CEO finds that young workers repeat what they have been told

The late middle aged female chief people officer of supermarkets operator Coles Group says that Gen Z want:

  • to say what they think
  • to work for a company that has a defined purpose and is inclusive
  • to feel connected
  • to be able to bring their “authentic selves” to work
  • to learn new skills
  • to feel they are being listened to
  • flexibility

Another highly competent female was quoted as saying:

  • an an environment-related purpose is important
  • When Gen Z goes to interviews, they ask what the company’s purpose is. What are you doing for the community? What’s your progress on diversity and inclusion?

Let’s be clear, this is not about Gen Z in general. This is about a select group of graduate Gen Zs that big companies compete for. It’s not about the coles night shelf stacker or checkout chick.

Everyone young always wanted all the things listed in the first set of dot points. In the past, they learned that nobody cared much about their needs and they learned to serve. Now, with over 20 years in compromised education systems, they have been given all the flexibilty, patience and support, and so on, that they could have wanted. A small group of them are highly valuable. This is partly because the recruitment systems are heavily skewed toward universities, and the dictates of meritocracy require that “the best” person be chosen for the job, which effectively means that only a sliver of the top students can get those jobs. Hence, they are dictating terms.

The remaining dot points are mostly Gen Z women believing what they have been told about what is currently important (DEI) and echoing it back to the same class of elite women who taught it to them in the first place. Nearly all of those elite women got their position through the education system. More and more of them gain position through DEI quotas. DEI benefits women of all ages. It is no wonder they think that’s where it’s at, and that that is what young people (ie women) want. They become infatuated with the sense of belonging, purpose and power that comes with being a ladder climber.

A not insignifiant number of Gen Z males have been culturally castrated without even realising it. They try to believe this stuff too but eventually they find that it doesn’t work for them. A lot of healthy young people end up childless as a result….this is not new. My generation attached enormous importance to “friends”…hence the TV show…hence the Spice Girls…only to find that “friendship” is a poor substitute for family. What’s new is that competent young me, particularly white ones, are being shut out by DEI.

Somebody here shared this…I’ll share it again here:

“Diversity and inclusion” is not new. It is the new word for the old internationalism of the commmunists. As for environmentalism, Karl Marx himself complained about industry despoiling the environment. Universities, particularly in humanities subjects and related, were and are targeted by the communists, an effort that began in the 1920s. It was eventually called out by McCarthy and others but they were only partially successful in getting rid of it. Cells of communism remained, and they have festered and grown ever since as universities have taken the place of the church and communist articles of faith have become the new catechism.

Judging from what happened in the 3rd world, Australian leaders (few of whom get hired overseas in similar roles) will keep spouting this crap as their host societies deteriorate. The end destination is not communist utopia, it is dictatorship and poverty. Like Venezuela under Chavez, North Korea, China under Mao, and so on. Animal farm in real life. I hope there is enough social cohesion and self respect for this to be stopped before then, but I am far from certain that there is.

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people say lots of things, in the end all they want is a job if you give it to them or make it relatively easy to get people will do it. putting 5 interviews and 5 retarded, poorly constructed psychometric inventories between a person and the possibility (not even the certainty) of getting a job will cause a lot of people to just give up and not want to bother. if employers are allegedly so crying out for workers in aus you would think they would have worked this out by now.

i could only get a remote job w/ my reasonable friend in wisconsin bc australian employer requirements are often so ridiculous, though i dont fully blame australian employers; employee entitlements and full time worker privileges aer pretty broken making them overly cautious of hiring anyone,t oo. i cant blame them for not wanting to hire anyone theyre not certain will be perfect out the door if they turn out to be impossible to get rid of 6 months down the line.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

nd the possibility (not even the certainty) of getting a job will cause a lot of people to just give up and not want to bother.

You know employers would think that is a feature not a bug.
If that makes you give up and not bother then doing the actual job is guaranteed to make you give up and not bother.

If employers are allegedly so crying out for workers in aus you would think they would have worked this out by now.

So clearly the reality is they aren’t crying out for workers no matter what BS is presented in the media.


“You know employers would think that is a feature not a bug.”

wow they probably would, hard to reconcile that w the endless whinging from them hey

big difference between doing work you dont get paid for vs work you do

what kinds of salaries does azov battalion pay these days


big difference between doing work you dont get paid for vs work you do

Nowhere near as much as you think. Paying people more doesn’t actually make them work harder.

ow they probably would, hard to reconcile that w the endless whinging from them hey

It is all about maximizing their profits, pretty easy to understand actually, not 4d chess…


“Nowhere near as much as you think. Paying people more doesn’t actually make them work harder.”

might be true, but going from paying them nothing to paying them something otoh can actually make a difference lol or otherwise slavery would have been he greatest productivity booster of all time (it wasnt)

“‘It is all about maximizing their profits, pretty easy to understand actually, not 4d chess…”

agreed, but its probably a bit of both in that some younger people really are just giving up and dropping out just bc they dont want to have to put up w/ hr’s labyrinthine bullshit and excessive hiring requirements that youve got a giant hard on over and think are just mad and cool. is everything you post here going to be some sort of justification for modern b.s no one likes?

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

giant hard on over and think are just mad and cool. is everything you post here going to be some sort of justification for modern b.s no one likes?

