How Australia ceased to be a nation

The claim that mass immigration began as part of the ‘populate or perish’ doctrine post WW2 only part of the story and neglects important context. Marc Moncrieff read Arthur Calwell’s memoirs and wrote this review:

He quotes:

“If Australians have learned one lesson from the Pacific war….it is surely that we cannot continue to hold our island continent for ourselves and our descents unless we greatly increase our numbers.

…Immigration is, at best, only the counterpart of the most important phase of population building, natural increase. Any immigration policy, therefore, must be intimately related to those phases of government policy that are directed towards stimulating the birth rate, and lowering the infant mortality rate in Australia itself. It must, further, be related to the whole social service program of creating greater economic security and a higher standard of living, as an inducement to young Australian couples to have larger families.”

….In view of the alarming fall in the birth rate, and the decline of the average Australian family from six children in 1875 to three children in 1925, and then to slightly over two children at present, our immediate problem will be to hold our population figures without some migration.”

The same fall in fertility was found in the UK and USA where

“shifts in the occupational structure and increasing urbanization of the population provide the most consistent and substantive contribution to fertility decline over the period”

This explanation is something I’ve hypothesised but never went looking for data or papers to back up. The quote above comes from here:

The current baby bust is the resumption of a long term trend and lack of physical space is the long term explanation. Intriguing, then, that Hitler talked of the need for “lebensraum” (living space). I want to understand why the baby boom happened. First thing to note is that it began just before WW2, not after.

There was much panic and discussion about falling birth rates at the end of the 19th Century. Perhaps the measures that were taken were effective. Wikipedia has this to say:

It quotes many demographic commentators giving a wide range of reasons for the baby boom different in different countries, but doesn’t attempt to address the synchronisation of the baby boom in different places.

This piece goes further in asking those questions:

It settles on this:

The golden thread linking the phenomena that comprise the triple mechanism we describe above – advances in household technology, progress in medical technology, and easier access to housing – is that they together sharply reduced the cost of having children. 

I think it’s misframed. It’s not about reducing cost, but increasing opportunity. Young people want to have sex and make babies but without destroying themselves. If you want to increase the opportunities for baby making you have to make young people’s lives easier. It has to be easier to get a secure job and adequate housing. We keep making it harder.

That said, I don’t think we really want to have a bigger population per se. What we want is to be a nation of our own people but we have allowed sociopaths to make it impossible.

As Moncrieff over at XYZ notes later in the piece link above:

Calwell writes about the wish for British migrants, but then he moves seamlessly onto Europe, page 100:

“In forming our immigration policy, we were lucky to obtain the services of an outstanding six-man fact-finding committee which toured Europe on our behalf in November and December 1945. In fact. the mission consisted of representatives of the Commonwealth Parliament and of employers and employees organisations, who went to Paris for an International Labour Office conference.”

So right from the start the political parties, the unions and the employers’ groups were in. The Australian people were never asked and have never been asked.

IMO a higher fertility rate is not a desirable goal in and of itself. It’s only a proxy for a healthy nation. However, defining what a healthy nation is no easy task. At the least I’d have thought it should be a self sustaining population and self-sufficient enough to survive sanctions or a blockade.

The nations that now comprise Australia coexist mostly by not having to talk to one another most of the time. Serious discussion about nation building for all Australia is therefore impossible.

I will not be going out to mark Australia day.

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Lord K

I live in regional NSW. I went out to have a seafood lunch whilst enjoying a country rock band play. It was a shame more of the local First Nations residents didn’t attend but I don’t blame them. There are lots of racist Nationals here who slaughtered their kinfolk in living memory. There were no Indians or Chinese present as they couldn’t care less and luckily there aren’t many of them here. Yet. We don’t need a big population but this area will grow as it has flood free land, infrastructure and water. Come the next El Nino cycle, we will discover what sustainable really is and many people Australia can cope with.


You are an interesting character. Racist national is a rather broad brush.

Lord K

Obviously not all however having met them, interviewed them and been confronted by them, I stand by my characterisation. One Nation types are just as bad. Society has been divided and the old ideas of sharing or egalitarianism are a dream. Winner takes all leaves many with nothing and we are lucky that Indigenous Australians don’t have a Luigi streak in them.


