FOI release shows ‘best health advice’ really just Victorian ALP internal polling

The Andrews government is under fire this evening, after an FOI release revealed that the ‘best health advice’ that had been used as the justification for CHO directions was really just internal polling data.

CHO Brett Sutton remained defiant that this was standard practice.

“I don’t know why anyone is surprised, none of the decisions have been anything close to scientific,” Sutton said.

“All we did was continually poll a bunch of frightened middle-class public servants and formulate policy off of that. What other possibility was there?”

Sutton said that this process would continue until small businesses had been completely wiped out.

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Even the Liberal Democrats have folded to the vaccine.


Pretty sure they were up front about getting the jab,they just were not going to hand over medical info or sign up for the passport.


Pretty sure they were up front about getting the jab,they just were not going to hand over medical info or sign up for the passport

Yes, that’s my understanding too.

I think that leaves them on the moral high ground. Anti-mandate, pro-choice, pro-privacy.

small L liberal, small D democrats.


My sister had to take leave without pay from her job as a special needs aide because she would have the jab. Much to her surprise she received a phone call from her school asking her to come in because the kids were going mental with all the staffing changes. Sis asked what had change, principal said parents of special needs kids asking what is going on with there kids or unvaxed aide who wouldn’t talk, she had to chose one.