Never really watched the Footy show (at least the Victorian version of it) I don’t know a lot about Sam Newman and have never really listened to him other than as a passing curiosity in terms of whatever news, scandal or outrage he managed to generate through his own public behaviour.
However, given the work by the NSN in terms of raising their profile by holding such radical events as “Marching on Australia Day while singing Waltzing Matilda” which resulted in 16 of them being arrested for loitering and wearing a disguise (hat and sun glasses), while Invasion Day celebrators were carrying placards with “Kill Whites”, Sam apparently came across them and invited Tom Sewell and Blair Cottrell onto his Boomer podcast to ask them what they were on about:
Kudos to Sam – who pulled no punches and at times was almost sneeringly aggressive in delivering some of his questioning (70 years of Boomer programming is hard to undo in 50 minutes). But more kudos for Sam in actually going ahead and speaking to them publicly and having them on his podcast.
There is unsurprisingly no effort in the globalist msm to try and understand what Nationalism is about or see that it is portrayed in anything other light than pure evil. So of course the msm were quick to criticism Sam for even daring to acknowledge their existence, let alone give them an opportunity to explain their position and appear vaguely human with some legitimate concerns:

The big win was raising their profile and getting them on, as to whether or not it was an actual win for their movement I am a little undecided.
It was good that they raised their profile, it was just a bit disappointing that the conversation became so centered around making Australia white, or Hitler, particularly at the start rather than the issues that are motivating them and potentially empowering their movement; affordable housing, resource nationalisation, corporate powers, and of course the power and influence of the banks. They got some good hits in on immigration, but less so on the corruption of the political parties and the political system.
To his credit Blair did try to pull it back a bit and to stay on topic, and Tom made some good points about how it was okay for Indians to have a homeland, Chinamen to have a homeland and Africans to have a homeland, while it was not only necessary, but morally necessary, that we share our homelands with everyone else.
Tom got best comment of the night when Sam made reference to it probably being hard for Tom’s overseas colleagues having trouble getting into and visiting Australia, as “They wouldn’t get in.” To which Tom replied, “Australia is a hard place to get into…. unless you are brown.” Much gafforffing from Sam.
While Tom might have been a bit hard to digest with his talking about Folk (or Volk) or spirituality which I interpreted as ‘culture’, he also ended up getting the best exchange away when Sam tried to corner Tom about his colleague calling a black security guard a monkey (from about 45min), as in ‘dance monkey, dance’ from that Luipa song from the time, when the guard was actually doing a monkey dance to mock Tom and his colleague, for which they both were on the recieving end of the guards violence. Tom quickly turned it around pointing that in his past Sam had once had to front the governing body for calling a brown Asian a ‘monkey’ as well! lol
This then triggered Sam to recall his own cancellation from public television for daring to question the George Floyd narrative by calling him a ‘Thug’, so they all then bonded and Sam dropped the play sneering affectation and they all hugged and went home friends.

Actually they didn’t – after Blair circulated a photo of them all shaking hands at the end of the interview, and blow back began to mount from Sam daring to give them any exposure, Sam came out tweeting calling Blair an opportunist:

In fairness to Sam I did detect a bit of hostility towards Blair in the interview, which picked up on but didn’t particularly understand where it was coming from, given Blairs overall minimal appearance (maybe as the more ‘moderate’ brand Blair is actually the more major threat?).
On the spectrum of political beliefs they probably sit just a bit further to my right, Sewell probably more so than Blair “I’m more concerned about us being in control of our own country” Cottrel. But then Sewell has a little more personal experience with the ethnic experience of being a minority white population living amongst coloured’s with relatives in South Africa and Rhodesia, so he may be arguing from a point of lived emotional experience.
He is also younger and probably been even more on the receiving end in terms of the lost employment opportunities as a result of being a white man, that I have personally experienced in the workplace, not to mention being forced to live amongst alien cultures in the sort of diversity that nearly drives me crazy taking the train a few stops home to my white bread suburb.
