Australia to address falling fertility rate by adding more chemicals that cause infertility into the meat supply

Australia has announced it’s plan to address it’s falling fertility rate by adding more unneccesary additives to the meat supply.

After Coles was found putting Bovaer in the meat supply which causes infertility in males, the government announced that it would be putting Bovaer in everything because climate change.

“I’m proud to announce that this shit will be firmly in everything and there will be an increased need for more migrants for infinity because no babies,” Albanese said.

“Bovaer is important in meeting our climate targets. We’ve already cut down on our emissions by not burning coal here, and instead shipping it all to China, Japan and the rest of Asia to get burnt.”

Albanese stated he had another meeting with Bill Gates before the election and would campaign on a ‘Down, Down, Fertility is Down’ slogan with Coles managing the campaign.

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A fly in your ointment

Faulk and Elle!

’twas about time Dumbo went back to Timbo.

5 🌟 from me

A fly in your ointment

…but wait!

It’s safe and effective!
See here:

Hmm… where else did I hear “safe and effective” before!?


Man that Dutton loves sucking on circumcised pole

Agent 47

Reset the timer!


Now that’s just excellent work. 👍🙂


I’d argue all the Murdoch newspapers are worse. The bias on display is horrendous.


What did he do this time?


Apparently this Bovaer is carcinogenic and affects fertility, and requires serious PPE when being handled.

The “safe and effective” cunts claim it doesn’t enter the milk, but I’ve seen a link to one paper that reports a metabolite has been found in milk from cows that have been fed it.


Because farting cows are causing temperatures to rise 🤡

Meanwhile in the Semite lands of Kuwait….

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

Now that’s hilarious.

Whenever I see some appalling insanity coming from the middle east, somehow it always puts a spring in my step.

I just have this feeling that all the unholy satanic spawn who populate the middle east deserve every plague that they bring upon themselves.

A fly in your ointment

Joo lover, innit?

The “satanic spawn” just participates in “Teslisation” of everything pollution in westworld (aka “put your exhaust pipe elsewhere”.)

But it sure makes one feel
Good and superior (to middle easterns) for “recycling” their rubbish!
Like NSW recycling shyte ending up in in QLD landfill bc it’s cheaper (but you can still get the fine if your recycle goes accidentally into rubbish)


Yeah because Kuwait and the rest of the sand niggers in the Middle East are so backwards that they all still ride around on donkeys and the massive tire fires couldn’t possibly be the mountain of used tires that they and their neighbours have accumulated between themselves.

But it sure feels good shitting on white westerners and self hating on my society because of all the endorphins that get released when I do, because deep down I have the views and thought processes of a menopausal ABC viewer.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

Looks like the Springfield tyre fire x10


I think it was 17 or 20 years of 40m accumulated worn tires that they didn’t bother recycling because let’s just chuck them in the desert because we don’t give a fuck about the environment and it’s easy.


To be fair throwing them in the desert costs $0, recycling is harder

Looking at Kuwait on the map though the country isn’t very big so they were always going to run out of space at some point


If we can get this as a suppository Indian food might be back on the menu. How good is budda chicken!

Aussie Soy Boy

David Llewellen-Smith with another one of his AUD crashing to 50 cents ChatGPT articles

A fly in your ointment

If I had 50ç each time he (falsely) predicted 50ć…

Ironic Boomer

It’s like having your own personal economist.


You’d think it gets old but he keeps doing it

Broken clock is right twice a day and all that.


The CEO of America’s largest health insurance company was just executed in the street in New York.

The perp may be one of the standard suspects like his girlfriend’s husband etc, but I’d bet on someone who is very unhappy at having their health insurance claim denied. Health Insurance in the US is a brutal business, and there are huge numbers of very unhappy punters.

Given the prevalence of copycat crimes, if I was an executive of an insurance company in the US I’d be reviewing my corporate security processes right about now.

Agent 47

Watched that footage a number of times. Dude is pretty composed, clears a couple of jams, used a suppressor, stalked him for a while and then escaped using a bicycle which is very smart in an urban environment because they’re difficult to trace and can be used in multiple escape routes.

Could be a professional job or the guy could just be as you said and just dialled in.


…then escaped using a bicycle which is very smart in an urban environment because they’re difficult to trace and can be used in multiple escape routes.

It seems it was an e-bike he escaped on.


Thompson’s wife, Paulette Thompson, told NBC News that he told her “there were some people that had been threatening him.” She said she didn’t have details but suggested the threats may have involved issues with insurance coverage”

So maybe it was an angry punter.

The unedited footage is here.

The shooter clearly knew that his weapon wouldn’t wouldn’t cycle with a suppressor, which is a common thing. He wasn’t surprised by the malfunctions, and cleared each one efficiently.

He didn’t seem agitated or anxious in the slightest. He had a nice stance, with an effective two-handed grip, which he used for each shot, and he moved smoothly, almost casually towards the victim after each shot.

The weapon handling and the body language makes me think of someone experienced with small arms, and comfortable with shooting at people. Completely relaxed about what he was doing.

There’s a lot of military veterans in the US with service related health issues, skill at arms and familiarity with killing people. If they catch the guy, I’d go for an unhappy customer ex-serviceman. If there are personal nor corporate records of threats then they mail well nail him pretty quickly.


This is actually the only way anything will change in Australia – hope the CEOs of our big 4 banks are paying attention… their multimillion dollar salaries and bonuses only make sense if it is danger money.



It’s actually surprising how few assassinations happen in America given the number of guns available and the absolute rape these corporate goons have gotten away with.


I’m of a similar view.

I just received an $80 remediation refund from ANZ, meaning they fucked up at some point and overcharged me, and they’ve returned the overcharge.

While unsuccessfully trying to find out what its about, I came across a vast litany of corporate malfeasance by ANZ, with multiple fines in the $15-20m range over the last few years.

I dunno if the other banks are the same, but ANZ will overcharge you, not have systems in place to detext/prevent problems and take years to rectify any issues, all while spouting off about how virtuous they are.

The people who manage businesses in that manner deserve whatever they get.


Based. About time a 1%er copped a bullet.

Aussie Soy Boy

I give it 72 hours and they will apprehend him. Can’t be too hard.