In living memory? So there are people living who remember the slaughter? Where did this occur?

My family members were almost certainly involved in a documented massacre in the Northern Rivers, but that was back around the 1870s.


Lord K, no offence intended but from you few comments I’d guess that you view on Australian indigenous Australians has largely been shaped and informed by the msm, or the black arm band view of indigenous relations history that has been taught for several decades in public schools via curriculums largely set by Zionist University professors like Andrew Markus.

The reality is that these views take the most extreme and negative stance in terms of the moral culpability of early colonists in every occassion with barely any consideration to the context in which these events occurred.

If you are interested I recommend you have a read of this article:

Life as an indigenous Australian was short, sharp and brutal, especially for women – as I have written about previously.

The msm loves poverty porn, it is emotive and touches heart strings and in the matriocracy that sells. But for every abo condemning Australia Day, there are just as many Blackfellas who celebrate it.

Australia was built on the combined efforts of blackfellas and whitefellas taming the outback, and for every massacre that occurred there were also blackfellas working for the whites. These weren’t traitors – they were indigenous Australians who were smart enough to see that a far better standard of living could be achieved by joining with early colonialist to help break the cycle of violence in those communities.

The abos people see on the TV are there because those that control the msm want them to be seen. What qualities do they posses? The are virulently ant-white, virulently ant-democratic (they want special treatment by ethnicity, which also accords with those who sponsor them) and they are virulently socialist too.

However there are another set of abos – blackfellas like Jacinta Price, Anthony Dillan, Warren Mundine and an army of nobodies like @Theblackfemini3 or @TheCentPost all of which as someone ‘from the country’ accords with views and people I have encountered dozens of times.

Finally, although conflict did occasionally occur, and yes in those indigenous generally came out the worst, yet the vast majority of deaths and emptying of Australia was a result of accidently introduced diseases like smallpox and the measles, which carried about as much intent as a flock of geese spreading bird flu.

Even the ‘extinction’ of Tasmania’s Aboriginals is an overblown lie when viewed in the correct context. Firstly it is estimated that there were less than 14,000 Tasmanian Aboriginals alive when Colonists arrived, which had had a devastating effect on their ability to even carry on a tribe civilization. From Archeological surveys they had regressed so far back technologically that they had lost the ability to fish, build canoes and boats, eat shell fish and were heading the way of the communities who lived for several hundred years on King Island after it became isolated, who all died of thirst during a particularly savage drought.

Lord K

I have indigenous mates whom I’ve worked with and others I just socialise with. I have a couple of indigenous neighbours in my street as well. What I see is often tragic. The continuing intergenerational trauma is both historic and self inflicted. The latest scourge is ice which when added to the alcohol issues and despair from poor parenting and educational failures is creating another generation of troubled and anarchic youth. Recently, a One Nation member who I know from a sporting activity, questioned me about trouble in my area about “aborigines “. His tirade was one of suspicion and hatred which added to my belief of that party having unhealthy attitudes and focusing. What happened to reducing high immigration which is far more of a threat? One Nation dividing the nation is emblematic of the title of this thread in my opinion.


I don’t understand this: “One Nation dividing the nation is emblematic of the title of this thread in my opinion.” Australia isn’t a nation. This is an observable fact. A nation is a collection of families with shared descent and history. Australia ceased to be a nation thanks to recent mass immigration firstly from Europe, then Asia, then everywhere else. Australia is now more than 1/3 born overseas and more than 50% with the right to a foreign passport (parent born overseas). That isn’t a nation. One Nation didn’t divide the nation. They are a reaction to the demolition of the nation. There are plenty of weak minds in one nation, including that of it’s leader, but their ongoing existence and draw, including of some better quality minds, is indicative of things that need addressing but aren’t.

