Australia to stave off 8th quarter of per capita recession by granting citizenship to all 1.3 billion Indians

Australia has decided to invoke a secret part of the Indian Free Trade Agreement to boost it’s economy and grant citizenship to every Indian citizen.

After a record 7th consecutive quarter of GDP per capita going backwards, Chalmers announced the plan at a press conference with the Business Council of Australia and Migration Industry Alliance.

“GDP must go up. That’s why we’re increasing our population by 1.3 billion overnight,” Chalmers said.

“This is just part of the rich, two-way migration between our two countries. There will also be no need for remittances anymore, think of how good the street food will be.”

The first Air India convoys are set to arrive tomorrow but Australian councils outside of Harris Park have already lodged concerns that their streets are not already equipped to handle that much human shit at one time.

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what happened w that syangogue in melbourne that looks like an rsl club

Lord Kremnos

Days after Australia gave some sympathy to the Palestinians, if no obvious perpetrators are found, it will look like a false flag op to me.

Agent 47

Another case of Hey Rabbi, watcha doin


No time wasted. Thugs in Melbourne (assuming they were not hasbarists) emboldened by UN vote. Rightio. The sad thing abkmout all of this is itnis likely not propaganda. The dude is likely that histrionic.

Lord Kremnos

With Australian papers now doing links in Hindi, with real estate prices plateauing, with thousands of fifth columnists already in place, this satirical article is a warning that desperate times (for property developers) will require desperate measures. Real estate prices can never go down ever again.


Whoever is responsible for putting hindi links and articles in the SMH needs shooting.


That bitch be topping out


adelaide median property price overtakes melbourne, how is this possible

is it just bc the glut of total trash apts being built everywhere in melbourne?


Victorian rental laws means investors are offloading some properties also dampening prices

State is economically the worst off it’s ever been probably also

A fly in your ointment

Victorian rental laws means investors are offloading some properties also dampening prices

Overreacting, the investors.
Such laws will be replicated across the rest of Aus sooner rather than later.
For one, I support any legislation which puts some responsibility in landlord business. Good for everyone. As is right now, it is wild wild West

Lord Kremnos

He/she who panics first, panics best. Getting out by spring was so savvy.

A fly in your ointment

That’s riding the volatility wave, not investment.
He whomadjusts first, adjusts best.

The rental law literally guarantees minimum quality of a rental, so only shit landlords will be those who leave the market.
A win-win, innit?
Wish NSW is the next to adopt this law

Lord Kremnos

Australian housing is government sponsored and rigged speculation. All new landlords of the last decade or so are greedy shits from my observation and close friends experience. I bought a detached home decade ago for cash and then spent my time living, not ‘investing’. It’s a mugs game


Your first and last sentences contradict each other. The first sentence explains why prices only go up and hence it’s a medium to high return leveraged investment with relatively low risk which shouldn’t exist but it does thanks to government backing.

Lord Kremnos

Past results are no guarantee of future returns. Judgement day approaches as the driving force of rising prices, high immigration, becomes an electoral negative.


Immigration is only one part of the property price puzzle though right. And we all know per stagmals rather good observation it will just go from 500k to 300k pa which is still insanely high.

Anchoring technique being used yet again.


I tend to agree. There is value building in Vic now.


The first person to invent a machine that scoops piles of human shit off the street and turns them into something useful like, I dunno, polar fleece jackets, is gonna become a billionaire.


The BTC market seems to be maturing. Everyone knows it’s not going away now. The old arguments aren’t being repeated by the sages. Instead of going parabolic, it’s now going through consolidation phases as it goes up. Big money is clearly trading it. Derivatives are attenuating the highs and lows. I suspect the extreme volatility of its past may be done.

A fly in your ointment

and yet, when it is time to destroy BTC it will still take just only one single ripple of the volatility. Not even a full ripple, the half of it. Down. Like with every Ponzi.
With every gov issued fiat it can take a few days.

In good old time of inflation free money (i.e. gold), people did not keep it at home. It was unsafe. Much easier to keep secret a map of the buried treasure.


Matt Barrie’s latest is a ripper. Basically, immigration is being used to for political objectives. Specifically, to change the voting pattern of constituencies. For years I thought this was the case. Barrie has done the hard yards with the data.

Basically, Australia isn’t a functioning democracy.

