EFZKA 2030: Sydney man fined 100,000 social credit points for missing monthly COVID vaccine

We take a look into the future of what EZFKA will potentially look like at the end of the decade”

A man in the EZFKA city of Sydney has been fined 100,000 social credit points, after missing his mandated monthly COVID jab.

Luke Forrester, of the EZFKA subregion of Erina, realised he had not had his monthly mandated Pfizer vaccine and was at risk of causing another city wide lockdown.

“I checked in with the QR code app but it told me I was banned from buying food, because I had missed my monthly COVID jab,” Forrester said.

“The next thing I knew, I had NSW Social Cohesion Police Pty Ltd on my doorstep for a please explain and had to have the jab there and then.”

Forrester was also locked out of access to his monthly UBI payment and his social housing premises for one month as punishment.

Australian President Xi Jinping refused to comment on the matter, but reminded EZFKA citizens that failure to inoculate regularly may result in fates worse than fines.

“Xinjiang has plenty of camp space and so does northern Africa. So please, get your jabs and praise glorious EZFKA.”

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Hitting the right future themes in your treatment of UBI and social housing, as far as I’m concerned, Timbo!

And you’ve got the present well presented in terms of hair trigger lockdowns and privatised enforcement.

How do you pack so much pertinence in so few words, Timbo? Well done.

Agent 47


Looking forward to the future gulags, I mean quarantine sites.


The more I see with Big Data, Open Banking, Social media data use, the more I am against where data analytics is headed and what it is used for.


Some chatter that Morrison is going to announce that getting the jab is mandatory for aged and disability care workers after the National Cabinet meeting

Not only unethical, but unenforceable and pointless if the supply and delivery issues aren’t resolved.

Given the difficulties I’ve had trying to link Medicare with MyGov to access proof of my own vaccination, I suspect it will be very difficult to monitor this and any accountability will be placed in the too hard basket.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gouda
Agent 47

Watch the sector haemorrhage workers if that becomes mandatory.


Nothing that can’t be backfilled with Viet and Phil and other rando bods.


They’ll certainly need plenty of random bodies. Aged care seems to attract some duds which is probably due to the pay on offer – have seen workers of a certain ethnicity sleeping on the job, doing little and always taking the default approach of shipping patients to hospital when there’s a sniffle.

As it’s well known that the vaccine can have quite strong after effects, I suspect what will happen first is that there will probably also be a large chunk asking for exemptions on medical grounds which will no doubt piss off my GP colleagues.

In my experience Filos are more family orientated, tend to have excellent English and give a shit about their elderly. A lot of the nurses I know left aged care because it was so bad and they couldn’t do anything to change it – also better pay and conditions in hospitals, where hard work is the norm.