Aboriginal “culture” is a problem. So many Aboriginals have so little culture, particularly urban ones. They have come to identify being Aboriginal with toxic behaviours. This means that unless you exhibit enough of those toxic behaviours you don’t really belong in that Aboriginal community. Here’s a case in point: my ex wife went to uni with an Aboriginal woman who had been raised, in Australia, by adoptive parents who were Dutch migrants. When she reached adulthood she wanted to reclaim her Aboriginal identity. She married an abusive alcoholic. When my ex visited her, she observed her sweeping the dust in the kitchen into a corner rather than into a dustpan to put it in the bin.

What is being an urban Aboriginal in 21st century Australia? How do you form an Aboriginal nation that exists on it’s own, as opposed to in opposition to, or enabled by, the government? At present, the only value it offer its members is a degree of belonging in a country made of randoms, and access to government handouts. That’s not a recipe for a forward looking, innovative community that looks after its own. Many One Nation types are upset at the preferential treatment given to Aboriginals. They see it as unfair. They don’t like much of the welfare state either, for similar reasons. People I know with some Aboriginal descent won’t claim the goodies because they don’t want to identify with the dysfunction.

One Nation generally aren’t smart enough or underhand enough to divide the nation. They genuinely want a united country. University indoctrinated leftists and career bureaucrats and politicians are the ones dividing the country so that they can extract from it for themselves. One Nation members are frequently reactive, like hurt animals. They know what has been lost, and they want it back. Most aren’t deeply racist. They equate correlation and cause, as do many Aboriginals when they call people and decisions racist. Once good will is demonstrated, both kinds of prejudice often evaporate.

It should not be assumed that all Aboriginal communities are the same. The experience I had with Aboriginals in Albany was very positive. At the dawn of the colonial era, the local Aboriginals mistook white men for helpful beings from their folklore. I believe that initial positive regard has set the tone that has echoed down the ages. The hostility of the Port Jackson natives from the start has echoed down the ages as well.

IMO labelling people as racist is as unhelpful as being suspicious of people because they are aboriginal. Of the two, I think labelling people as racist is worse. Race is an extension of family. To suggest that race doesn’t matter is an extension of suggesting that family doesn’t matter. Anti-race, anti-family, and betraying your own are hallmarks of marxism.


Hi Lord K – thanks for your reply and taking my comment in good faith.

People are entitled to have different views and I concede your views on this topic are different to my own.

I generally discount claims of “Intergenerational Trauma” as being a real thing, it is imho a crutch used by people to explain away their apathy or inability to pull themselves out of their circumstances. Poverty is a better explanation as to defining people’s circumstances and their options of getting out of it.

My father was raised in poverty on a farm, beaten by his father, his mother died when he was 13, and use to tell stories of washing green mutton from the meat shed with vinegar to clean away the rotten meat and maggots. He went on to be a very successful career in the medical field while his sister who experienced the same “trauma” became a life long welfare recipient.

I agree with your other points – Ice is a scourge on all Australians, especially the most vulnerable who live in poverty. Immigration run as it is is compounding Indigenous Australian’s dispossession (as it is for all of us) and diverting vital resources away from them that could be used to help break the cycle of violence and rebuild their cultural capital.

I am generally sympathetic to indigenous Australian’s plight, especially those who work to try to escape the cycle of violence in their regional communities.

However I am also critical of those who would seek to just blame white Australians or Colonial Australians for their plight – the reality is that they are a stone age people, as I have tried to emphasis in the two links I provided above, who have been forced to adapt to complex, modern living in just two or three generations.

The domestication of Westerners as measured through declines in violence and murder, took nearly 4 or 5 centuries centuries – imho it is this biological and social realty that defines their plight more than anything else, and it is simply not solvable in our lifetimes.

Blaming Colonial Australians for indigenous Australians plight is imho wrong headed and counterproductive, because for every person that worked to harm them, hundreds have since worked to help them. Some of the assistance may have been equally wrong headed by today’s standards, but the moral driver to provide assistance came from a good place – the Zionist framing of Colonial Australians as evil genociders through the msm besides being self serving for their own interests in terms of disempowering existing Australians to their policies, is both facile and wrong.

