Australian man enjoying another day in the world’s most successful multicultural country watching a Muslim stab a Christian bishop in church

An Australian man has recalled his joy at spending yet another day in the world’s most successful country, as a Muslim stabbed a Christian bishop at a church last night.

Chris Dawkins, from Baulkham Hills, says he was enjoying the increased variety of imported conflicts in Australia that has rapidly accelerated since Clare O’Neil became Home Affairs Minister.

“This is a nice change in pace but Jews vs Muslims has been my favourite unnecessarily imported grievance, Sikhs vs Hindus is a close second although they don’t get violent enough,” Chris said.

‘I’m just waiting for the Chinese mainlanders and the Taiwanese to go at it. Will really make Chatswood extra vibrant.”

Chris said he was looking forward to the ongoing retaliation in Western Sydney and called on Clare O’Neil to increase immigration for Assryians, so that they would have a chance against the Bankstown Lebos in the upcoming shootouts.

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A fly in your ointment

yeah, like there was an unconditional motherly love for Assyrian Orthodox Christians in this pond…
it was more like “give’m all knoives so that they can have a stabbing fiesta” feeling.

give it a week and it will be forgotten when brucey and the phat Cinderella get into another newsmakers hissy fit


i doubt even 5% of australians know what an assyrian is let alone that there’s an assyrian orthodox christian church

the 24/7 news cycle is just boring now. someone got stabbed ok. its going to happen in the world sometimes

Last edited 9 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

….and no more mention of “aleged” stabibg in the newsmakes media


Where you and your male wog relos hang watching soccer on sbs.


What’s this practice of keeping spirits and never drinking them? I drank all my parents spirits.

Yeah everyone wants to see your shitty little bottles of spirits. It’s so hard to buy a bottle of spirits. Omg the sophistication.


t’s so hard to buy a bottle of spirits.

Clearly you find it hard to not drink the whole bottle when you buy one…


I rarely buy spirits I hate being room spinning drunk.


a lot of people just love accumulating bullshit they dont need


No 👎. Putting em on display is a bit much, however nothing wrong with having a nice stash in the back of a kitchen cupboard.

A fly in your ointment

that’s just remnants of that 70’s show, kitsch culture.
there is no intention to display, just to have a quick access. lime the mancave bar in your lounge

A fly in your ointment

luv that set up.
not sure you can see on the pic, there is a pole that can be pulled down for strippers when the wives go for liposuction and collagen into lips.


Apparently Linda Reynolds will sue Britts for defamation next

7 must be making more money manufacturing news to report on than they’re losing in court fees

A fly in your ointment

no publicity is worse than the bad one.
stabber Ben is the same principle. it often works so well they begin to overdo it…

either way, I don’t watch TV since the plane that was downed by Ukrainians and after seeing the Cochie on 7 going into overdrive on the morning show. He actually did me a favour. Life is much better place without programmed and loglve tv


Does anyone know what 9 is up to these days? I assume it’s some sort of Boomer house-price wankfest since it owns Fairfax now.

Aussie Soy Boy

Linda would have better luck at the Basmanny District Court than in an Australian court taking money off of the heavyset girl.

A fly in your ointment

TikTok star Kyle Marisa Roth dead at 36: ‘Nothing makes sense now’of course it all makes sense!

Her cause of death remains unknown
yeah.. roight.




A fly in your ointment

he ded?

emma renay?


Dunno. He’s from the good old days.

A fly in your ointment

The Australia government through their “E-Safety Commissioner” has voiced concerns over the spread of the clip and has “ordered” Facebook and X to remove if from public access within 24 hours on the grounds that it will “make people emotional” and “cause disharmony.”

Tyler Durden mises all the major points in this article on stabbing of a priest except that aussie commissioner may be toothless.

msm has forgotten about the stabbing already. Cynic would say almost as per order.
in the case of the previous stabbing, the victims were more palatable so there are a few emotional wreck articles circulating. Probably until this pm when the princess turns into Cindirella again.


he Australia government through their “E-Safety Commissioner” has voiced concerns over the spread of the clip and has “ordered” Facebook and X to remove if from public access within 24 hours on the grounds that it will “make people emotional” and “cause disharmony.”

In other news, all social media has been ordered banned on the same grounds…


They probably prefer to be toothless. Whinge and no real work, dream job for women. They probably too scared to even go to 4chan and potentially see disgusting images.

