Nickel first, Iron ore second?

So according to AFR:

“Leinster, where BHP owns almost everything including the houses, faces wipe out if the mining giant shuts down its nickel business in the face of what it admits is a structural change triggered by a flood of supply from Chinese-backed nickel laterite producers in Indonesia.”

DLS reckons that Simandou is the Pilbara killer the Chinese have been looking for. He’s published a lot about this over several years. Here’s a recent example:

Here’s what Rio says about it:

Production is expected to begin in 2025.

The Nickel closures aren’t big enough to slow Perth house price momentum just yet, but a serious fall in the iron ore price would surely be a different story.

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Fuck me dead. Who coulda thunk it!?
I actually think MB is now worse to read than this den of fucktards. Legit coin toss, yall be tarded but DLS and crew may just be outdoing you.

This is a general comment, haven’t read the article, just a passing comment on the retardation in general, I’m sure Robert numerical is just as tarded as everyone else, may read the article and re evaluate after I decipher how and why the Melbourne jews have personally offended stewie (and by proxy Robert numerical) and why his personal offense actually requires my reading of said article.

Did I already mention retarded?


why would you sit around reading articles and comments posted by a bunch of people you regard as fucktards

similar to that flygrease bloke you must have absolutely nothing to do

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

Once a month check ins of here and MB = sitting around?!

Thanks for the insight dickhead, maybe don’t conflate your rtard solitude existence in the arse end of NSW with what the real world does. Thanks for confirming the retardation though, much appreciated.


Holy shit cunt, had some spare time and searched back a bit and saw you and your leg lengthening surgery, what an absolute fuckin faggot lol. Being a a diminutive cunt is one thing but being such a faggot to pay some sputnik to hack you up to still be below short king status is next level faggotry.

Seriously cunt, stfu, you have no stance to say anything ever, you’re a genetic mistake as well as a mental dwarf. Lol, thanks for the laughs




We were all expecting the Second Coming. What a fizzer.


6/10 parody, would read again.


Needed a Brittany Higgins mention to go up a point


not sure what to say, batteries are still the future and IO is still critical but as is usually the case real change, significant change, is rearly linear. You over shoot and you undershoot, these are the dynamics of change.
But here’s the interesting thing, these dynamics tell you a lot about the process of change: how quickly can it occur, and even where road blocks will develop.

wrt Nickle there’s still a long term structural shortage, who is going to supply this material? at what cost point? at what volume? quality issues?
Personally I love trading markets like this, it’s interesting, it’s exciting.


The battery chemistry of the present may not be the battery chemistry of the future.

Possibly not but it changes far slower than you think it does.

The lead–acid battery is a type of rechargeable battery first invented in 1859 by French physicist Gaston Planté.

and since then we’ve had nicd, nimh and the various li formulations. And it was the advances in electronics that made li batteries possible, the chemistry has been known forever. We just needed to get them to mostly not catch on fire if you looked at them wrong, hence the cheap tiny smarts required in electronics.


It’s solid state or bust on the battery front. Got to get rid of the liquid electrolyte to increase energy density and get rid of the fire risk.

Every time it looks like some group has finally done it a problem with the design emerges. Doing it at a viable price is also an issue.


The energy density IS the fire risk.


It’s dendrite formation causing a short circuit which seems to be responsible for the fire risk.

Modern solid state designs have used various separator materials that would, in theory, block dendrites from causing a short between the two electrodes.


Personally I’ve seen pure SiO2 storage devices explode there are no dendrites and no liquid electrolites just a known good conductor and a known good insulator yet they’ll go bang with an intensity that has the FA engineer tearing his/her hair out. wtf went wrong
in the end it’s all about managing high energy density.


’s dendrite formation causing a short circuit which seems to be responsible for the fire risk.

Get a li-ion battery above a certain temperature and it will spontaneously react releasing more heat causing the surrounding cells to increase in temp and spontaneously react releasing heat causing surrounding cells…

To the point that they will literally burn while completely submerged under water.

Heat is an inherent byproduct of charging and discharging a cell. The quicker you do it, and the smaller the cells are the more concentrated that heat is.

None of this has anything to do with dendrites, they can cause the same failure mode though by discharging the cell internally causing heat that …


Heat related fires are much less common these days, what with all the electronics monitoring temp and current flow during charging and use.

I’d be more worried about a cheap makita knockoff bursting into flames than a modern EV – at least wrt a heat related spontaneous fireworks display.