Last edited 17 days ago by Stewie
Lord K

All good Stewie.


babies Is my business and it’s been interesting how it’s mostly ebbed down the years. Having got to know many mums down the years it’s cruel that many women will be robbed of the experience by not being smart enough to ignore childless feminists and idiots on tiktok
its truly amazing to see a nervous big baby (not literally) walk in 5 years previously and leave with her children a strong , nothing she can’t handle mother. No more anxiety and depression because it’s been beaten out of her. It’s sad governments and some people don’t prioritize it because it would only take a little help to encourage young families. But collective globalist led suicide it will be then


hopefully we’re seeing the start of the end of the gayI industry

all this crap has done is ruined search engines and given people an excuse to plagiarise and not develop any sort of knowledge about anything, ive had arguments with people where they just chatgpt something and spam it back to you

its also ruined search engines, i want that shit off the top of my google thank you very much

even if its accurate a majority of the time you cant rely on it nor should you anyway

we’re going to create a generation of drooling fucking morons that reach for the hallucinated and inaccurate jumble of grok or chatgpt in lieu of their own thinking or properly learning how to think


I googled for “Hamel Gun” a few days ago.

The L119 “Hamel” Gun that I was interested in was a type of 105mm towed artillery piece that was in service with the Australian Army from about 1984-2014.

There are also various reference on the internet to guns of the battle of Hamel in 1918, after which the Hamel gun was named.

The Artificial “Intelligence” response was a “hallucination” (ie bullshit nonsense) advising that the L119 Hamel Gun was a type of light artillery piece used in the battle of Hamel in WW1, along with various elaborations on this bizarre advice. So this shit software had erroneously conflated at least two different concepts and produced garbled nonsense as a result.

AI, as it currently stands, is utter bullshit, and anybody who trusts the results is insane.

Ask one of the chat bots to tell you a joke about Jesus and it will do so. Ask it to tell you a joke about Mohammad, and it will tell you that joking about sensitive religious issues is terrible, and it won’t do it.

Utter bullshit. Not even wrong.


it is complete and utter shit and censored to hell as well


It really helps me write code better and faster, which although not something I do every day, it’s very useful when I do.


Search engines have been rooted for many years now, to be of any use you need to have the specific knowledge and phrases to search by in the first place – ask generic questions on a subject and you’ll be given bog standard ‘message approved’ narratives. Increasingly the Internet (and Google) only works to hide genuine knowledge, AI agents are only making it far worse.

the arborist

Apropos of nothing, today I stumbled on a copy of Adelaide’s right wing Murdoch rag, The Advertiser. It’s the only newspaper in town and has been since forever.

The front page was “NEO-NAZIS UNMASKED” about the state’s new anti-Nazi laws being tested against 15 blokes from the National Socialist Network who were arrested for ‘loitering’. Oh, the humanity!

The article published their full names, full-face photos and suburb of residence. Because loitering is bad.

Other prominent articles I scanned before putting it down in disgust lest I lose my lunch were…

The 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, where;

Sir Frank Lowy warned of the dangers of forgetting the lessons of the Holocaust…

An article by Shashi Baltutis about the state’s housing crisis.

A family trip to India inspired year 11 student Jairaj Shekhawat to think about the solution to the state’s housing crisis. The 15-year-old Glenunga High International High School student believes the way to provide more housing and additional affordable options is to build upwards.

And in sport…

A footy family inspired by seeing First Nations girls from remote Queensland communities chase their rugby league dreams has helped a full team run out in the red V of St George.

This is what passes for right wing media these days. Dangerous times.


You only need to take a look at their ‘reporters’ to understand that ethics plays no part in who they chose to employ or listen to… take the Advertisers recent hyperventilating article on White Families trying to establish a White Commune Oriana like on the Eyre peninsula (OMG White People wanting to have White Babies!!!)

While the article turns out to be written by a meth addicted homosexual that has written articles about paying $12 to have sex with male Thai prostitutes, before having a full psychotic breakdown:
So yeah – that guys moral compass is very centered.


I think a description of a typical journalist could be created by one of those phrase generators based on your description of Luke.

(…) is a (…) addicted (…) who has written about (….) after having a (…)

eg James is a sex addicted paedophile who has written about sodomising little boys after having a quick wank.