My personal brand of National Socialism is probably more inline with Blair and of the civic variety, where culture is more important. I am less immediately concerned about ridding us of the people who are here. IMHO if you get the population sufficiently civically and nationally minded the race issue essentially takes care of itself, as demographics get locked in and immigration is reduced to a trickle and quickly absorbed into existing Australian society and culture. The exception would be the past couple years of Indian and African immigration, however I think with the right policies and incentives, remigration for a large slab of them could easily, humanely and ethically be achieved.
However that said, for a number of reasons I tolerate and support Tom’s right to hold the views he does and his focus on white ethnicity.
Firstly it adds balance to our social narrative – if there is an extreme end of politics that are allowed to get away with saying there should be no whites or that white privileges exists, etc, then for the very sake of balance, opposing view should be allowed to exist. By lopping off that spectrum of discussion the median narrative position shifts radically to the left for no good reason at all – a consequence of which means that ALL people or right or conservative views are partially disenfranchised. It deliberately narrows the Overton window, shifting it to the left, purely on the basis that the ‘left’ are morally more correct, than the views and values of people on the ‘right’ (based in no small part on the Zionist myths that endured and were propagated about the ‘evils’ of Nationalism after the war).
Secondly, despite holding beliefs that a certain amount of non-white immigration can be absorbed into a country without fundamentally changing it, I am of the belief that Australia is fundamentally the way it is, because it was founded, built and maintained by white people – specifically the Anglosaxon/Celtic people from the British Islands, and other Rb1 haplo groups in Western Europe with a smattering of Ra1s. I think it is desperately important that if our grandkids are going to enjoy any semblance of life on the same quality of ourselves or our parents, then Australia remain overwhelming white – especially with those haplo groups (the very biological core and essence of ‘Western Civilization’) remain overwhelmingly dominant.
As I have mentioned many times, I believe a feedback-loop exists between, Environment, Culture and Genes. Australia is the way it is because of the people who built it, and the people who built are a function of their cultural values, and both these forces are expressed an their genes through different polygenic combinations than other races.
Thirdly and finally some subjects can only be emotively argued from the perspective of family and kin. As a society I think it is important that people consider big question issues of what will happen to white people if they are surrounded by a sea of hostile browns? Why should our future be turned into some bland Khaki MultiCult economic zone. How do we ensure the genetic uniqueness and cultural diversity of our people, is preserved and able to perpetuate itself, unencumbered by the contamination of alien values and cultures introduced to our shores? Having these discussions doesn’t make someone hateful, any less than a kabal of Jews sitting around asking how they can perpetuate their beliefs? (the solutions they come up with might be though).
So while I find their white focus race talk at times problematic, mainly from an optics perspective in the wider media when I think some form of National Socialism, any form, is more important than whether it be civic or white, for the above reasons I support their ability to speak their mind and at the very least to pull the social narrative back to a really more true central position.
Postscript: Update to the story, both Thomas Sewell and Blair Cottrell’s twitter accounts were nuked at the same time within 24hrs of this interview starting to gain traction…. perhaps mentioning that they had offshore chats with other NeoNazi groups in internet forums wasn’t a smart thing.

Interesting post Stewie.
Regardless of the correctness of their views, associating themselves with Nazis of any stripe is plain old stupid. That brand is…errmm…tainted.
People can LARP about calling themselves national socialists, wearing funny clothes and doing Roman sulutes if they want to, as long as they realise that they lose all credibility by doing so.
They could espouse exactly the same views while calling themselves The Australian Freedom Party, or whatever, and they’d do just fine.
Anyway, good on Sam Newman, whoever he may be, for having them on his show. Exposure to sunlight is always the best way to encourage good ideas to flourish and bad ideas to decline. The worst approach is to pretend that the ideas don’t exist, and attempt to suppress them.
Bang on target there LSWCHP.
I’ve always been surprised they haven’t realised that being linked to any group with Nazi in the name, or using associated symbols, is political suicide. It’s just an incredibly low IQ move.
They must know it’s a problem, which to me suggests these guys aren’t a serious group; they’re effectively an identity club where the only requirements for entry are being white and slightly retarded.
lol “Interesting post” is my usual way of politely disagreeing.
