go away and pull your dick some more and see if you can get another idea to spurt out the top of your head.

learn tocode

So NAME ONE specific advantage.

Or fling poo, your choice.

Or keep repeating the generalisations…


So NAME ONE specific advantage.

No – there are plenty I’ve written about before. YOU go do the work and find where I’ve mentioned it, you low brow beta cuck.

Or fling poo, your choice.

I think you have your answer.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
learn tocode

Of course not, because you cant.
But i’m sure your investments are well researched…


Good enough that I don’t have to work anymore if I don’t want to.

learn tocode

And you have to edit your comments again,
maybe slow down a little and think between strokes on your microcock,

how about you reference one of those times, although last time you did it didn’t actually support your point.


And you have to edit your comments again,

Yawn – if I can edit a comment before some replies to it in order to better get my message across, even if it is as simple as BJW wears ladies underpants, then I will do so.

maybe slow down a little and think between strokes on your microcock,

Chad was always thinking about my cock…. it is inevitable when beta’s interact with alphas.

how about you reference one of those times, although last time you did it didn’t actually support your point.

This doesn’t make any sense. As for some personal advice – slow down take a deep breath and think about exactly what you want to say, write it all out then put it in the bin, because whatever you think, write or say ain’t gunna be good enough.

learn tocode

Yawn – if I can edit a comment before some replies to it in order to better get my message across, even if it is as simple as BJW wears ladies underpants, then I will do so.

The thing is once you post it, someone can reply to it, even if you don’t see the reply.
That is how tech works.

Of course, i wouldn’t expect you to know or understand that…

slow down take a deep breath and think about exactly what you want to say, 

projecting again, you really should take your own advice here.


As Chad thundercock said:

So unoriginal u pathetic old kunt. Think of your own insults instead of stealing from that pedo stewie. you silly old incel

learn tocode

Yep, admission you lost the argument, yet again…

Spend some of your money on your own website to hold your articles.


LOL – you wanker, you’re not very good at this are you?

You don’t win an argument by declaring you are a winner, you win when the other guy calls you an “idiot” I’ve just been doing victory laps around you ever since.

learn tocode

you win when the other guy calls you an “idiot”

you must get called an idiot all the time
no wonder you are so self confident.


you must get called an idiot all the time

Only by Dunning-Kruger types

no wonder you are so self confident.

Most people who aren’t low T neckbeard betas posses a little self confidence.


do u guys ever work


Looks like the Sydney lockdown has taken its toll on these two…

Guys, ph: 13 11 14

learn tocode

gladys says I can’t.
getting paid to dump shit on stewie is gold though.
Personally I’d rather work but what you gonna do…


Personally I’d rather work but what you gonna do…

I’m sure the sheltered workshop can do without your contributions for a day.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
learn tocode

What’s your excuse?


What – looking for another titbit of information to run back to LinkedIn and perform another doxxing search?

LOL – have they unfrozen your LinkedIn account for you sending that abusive friend request to that poor guy you mistook for me last night?

learn tocode

See the thing is it wasn’t offensive.
That’s what makes me think it WAS you.


Blah ha ha ha ha ha ha hah


Blah ha ha ha ha ha ha hah… I thought you were still trying to shake me down for tit-bits of information.

Ha ha ha ha…. you got your professional LinkedIn account frozen for harassment. Gold! Pure Gold.

How’s a second rate programmer who can’t even afford to live in Sydney gunna get a job now? Blah ha ha ha hah

OMG – I HAVE TEARS, TEARS LITEREALLY STREAMING DOWN MY face….. sorry, I have to go and compose myself…. maybe do something ‘thinking’ your style to celebrate this victory.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
learn tocode

You really don’t read anyone else’s articles do you…

Or you have the memory of a goldfish.

And you couldn’t put that together without editing again….

Fuck, no wonder you put out so few articles, it must take forever with that level of writing ability.

learn tocode

 you got your professional LinkedIn account frozen for harassment

And that you would think that, on literally the same page I called you out for using a fake phone number…

see, you just use a new comment for a new thought.


Not just any fake phone number but the phone number of just as big a fuckwit as yourself.

You two should get together, lose your virginity and have fuckwit babies together.

I really hope W@ffle called that number before you ruined the joke ya pathetic party pooper.

learn tocode

That you think w@f is that stupid says more about you than him.
Kinda like

Ha ha ha ha…. you got your professional LinkedIn account frozen for harassment. Gold! Pure Gold.