I still cringe when I watch tradies throw some batteries and tools in a sheet metal enclosure on the back of ute while parked in the sun on a 35+ day. Can’t believe they aren’t causing fires all over the place. Battery lifespan must be atrocious.


Heat related fires are much less common these days, what with all the electronics monitoring temp and current flow during charging and use.

EVs are relatively new and catching on fire. What do you think happens when the average age of ev’s is 10+ years old and all those systems start failing? OR the reality that they get scrapped before then and are disposable but somehow saving the environment


The problem with all materials that have a negative temperature coefficient is that they’re inclined to go into thermal runaway if some critical temperature is exceeded and they are connected up to an energy source.
In the case of a battery it is the energy source so nothing that you do external to the cell can stop the energy stored within the cell from distroying the cell itself IF it ever reaches the thermal runaway temp.

OK so when they build the battery cells they try to use the parasitic interconnect resistance of the cell itself to ensure the cell has an even charge and discharge rate accross the entire cell. The negative temp coeff of the cell internals fights to hog all current withing one section while the positive temp co of the interconnect trys to distribute the energy accross the whole cell evenly.

As cells age and are used/abused you get effects like Metal Migration which can (in a poorly manufactured cell) lead to open circuiting of certain electrical paths within the cell. This results in the cell itself having a higher parasitic resistance (greater heat for a given current) AND potentially less than half the cell even functioning.
Bottom line is that an old well used cell has a potential to go into thermal runaway that didn’t exist when it was a brand new cell. Nothing you do external to the cell can isolate the cell itself from going into thermal runaway if it is charged and heated (maybe by surrounding cells).


swrt solid state battery
You never want to be around when one of those guys decides to spontaneously decompose.
really the danger all comes down to energy densities., for effeciency reasons we want a battery with low parasitis losses but for inherent safety we really want distributed balasting whereby each and every discharge path has its own integrated resistance (with a positive temp coeff)

A fly in your ointment

None of the other chemistries have replaced lead acid batteries as yet. May never do. So it would be accurate to say that all other chemistries are still transitory and may be reduced in the future to a unique practical purpose.


Structural shortage, really just a belief in what can happen in the time available.
sure there are lots of new cathode and anode chemisteries but they all need to be developed and debugged and find their neich
and opposed to this we have all the known approaches.
in an expanding market, the battery industry will march forward with the known and deal with its issues rather than trying to scale the unknown.


I’m more focused on the demand inflection points and the dynamics of the supply chain as it adapts to these demand changes.
So yeah batteries don’t consume a significant amount nickle especially when compared with other applications but they do demand a higher purity and this impacts which sources of Nickle are prefered for batteries.
As I said it’s the market dynamics that interest me, I have no interest what-so-ever, in static end-point analysis.


I would be looking into the composition of sodium-ion batteries. I suspected this may win out due to lower cost and being non-flammable. There was talk of a Chinese manufacturer going all in on sodium-ion.


Sodium looks like a good solution for domestic batteries. Fire risk is much lower, they’re relatively cheap, and energy density is increasing. They had a poor lifespan a while ago, but this may have changed.

I vaguely remember Tesla planning to use them in low end models.


Dr Google says 5000 cycles for Sodium Ion, and energy density 70% compared to Lithium and closing. As you suggest they would be perfect for domestic, also as storage on the power grid, and even for Hybrid cars.

Given the torque of these EV motors it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch having them carry a 50% heavier battery. If the recharge cycles and safety much better than Lithium I could see it happening.


Nothing says efficiency and reduced energy usage like making vehicles heavier, and a tesla is already a porker.


It is not that simple. Regenerative braking estimated to be around 70% efficient.

The heavier battery also implies a lower centre of gravity. Those of us who watched the GTRs dominate Australia in the 90s will remember they copped a hefty weight penalty, and the extra weight lowered the centre of gravity which gave them faster cornering speeds.


lol, faster cornering speed has nothing to do with economy. Heavier weight implies higher losses in tyres, higher losses in acceleration, higher losses in the less than 100% efficient regenerative braking. More weight = more energy use. There is no doubt or getting around it.


The same theoretical losses the engineers came up with to handicap the GTRs in the 90s. The end result though was faster cornering meaning less time accelerating out of corners and no additional fuel requirements.

In any case, we are talking about an extra 10% weight to the car, of which 70% energy is recovered through regenerative braking. 3% or so extra energy use in an already efficient car.


The end result though was faster cornering meaning less time accelerating out of corners and no additional fuel requirements.

I’m sure that will help massively in stop start city driving which is all these cars are likely to be used in, or freeway running with virtually no corners to speak of.

