yeah but who gives a shit really, what do you think the lucky number will be

find out in about an hour

i’m leaning towards 0,25 but it could be a hold, who really gives a fuk

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Aussie Soy Boy


A fly in your ointment

chicken little

Inflation is now one step closer to earn its other moniker that begins with \Hyper/


Lol arts degree people need to be genocided.


The decision makes sense if they have reason to believe we’re already in a recession.


It seems more political. Don’t rate raise unless the inflation and wages data clearly justify. It probably means even higher rates in the long run, and Labor looking stupid if Lowe’s replacement continues raising rates.


Yep I think there was political pressure too. My prediction elsewhere was they will hold. Largely due to the pressure put on RBA last rate rise + the last months softer data.

Aussie Soy Boy

Inflation went down, so I didn’t think they would raise. If it heads up again they’ll raise again.


Yeah because of fuel and gas if I’m not mistaken. They’ll raise next month and especially if the fed raises unless inflation really goes down .


Definitely petrol (fuel) maybe not gas come to think of it.

Aussie Soy Boy

Houses go up $200k yayyyy
Cheeseburger goes up $2 reeeee

Ezfka should change its religion from Christian to Jew


thankfully some relief from escalating expansion of the money supply

boomers will not be happy


who has ever heard boomers cry out?

its all greens voters who are complaining as far as I can tell


do these people look like boomers?


property owners seem to be doing well


people with mortgages are not property owners

and probably not boomers either



theyre not boomers though


The rate hikes are probably the only thing going in the Libs’ favour right now

A fly in your ointment

thankfully some relief from escalating expansion of the money supply

yep, true, when interest rates were close to 0% no one was stupid to borrow and spend…


The economy is saved. Big spending is back on the menu boys!!

Aussie Soy Boy

Senator Reynolds has confirmed plans this week to refer a multimillion-dollar payout awarded by the Albanese Government to Ms Higgins to the new anti-corruption watchdog.

It’s my money! I lied to get it fair and square! – Higgo

Aussie Soy Boy


Gruppenführer Mark

Ha! I was right! Too bad my more bullish prognosis didn’t pan out, though. Imagine how good it is to be saving an average of $120/mo on an average $600K mortgage (in roundabout numbers)!

Screenshot 2023-07-04 153500.png

Why focus on the 33% of the population with a mortgage (many of which probably offset anyway )

and not the 66% with deposits who are missing out on an extra 0.25% free money

Aussie Soy Boy

Businesses use finance too


Yes, correct. Then there are investment property loans held by people not in that 33%. Then there is consumer credit (auto loans, personal loans and credit cards). Makes more than 33% of the population with interest bearing credit.


So credit card rates go from 18% to 18.25% ?

the private sector has net positive deposit balances


Most people who pay interest on their credit cards have low rate cards which more follow the rates cycle. RBA has stats with the amount of credit card debt that is interest bearing, it is not an insignificant amount.

A fly in your ointment
Aussie Soy Boy

I do like Leitho. He just churns it out cold hard facts.

A fly in your ointment

That was Boring Martin Northie and cold facts with no predictions. You had them mixed


Northie with cold hard facts Lol!

He has his model predictions that are almost always wrong. Something like 97% of people in a postcode under mortgage or rental stress.

Northis is trying to sell consultancy services. I would take anything he says with an element of skepticism.

A fly in your ointment

it’s an unfair comparison between “loony readers digest fags” and someone who actually produced something.

you may mot find value in MN work, you may find him wrong on some ot many occasions but you can’t argue that he is just a copy-paste guy. He deals with raw information and draws some conclusions out of it, however you may find that data.
OTOH, Llewdo and Bleato couple only regurgitate someone elses’s “choice facts” and then fluff them with a bit of BBQ sauce then sell it for a monthly subscription as their own research. There’s nothing factual and neither it can be cold in that. AI made in Chinese primary school tech classes can do a better job and without the usual Bleato/Lewdo idiocies.

check here:
Llewdo writes – to put out the little barbeque fire out one must cause bush fire as it will use all the oxygen and extinguish it.
an idiot? a shill?
safe to assume he’s both
lower teh rates, man


he has drawn the wrong conclusions for the last x years
just like mb

the difference is that the manner in which he delivers is wrong conclusions is boring as shit

A fly in your ointment

This was Llewdo on Msm.