Yeah sure.

learn tocode

you comment was so good you had to change it…..

you insecure chickenshit piece of crap…



you comment was so good you had to change it…..

Bok Bok Bok

You sqwark like a chicken.

learn tocode

at least i can type an insult without fucking it up so hard I have to change it.

You are truly intellectually superior.

I bow before king generalisations.


I am plagued by having better thoughts entering my head all the time…. sort of the opposite of how your brain works.

learn tocode

I am plagued by having better thoughts entering my head all the time…. sort of the opposite of how your brain works.

Truly you are, I just looked back, and you have edited almost half your comments after you post them.
They are so bad you just can’t leave them there like that for people to judge.
You are truly a champion of thinking.

PS you can put new thoughts in a new comment, it’s kind of what they are for.


Truly you are, I just looked back, and you have edited almost half your comments after you post them.

Because I’m dealing with a spergy anally retentive fuckwit, who obsesses over what is or isn’t a database, of course I’m gunna fix any spelling or grammar mistakes, because next up he’ll be lecturing me on the difference between ‘your’ and ‘you’re’.

learn tocode

One doth protest too much…

Can’t you get spelling right before pushing the “post comment” button?


I can multi-task like a fiend. As I said, I find skewering low IQ blow hards an enjoyable pass time. Some people duck outside for a ciggy in between spreadsheets, I just slap my dick some more in blow jobs face.

learn tocode

but you can’t name a single advantage despite all your awesomeness…

learn tocode


Is this an example of your “better thoughts”



No its is an example of dick being slapped in face, something I’m doing to you every time I reply.

learn tocode

true, you are slapping your dick in your face everytime you reply.

You must REALLY like it.

learn tocode

You do post pics of it all the time…

new comment…


What – you miss this one?

I love this meme and how it so perfectly encapsualtes your ‘spergy big brained full of himself energy, and the smug sense of satisfaction that reeks off you every time you reply.

This is YOU and you know it. That is why hate it…. you can pretend that it doesn’t bother you, but you showed it annoyed you for a fraction of a second yesterday and that was all I needed to see.

learn tocode

I really hate it,

Tell you what, stop posting it and I will admit you aren’t being scammed by bsv…


You can’t even write a post criticising BSV – you just sneak your Moon Boy nickle & dime attacks into the comments section “Durrrr that’s not a database

Common you gutless shemale, write an article, I’m dying for another attempt at you being an intellectual with a “Fiat has value because Govt has guns” post.

learn tocode

But I haven’t written any articles….

Have you mistaken me for someone else?

chaddles maybe?



FMD you’re embarrassing yourself Blow Job, not that a spergy fuckwit like yourself would have the social skills to realise that.

learn tocode

See, this really is projecting…


Nah – its called observing.


Try harder.

learn tocode

Try harder

Stewie 2: try harder?


A picture tells a thousand words.

learn tocode

Does it matter?
I think he just repeats insults others have used on him.


I think he just repeats insults others have used on him.

Nah you dead shit, I’m creating enough to come up with my own – unlike you, which is something even Chad recognised:

So unoriginal u pathetic old kunt. Think of your own insults instead of stealing from that pedo stewie. you silly old incel

learn tocode



Don’t want to fix “Creating enough”?


spergy (comparative more spergy, superlative most spergy) (slang, derogatory, offensive, sometimes reclaimed) Showing an awkward, pedantic, or obsessive nature stereotypically associated with Asperger’s syndrome.

Yet another accurate description I’ve applied in my comments in respect to yourself.

learn tocode

I thought you were

 creating enough to come up with my own

Generalisations and contradictions.

Maybe I should do that as an article, just list all the bullshit you have posted. It can be the next shitpost article instead of a peachy one.

learn tocode

/\ like it now if you want it…..


Liked and even better, I did a post promoting it

learn tocode

The question is did you just dox yourself, as you like to put it.



Go for it you tiny dicked weiner – IDGAF

All it will be is just your bloviated opinion, which you spray around like a dog marking its pissing on trees, which is what all this is really about.

I have a different OPINION to you.

You, a Crypto Moon Boy – whose main thesis is “store of value” but funnily enough, while he’s such a big believer in that thesis he’s currently holding ZERO.