The practical reality for a street car is that any car can take virtually all corners at the speed limit already so making them able to take them at a higher speed will not improve anything.

the arborist

Cars are already too heavy these days. EVs carry enough mass to smash through metal crash barriers like they’re not even there.


For 20 years they have been ignoring mums switching from the 1-tonne Corolla to the 2-tonne SUV. I doubt a 200kg heavier battery is going to make them change course.

I am saying economically they could make Sodium-ion work even for the cars with biggest batteries. An extra 50c per 100kms in energy consumption that cb is worried about isn’t going to stop them either, especially if they save much more than that in lifetime battery costs.


In the world of EV’s cost is mostly irrelevant. Its’ all about the virtue…


10 years back the concept was that home storage would be the exclusive domain of recycled EV batteries.

first life was in an EV
second life was as Home storage

what has changed recently is the faith in the stability and suitability of second-life Lithium batteries. the fire risk is just too high/unknown and unknowable.

so with this in mind, home storage really needs to be Sodium or old school edison Nickle Iron batteries. …(re structural shortage of Ni)


Believing that Rio will crater the iron ore price with unlimited African supply is kind of the same as believing that ezfka landbankers will crater house prices by unleashing unlimited supply.

In reality, Rio has a couple of dozen people whose full time job it is to continually monitor and model market demand and avoid overwhelming it, including in the context of major capital planning.

the difference to Indonesian nickel is stark

Stewie the cuck

Havent been following this page for a while, whats happened to Peachy? Is she still here under a different name?

Aussie Soy Boy

I think I would neck myself if working at a closed mining town in the middle of the desert surrounded by legacy Australian scum was my best option.


how’s about a beer soy boy?


Reddit/whirlpool faggots legit found that movie scary lol

The older I get the more jealous I am of those who managed to have legacy lives throughout this madness. While people like Soy boy have to simp hard to get their little pee pees in some fat bitch or festy gook.

Aussie Soy Boy

That’s about right. Anyone who has to work in the desert is a complete failure in life.


Given the complete shithole the cities are turning into the desert is gaining a certain appeal.


go to alice springs, mt isa or broken hill for more than one day and get back to us on that


i wouldn;t call any of them desert.
I’ve done plenty of work remotely in actual desert. The kind where it’s a 2 hour drive to the next person.


You ever heard of fifo? It’s been going for 20+ years, a lot of them have multiple propadees in the cities. They can also do mostly relatively easy work and not have to put up with long commutes and office faggots.

Also to say city life isn’t dreary for most people is denial. City fags act like they are on the cusp of being justine hemmes or some shit. You’re not. You’re a faggot and your woman is most likely a boring plain jane mole.


Might watch qanda for a spew

Boong who is 80 percent white
That boomer nimby that has a house in balmain but lives in marthas vinyard


apparently four corners will be about the supermarkets tonight, should provide some good anger fuel for the sooks


Yeah I was gonna say that, Four Corners furthering the scape goating of the supermarkets. So brave.


Classic stitch up by your ABC.

Kaufland did not leave Australia and smoke $500m because it was blocked buying sites by Colesworth. The Krauts had bought 6-7 and had options on a further 8-10.

Council planners blocked them, refusing their planning applications and Federal Government refused to assist their entry.

Yet another ABC lie dressed up as lazy journalism.


because it was blocked buying sites by Colesworth. The Krauts had bought 6-7 and had options on a further 8-10.

Council planners blocked them, refusing their planning applications and Federal Government refused to assist their entry.

So why did the councils block their dev applications when colesworth seem to be let build wherever they want?
They most effective way to block them is not at the purchase but the dev stage.


Yep. I was involved on a project in bris a few years back at Stafford Taipei shopping centre, fell over with kauflands exit. Scope ended upbeing ,turning a big w into a kmart.


Farmer whinging that Colesworth should be forced to buy his cherries.

English bird who organised a union protest complaining her warehouse job was too hot one day.

Quality journalism.



Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t understand how people can eat so much food that grocery prices becomes a cost of living issue.


its mostly cheapos obsessing over small costs while ignoring big ones


Grocery bill up $20pw

Price of land up $1,000pw


people struggling to buy groceries aren’t buying land…

But that is also the point of the distraction.


i genuinely don’t believe anyone is actually “struggling” to buy groceries


i genuinely believe you believe that.
You also believe that businesses want to employ people who give up at the slightest difficulty so I suspect your ability to understand the position of anyone other than yourself is not particularly strong.