Bleato is is a safe space Karen and as much as he’s tolerable, rest assured he’d ban you the moment you spoil his ointment.


listen to this Australian cricketer talk

sounds like a real posh rich cunt

not the bogan of old

I guess maybe they’re the only ones with the cash to go to private school and get access to proper nets and gear and coaches

white trash kids have to play gayfl or nrl or wog ball

Aussie Soy Boy

Yeah, bats are $1000 these days.


I should have invested in Duncan fearnley


The NB bat that Steve Smith uses is $1K on sale.

Cricketing gear is very expensive. Once kids get hit by a cricket ball, the gear ends up collecting dust.


Latest poll show the voice vote
no: 55%
yes: 38%

it’s pretty clearly not going to get up they can’t turn it around from here

the question is still whether they just scrap it now or let albo humiliate himself


Little Labor paid Shill is getting fucking owned too. One day he’ll get over being bullied his entire school life.


You white dudes ?


You White dudes?


Dr Juice only working this out now. It was their election strategy since KRudd.


That’s some quality own, just when the Betoota faggots were thinking they’d really made it. Smacked senseless in tweet after tweet.

Poor faggots were probably thinking they’d be getting their first ever grab of pussy at the ABC Christmas party this year too…


If they scrap it, it will be the first time the Albanese government has responded to public opinion

Aussie Soy Boy

Albo is a closet bottom he’ll go to the polls


Albo humiliate himself. Not going to happen. He wins either way. If the No vote wins, they get to call the electorate racist and has proof of this. If Yes wins, he gets another bureaucracy and can gift some plum roles to mates.


I reckon he’ll win next election because potato head.

Not all Libs look like faggots they should give the SAS guy a go but I reckon they probably cbf and want a break, also the jew probably said so.


Hikes will only happen following inflation data that forces Phil to hike

Otherwise low rates bias rules

A fly in your ointment

Perhaps it’s good bc raising teh rates make inflation worse, eh?


How many cones do you reckon DLS pulled before he wrote this one you reckon

Have to say I really enjoyed reading it

his judgement continues to be clouded by his various paranoid psychoses (covid, climate change, house price crash)

but I still like it when he gets fired up


It’s about cricket

tortured and essentially meaningless analogy

understanding won’t enhance your appreciation of the article


Who cares what that faggot says.


The brains of cricket fans must be literally cooked if they can understand this shit

Aussie Soy Boy

Ha I watched at least 80% of both tests. Two of the best tests I have ever watched. The ascendancy basically swung session to session throughout each test. Ashes in England and Australia in India are the only series worth watching these days. I’ll barely pay attention this summer it will be completely uncompetitive.


You’re a strange bloke hey

Aussie Soy Boy

Lmao they busted this loser wanking to hentai at his “home office”

no wonder he got so heated

Aussie Soy Boy

I love how property managers they bust tenants for stuff like too much dust lol. No doubt the tenant just stands there nodding their head as they’re told just steaming inside ahah


Lol redditors, making re agents rich for decades now.


Never happened, but cools story bro.

As if a cop would turn up when called.


not looking good for shaney

probably sitting on the edge of his bed longingly fondling that abo tie

what a complete loser


found this while searching for him

pretty certain its the same guy as drumgolds wife name is Natasha

who would have guessed he was a professional property specufestor!

as well as being a fucking virtue signalling cuck

Aussie Soy Boy

He’ll soon have all the time in the world to pursue his passion for travel (boring places doing the same old shit in Europe (a Greek island, Tuscany, fancy dinner in London) and trip to Japan for ski season or to look at cherry blossoms if they’re feeling adventurous. All flights on QANTAS points of course.