Catherine is a heroin addicted dyke from Leichardt who has written about how tough women have it after having received a massive government grant.

Sheila is an alcohol addicted proud NungaNunga woman who has written about white privilege after having received an OAM for services to indigenous prison inmates.

I could go on and on.

Gruppenführer Mark

Turned on the TV yesterday and caught a glimpse of news.

NSW Police are investigating whether explosives discovered in a caravan at a property in Sydney’s north-west were intended for an antisemitic attack.

As to your 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, just remember that it was liberated by Soviets, but they were not invited. Of course, after
Trump’s statement that the Soviets helped the US beat Germany….


All these attacks have been sensational, but completely lacking in person violence or even significant property violence. From the sound of the Caravan story it has been set up as another generic example of “Antisemetic hatred” thanks to the bread crumbs of obvious clues that have been left there (addresses of Jewish Synagogues ffs).

That Israel as come out today and comment calling for the ‘disease of antisemitism’ to be cut of Australia only hardens my view that it’s Zionist provocateurs behind these acts, working in unison with their catspaws in Parliament to push through a slate of anti-freedom laws.

Australians are being set up by Zionist Jews.


i’m pretty sure this is Coming


Why do you think that?

I choose to believe that the coming account was Cameron Murray’s burner. Don’t take that from me.


WTF really? is there meant to be a /sarc to that post?

Having met Cameron Murray I couldn’t not conceive of anyone less Coming like in posting or personality. IMHO his main flaw is that he’s just not nasty enough to make it in politics.

@Stagmal – why do you think that is him? I genuinely believe he died – there was no inkling or threats of departure, and indeed his last couple posts were open ended, as though he expected people to respond to them and he likely to respond back.

The vax may well have got him in the end!


it’s 100% him lol

look at all the posts, and post replies

coomer hot girl pics- check (check the latest retweet)

praising milfs- check

She looks great for 52″

boomer hate-

Won’t somebody think of the boomers”


anti legacy populism

The bogan party more like it”


anti melbourne hate

“Lmao what a fucking hellscape”
(in reply to a pic of melbourne)


general cynicism to housing bubble commentary-

The cost of building is more than the price of the finished house in more than half of Sydney
The land is essentially worthless except the most appealing areas

How can this be a bubble ?”


praising the account auspropertybear (an account he brought up here multiple times, that’s how i found this profile)


Goat account.

Good to have you back soldier”


frequent comments to medico related bureaucracy and medical topics etc

“Got rid of bulk billing”
What a spastic”

“This is absolutely false
You are confusing tendon and muscle for starters”

(many like these)


talks about playing chess online, something i know he liked to do

Playing chess is free”


theres so many coomer and horndog posts on the profile as well, there’s no way this isnt coming this is the perfect confluence of everything he talked about. click the reply tab and scroll if you don’t believe me

it’s 100% him


“What are you spending all your money on that you have a job but can’t afford $220 every 5 years ?
Drugs? Smokes? Pokies?

This is pathetic . There is no working under class in Australia”

come the fuck on

re-tweets j walter sparkey too, a profile he said he loved on here too

Last edited 17 days ago by stagmal

textual analysis from a post i remember he made

seriously am i good or am i fucking good


“I prefer landlords to dickheads with loud cars/motorbikes”

“Why do you need to make noise like some kind of monkey”

“lol no . Footy and sinking piss is all most Australians care about . You’re living in a tiny echo chamber here on twitter 
Most people are too stupid to give a fuck”

“How about you concentrate on getting bogans and their cars out of the city instead”

who else would ever write something like this in combination with everything else i listed

Last edited 17 days ago by stagmal

Ok, the evidence is mounting.


it’s him


Ok, after going through some of his replies it does seem like you’re right. The vibe is correct; he also hates cars. If we can find one about loud motorbikes or making the speed limit 50, it’s him for sure.


“I prefer landlords to dickheads with loud cars/motorbikes”

It’s him.

Great detective work, stag.


“Bingo. Higher interest rates are inflationary Both literally by increasing money supply (IOR) and through raising the risk free bench mark of return”

There is no doubt.


he lives


Mmm… maybe you are right, there is a Commonesque air to his comments.