The Woolworths CEO having a hissy fit was funny though.

Will stir up the Luvvies until they realise they’ve tanked their own Super funds and the hundreds of thousands employed there start getting the arse. Colesworth cuts its sponsorship of the Gay Mardi Gras, Aboriginal programs, charities, Little Athletics, Foodbank Homeless food provision, etc.


Another very cynical move by the ALP though to get the pressure off their fucking the economy, blame someone else.

Meanwhile Labor mate Craig Emerson is going to be paid $40,000 a week to host the enquiry into Colesworth. Should last 4-5 weeks so that’s easy money for him.


I don’t understand how people can eat so much food that grocery prices becomes a cost of living issue.

When shelter and energy consume most of your income then the little that is left could see it become serious.
You don;t understand because your income is above average so society would collapse before it becomes an issue for you, barring your own income falling drastically


have you seen what povos look like in australia these days


This. A lot of people are still doing the breakfast, morning tea, lunch, arvo tea, dinner thing. I don’t know how they manage to shit it all out. Plus they would have a meltdown if they don’t eat meat for both lunch and dinner.

Plus they have a nervous breakdown if they have a car that is more than 5 years old.


the biggest thing that has helped me keep the weight down and off is just skipping meals, ive more or less stopped eating lunch now except when i’m really hungry and its helped so much

these people are eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and having snacks in between lunch and dinner and sometimes breakfast and lunch too, theres no way youre not going to be a fat fuck if you do that


This is the sort of table we sat at when I was a kid. It would be like a bull in a china shop now.


Pretty funny the Bogans organising their day like they live in Downton Abbey


they literally do

iced volvos and tea in between meals


Yep, we’re all obviously experiencing one of the worst famines in Australian history:

Agent 47

It was actually 3 Jews (Geraldine Brooks converted to Judaism) a boong and a wog discussing aboriginal affairs.


This is how unhinged some globalists have become.

Agent 47

If anything they’ve been forced out into the open to admit that they’re just an open borders by proxy movement.


Agree. They have not done themselves any favours.


So he that high immigration with low housing is better than low immigration with lots of houses? Fucking dangerous lunatic.


Useful idiot.


It’s all good.
The paranoid gun fanatic with a huge stockpile of food and ammunition in his house has never been a problem ever, for the population at large.


the only thing i noticed in this boring article are all the example motel owners they talked to were indian

is it like this now where all motel owners in aus like in america are becoming indian? over there not only are they all indian 75% of them all have the same surname ‘patel’ (i looked it up bc i thought it was so weird after noticing it over there and its bc of in-clan nepotistic hiring)

Agent 47

Good comment was made on Twitter a while ago that I couldn’t find, basically stated that they can only survive in environments where corporate HQ can enforce some kind of standards. Even then they find a way to run it into the ground.

Who knew letting cultures with no concept of customer service would turn out to be a disaster.


My partner from a long time ago went to visit a friend in India back in the day. She blamed a large part of their ongoing national dysfunction on the Hindu caste system.

The example she gave was of a middle cast dude selling tickets at the train station. High caste people treat him like shit, so he slow-rolls the service, and they go to Delhi while their luggage goes to Bombay. Conversely, some Dalit shit-shoveller wants a ticket, and the higher caste ticket seller is disgusted by their presence, so he slow rolls the service, and they go to Delhi while their luggage goes to Bombay. Multiply this by a billion people, and that’s life in India. Nothing works properly, everything is chaotic, and everybody hates everybody further up the hierarchy or despises those down it. The only way to survive is to stick to your clan/tribe/caste and be as corrupt and nepotistic as possible.

And of course, the Muslims hate the Hindus and Sikhs, and the feeling is mutual.


Maybe it’s a visa thing like how Chinese buy up restaurants and run them into the ground to invest in Australia

Agent 47

So apparently Australia has started refusing student visas. Sounds more like a bullshit PR release than anything else but lol at the countries listed.

Still a million to get rid of.


It’ll be the usual bullshit. “Were listening to the voice of the people!.We’ve slashed foreign sudent numbers! They’re back to 500000 per annum!”

What we need is zero immigration, like during covid when young Australians could actually get jobs.


The correct way to deal with cultural enrichers.

This is the best thing I’ve seen on the interludes in years, particularly the satisfying hollow “clonk” when the club lands on her hollow head.


Bahah Albo is such an easy target


Why does WA love this piece of shit so much

Are they still infatuated with McGowan


Is that the recently landed invaders, or just some random bunch of invaders?