I use to be 100% in agreement with you LCH &JCB, and I have spoken in the past of why I think to Hitler salutes are counterproductive because they trigger normie revulsion. However now I am increasingly of two minds in regards to that sort of behaviour.
They could call themselves the Australian Freedom Party or whatever and adopt National Socialist policies just as easily, but then the msm will and commentators will simply call them Nazis anyway – for a while I was involved in the Sustainable Australia Party, basically a bunch of disillusioned lefty Greens and they were still being called Nazis, and ignored by the media. There are plenty of other wanna be minor parties that have adopted some Nationalist policies in some form or another but the media simply ignore them.
I’ve come to see the NSN tactics of saying these outrageous things in msm and then interposing them with reasonable things, like simply doing a patriotic march on Australia Day as a form of media hacking – they drive the media’s attention to these issues, like the replacement of meat workers in Cowra with imported Brazilians or their Australia Day march, as a means of drawing attention to these issues and getting those issues the exposure that would otherwise be ignored.
I understand it is a fine line between triggering normie revulsion through say a public HH or putting up a banner that say’s “Jews Hate Freedom”, but then having it trigger a public discussion and then a regime response of oppression – this actually causes the public to gradually drift towards their cause as they ask “Why are the Govt passing these oppressive laws when its just a bunch of over grown school boys larping as Nazis?”
It draws attention to an ignored issue that the public can then get on side with, even if they don’t particularly like or agree with the people calling out the issue. Like the Australia Day march for example, plenty of patriotic people were pissed off with the Vic and SA Govt’s cancelling of Aust Day marches while allowing “Invasion Day” marches to go ahead…. after a while when they find that the only guys protesting and calling out these things, things that really matter to them are NSN guys, eventually they’ll start identifying more with them and a bunch of whinging Zionist Jews sooking over a couple HH’s will matter less to them than the other stuff.
However, this approach imho has to be tempered in other instances – like the Sam Newman interview, the race talk was just to ott for Sam’s audience. That was a perfect opportunity to roll back some of the more extreme stuff, and actually get their underlying message across. With the msm they need to drive the attention, otherwise they will never get to air their real grievances or messages, through secondary effects like Sam’s podcast. But with an interview like the one they had, it was the perfect opportunity to be a lot more reasonable and actually get some real community penetration in terms of their real message.
For example Sam’s opening statement on what they thought of Adolf so as to immediately frame them and box them in, could have been easily side stepped by asking him what Sam thought of JFK’s statement on Hitler and what he meant by saying “Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived”. “He had in him the stuff of which legends are made,” which he wrote in 1945 after touring Hitler’s Bavarian mountain retreat.
IMHO the way things are, sure play up to the msm as Goose stepping Nazis in order to maximise exposure, they will describe you as that irrespective of what you call yourselves, but then when the opportunity arises to do some directly targeted messaging put your reasonable and conciliatory hat on and take two steps back.
The msm will never portray any nationalist or nationalist policies favourably, but their audiences are now increasingly cynical and understand that, and more likely to forgive such antics if they have the opportunity to hear and listen to well reasoned and much more accessible arguments when delivered to a more open minded audience.
The interview imho was a bit of a missed or lost opportunity to obtain some broader disillusioned normie appeal.
It probably won’t get any better when they’re gone. You’ll get the shitty garish hicks acting like a teal because their house in rooty hill went up by a mil.
You can’t underestimate the entertainment value of the Trump presidency. Who is keen to move to Gaza City once he turns it into the new Riviera?
Trump is culturally Jewish.
Maybe triguboff can step in from next door and set up some 40 storey towers
I realized I was thinking of Frank Lowy who now resides in Israel. But either of them will do.
US$310m for that shitty pier in Gaza that the sea destroyed after a week.
Do the yanks have any capacity to (re)build anything?
Mass shooting at an adult education school full of invaders in Sweden.
Could be just a gangland assassination with some collateral damage, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a native Swede who’d had enough of the Muslims.
White loner shooter, so my guess is the latter.
In other news, AP is begging for donations. Because democracy. Everyone loves democracy, right?