The playbook, he says, was California, where:

“in 1994, almost two thirds of Californians voted to stop mass migration to their state and kick illegals off welfare, the proposition was overturned by a Democratic judge.”

Out of curiosity, I looked up who that judge was. I found this:

Where it says:

“Born to a Jewish family in Los Angeles, California in 1926”

I don’t know if it’s every single time, but it sure is uncanny.


Matt Barrie’s latest is a ripper. Basically, immigration is being used to for political objectives. Specifically, to change the voting pattern of constituencies. For years I thought this was the case. Barrie has done the hard yards with the data.

Basically, Australia isn’t a functioning democracy anymore.

The playbook, he says, was California, where:

“in 1994, almost two thirds of Californians voted to stop mass migration to their state and kick illegals off welfare, the proposition was overturned by a Democratic judge.”

California has been Democrat ever since.

Out of curiosity, I looked up who that judge was. I found this:

Where it says:
“Born to a Jewish family in Los Angeles, California in 1926”

I don’t know if it’s every single time, but it sure is uncanny.

Lord Kremnos

No wonder they are so hated.

Lord Kremnos

Furthermore, how come in our surveillance society, there are no images of the perps for the Melbourne synagogue fire? Which has been attacked before. When some cars got tagged in Sydney’s east, there were up in hours. That level of professionalism by the arsonists just after Albo said some pro-Palestinian things sure is another coincidence.


Many such cases of Zionist provocateurs bombing and setting fire to Jewish buildings in order to manipulate public opinion.

No suspects have been identified so far – yet the media is already setting the narrative that it is an antisemetic incident and not the work of Zionist agitators…

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

not ruling your theory out but im guessing it was muzzas. i reckon if the jews actually did it they’d of done it at night with no one around and to max the damage

Lord Kremnos

Still no CCTV pics and Albo only says it looks like terrorism. Remember when Gough revealed the blackmail attempts? 15 Nov 1985 – WHITLAM ATTACKS JEWISH LEADERS – Trove


The speed with which they have announced a special antisemitism task force, the fact that the attack occurred precisely ahead of the weekend where it would uncritically dominate the weekend newscycle, not to mention the speed with which the Israeli PM picked it up, commented on it and used it as a cudgel against the Pansy are all factors that I consider increase the likelihood that it might be a false flag from zero.

Then there is the garbled and contradictory statements, all of which have subsequently been forgot as the narrative has immediately pivoted to combating “antisemitism”.

Yumi Friedman was inside the synagogue with one other person about 4.15am when he heard a big bang like a sledgehammer.

He ran to his fish shop nearby, where his staff member called the police, he said.

He then returned to the synagogue and found a small fire before the entire building was engulfed.

“So I thought maybe I’ll be able to open the doors and go inside, but when I touch the door, I burnt my hand,” Friedman said.

So the only two witnesses who were skulking about the Synagogue at 4am in the morning, heard a loud “sound” outside, got scared and ran to his fish shop to call the police (because apparently Jews don’t carry mobile phones), returned and saw a small fire. Thought he’d go inside and burned his hands on the door hand, which is supposedly where he got those 3rd degree burns from (which is needed in order to burn through the skin)…. he must have really gripped that handle hard.

Anyhow, I think the most likely suspect is either a fanatical pair of Muslims, or a deranged lefty.

If CCTV does reveal the perpetrators to be white then my suspicions would that its a white lefty. IMHO it isn’t the right because frankly some FIYO criticisms of their willingness to put their money where their mouth is, probably holds true. Despite that it will be used as an excuse to come down hard on Nationalists.

Of course if no CCTV is forthcoming (and I am surprised it hasn’t already been released given how the media loves that shit – even the Bondi attack made it out into the public before the Sat 6pm news) then….

…not that it will matter, as the narrative have already been set – who cares if it is ever solved or the perpetrators ever found.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

I found it very odd that at 4am we have multiple witnesses saying they saw people spreading accelerant. Who uses that phrase and what does it even mean?

Now Dutton is appalled that we have been importing anti-Semitism, yet has supported and will continue to support turbo charged immigration.


stuff that makes fires burn faster and more intense but yeah how would they know someone is spreading an obscure chem like that

tbh pretty suss


Mmmm…. I just saw the video of Yumi being interviewed and providing all those comments. Some of the context seems a bit more reasonable than the abbreviated newspaper article, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt despite having a couple questions.

