Australia to import soldiers as it’s facing a ‘critical skills shortage’ of foreigners ready to use violence against Australian citizens

The Labor Government will begin importing foreigners to fight in the ADF as part of a long-term strategy of having troops ready to shoot Australian citizens.

Citing dwindling recruitment numbers, Defence Minister Richard Marles said the last 5 years of trying to cancel ANZAC Day, taking away morale patches, forced COVID shots, putting women and homos everywhere, making housing unaffordable and telling white men they can go get fucked has worked a charm.

“We’ve outsourced everything else, why not the military too? They won’t hesitate to fire on Australians when they get upset at their rental yields plummeting,” Marles said.

Marles said they planned to dangle the ‘get citizenship if you survive being blown up for Israel’ model that has worked well in other western countries.

‘This will work wonders for social cohesion. Giving these non-loyal foreigners access to firearms, ordinance and intricate knowledge of Australian defence infrastructure will really shape the ADF into a formidable fighting force against it’s own citizens.’

The first wave of Chinese and Indian recruits are set to arrive next week.

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People willing to brutalise others for not obeying the system is the one area where Australia will never have a skills shortage, COVID proved this

We probably just need the bums in seats to let us buy all that insanely expensive American military hardware, otherwise it would be AUKward to buy submarines and not have the people to crew them if they eventually were delivered

A fly in your ointment

People willing to brutalise others for not obeying the system is the one area where Australia will never have a skills shortage, COVID proved this

A noice rendering of the convict culture/society definition.


That would be ordnance, not ordinance.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yeah, nah. They should be asking for access to discounted home loans, that’d fix thing!

Speaking of citizenship…

Muhammad Taha: Security guard who confronted Bondi killer asks where his offer of permanent residency is | PerthNow


Won’t be long – Albofag can’t help but hand citizenships requests out like tic-tacs.

Agent 47

Think of all the scams that are going to happen now. People faking scenarios to get a bravery visa, bookmark it because it will happen.


People faking scenarios to get a bravery visa, bookmark it because it will happen.

lol to them then. Unless it is a big enough event to end up on TV live they haven’t got a hope in hell, and nothing faked will get that sort of attention.


I don’t know, I’m in India at the moment and the thought crossed my mind that a one million dollar bounty may be enough to set up some kind of racket. For instance there was a girl who was killed by an Indian bloke who then fled back to India and hid. After a million dollar reward was offered he was found real quick. I can see how this could be exploited in the future. Perhaps hyperbole

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m in India at the moment 

Why? Out of your own free will?

Joking, of course, and maybe I haven’t seen or heard of better parts, but are there better parts worth visiting? Not places, like the Taj Mahal, but parts of the country?

Serious question. Always thought Venice and Paris were some places to go see, not so sure anymore, compliments of migrants. Vienna seems to be holding up so far. Prague too. Japan, unless it either slides into the ocean due to another earthquake, or melts into the ocean, due to another Fukushima.


goa and sikkim are the most developed states


Yeah, it wasn’t high on my priority list but have had a few friends tour here and so have a bunch of local guides which are invested in me having a nice time. Don’t forget that there are more millionaires here than people in Australia. I have a few qualifications to knock out so working from here is a no brainer.


It’s super refreshing to see unheeded development as well, you can start a business or build a building without bullshit red tape. Being a westerner, every one is extremely welcoming and even though it’s crazy how they operate, I think there is probably more potential to succeed here than Australia. Rent, tolls, taxes etc, im more and more inclined to earn in Australia but live in countries such as Thailand and India

Gruppenführer Mark

Interesting, appreciate you taking time to respond.

I think there is probably more potential to succeed here than Australia

Developing countries are like that. Calculated risks usually pay off handsomely, unless you get into an area of the business in direct competition with a local chieftain. Then things might get funny.

im more and more inclined to earn in Australia but live in countries such as Thailand and India

With you there. Havig only recently discovered Thailand, would have no problem living there. Even Vietnam, if visa situation can be worked out.

With a professional career in construction, the dilemma is how to make skills transferrable to a remote business model.


Looking at the construction quality in western Sydney atm with self compliance we are building to India building standards anyway


LOL – given some of the anti-India comments here, it would probably be best to make sure you were using Thor browser to access EZFKA!


Haters gonna hate; understand one’s competition is part of the game huh? At least I can figure out points of differentiation. I don’t find the Indians particularly dishonest with the whole karmic thing going on in the background. The British empire also probably influenced a lot of manners and ways of interacting. I’ve heard it’s a lot less pushy than it used to be also.

Speaking of citizenship…

at least he earned it by doing sumtin good for the society which despises him for his lack of convict heritage.
…unlike majority of selfentitled prior arrivals who sold their mother to the highest bidder for capital gain on the investment property.


Show me where the convict touched you.


it’s just a typical newcomer complaining that their new home isn’t like the shithole they loved so much they came here instead.

A fly in your ointment

Noice, my sycophant gets his sycophant and later does his usual piece of sophistry.
I have expressed an observation of australian subculture which has nothing to do with this pond being a shithole or a pussyhole.

Which part of my observation is incorrect?


Which part of my observation is incorrect?

…unlike majority of selfentitled prior arrivals who sold their mother to the highest bidder for capital gain on the investment property.

A fly in your ointment

what brave deed have you done for this cuntry?

drowning stagmal (and others) here in your sophistry is not a deed.


huh? i thought he was dead

Gruppenführer Mark

Nah, that was another dude.


if you look closely at his description apparently he is a qualified engineer on a skilled class visa – working as a security guard

Gruppenführer Mark

Just saw that he is on a graduate visa expiring in a month. What engineering?


Subclass 476.
Skilled—Recognised Graduate visa
This visa allows recent engineering graduates to live, work or study in Australia for up to 18 months. You must have completed a degree or higher qualification from a specified institution within the past 2 years, and be under 31 years of age.


Sure he wasn’t a doctor?


camp of the all saints

Agent 47

10/10 use of AI

Gruppenführer Mark

OMG! Stagmal, is that you?

its missing aspartame infused artificial drink


you could fit five of those guys inside me

Gruppenführer Mark

We are not worthy


I’ll see you this meme and raise you…

Gruppenführer Mark

ScoMo with the Hawaiian shirt next to AnAl would be better


They’ve already got merchandise for preferred soldier types –
comment image


Given the current context I support this. Better than Uber drivers. Now to dilute the RAM drivers so we can get shit built. Well that’s not gonna happen all must worship the tradie so we can pretend we are still aussies and not ezkfas.

Even the models are spot on. In that rootable but not proper hot area.


wtf is this disgusting


You prefer the they/them above?


U do


As if you wouldn’t. Not saying you’d marry her, but you would.


im not saying she is disgusting


wtf are you saying? Do you know?

Gruppenführer Mark

So, incel is shining through, eh?

“Critical days”, aka period, are a blessing for at least two reasons for those who actually are having relations with women:

  1. She ain’t pregnant, time to celebrate (unless you are trying)
  2. Most girls are horny af on their period

i dont need to worry about pregnancy bc the layer of fat that covers my penis is natural condom


The scary thing is that it might not even be satire. Who is going to enforce the next round of WHO dictats, once the WHO treaty is signed next month ?