Hmm. I wonder how many illegal Indian migrants there are here. I wonder how many of those deported by Trump will end up here.
1) lots
2) lots
Open Nazis being involved in anti-immigration politics is the best gift Lib/Lab could ask for. Asians and Indians who want immigration cuts (I know some) aren’t going to vote for people who racially hate them and want to deport them, they’ll keep backing Lib/Lab out of self-preservation. Even wogs will be alienated by the blatant Angloness of it all. We’ve already seen this process with One Nation who weren’t even Nazi.
In all honesty No1 I agree with you.
For the TLDR to my above comment, I think a bit of play acting and LARPing it up for the msm is useful in order to hack the msm and get the attention, but the outright racism needs to be rolled back elsewhere as it all it does is alienate potential supporters and allies.
I’ve seen the pile ons against the likes of @therealrukshan and it is imho very counterproductive. He’s been Australianized and that is enough for me. The racial right arguing over ‘No true Scotsman’ sucks the wind out of the space. As I’ve said above, if you can imbue the general population with a sense of nationalism and identity, then the race issue takes care of itself.
The best thing those Asians and Indians who want immigration cuts can do to reduce immigration, is move to Asia and India.
Tom and Blair’s biggest win was getting that Boomer fuckwit to admit that Australia was a better place when the White Australia Policy was in effect.
Without a doubt they had some wins – but imho it was a bit of missed opportunity in order of getting some of their positions that were capable of having broader mainstream appeal.
Interesting Blair car out with his own video response:
Appearing reasonable is probably the biggest threat of Nationalists, so it makes sense why Sam went hardest against Blair in social media afterwards.
I’m gonna vote for this guy, says he wants to reduce immigration to 100k.
too high
Yeah. Better than nothin. Seems thats about as good as we get to vote for. SAP looks like they’d rather sit around watching the Thunderbirds.
He was also against these new hate laws and he said One Nation voted for them.
There is no point – the political system is completely captured in Australia. The major parties have only further entrenched their duopoly with the recent changes to the election funding laws. Without the option for electing a ‘big man‘ like Trump, Australia’s future is as a captive slave economy.
The vampire truly drainth of our lives.
We should always at least carry some hope.
It is really funny how Trump is trying to cut all this government waste only to give the money to Israel.
It is fascinating to me how his second term is so unlike his first one.
Every new day of his admin brings a new and improved outlandish statement. He is now redeveloping Gaza and is going to obliterate Iran should Iran order his assassination.
He just seems unhinged but in a more sinister way than Biden or Kamala. I may be wrong, but he is still living in the old paradigm where whatever USA says, goes.
Can’t remember where I got this from, but here is a list of recent accomplishments: Panama Canal is still Panamanian, Greenland is still Dutch, Saudis are pissed because of Gaza (and Trump needs them to increase oil production, not happening), tariff wars against Canada, Mexico and China were the most short-lived tariff wars. USAID is sort of getting cancelled, but Marco Rubio is in charge now, so will he give up access to this source of unvetted funding (being a politician, highly unlikely).
The mind boggles, and we are only 3 weeks in. Circus.
i think they’ve already backed out of the gaza thing, realised pretty fast it’s unworkable and the palestinians and surrounding arab states aren’t going to comply
In other news, an important initiative from Trump.
People are noticing
Certainly more Jewy that I was expecting, but then you take the leader you are given, not the one you want…. question is – who gave him to us?
Is he organic or are result of cultural capture?
Stop being a cuck
Probably a bit of both, Stewie.
All the economic sentiment data leading up to the last election indicated the Democrats were going to get smoked. Combine that with growing discontent over immigration and that makes for a huge organic factor capable of winning an election.
On the cultural capture side we’ve got Trump’s largest support block being extremely pro-Israel Christians, some very wealthy Jewish donors, and obviously, as you explain in the linked post, Trump’s own links and history with the Jews, which I simply refer to as Trump being culturally Jewish.
Oh yeah at a minimum I was expecting him to be pro-Zionist. Growing up in NY he would be well experienced with doing deals with Jewish property developers – his daughter has married a Jew (they have a tendency to glob onto successful business families).