Aussie Soy Boy

I forgot the boomer classic — a cruise on the Rhine lol.


so are we all hearing about the upcoming false flag on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant?

zelenskyberg outright saying that the russians have placed bombs on the roof and the ukes are sending drones to “deactivate”

its supposed to happen tomorrow

it was nice knowing you guys

a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere would be amazing for sydney house prices though


Albo is dunzo as well surely

what an absolute fucking dud

Add to the list if I’ve forgotten something:

housing crisis

inflation crisis

Corruption with higgo

turned even lefties against immigration he went so hard

gave away money to the French for nothing then signed a multibillion dollar submarine deal with the yanks

and now the voice so poorly conceived and managed that even cucks in Australia won’t vote for it

but so glad we listened to DLS and removed scomo and his culture of sleaze though

But from an accelerationist point of view albo has been the greatest PM in history

even greens voters and guardian readers are now questioning this abo and immigrant nonsense as well as the banking system


And yet Libs polling is still shit

Because everyone knows they would have done the same


We need a complete breakdown of societal trust and norms


Yeh did wonders for South Africa


I was gonna say we’d be Ukraine but they have too much social trust while people are still willing to die for Zelensky

So there’s a silver lining to becoming an ungovernable shithole the likes of which no white country has ever reached


We both know scomo wouldn’t have done the voice and wouldn’t have opened the borders to the same extent especially for Indians

how about you stop being a contrary faggot for once in your life


Gay shit like “the same extent” doesn’t win votes and the Libs are going to find that out the hard way


Pretty sure they’re going to win


Pretty sure is a very low level of confidence by your standards


confident enough for your mum

I fucked her by the way


Might have been more whites didn’t Dutton want to bring in Zimbabwean farmers


Based. Here’s an Ezfka citizen that knows her place in the pecking order. She’s not even fat really.


John “Adams” still going with this Package grift

what if it’s for real though

if John “Adams” brings down the ALP I’ll subscribe to his substack

Northy seems almost comatose
he’s gone to England to die it seems


Ain’t nobody got time for dat.

What’s he rabbiting on about? What’s the scandal?








In a trade agreement, what does EZFKA have to offer other than visas. Indonesia does not need hard or soft commodities as they can produce them. Yet they produce stuff that we need such as textiles and other manufactured goods.


Reckons he has photographic evidence of albos corruption

and then caught them out in a lie when he asked them about it

has referred it to NACC and so can’t reveal details yet supposedly


He mentioned ACCC and I just laughed. They and ASIC as well are either pathetic or corrupt or both, but either way none have ever nabbed anyone. I’ve worked at a large co where we had to do ‘ACCC checks’ and we laughed at how meaningless it was because we knew we could operate with total impunity.

With the Jew Dreyfus and those Labor lot in power these corporate cops are not going to magically change their behaviour or IQ and become effective and investigate anything.


The jew has given me some hope at least let’s see what he turns up


Nice rip from EZFKA Twitter I believe


Mayo, who changed his surname from Mayor, is Filipino Dayak and Kalkalgal Erubamle Torres Strait Islander and Kaurareg Aboriginal (also from the TSIs) on his father’s side and Polish, Jewish, English on his mother’s side.


Another day, another ALP handout and another race grifter.

Cop a look at the smoking ceremony performed by the Indigenous Uncle…


Old Uncle Wally Whitefella


Legend. In on the grift. Probably 1/32 aboriginal.


Stagmal reckon you’ve got 0.1% aboriginal in ya buddy? Should start a Dubbo smoking ceremony business

Aussie Soy Boy

I wonder he charges for it?