Me, Crypto skeptic who believes that if something is to have value then it needed to perform some task of value, i.e. work, or Proof of Work, which is the actually economic principal that is supposedly meant to link across to the hashing algorithms that protect the network. It is also what gives currency other than fiat value… (for the record you dumb shit, the thing that gives Govt currency value is that that they demand you pay your taxes with it)


But because you are such a resident of the hard floor of Dunning-Kruger valley, that you allow any opinion that stands in conflict with yours from standing burns you up.

Because you are a bully and you can’t stand people disagreeing with you – the appalling abuse that you hurled at Pfh007 because he disagreed with your views on vaccines is another example. That I stand up to you and hurl abuse and shit back at you at ten times the pace you can manage only burns you even more.

I regularly make contrition to having imperfect knowledge on matters so I speak openly and provide as many references for why I hold the views I do, but you…. your absolutism in your own opinion is a towering monument to pig headedness.

So come at me cunt, do your best.

learn tocode

Go for it you tiny dicked weiner – IDGAF

All it will be is just your bloviated opinion, which you spray around like a dog marking its pissing on trees, which is what all this is really about.

All it will be is screenshots of you…

You, a Crypto Moon Boy – whose main thesis is “store of value” but funnily enough, while he’s such a big believer in that thesis he’s currently holding ZERO.

So wheres your famous references for that?

Me, Crypto skeptic who believes that if something is to have value then it needed to perform some task of value, i.e. work, or Proof of Work, which is the actually economic principal that is supposedly meant to link across to the hashing algorithms that protect the network. It is also what gives currency other than fiat value… (for the record you dumb shit, the thing that gives Govt currency value is that that they demand you pay your taxes with it)

This is one of those generalisations things… It only has value to the point it does something that can’t be done another way, (if the government demanded monopoly money for taxes, what would happen?)


But because you are such a resident of the hard floor of Dunning-Kruger valley, that you allow any opinion that stands in conflict with yours from standing burns you up.

Pot, kettle. But with much more expletives and stupid pictures, clearly the hallmarks of a powerful intellect.

Because you are a bully and you can’t stand people disagreeing with you – the appalling abuse that you hurled at Pfh007 because he disagreed with your views on vaccines is another example. That I stand up to you and hurl abuse and shit back at you at ten times the pace you can manage only burns you even more.

What abuse? something like ” a spergy anally retentive fuckwit,” or “ you tiny dicked weiner “
also references….


It has to be said bjws main approach when faced with disagreement is to fire off replies left and right, doubling down and overwhelming dissenting opinion with the same position expressed slightly differently every time. Also agree he uses semantics as proof of the illegitimacy or extent of illogic in argument.

You saw that when I had a back and forth with the bloke on covid.

It’s not far off bullying, it is needlessly argumentive and quickly becomes tiring.

Your verbal tirades back at him are now next level but I do appreciate the content put forward.

learn tocode

Reply to someones point, what a novel idea…

It’s how a discussion works.


Very accurately put 90kw.

The abuse he hurled at Pft007 simply for airing an opinion different to his and refusing to being cowed into accepting BJW’s tells you everything you need to know about this exchange.


And you say I suck up for approval….

projecting seems to be the main thing you do everywhere.


…was I talking to you fuck face?

What 90kw said is exactly what I’ve been saying.

You’re just a bully who can’t stand it when someone disagrees with his opinion.



Doesn’t matter of the legitimacy of the points brought up either, it’s like arguing with a brick wall. It’s his way or the highway and everyone else is wrong.




Maybe your points aren’t as legitimate as you think though stewie…

learn tocode

I still can’t work out how you thought that this post was from chaddles?
How did you think that? I really need to know.


I was trying to find out how Chad got past your filter or whether it was turned off…. but on reflection it did display a surprising level of capitalization and punctuation than what I would expect from Chad.

This is why I went back looking for it and found that despite being named as Chad would name it, and attempting to insult me as Chad would insult me, and having an email address as Chad would name it, it actually shared the same IP address as yourself.

Because you are a lying manipulative cunt.

learn tocode

 that despite being named as Chad would name it, and attempting to insult me as Chad would insult me, and having an email address as Chad would name it

That is YOUR OPINION, and not a very good one.
Got references, samples of chads actual writing?

Because you are a lying manipulative cunt.

Aren’t you the one that admitted to running multiple twitter accounts…