It is just that I would have expected him to be a bit more of a businessman over it, made Netenyahu bend over for a good rogering one way or another. But I think I just under-estimated his Jewificiation, as you say ‘He’s culturally Jewish’.
Many wealth Billionaires eg Rhineheart comes to mind, if they aren’t strongly invested in some religion, and they’re of a secular background, then I culturally Jewish is probably the default position for him, and much of our Boomer population too.
On a more neutral political discussion – amazing shit to hear how USAID has been basically used as one giant Govt funded leftist slush fund for God knows how long – I wonder just how many donations the DNC received in at least the past 2 elections, that were simply round robin payments from USAID to NGO to DNC.
It is like a million leftists cried out in horror and were suddenly silenced.
No wonder they have been able to march through our institutions with that sort of Govt funding.
So many people have done arts degrees over the years since getting a degree was considered pretty much a right. At uni they were by far some of the whitest people. I was a bit jealous because I was around a bunch of dorks and asians in stem. No wonder they’ve become such a ravenous beast along side all the others in the economy.
It’s pretty crazy some of the stories coming out. The scale. Difficult to verify some stories. Still amazing when the effect and how people behave due to this.
$32 million in “subscriptions” to Lefty rage Politico for government workers. Also known as corruptly paying the media to provide good coverage. Politico apparently didn’t make payroll on the pay day after the funding was stopped. 🙂
Also millions to the NY Times, the fucking evil Grauniad, and even the BBC!
The magnitude of the USAID scam boggles me. I saw a report that there are aver 55000 NGOs receiving US taxpayer money through USAID.
I hope they’re able to prosecute and imprison a few of these grifters. If nothing else their funding is now fucked, and that will cause a massive change in the Deep States ability to maintain the Narrative.
I am sure DOGE will uncover some interesting stuff, but the Politico subs are normal affairs for governments. Sites like politico and Bloomberg charge upwards of 10k per article which is how Michael Bloomberg name his money.
USAid is but one of the mechanisms of influence. Normally associated with Dems, so it’s Trump having a revenge.
Reps have their own mechanisms, NED is one of those normally affiliated with Reps. Nothing about it in the news.
So I think while USAid will be closed, money flows will just be rerouted through other organisations.
Less money for Politico (allegedley). What is dls going to do for his hot takes on US politics now.
The way DLS was willing to clean Biden & Son’s syphilitic foreskins when Trump lost to him (“A Biden Boom of immense proportions“) makes me suspicious MB was after some of that US AIDS as well.
Lee Fang has a good write-up on this.
A lot of bullshit going around at the moment. I’m not believing a thing that comes from Elon’s orbit until it’s confirmed by a trusted third party.
The difference between Politico and Bloomberg, is that Bloomberg is a news and information carrier service. News as it occurs is distributed throughout the Bloomberg news service.
Any premium service of Politico is still going to be delayed and second hand by virtue of it having to be sourced through a provider, like Bloomberg. Basically all you are paying for is the privilege of hearing courtiers and insiders reflect the purest msm narrative back at you, with the possibility of a few titbits of inside information. In the main I’d say its main job is to work as a sheltered workshop and keep US political science students employed.
The anecdote about it not making pay due to a technicality is imho quite likely, they’ve sat fat on the Govt teat for a while, and those subscriptions would have a remaining weighted life of at least 6mths. We’ll see how truthful their claims of lack of dependence on Govt subsidies is in about 9 to 12mths time by whether or not they’re still publishing.
The issue with Lee Fang’s analysis is that he takes the most appealing, amusing, yet incorrect anecdote in which to discredit the notion that USAID has been largely used as giant slush fund. I don’t doubt for one minute that there was some genuine AID being done, its just imho that it was most likely mixed in with an awful lot of corruption.
What USAIDs purpose increasingly appears to have been in policy and agenda laundering – enforcing narrative and elite doctrine. This is where the main harm took place. Polluting the objectivity of societies information systems with ideology of the woke left.