That said for the main reasons I listed at the start of my previous comment, that my suspicions remain non-zero that this was false flag attack remain valid, despite the very minor personal endangerment they experienced – it isn’t like Zionists have risked the lives of their fellow Jews before.

I believe it is more important than ever for the police to find the true culprits and/or reveal the CCTV footage of the suspects and their actions. This ‘attack’ played too well into the hands of what imho is an increasingly prepared narrative, with policy actions that were queued up and ready to go.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

Synagogues have crazy levels of security and surveillance equipment so your question is a valid one, however anti-Semitic and therefore it won’t get asked by any public figure.


Tuberculosis is flourishing on the UK!

80% of cases are in immigrants! Hooray for mass immigration from shitholes like India.

Warning of ‘Victorian disease easily mistaken for a winter cold

A fly in your ointment

The best graphs are those that are chopped up to a choice narrative.
Hurry, there’s one more jab. Or as Bill Gates said

if you have had “n” numbers of jabbs, the perfect number of jabs is “n+1”


What a surprise, Dutton removed a circumcised cock from his mouth long enough to backtrack on his promise to cap migration numbers.


Lmao I googled dutton + immigration and it seems only the ABC has covered that which is also extremely surprising. Hes got his based points among normies now I suppose.



Talks a bunch of shit in opposition only to start walking it back when it looks like there’s a chance to win.


AFR and The Australian have now covered it. Normies still kept in the dark.


and the only ppl who saw it coming were those so cynical they would actually read this site

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal

Despite the presence of dickheads like dennis, there’s a good bit of cyncism over at MB still.

Ironic Boomer

Labor Liberal we should just merge the two.

Agent 47

Syria has apparently gone down. We’re at the Yinod Plan is happening and it’s good that it’s happening stage of the game.

Either way, I give it 24 hours before ‘calls’ to take in Syrian refugees begin.


Go long western Sydney investment properties

If only there was an ASX listed education college or visa processing business

A fly in your ointment

interesting things happening wrt Syria and Ukraine recently.

Suddenly Cocainsky is open to swift end and Syria fell to al-qaida HTC almost as undefended.
It all smells as a trade, so perhaps Trump made the deal for Asad to handover power and “disappear” whilst Cocainsky will offer whatever the weakling in Kremlin will take to end the war.


We waz ‘murica n ‘shieet

All hail Gout Gout.


Definitely a Son of ANZAC.


I broke a tooth on a rock embedded in a bread roll back in April. Total cost for an implant is about $6800.

I just went to the dentist and forked over $3600 for the next stage of the work, and my health “insurance” with “extras” dental coverage covered a grand total of $215.

If you bingled your car, and the repairs cost $3600, and your “insurance” covered $215 of that, would you think you were insured in any commonly understood sense of the word?

The next time someone shoots some cunt at the top of a health “insurance” company, I’ll be giving three ringing cheers.


If its not an emergency I strongly suspect doctors try and reserve free health for shitskins and try to push whitey into paying.

Lord Kremnos

I had an implant earlier this year and the quoted cost was $4600. At the last appointment my regional dentist waved one of the fees and it ended up $4200. When I quit work and health insurance a decade ago, I well knew how the scam works. Save the premium cost and invest it. Cheering the demise of cunts was always popular. I remember when one particularly onerous one retired just before 55 to maximise his pension/super thingy. His wife left him the next day! Oh how I laughed.


Yeah, once the final bit is done I’m cancelling the bullshit “insurance” and putting the premiums into a high interest account.


Going out for yoghurt instead of getting maggoted. Gotta save up to pay Triguboff.

I will agree with him here though, even though the city is a multi million population global city really tall commie blocks seem pretty rare.


wow i didnt think froyo was still in fashion? what’s wrong with this though way better than getting blind like a fucking retard


Yeah good for them every cloud…I want them to act like retards so I can laugh at them. They’re already fuckin 50.

High density multi culti globohomo conservatism. You won’t even have to go to Japan or Hong Kong in a few decades it’ll be right here.


Real life conservatisms only happens by force. It’s ironing. A lot of far rightistists complain about people being degenerate but conservatisms is happening because they have to pay Triguboff in order to get a root and praise jebus because they had a child because of the roots they had.

Triguboff is a pimp. You have to pay him to have roots.


Timbo what happened to your good articles about the recent ((events))

Last edited 1 month ago by bigduke6