Daniel Andrews launches new ‘Freedom Pass’ booster subscription service for Victoria

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has announced a new ‘Freedom Pass’ booster subscription service for residents of the EZFKA province of Victoria, as restrictions are wound back temporarily.

Victorians will be required to subscribe to the monthly service through the Service Victoria app as well as ensure their booster shots are current.

“I am pleased to announced that these movement licences are your ticket to freedom and your exemption from the National Resilience Centres,” Andrews said.

“For just $149.95 a month you too can have freedom, subject to terms and conditions, including a monthly booster jab.”

The service launches this week and is not mandatory ‘unless you wish to participate in society.’

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klarse holl

I hate to give our administrators ideas, if they mix Soma into the boosters, the tenants of EZFKA will feel good about everything.