I haven’t justified anything. Merely observed what is.
And to put it bluntly if you think of a job application as unpaid work no wonder no one will give you a job.


I was wondering what you’re job was since you migrated from unemployed to employed…. so you are working remotely for a US company? What sort of work if I may ask?


its just a remote admin job


It appears to me that large parts of modern universities are insane asylums where the mainly female occupants have taken over, particularly all of the areas that feature xxx-studies departments.

Unfortunately, all that nonsense seeps out into the real world, and particularly into female dominated schools and corporate HR departments where it poisons everything it touches.

The lunacy in the HR department before I left work was something to behold. The good news is that in a rare demonstration of sanity the crazy female HR manager went too far with her bullshit and was sacked at the start of the year.

I think it may have been related to her indigenous employment program, where certain jobs were reserved for abos. It was a complete fiasco, with the indigenous employees starting fights, coming to work drunk if they showed up at all etc, and claiming racism when they were called out for their bullshit.

She probably would have got a medal in the public service.

the arborist

Indeed. I know a white millennial woman who studied social work or similar at university.

When she started, she laughed at how woke and crazy it was there.
When she finished, she came out fully believing that white people are evil.

An example she gave of how evil white people are; is that the societies white people build are tailored to suit white people.

At her graduation ceremony, she was frightened by the pictures of all the old, white men on the walls of the hall.

And of course white people are evil slavers. Just white people. No-one else.

Universities really are lunatic factories.


lotsvof ppl are super impressionable they believe anything authority figures tell them

trust me on this i have authority

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
the arborist

But they’ve been trained to not believe anything a white male tells them. Because women are strong and independent.


all goes out the window if hes hot enough


the arborist

For sure Coming is 6 foot tall, 6 figure salary, 6 pack and looks like Adonis. Although now he seems to be 6 feet under.


For sure…
that’s why he spent all his time here.
Maybe his mail order bride finally arrived and she hasn’t left him yet.


He’s been deep sixed

the arborist

Great news! Universities have been cancer for a very long time. Their main ‘products’ are poo / chink citizenship and deranged women with vastly inflated egos. As well as real estate wheeling and dealing to house all those foreign ‘students’.

The sooner they’re fixed (or made irrelevant) the better.

The next thing that should die / be fixed is HR.


Good commentary Robert – agree with your summation.

The AFR article was not writing about GenZ workers in general, but the narrow wedge of elite corporate workers that companies compete for – those who have just stepped out of University and 3-4years of Cultural Marxist indoctrination…. this includes the reporter writing the article. Basically they’re sniffing their own farts.


We are in communism, Chinese style communism where the elite and propadee can’t lose. A thought crime system that almost no one breaks. A news media that is almost entirely shameless propaganda.

It’s working and poverty isn’t too bad. The main problem is house prices but apart from that it’s pretty comfy.

Gruppenführer Mark

I wouldn’t call it communism. Definitions matter.

Communism is “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs”.

Socialism is “from each according to their ability, to each according to their labour”.

China doesn’t fit this mold, neither does Australia. Definition of socialism is closer, but not wholly aligned with Australian economy.

I posit that there are two conflicting economic systems, state-sponsored capitalism and oligarchy that are at odds, BRICS vs. G7, if you will.

State-sponsored capitalism is a system where the state (China, Russia, etc.) controls important parts of the economy. Resources, major manufacturering, and the like. Not fascism, where the state and the capital merge into one, since private enterprise is still viable for some segments of the economy that are considered secondary. The state controls the economy and the curbs on private enterprise, and seeks to derive most profit for themselves by manipulating private enterprise.

Oligarchy is a system where those, who control the means of production, information or finance seek to influence the state, staying in the shadows. This is mostly the picture of the US and the EU. Political power is bought and manipulated to derive maximum profits for the oligarchy.

I am not looking at various other economic models in less influential countries, just the whales.

Agent 47
Agent 47

To preserve mega-migration, the ALP has to sacrifice this small minority of illegals

Which way, globalist man: Howard or Biden?



Taco Shell connaiseur

Point of order your ‘onor:
ALP are *soft* taco shells
LNP are *hard* taco shells

There is a subtle difference.

Gruppenführer Mark

That was Coalition, if you ask them. ALP would be the soft shells.


LOL – African Americans are being exposed to African immigration and it is freaking them out:



the level of low inhibition this chick is on is honestly impressive


Female incels are a myth.


Getting a job through the ‘system’ now in EZFKA is impossible for a white Anglo male.

“People and culture” Parasites, we know as HR, have way too much power.

They have set up humanity sapping submissions and screening via CV and online questionnaires. I have done several the last few months, every one asks me to outline if I ‘identify’ as indigenous, etc. About a month after submitting I get a generic email saying I was unsuccessful “on this occasion”.

Lumped in with Sustainability or whatever meaningless fluff department the CEO needs to farm out so he can put in his annual report, these parasites are hugely responsible for the dire state of EZFKA.

Industry skills and quality candidates are disregarded for a diversity tick. Hive minds self selecting candidates who make them few comfortable or get them kudos.

EZFKA lowly status as the Un Clever Country is the result.

the arborist

True. Which is why we should all identify as aboriginal Australians. Start ticking boxes.

the arborist