The fact that he already has the good taste to follow me on X could only further increase the possibility that he is indeed the Ghost of Coming.

But I went back through his posts for about a month and a half and did you notice what I did not see? A single retweet or article from “The Daily Mail” like that was Comings single main source of truth.

Given the fact he has already appeared to have followed me I have followed him back – this discovery will require further investigation.

Last edited 17 days ago by Stewie

To add further… some may recall I said he was pretending to be medical. Too much time on his hands and pseudo knowledge..
checking his x posts he’s on about testosterone again… I remember coming asking me a lot about it and being obsessed. So further proof I said to him if you’re a doctor prescribe it for yourself. I usually have some in the cupboard 😁. This country is great for self prescribing yourself stuff


i think he’s a real dr tbh

i’m just glad he’s okay

Last edited 12 days ago by stagmal

Really? Is he? We are a pathetic lot.
Why doesn’t he prescribe himself the good stuff – too scared he’ll get struck off? Show some backbone.

I just went on a junior doc reddit forum and told them all to stop going off sick and whinging about “feels” or the .gov will delight in bringing in the foreign contingent to replace them…. and boy did I get called some nasty names.


I have a Dr mate who say’s there was an anti-pain killing purge and mindset that took hold in hospitals following the odd nurse getting addicted to pethidine back in the 90s. Mainly lead by evangelical female doctors, the sort who go on fruit detoxing diets and buy Gwyneth Paltrow’s vaginal yeasted scented candles .

He was firmly of the opinion you should dose up patients big to avoid pain getting a hold, even if that means existing in a chemical fog for a couple days, but an almost religious aversion to doling out pain medication has now taken hold. (Exceptions being when you needed to get them up as a specific part of their recovery).

My personal experience breaking a couple ribs last year and being given a pathetic dosage of panadole fortes after my first inadequate dose of pain medication ran out, echoed this anti-pain med philosophy. My health actually started getting worse through irritability and lack of sleep. Fortunately I was able to get a script of such good stuff that the Chemist ran a detailed eye over me to assess my scruffiness – fogginess and well needed sleep followed. The fear that I’d become addicted was overblown as I didn’t even finishing the course.

Last edited 12 days ago by Stewie

Its like policing to some degree when they (or a dr) interacts with a person they should click that this person is normal and so can be trusted. Rather than everyone is treated like a criminal and ready to sell their endone script. With less social mobility now more than ever young docs are acopic toffee nosed swots sadly and I’m at a loss for the future. The only hope is the millenials will sweep this lot away and be able to break into the soon to be formed Indian enclaves in no-doubt the lucrative specialities.
Stewie – I have just opened my first ever X account – I’d like to follow you but could not find you. Please help.
Also I dont post there – just stare….


lol – I’m flattered BD6!

Since Musk has taken it over Twitter is a far better news source, although there are lots of silos so long as you chose a broad following of different persuasions then you can get a reasonable info flow (just stay away from triggering idiots).

Not too surprised you couldn’t find me, I think my profile is pretty suppressed by the algos and most of my comments rank pretty low by them, but you can find me with @ClassicStewie


Thanks man


Yeah It’s pure wishcasting. I just think it would be hilarious if it turned out coming was advising the greens.



I prefer to believe that the Vax got him, and like John Brown, his body lies a-mouldering in his grave.

He would join the other people I know who were killed by the Vax, including my Mum, Gary, Richard, Pete, Theresa and Steve’s wife, who I won’t name.

Lord K

Our nation is disintegrating under the weight of growth in immigration. This is the division that drives all economic and social inequity. From housing and infrastructure downsides, we now have social disharmony imported from the Middle East in particular, sucking up time and energy that should be focussed on fixing things. Twenty percent of the news is now about the poor Semites who are 0.5% of the population. The fact that 60% of NSW Health psychiatrists are quitting is pushed aside. The facts around increased homelessness are forgotten. Labor have just about got away with betraying everyone with their 500,000 per year plus immigration rates. Dutton will be no different. One Nation have failed in their one job under Pauline. I doubt SAP will ever be rise up against the real estate and business lobbies. I just hope before the inevitable economic and environmental collapse, at least some token gestures like Foreign Buyer Ban laws can be passed. Otherwise, the stream of immigration will be a flood and all hope of the glory days returning will be lost. At least the disaster is being spread out of a few years, rather than the few weeks in the provocative 1973 book I am currently reading online. Camp_of_the_Saints_2col .pdf

Gruppenführer Mark

Thanks for the book link! The description sounds intriguing. Will give it a go this weekend.