Politic Pro is more like Bloomberg terminal, which the gov also buys at over 25k a seat. The Fed also buys that service.
Politico Pro is like Bloomberg terminal for policy wonks and lobbyists.
Politico Pro uses lots of the governments own data. The government collects so much data they can’t use it without a paying a third party to make it presentable/understandable to their own staff. I’d argue this should be done inhouse, but for whatever reason they choose to outsource it to Politico LLC.
I’m not sure what was incorrect here. I don’t think anyone is arguing USAID isn’t used for political purposes (soft power). NED is a similar situation, but that’s more a CIA/Republican project.
The worst aspect of USAID grift highlighted appears related to the Internews network, which Fang mentions.
Cheers – that is news to me.
Have you shut-ins seen the story about a skilled worker in New Zealand washing his arse with soap in a public swimming pool? Our economy would be in dire straits without these skilled workers.
Only the best most highly skilled of arse washers. You have to wonder where this obsession with taking indian migrants has come from in this part of the world.
English speaking, part of the Commonwealth.
“New Zealand man”
I think you mean to say
“Aotearoa person”
I laughed!
That would explain the recent news about cryptosporidium outbreaks in public pools in VIC, WA and QLD
Minimum jail terms for the null concept of ‘hate speech’, shoved through parliament, is tin pot third world country stuff. But how does it affect ash barty’s property price.
I still don’t understand what’s wrong with hate. It’s a perfectly natural human emotion.
I hate lots of things (broccoli) and individuals (John Howard) and groups (Muslims).
Somehow, we’ve reached a position where hating some person or group, and expressing that hatred, has become illegal which is utterly mad.
We really need a Trump over here to restore some sanity.
In the Topsy-turvy existing of life within the long house emotional harm (neurosis) is elevated above actual physical harm.
Your comment didn’t sit well with me when I first read it, but I had to take time to formulate a response.
I always thought and teach my children that hate is a very powerful word. It necessarily leads to wrath, one of the 7 deadly sins. In Orthodox Church it is also very much frowned upon, as it’s teaching is very different from Catholicism.
Dislike is more of a word I’d use.
Not preaching or getting too Biblical here, but it is a very strong feeling as I see it.
Israel needs to love thy neighbour and turn the other cheek, regardless of who that neighbour is, what that neighbour says about them or how that neighbour makes them feel.
Literally what Jesus taught. The only way a good Jew can become a better person is by becoming a Christian.
As a retiree you’ve got plenty of time on your hands!
Obvious what the agenda is when this legislation is on-the shelf ready to be jammed through whenever the news cycle can be manipulated to support it.
It would be different matter it was an issue of genuine public concern – but the parliament is totally deaf to those issues.
Swiss model would be great, if certain policy is elevated to a national referendum. They seem to handle the task, while we were dancing around for months with the last two issues.
It can’t be that difficult to have a secure online voting for the referendum issues, certainly. Just have to make sure that whichever system counts the votes is independent.
Ah, a girl can dream.
And just in case anyone here was thinking of voting for PHON – PH has stated she supported the change to criminalise ‘hate speech’.
When you vote, put PHON down with Liblabgreens at the arse end of your ballot.
Is there anyone at all worth voting for? SAP are limp dishrags. Libertarian Party maybe?
Just to clarify, she abstained from voting on the bill – which is just as good as voting for it.
fred phelps = vindicated on basically everything
Dans stuff is hilarious
Imagine what they are doing when nobody can see them.
This is incredible:
There is only one in Australia who can clean out our deep state: Matt Barrie. I hope he steps up.
Also, Matt Barrie retweeted Ermo!
My bass player’s wife just died of cancer. FFS. 😟
Sorry to hear that. Jabbed?
Yes. Turbo brain cancer. Even a quick death from cancer isn’t quick.
My 38 year old friend who has 2 young children has just been diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. I haven’t had heart to ask if she’d been MRNAd.
Sorry to hear that LSWCHP. How old? Emma Rennay implicated?
Late 50s. Anybody can get cancer, but these rapid-onset, rapid death cancers, like the one that killed my Mum, are something new, at least to me.
