still no option to pay in the most valued currency formerly known as Oi-Oi cash. can mail it in an envelope to a private po box, mail it to AusPost parcel collect (this one cost nuttin and its private), send it via pigeons, any which way it’s not the digital fiat.
Last edited 4 months ago by A fly in your ointment
still no option to pay in the most valued currency formerly known as Oi-Oi cash.
can mail it in an envelope to a private po box, mail it to AusPost parcel collect (this one cost nuttin and its private), send it via pigeons, any which way it’s not the digital fiat.
free loader
nope, I’m just a late adopter of the novelty fiat tech.
late as in “never”
i like my shiny pebbles more.
Can I send cash to your parcel collect, incognito, and you can pay sponswhoreship in crypto fiat?
“this month your ointment was spoiled by Fly sponswhoreship”
His “Oh it’s too hard for me to do.” is so lame.
At least couchnigga is being honest.
FUcket – I’ll go this month.
Post the donation address again, I’ve tried looking for it, couldn’t find and can’t be fucked looking for it any further.