>disharmony imported from the Middle East

Stimmy. Gives cops something to do. Make work for Chads. Like what HR and recruitment is for women. On the bright side it probably makes them a lot smarter and sophisticated.

SAP really lacks balls. I don’t blame them it would be scary, its a job for people who are a bit mad and have a killer instinct.


Once again, the best thing anyone can do is buy aus property as a hedge against this outcome.


Does anyone here know who the plaintiff is in Michael West’s latest legal woes?


I understand from one of his tweets some time ago that it was a serial litigator – so most likely a Kvetching Zionist of one sort or another, being represented pro bono by an equally Zionistic legal firm.


He tweeted about it today:

Some Canberra Law firm MV something or other – closely connected to Govt work generally.



That was my first thought; West has been going hard on the Zio apologists.

But the only story I can find with a legal notice is this one

Lord K

And which religion is the alleged rapey one, with no findings against him, from? I wish the juror who caused the mistrial had been jailed for contempt of court but they are never guilty of anything except accidents or coincidences. They are still throwing everything to protect him in his new trial with M. West the latest to be threatened. Am surprised the Kanga Court dude hasn’t been targeted even harder.


There are few journalists with as big a mark on their backs as Michael West – I doth my cap to him in respect.

DLS might have a pen that is surgically connected to his bile duct, but his bravery is but naught compared to Westy’s.


I hate to he a spelling Nazi, but that would be “doff”.

Or, in White Man Speak….”I dips me lid”.


lol – as I am a notorious poor speller in real life, I doff my cap to you oh sir! 🙂

Last edited 16 days ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

I am sorry, but I couldn’t pass this up. Read the comments.

“Believe me, you can’t fit.”

Those words, spoken by a Lyft driver named Ibrahim, have prompted a lawsuit against the rideshare company by plus-sized rapper Dank Demoss.

The self-described “big beautiful woman” disclosed she weighs 489lbs.


We are meant to accept her reality that she is a big beautiful woman, but we can’t accept his reality that she’s a fat pig who can’t fit in his car.

Lord K

Uber utes?


Maxi taxi for one please


Shoot this bitch in the head and be done with it. Society shouldn’t be expected to waste resources on monsters.

There were a couple of other stories similar to this. I recalled this one. Child torture for likes.

QLD as well. Why QLD?


The father of that kid must be fuming.


Shooting her would be a waste of propellant powder, which is fucking expensive these days, not to mention the cost of primers.

In this situation, I’d use a hammer.


This is hilarious.

tl;dr A male Greens lefty wanker politician in Germany was forced out after multiple anonymous allegations of sexual abuse were made against him. Reputation trashed, life ruined etc etc…

However, it appears that the allegations were entirely bogus and were made by a fat sow fellow Greens bitch who (it appears likely) wanted to stitch him up to assist one of her faction members. The entire thing was bullshit, and the “wymen” who made the anonymous allegations were all fictitious!!! How the fuck does that even happen?


Such ethics…such integrity.


It’s amusing that the only people that strategy really works on are other progressives.

the arborist

Funny about that. It’s almost as if they simply believe what they’re told to think and never question it any further once their beliefs have been downloaded.


Yeah I saw that the other day and mentioned it to the missus – Biden’s final FY to legacy Americans.

Edit: I should have also added Blinken as he was the main puppet master/ceo while Biden was in office.

Last edited 15 days ago by Stewie

Joseph Walker talking to Abul Rizvi about immigration policy.




LMAO, how many millions are we putting into this special task force? Teenage boys egging people now gets investigated as a hate crime, maybe the eggs weren’t kosher?

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