I’ve a 20-something yr old male relative who developed pericarditis last year after I don’t know how many mRNA jabs.
No idea why his folks insisted – or more to the point, how they were able to keep up the regime (not like he is elderly).
Very sad. He really didn’t look well when I last saw him. His parents’ mindset beggars belief.
Them’s the breaks
Some people love the authoritarianism of it. They make me sick. Nauseating scum. Even though I haven’t seen the media encouraging it for ages now. They seem to have quietly decided it is dangerous and retarded taking an experimental ‘vaccine’ for something that’s less debilitating than the common cold.
Everyone made their choice. They could have said no.
It was way more than merely a choice with jabby karens. Flu shots are a choice.
Same with my niece. Once boisterous , full of life and played national level sport, now pale and wan with bags under her eyes and has trouble standing up.
Sam Kerr found not guilty
Nice to know that racism only works one way i.e. if it’s against people of colour.
Shes a role model that one . Shes a cunt and brown.
In a sane world she would have gotten a few hours in jail, told to pay the cabby and turfed out on the street at 3am and that would be that. Same with any white dude abusing a non white. Thats usually been enough to scare people into line. But this is the Black Mirror world we’ve created. I guess more money for lawyers, probably another reason why we’re here. Most people becoming lawyers are women now I think. Glorified HR ha ha.
Did the plod arrest that muslim nurse and doctor who have admitted to multiple murders on video? We’re looking at serial killers here.
I bet they don’t have the balls to do it.
Pretty sure it’s a thought/ verbal crime they’ve committed.
They already admitted to killing Israeli patients, and plan to kill more Israelis in the future.
Apparently they didn’t mean it. And now they’re very upset that people are criticising them unjustifiably.
Like when the dude claimed he’d already sent Jews to hell while making a throat slitting gesture, well, it was all just a bit of a gee-up that’s been taken out of context, and the infidels should apologise for hurting the feelings of the Ummah.
Veifer says: “You’ll kill them? So, if an Israeli is in Australia and god forbid something happens to him and he comes to your hospital, would you kill him?”
The male healthcare worker then says Israelis had visited the hospital but then implies they had died, moving his hand across his neck to symbolise a person getting their neck cut.
“You have no idea how many Israeli dog(s) came to this hospital and I send them to Jahannam,” he says.
Jahannam is a place similar to hell in Islam.
He admits to murdering Israeli patients.
Israeli “Content creator” trolling for foolish people uses the right bait and catches two suckerfish.
Yeah, nah.
I doubt they’ve hurt anybody so far, but I’m pretty sure that if they had the chance to kill Jews then they would.
“Hmmm…a fragile old Jew, with nobody around!” Looks around and applies the pillow of peace.
If, as a medical practitioner, you go on the intertubes and tell people you’ve murdered Jewish patients while making throat slitting gestures, then you shouldn’t be a medical practitioner. At all. Ever.
If you’ve been foolish and caught by a small hat troll…well…who wants to be treated by a fool, muslim or otherwise?
I’ll also add that according to Islamic law and “theology” Jews are just a subset of the class of Kuffar (Infidel), and all Kuffar, Jewish or otherwise, are to be killed. Gotta love the Koran and Hadith.
So….their eagerness to kill their Jewish patients is, in fact, only slightly greater than their general eagerness to kill every other non-muslim patient as well.
If I had my druthers and I was in a charitable mood, I’d hit them both behind the ear with a hammer (.22LR ammunition is very expensive these days) and feed them to the hogs. If I was in a bad mood at the time I’d forego the hammer.
Furiously scrubbing your arse with soap in a public pool?
I’ll see you, and raise with Fucking a Shetland Pony in a Petting Zoo in front of Mums, Grannies and Little Children.
Now that I once again have a baby in my life, my fury knows no bounds. Such people should be killed. Immediately.
Has the MSM actually believed in all the crap they have been publishing for the past 3 years regarding Khazaria?
They are all reacting with the same shock that Russia will be given concessions, as if it has been a decisive victory for the piano playing midget. It’s incredible to see.