Liam Jones slammed for ending career before myocarditis did

Carlton player Liam Jones has been slammed by members of the public and other players, for ending his EZFKAFL career voluntarily rather than submit to jab mandates.

In his first interview since retiring, Jones responded to said criticism by pointing to a slew of athletes suffering heart issues and collapsing across the world and didn’t want to be the first.

“I didn’t want to be the first player to collapse of a mystery, coincidental short illness and then get whitewashed by the neanderthal dickheads in the EZFKAL sports media,” Jones said.

“If others want to roll the dice, go for it. I’m not interested nor do I care. It’s not as if Carlton is going to win anything anyway.”

Meanwhile, EZFKAFL boss Gillon McLachlan is considering a league-wide saline jab mandate to avoid any on-field incidents that may cause severe brand damage.

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Agent 47

Adelaide Crows listed player already went down to a modern vaccine on the weekend.

Gillon will be wearing brown pants for the next six months.

Chinese Astroturfer

Three months no exercise and on medication for a virus he most likely wouldn’t catch for years if ever and has about a 99.8% survival rate (and that’s including all the fat slobs and terminally ill).

Agent 47

Meanwhile two players collapsed in the same game yesterday in Europe.

Farcical now.

Agent 47

And two fans at two separate EPL games had cardiac arrests.

Eyes to see ears to hear.


another 26yo basketball player in Greece…


First day back today and Melbourne player Jake Lever collapsed at training. I think climate change is responsible because it was an unseasonable 25C in Melbourne.

Agent 47

LOL thats gotta be an EZFKA record.

Add into the list Peachy.

Chinese Astroturfer

It’s purely ideological at this point you can’t expect them to ever backtrack or admit fault.


Yeh… need a solid 7-10% death rate to get anything like that.

and even then, all you’d get is a “whocoulaknowed?!”

Agent 47

Bear in mind this is only the first few months. Euro football season is madness, imagine what well see in the next two or three seasons, esp boosters come into play?


I was chatting with a neighbour this morning whose brother is a doctor in Johannesburg. What the doctor was seeing:

  • No real increase in hospital admissions
  • An increase in 2 year olds, but hardly would be called a spike

There are plenty of other ways of dying in South Africa like AIDS, gun violence, etc. that Covid is a nuisance, but not the highest thing on the collective conscience.

But we must be locked down now and hard if EmBee is anything to go by. Some guy on EmBee was complaining he was knocked back for a booster because it hasn’t been six months since his second jab.


There are plenty of other ways of dying in South Africa like AIDS, gun violence, etc. that Covid is a nuisance, but not the highest thing on the collective conscience.

thats the thing, isn’t it? In a place where the populace isn’t mollycoddled, people are easily able to shrug and go on with life in face of a 0.05% death risk.

in the EZFKA, where the mollycoddling has reached such a level that existence can be almost a living death and some of the biggest issues relate to proper pronoun selection, the locals can be driven under the bed by the same small risk.

Some guy on EmBee was complaining he was knocked back for a booster because it hasn’t been six months since his second jab.

sounds like the type I was describing yesterday. Anxious as hell to get his kids injected, I bet.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yes that is what my family back there are saying too, the media / government are all about scaring people into injecting their kids. TBH this variant seems a lot like the flu and less like covid.

Not that it will stop the lockdowns and fear mongering to keep us compliant so they can push the great reset on all of us.


All the variants seem A LOT LIKE FLU, down to killing the old frail and unwell and making everyone else mildy sick or in bed for a week.


All the variants seem A LOT LIKE FLU

Also, THE FLU seems to have disappeared in the last 12 months.

strange coincidence!



Seems the flu/Covid situation is a lot like the Clark Kent/Superman situation, as relates to being seen in the same room.


I’ll pay that. 👍👍


Read up on the reproductive rates of Flu vs Covid and it will make more sense.


got a link?


Flu R0=~1.3 which is not very contagious compared to Covid at R0>3.

R0=1.3 implies that (on average) just need to reduce social interaction by about 25% to bring flu numbers right down. That level of social distancing is happening even in many countries that don’t have social distancing laws.


Ok, that seems somewhat plausible, at first blush, for explaining why they’re not seen in the same room.

but then it’s like a super-contagious flu, yeh?


In BJW’s world everything behaves like “the flu”. If everyone caught the Ebola virus, then after it has finished “killing the weak” and being survived by people with natural immunity, then it too would behave just like the flu with milder symptoms and minimal deaths in subsequent years.