A fly in your ointment

it’s a step 1 of the ministry of truth.
It will be a 1000 small imocentltly looking steps like individual pieces of a cut-out puzzle, which will tell a different picture when the puzzle is solved.

Gruppenführer Mark

Police have rammed a stolen car and arrested five boys who allegedly committed robberies and cigarette burglaries across Melbourne while armed with machetes.

Just boys being boys. Probably backpackers from Sweden.

Police erratically ram stolen car and arrest five boys in Melbourne to prevent risk to public | PerthNow


Perth Now must be Victoria’s equivalent of the Voice of America, beaming in the news that the regime doesn’t want you to know

A fly in your ointment

…Voice of America, beaming in the news that the regime doesn’t want you to know…

a school example of an oxymoron.
VOA is the regime

the arborist

And in other n-word news…

St Albans Melbourne: Cops appeal for help in finding man who allegedly sexually assaulted a grandma, 66, while she was playing with her grandson: ‘Extremely disturbing’

  • Man asked woman for cigarettes 
  • She told him she didn’t have any and walked away

Reus's Large MEMBER

Has everyone stocked up on TP, seems like WW3 is knocking on the door

Hot tip: it’s salt, sugar and matches that you need, apparently.


I thought it’s sulfur charcoal and saltpeter

Gruppenführer Mark

Slightly more complex delivery system tho


Crypto is jewish

Also all that money could go into penny stocks and help startups but instead it seems everyone is playing it safe on the stock market and buying well established companies.


Also all that money could go into penny stocks and help startups

Unless those penny stocks are IPO’s there is no help from trading them. trading the existing stock does nothing but help existing stock holders not the company itself. And even an IPO is usually the company owner cashing out, not investment in the company.


wait until they pass the law that you can only exchange them to cbdcs first.


Just buy bitcoin

A fly in your ointment

yep, nothing beats a failing fiat like investment into another fiat.

Bitcoin, or any other coin, is not even fiat! On the same level as NFTs, which was an even dumber idea for “investment”.

Fiat currency, often referred to as fiat money, is a type of currency that is not backed by a physical commodity like gold or silver. Instead, its value comes from the trust and stability of the government that issues it. The term “fiat” is a Latin word meaning “let it be done,” which reflects the government’s declaration that the currency has value.

CBDCs would sort of qualify as fiat, I guess.


s value comes from the trust and stability of the government that issues it.

I’d trust the stability of mathematics more than the stability of governments…

A fly in your ointment

Yep, math does much better economic stability of any cuntry. When Math makes an economic decision or policy, she does it with impeccable precision.

The only benefit of a novelty ponzi e-coins is that a single e-coin cannot be alegedly printed ad infinitum which is unlike gov issued fiat. But unlike gov issued fiat it has support and faith only in mind of those jumping head first into its pool.


But unlike gov issued fiat it has support and faith only in mind of those jumping head first into its pool.

True, but that number is larger than the population supporting most fiats…

A fly in your ointment

as if population (numbers) supporting it has much importance (past the unearthing of the new one).

regular supporting articles in mass media do more than all other combined. It’s the confidence boost which has greatest influence. Much like in all the other confidence arts. Oh, wait, it IS a confidence art!


I wanna get rich off my own coin. Maybe make stickers and stick them around the suburbs at skater parks, bus stops and where ever youngins go.

Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, by the looks of it, the sky is the limit!

CUCKCOIN (CC) Token Tracker | BscScan


The amount of utter rubbish in that world. I’m too old, makes ezfka propadee market look like innocent school girls.

A fly in your ointment

as long as there’s sheep there will be shearing


The amount of effort they put into it though. Crazy nerds.

and they say that number of e-coins is limited. Like saying number of fiat currencies is limited.

in every ponzi, there are a few winners outside the ponzi organisers, the remaining 99.99% get the longest finger and a tub of Vaseline.

fuck peachy

basic bitch Peachy gon get azz handed to him

A fly in your ointment

I find it amusing when people congregate on the platforms controlled by those who are at the cutting edge of narrative control and then complain that their content is censored.
there’s rumble, there’s VK, there’s Telegram, to mention a few. Free of censorship.

Tucker Carlson interview with Telegram creator.

ans the meme of the day is below:

A fly in your ointment

there’s nothing to worry about there, you’re just panicking, what could go wrong anyway???


Well nothing I guess. It’s all morons know how to do to get rich so they’ll just wear it. Gotta keep up with the RAM payments because if you don’t have a RAM some guy with a RAM will steal your missus.