Looks like a pretty slow transition mate


Melbourne Uni is so much more progressive, have a look at this Sheila

Aussie Soy Boy

Would have a giant nob too


Now that’s funny as he’ll. I actually Laughed out Loud!


Imagine if they allowed this guy to actually debate Sleepy Joe 1:1…


Turns out he’s pro affirmative action and a gun grabber


It shows how retarded the vaccine stuff has gotten on both sides

like he’d be a perfect democrat president . A Kennedy, charismatic, Hollywood connections, gun grabber, white guilt
but just by being anti vax he’s ruled himself out

and he’s the antithesis of who republicans should like: gun grabber, anti white, a Kennedy, Hollywood type
but republicans were jacking themselves off until he started talking about anything other than vaccines

its the new religion


Yeh I get all that deeper stuff but it’s his voice that drives me nuts, I heard he’s had it surgically ‘fixed’ but he sounds like he’s got Parkinson’s.

Give me The Donald and his “yooj” and “Gyna” anyday.


It’ll probably fail for the reason that people see it as a distraction from things they do care about, judging from Reddit

It might distract the Boomers but they don’t care about any real issues anyway

Imagine that pirate fag on Fairfax caring about a real issue, it just can’t happen

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

its interesting because I feel that media spin doctors and political advisors haven’t realised that there has been a major shift

Bringing out elites like cate blanchett to berate people for being racist would have worked 10 years ago, but in the current day its counter productive

like constantly shitting on trump made him more popular

etc etc

these guys haven’t had the realisation that they need to use reverse psychology

or maybe I’m wrong and I’m too online

or maybe they know this and they wanted the voice to fail just to create chaos

but i feel like a lot of people still has their eye on cost of living crisis and immigration


It’s the difference between a rich society and a poor society

People had less reason to dislike and oppose the elites in 2005 or whatever

The Voice won’t succeed if Boomers oppose it because they don’t like woke shit and even like 30% of young people oppose it as a fuck you to Albo.


Maybe maybe not

my question is have these highly paid experts realised that things have changed

their actions are going to cause the voice to fail (or contributed to it)

do they realise this, and are doing it deliberately because winning the referendum is not what they actually care about?

or do they not realise this, and they are incompetent/stupid


They probably realise things have changed, it just doesn’t matter because when you work in a corporate environment making good money, you do your job and keep your mouth shut, and rarely does failure have any consequences unless you rub it into people’s faces too much

It’s the same reason why the Libs don’t really care if they get back into power or not as long as the donations keep flowing, hence they’ll never implement any popular policies that could threaten donor interests. People on MB constantly bang on about how the Libs could get back in if only they promised to cut immigration to 70K or whatever, failing to understand that getting back in is minimally important next to serving the donors.

The kind of groupthink environment the Voice campaign is in also doesn’t permit them to diverge from whatever campaigning tactics worked for Tony Blair in 1998, they are also too woke to try anything that could possibly be edgy or counter-cultural in some way


I guess that is part of the reason that things change

the counter culture becomes the orthodoxy with all the baggage that entails
making it less effective


and here’s some more of it

like who gives a fuck what this 1/64th grifter thinks about anything


The women is toxic

Too comment in that article says it all


Blak Angels Investment Network.

Remember, US Imperialism and political meddling in other nations is ok when it’s funding Aborigines’ ‘investment’.

Not ok when it’s US bases or directly funding and meddling in that nation’s politics.

Got it?

In plain sight, the Yanks have subverted the Australian parliament and people here. With Chairman Dan’s deep Chinese links I’d be surprised if he doesn’t get told to destabilise this plan.

What type of project will the US be funding here ?

What local EZFKA business will they be competing against ?


Same as they push LGBT in Eastern Europe, it’s just their modus operandi

Half of them will probably be on the CIA payroll as they get plum jobs for being Aboriginal

And while he won’t get an “every time” because he’s not a Jew, no surprises Twiggy Forrest is involved, he’s also a prime meddler in Ukraine pushing a cashless society in a country where the electricity grid can fail any day:

Last edited 1 year ago by No1
Aussie Soy Boy

Did they get a blackfella to spell it?