On that point. What I find interesting about Omicron strain is everyone is looking at South Africa for clues about how deadly it is. It is estimated that the majority of South Africans have already contracted earlier strains of the virus with ~0.4% of the entire population dead. The weak are mostly already dead which IMO makes the death rates in that country just about useless in estimating what will happen in countries like Australia.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy

It is estimated that the majority of South Africans have already contracted earlier strains of the virus with ~0.4% of the entire population dead

google tells me 90,000 dead out of a population of 60million.

thats just 0.3% of cases. And 0.0015% of the population.


South Africa one of those countries where so many people died they just buried bodies without testing cause of death. Estimates were closer to 240k dead which puts it close to 0.4%. Your calcs are wrong too btw. Should be 3% and 0.15%

To answer your question below. I am not proposing anything. Just saying I think they will underestimate, and that the stock market is probably optimistic.

Last edited 2 years ago by Freddy

Your calcs are wrong too btw. Should be 3% and 0.15%

fuck, forgot to carry the one!

but I don’t buy into 240k dead. No way.

Remember they count “death with Covid” rather than “death from Covid”. So if you gross up by a factor of 3 for under reporting, you can divide by 3 again to filter out those who died with, rather than from, Covid.

To answer your question below. I am not proposing anything. 

but then we effectively live in bjw’s world, don’t we? We should just embrace our destiny. Should’ve done ages ago.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yes we should get on with life, the virus kills the overfed and nearly dead, the vaccines will kill all ages groups and healthy and non healthy


Oh and also

The weak are mostly already dead which IMO makes the death rates in that country just about useless in estimating what will happen in countries like Australia.

even if we assume that the above is right (weak are mostly dead), then why can’t we use this for estimating Australian impacts?

remember that the weak here are 99% vaccinated. Sure, being vaccinated is not as good as being dead, but it’s supposedly about 80% effective.

or to put it another way, why the hell have we been jabbing everyone for, if all it does is just delay the inevitable by about 2 years?


or to put it another way, why the hell have we been jabbing everyone for, if all it does is just delay the inevitable by about 2 years?

Because the political news cycle is 2-4 weeks…


In BJW’s world everything behaves like “the flu”. If everyone caught the Ebola virus, then after it has finished “killing the weak” and being survived by people with natural immunity, then it too would behave just like the flu with milder symptoms and minimal deaths in subsequent years.

That’s not my world, that is THE world, and the historical record.,in%20Asia%20and%20South%20America.

The black death is still around, but it doesn’t wipe out a huge percentage of the population any more, and didn’t even before anti biotics.


Let’s just ignore your original context of letting the virus spread because it will eventually become like the flu. Ebola no problem. Who gives a fuck if half the global population is wiped out right? They were all going to die anyway?

Nice rewrite of history on a virus that wiped out half the European population. Just the flu.


Let’s just ignore your original context of letting the virus spread because it will eventually become like the flu. Ebola no problem. Who gives a fuck if half the global population is wiped out right? They were all going to die anyway?

Freddy, bjw is brief with his words, but there is a lot to his post above which says “That’s not my world, that is THE world”.

unless a truly effective prevention or treatment regime is found, the virus will spread and kill those that are susceptible to it. Always would have.

and you’re the one now saying that the vaccines here have effectively done jack shit:

The weak [in South Africa] are mostly already dead which IMO makes the death rates in that country just about useless in estimating what will happen in countries like Australia.

this is in the context of the new variant… which agains, was always going to appear.

so, it’s not like there is really any other option, except delaying the inevitable. At HUUUGE cost to those <70.


It is not a binary outcome. There is a massive difference between letting it rip from the start to the point of people dying due to lack of health care, and where we are today with vaccines significantly lowering death rates and governments throttling the spread.

BJW also didn’t even stop to think about why the Bubonic Plague doesn’t kill people nowadays. Your local council and their weekly garbage pickups are a direct result of the Bubonic Plague. Deaths prevented with time and knowledge.

Reus's Large MEMBER

The ones that were going to go in the first wave had we let it rip were the overfed and nearly dead and the virus would most likely have mutated into a less lethal version that we all have immunity too, however the long term effect of these “vaccines” is going to be vaccine / immune evasive mutations which will be the death of a lot more, never mind the deaths from the vaccines.