What ? Really?

all the ones I’ve seen are blacker than the ace of spades with long spider limbs


ah sorry I’m confusing them with the sudanese

Need to lift my race science game



lol – it’s the consequence of Arabs fucking their slaves.

Gruppenführer Mark

Mick Jagger’s lips’ so big, black people be going, “You got some big-ass lips!”

Eddie Murphy, Delirious.

This boy’s lips so big, Mick Jagger be going “You got some big-ass lips!”



Migrant crime must be the kryptonite of left-wing governments

They constantly fall over this issue which they can easily address but never do

Except Dan, Victoria has passed the event horizon and the masses no longer care what happens here


Alien vs Predator


So much Lols in that article, DM is awesome I wonder how they can put out the content while laughing too. Karma bus hit this fuckwit.

“Youth” is Labor speak for African or Polynesian gang btw. Good to see Queensland catching up.

Knife crime is way out of control in Danistan, the jungle bunnies carry machetes openly.

No going back and stopping it, so they change the category or terminology so you can’t track the rampant increases.

Vic Pol are such cucks they’re too scared to ‘profile’ the Sudo’s.

Home invasions occur in rich suburbs now. If the media bother to ask, Dan bats that away with “eat the rich” and “my kids Trans”.


grace tame trying to stay relevant

now attaching herself to the refugee grift


What’s the estimate for his legal fees this grifter has clocked up, to get all the way to the Federal Court?

Would $200-$300k be realistic?

Plus there’s the taxpayer funds he’s wasted by having us (EZFKA) having to fight him in court.

Cunt has already cost us minimum $1.5m if you consider he’d be on welfare plus the hotel costs to feed and entertain him for 14 months.


and he got to fuck grace for free


You’re telling me that race grifting reffo and her are ‘friends’?

Good one.

Makes sense her BF would be a total cuck.


im hoping soy boy will give his diagnosis


Being a hot girl in the most feminist times ever. Diddums.


She’d be pretty if she smiled.


Life has its ups and…

Screen Shot 2023-07-06 at 14.25.57.png

has anyone got a copy of the actual cartoon that caused the fuss?

might have to buy the afr this arvo if i can find it

kean needs to FOAD


mon4kooyong pretty insensitive to repost it

they did make him very small like a boy and dancing like a monkey


ABC is also reposting it somewhere but that was the first one I could find.

This racism should be printed out and sent to Ukraine to fire at the Russians since it’s so dangerous. Failing that, we could send over the alphabet people with rainbow flags and glitter bombs – if the Russians are as homophobic as I was led to believe, they should flee the battlefield.

The good news is that Germany imported an additional ~1 million tons of Australian (Aboriginal?) coal at 3x the typical price, so some US shareholders should be better placed to purchase distressed European companies and thus be able to donate to important causes like the Voice.

Anyway, onto the next distraction.


This kind of BS is exactly why No will win in a landslide. No rational person can figure out how that ad is racist and sexist. Perhaps if they gave Mayo a crooked nose?

I love the whitefella Yes campaigner in the ABC article criticising the ad.

A fly in your ointment

When using whatevere-one-can-find to make education becomes standard in this pond perhaps there will be hope.

Ironic Boomer

Indians, Baos throwing shade at Indians, Goldbergs hiring Indians and charging for tap water. A centrist’s multicultural consensus delight.


Look at these cunts in the Melbourne CBD waiting for those next Uber shift.

Ironic Boomer

For his safety he should be confined to an Ivory Tower

Ironic Boomer

Too phallic therefore patriarchal. We need a big hole for him to hide in … and cover over the top.


Tony Abbott on the 7:30 report just said that indigenous history in Australia isn’t entirely a “dark story”. 😊

First time I’ve ever felt any sort of positive vibe towards the man.